diff --git a/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Core21/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Core21.csproj b/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Core21/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Core21.csproj
index b72dab4..42ee749 100644
--- a/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Core21/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Core21.csproj
+++ b/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Core21/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Core21.csproj
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
@@ -44,6 +46,7 @@
diff --git a/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Std20.csproj b/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Std20.csproj
index 1fdeec0..cb369cc 100644
--- a/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Std20.csproj
+++ b/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Std20.csproj
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
diff --git a/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/LocalRpc.cs b/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/LocalRpc.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..232313b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/LocalRpc.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+using Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.GenImpls;
+using Capnp.Rpc;
+using Capnproto_test.Capnp.Test;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests
+ [TestClass]
+ public class LocalRpc
+ {
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void DeferredLocalAnswer()
+ {
+ var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
+ var impl = new TestPipelineImpl2(tcs.Task);
+ var bproxy = BareProxy.FromImpl(impl);
+ var proxy = bproxy.Cast(true);
+ var cap = proxy.GetCap(0, null).OutBox_Cap();
+ var foo = cap.Foo(123, true);
+ tcs.SetResult(0);
+ Assert.IsTrue(foo.Wait(TestBase.MediumNonDbgTimeout));
+ Assert.AreEqual("bar", foo.Result);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/TcpRpcErrorHandling.cs b/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/TcpRpcErrorHandling.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..163d85e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/TcpRpcErrorHandling.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+using Capnp;
+using Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.GenImpls;
+using Capnp.Rpc;
+using Capnproto_test.Capnp.Test;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.IO.Pipelines;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests
+ [TestClass]
+ public class TcpRpcErrorHandling: TestBase
+ {
+ class MemStreamEndpoint : IEndpoint
+ {
+ readonly FramePump _fromEnginePump;
+ readonly BinaryReader _reader;
+ public bool Dismissed { get; private set; }
+ public MemStreamEndpoint()
+ {
+ var pipe = new Pipe();
+ _fromEnginePump = new FramePump(pipe.Writer.AsStream());
+ _reader = new BinaryReader(pipe.Reader.AsStream());
+ }
+ public void Dismiss()
+ {
+ Dismissed = true;
+ }
+ public void Forward(WireFrame frame)
+ {
+ _fromEnginePump.Send(frame);
+ }
+ public WireFrame ReadNextFrame()
+ {
+ return _reader.ReadWireFrame();
+ }
+ }
+ class RpcEngineTester
+ {
+ readonly MemStreamEndpoint _fromEngine;
+ public RpcEngineTester()
+ {
+ Engine = new RpcEngine();
+ _fromEngine = new MemStreamEndpoint();
+ RealEnd = Engine.AddEndpoint(_fromEngine);
+ }
+ public RpcEngine Engine { get; }
+ public RpcEngine.RpcEndpoint RealEnd { get; }
+ public bool IsDismissed => _fromEngine.Dismissed;
+ public void Send(Action build)
+ {
+ var mb = MessageBuilder.Create();
+ mb.InitCapTable();
+ build(mb.BuildRoot());
+ RealEnd.Forward(mb.Frame);
+ }
+ public void Recv(Action verify)
+ {
+ var task = Task.Run(() => DeserializerState.CreateRoot(_fromEngine.ReadNextFrame()));
+ Assert.IsTrue(task.Wait(MediumNonDbgTimeout), "reception timeout");
+ verify(new Message.READER(task.Result));
+ }
+ public void ExpectAbort()
+ {
+ Recv(_ => { Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Abort, _.which); });
+ Assert.IsTrue(IsDismissed);
+ Assert.ThrowsException(
+ () => Send(_ => { _.which = Message.WHICH.Bootstrap; _.Bootstrap.QuestionId = 33; }));
+ }
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void DuplicateQuestion1()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ tester.Engine.Main = new TestInterfaceImpl(new Counters());
+ uint bootCapId = 0;
+ tester.Send(_ => { _.which = Message.WHICH.Bootstrap; _.Bootstrap.QuestionId = 99; });
+ tester.Send(_ => { _.which = Message.WHICH.Bootstrap; _.Bootstrap.QuestionId = 99; });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Return, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Return.WHICH.Results, _.Return.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, _.Return.Results.CapTable.Count);
+ bootCapId = _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].SenderHosted;
+ });
+ tester.ExpectAbort();
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void DuplicateQuestion2()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ tester.Engine.Main = new TestInterfaceImpl(new Counters());
+ uint bootCapId = 0;
+ tester.Send(_ => { _.which = Message.WHICH.Bootstrap; _.Bootstrap.QuestionId = 99; });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Return, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Return.WHICH.Results, _.Return.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, _.Return.Results.CapTable.Count);
+ bootCapId = _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].SenderHosted;
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Call;
+ _.Call.QuestionId = 99;
+ _.Call.Target.which = MessageTarget.WHICH.ImportedCap;
+ _.Call.Target.ImportedCap = bootCapId;
+ _.Call.InterfaceId = ((TypeIdAttribute)typeof(ITestInterface).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeIdAttribute), false)[0]).Id;
+ _.Call.MethodId = 0;
+ _.Call.Params.Content.Rewrap();
+ });
+ tester.ExpectAbort();
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void DuplicateQuestion3()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ tester.Engine.Main = new TestInterfaceImpl(new Counters());
+ uint bootCapId = 0;
+ tester.Send(_ => { _.which = Message.WHICH.Bootstrap; _.Bootstrap.QuestionId = 99; });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Return, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Return.WHICH.Results, _.Return.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, _.Return.Results.CapTable.Count);
+ bootCapId = _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].SenderHosted;
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Call;
+ _.Call.QuestionId = 42;
+ _.Call.Target.which = MessageTarget.WHICH.ImportedCap;
+ _.Call.Target.ImportedCap = bootCapId;
+ _.Call.InterfaceId = ((TypeIdAttribute)typeof(ITestInterface).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeIdAttribute), false)[0]).Id;
+ _.Call.MethodId = 0;
+ var wr = _.Call.Params.Content.Rewrap();
+ wr.I = 123u;
+ wr.J = true;
+ });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Return, _.which);
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Call;
+ _.Call.QuestionId = 42;
+ _.Call.Target.which = MessageTarget.WHICH.ImportedCap;
+ _.Call.Target.ImportedCap = bootCapId;
+ _.Call.InterfaceId = ((TypeIdAttribute)typeof(ITestInterface).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeIdAttribute), false)[0]).Id;
+ _.Call.MethodId = 0;
+ _.Call.Params.Content.Rewrap();
+ });
+ tester.ExpectAbort();
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void NoBootstrap()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ tester.Send(_ => { _.which = Message.WHICH.Bootstrap; _.Bootstrap.QuestionId = 0; });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Return, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Return.WHICH.Exception, _.Return.which);
+ });
+ Assert.IsFalse(tester.IsDismissed);
+ tester.Engine.Main = new TestInterfaceImpl(new Counters());
+ tester.Send(_ => { _.which = Message.WHICH.Bootstrap; _.Bootstrap.QuestionId = 1; });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Return, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Return.WHICH.Results, _.Return.which);
+ });
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void DuplicateFinish()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ tester.Engine.Main = new TestInterfaceImpl(new Counters());
+ uint bootCapId = 0;
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Bootstrap; _.Bootstrap.QuestionId = 99; });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Return, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Return.WHICH.Results, _.Return.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, _.Return.Results.CapTable.Count);
+ bootCapId = _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].SenderHosted;
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Finish;
+ _.Finish.QuestionId = 99;
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Finish;
+ _.Finish.QuestionId = 99;
+ });
+ tester.ExpectAbort();
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void DuplicateAnswer()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ var cap = tester.RealEnd.QueryMain();
+ var proxy = new BareProxy(cap);
+ Assert.IsFalse(proxy.WhenResolved.IsCompleted);
+ uint id = 0;
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Bootstrap, _.which);
+ id = _.Bootstrap.QuestionId;
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Return;
+ _.Return.which = Return.WHICH.Results;
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable.Init(1);
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].which = CapDescriptor.WHICH.SenderHosted;
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].SenderHosted = 1;
+ });
+ Assert.IsTrue(proxy.WhenResolved.IsCompleted);
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Finish, _.which);
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Return;
+ _.Return.which = Return.WHICH.Results;
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable.Init(1);
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].which = CapDescriptor.WHICH.SenderHosted;
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].SenderHosted = 1;
+ });
+ tester.ExpectAbort();
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void InvalidReceiverHosted()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ var cap = tester.RealEnd.QueryMain();
+ var proxy = new BareProxy(cap);
+ Assert.IsFalse(proxy.WhenResolved.IsCompleted);
+ uint id = 0;
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Bootstrap, _.which);
+ id = _.Bootstrap.QuestionId;
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Return;
+ _.Return.which = Return.WHICH.Results;
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable.Init(1);
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].which = CapDescriptor.WHICH.ReceiverHosted;
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].ReceiverHosted = 0;
+ });
+ Assert.IsTrue(proxy.WhenResolved.IsCompleted);
+ tester.ExpectAbort();
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void InvalidReceiverAnswer()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ var cap = tester.RealEnd.QueryMain();
+ var proxy = new BareProxy(cap);
+ Assert.IsFalse(proxy.WhenResolved.IsCompleted);
+ uint id = 0;
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Bootstrap, _.which);
+ id = _.Bootstrap.QuestionId;
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Return;
+ _.Return.which = Return.WHICH.Results;
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable.Init(1);
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].which = CapDescriptor.WHICH.ReceiverAnswer;
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].ReceiverAnswer.QuestionId = 0;
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].ReceiverAnswer.Transform.Init(1);
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].ReceiverAnswer.Transform[0].which = PromisedAnswer.Op.WHICH.GetPointerField;
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].ReceiverAnswer.Transform[0].GetPointerField = 0;
+ });
+ Assert.IsTrue(proxy.WhenResolved.IsCompleted);
+ tester.ExpectAbort();
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void DuplicateResolve()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ var cap = tester.RealEnd.QueryMain();
+ var proxy = new BareProxy(cap);
+ Assert.IsFalse(proxy.WhenResolved.IsCompleted);
+ uint id = 0;
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Bootstrap, _.which);
+ id = _.Bootstrap.QuestionId;
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Return;
+ _.Return.which = Return.WHICH.Results;
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable.Init(1);
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].which = CapDescriptor.WHICH.SenderPromise;
+ _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].SenderPromise = 0;
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Resolve;
+ _.Resolve.which = Resolve.WHICH.Cap;
+ _.Resolve.Cap.which = CapDescriptor.WHICH.SenderHosted;
+ _.Resolve.Cap.SenderHosted = 1;
+ });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Finish, _.which);
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Resolve;
+ _.Resolve.which = Resolve.WHICH.Exception;
+ _.Resolve.Exception.Reason = "problem";
+ });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Release, _.which);
+ });
+ tester.ExpectAbort();
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void DuplicateRelease1()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ tester.Engine.Main = new TestInterfaceImpl(new Counters());
+ uint bootCapId = 0;
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Bootstrap; _.Bootstrap.QuestionId = 99;
+ });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Return, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Return.WHICH.Results, _.Return.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, _.Return.Results.CapTable.Count);
+ bootCapId = _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].SenderHosted;
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Release;
+ _.Release.Id = bootCapId;
+ _.Release.ReferenceCount = 1;
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Release;
+ _.Release.Id = bootCapId;
+ _.Release.ReferenceCount = 1;
+ });
+ tester.ExpectAbort();
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void DuplicateRelease2()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ tester.Engine.Main = new TestInterfaceImpl(new Counters());
+ uint bootCapId = 0;
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Bootstrap; _.Bootstrap.QuestionId = 99;
+ });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Return, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Return.WHICH.Results, _.Return.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, _.Return.Results.CapTable.Count);
+ bootCapId = _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].SenderHosted;
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Release;
+ _.Release.Id = bootCapId;
+ _.Release.ReferenceCount = 2;
+ });
+ tester.ExpectAbort();
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void UnimplementedAccept()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Accept;
+ _.Accept.Embargo = true;
+ _.Accept.QuestionId = 47;
+ _.Accept.Provision.SetStruct(1, 0);
+ _.Accept.Provision.Allocate();
+ });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Unimplemented, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Accept, _.Unimplemented.which);
+ Assert.IsTrue(_.Unimplemented.Accept.Embargo);
+ Assert.AreEqual(47u, _.Unimplemented.Accept.QuestionId);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, _.Unimplemented.Accept.Provision.StructDataCount);
+ Assert.AreEqual(0, _.Unimplemented.Accept.Provision.StructPtrCount);
+ });
+ Assert.IsFalse(tester.IsDismissed);
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void UnimplementedJoin()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Join;
+ _.Join.QuestionId = 74;
+ });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Unimplemented, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Join, _.Unimplemented.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(74u, _.Unimplemented.Join.QuestionId);
+ });
+ Assert.IsFalse(tester.IsDismissed);
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void UnimplementedProvide()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Provide;
+ _.Provide.QuestionId = 666;
+ });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Unimplemented, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Provide, _.Unimplemented.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(666u, _.Unimplemented.Provide.QuestionId);
+ });
+ Assert.IsFalse(tester.IsDismissed);
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void UnimplementedObsoleteDelete()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.ObsoleteDelete;
+ });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Unimplemented, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.ObsoleteDelete, _.Unimplemented.which);
+ });
+ Assert.IsFalse(tester.IsDismissed);
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void UnimplementedObsoleteSave()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.ObsoleteSave;
+ });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Unimplemented, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.ObsoleteSave, _.Unimplemented.which);
+ });
+ Assert.IsFalse(tester.IsDismissed);
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void UnimplementedUnknown()
+ {
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = (Message.WHICH)123;
+ });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Unimplemented, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual((Message.WHICH)123, _.Unimplemented.which);
+ });
+ Assert.IsFalse(tester.IsDismissed);
+ }
+ class TestPipelineImpl3 : ITestPipeline
+ {
+ readonly TestPipelineImpl2 _impl;
+ readonly ITestPipeline _proxy;
+ public TestPipelineImpl3(Task complete)
+ {
+ _impl = new TestPipelineImpl2(complete);
+ var bproxy = BareProxy.FromImpl(_impl);
+ _proxy = bproxy.Cast(true);
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ }
+ public bool IsGrandsonCapDisposed => _impl.IsChildCapDisposed;
+ public Task<(string, TestPipeline.AnyBox)> GetAnyCap(uint n, BareProxy inCap, CancellationToken cancellationToken_ = default)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public Task<(string, TestPipeline.Box)> GetCap(uint n, ITestInterface inCap, CancellationToken cancellationToken_ = default)
+ {
+ return Task.FromResult(("foo", new TestPipeline.Box() { Cap = _proxy.GetCap(0, null).OutBox_Cap() }));
+ }
+ public Task TestPointers(ITestInterface cap, object obj, IReadOnlyList list, CancellationToken cancellationToken_ = default)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void UnimplementedResolve()
+ {
+ var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
+ var tester = new RpcEngineTester();
+ var impl = new TestPipelineImpl3(tcs.Task);
+ tester.Engine.Main = impl;
+ uint bootCapId = 0;
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Bootstrap; _.Bootstrap.QuestionId = 99;
+ });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Return, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Return.WHICH.Results, _.Return.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, _.Return.Results.CapTable.Count);
+ bootCapId = _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].SenderHosted;
+ });
+ tester.Send(_ => {
+ _.which = Message.WHICH.Call;
+ _.Call.QuestionId = 42;
+ _.Call.Target.which = MessageTarget.WHICH.ImportedCap;
+ _.Call.Target.ImportedCap = bootCapId;
+ _.Call.InterfaceId = ((TypeIdAttribute)typeof(ITestPipeline).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeIdAttribute), false)[0]).Id;
+ _.Call.MethodId = 0;
+ var wr = _.Call.Params.Content.Rewrap();
+ wr.InCap = null;
+ _.Call.Params.CapTable.Init(1);
+ _.Call.Params.CapTable[0].which = CapDescriptor.WHICH.ReceiverHosted;
+ });
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Return, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Return.WHICH.Results, _.Return.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, _.Return.Results.CapTable.Count);
+ Assert.AreEqual(CapDescriptor.WHICH.SenderPromise, _.Return.Results.CapTable[0].which);
+ });
+ tcs.SetResult(0);
+ tester.Recv(_ => {
+ Assert.AreEqual(Message.WHICH.Resolve, _.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(Resolve.WHICH.Cap, _.Resolve.which);
+ Assert.AreEqual(CapDescriptor.WHICH.SenderHosted, _.Resolve.Cap.which);
+ Assert.IsFalse(impl.IsGrandsonCapDisposed);
+ tester.Send(_1 =>
+ {
+ _1.which = Message.WHICH.Unimplemented;
+ _1.Unimplemented.which = Message.WHICH.Resolve;
+ Reserializing.DeepCopy(_, _1.Unimplemented.Resolve);
+ });
+ Assert.IsFalse(impl.IsGrandsonCapDisposed);
+ tester.Send(_1 =>
+ {
+ _1.which = Message.WHICH.Finish;
+ _1.Finish.QuestionId = 42;
+ _1.Finish.ReleaseResultCaps = true;
+ });
+ Assert.IsTrue(impl.IsGrandsonCapDisposed);
+ });
+ Assert.IsFalse(tester.IsDismissed);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/TestCapImplementations.cs b/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/TestCapImplementations.cs
index 029ac0f..44cfde2 100644
--- a/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/TestCapImplementations.cs
+++ b/Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests/TestCapImplementations.cs
@@ -432,6 +432,33 @@ namespace Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.GenImpls
+ class TestInterfaceImpl2 : ITestInterface
+ {
+ public Task Bar(CancellationToken cancellationToken_ = default)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public Task Baz(TestAllTypes s, CancellationToken cancellationToken_ = default)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ IsDisposed = true;
+ }
+ public bool IsDisposed { get; private set; }
+ public Task Foo(uint i, bool j, CancellationToken cancellationToken_ = default)
+ {
+ Assert.AreEqual(123u, i);
+ Assert.IsTrue(j);
+ return Task.FromResult("bar");
+ }
+ }
#endregion TestInterface
#region TestExtends
@@ -506,6 +533,41 @@ namespace Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.GenImpls
throw new NotImplementedException();
+ class TestPipelineImpl2 : ITestPipeline
+ {
+ readonly Task _deblock;
+ readonly TestInterfaceImpl2 _timpl2;
+ public TestPipelineImpl2(Task deblock)
+ {
+ _deblock = deblock;
+ _timpl2 = new TestInterfaceImpl2();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ }
+ public bool IsChildCapDisposed => _timpl2.IsDisposed;
+ public Task<(string, TestPipeline.AnyBox)> GetAnyCap(uint n, BareProxy inCap, CancellationToken cancellationToken_ = default)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public async Task<(string, TestPipeline.Box)> GetCap(uint n, ITestInterface inCap, CancellationToken cancellationToken_ = default)
+ {
+ await _deblock;
+ return ("hello", new TestPipeline.Box() { Cap = _timpl2 });
+ }
+ public Task TestPointers(ITestInterface cap, object obj, IReadOnlyList list, CancellationToken cancellationToken_ = default)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ }
#endregion TestPipeline
#region TestCallOrder
diff --git a/Capnp.Net.Runtime/Rpc/RpcEngine.cs b/Capnp.Net.Runtime/Rpc/RpcEngine.cs
index 2378959..a11677d 100644
--- a/Capnp.Net.Runtime/Rpc/RpcEngine.cs
+++ b/Capnp.Net.Runtime/Rpc/RpcEngine.cs
@@ -60,8 +60,14 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
- internal class RpcEndpoint : IEndpoint, IRpcEndpoint
+ public class RpcEndpoint : IEndpoint, IRpcEndpoint
+ public enum EndpointState
+ {
+ Active,
+ Dismissed
+ }
static readonly ThreadLocal _exportCapTablePostActions = new ThreadLocal();
static readonly ThreadLocal _tailCall = new ThreadLocal();
static readonly ThreadLocal _canDeferCalls = new ThreadLocal();
@@ -87,8 +93,11 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
_host = host;
_tx = tx;
+ State = EndpointState.Active;
+ public EndpointState State { get; private set; }
public void Dismiss()
lock (_reentrancyBlocker)
@@ -105,6 +114,8 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
+ State = EndpointState.Dismissed;
@@ -112,6 +123,9 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
public void Forward(WireFrame frame)
+ if (State == EndpointState.Dismissed)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Endpoint is in dismissed state and doesn't accept frames anymore");
Interlocked.Increment(ref _recvCount);
@@ -327,6 +341,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
if (!added)
Logger.LogWarning("Incoming bootstrap request: Peer specified duplicate (not yet released?) answer ID.");
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException("Duplicate question ID");
@@ -390,9 +405,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
- SendAbort($"There is another pending answer for the same question ID {req.QuestionId}.");
- return;
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException($"There is another pending answer for the same question ID {req.QuestionId}.");
switch (req.SendResultsTo.which)
@@ -553,8 +566,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
Logger.LogWarning("Incoming RPC call: Peer asked for invalid (already released?) capability ID.");
- SendAbort($"Requested capability with ID {req.Target.ImportedCap} does not exist.");
- return;
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException($"Requested capability with ID {req.Target.ImportedCap} does not exist.");
@@ -606,8 +618,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
Logger.LogWarning("Incoming RPC call: Peer asked for non-existing answer ID.");
- SendAbort($"Did not find a promised answer for given ID {req.Target.PromisedAnswer.QuestionId}");
- return;
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException($"Did not find a promised answer for given ID {req.Target.PromisedAnswer.QuestionId}");
@@ -637,7 +648,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
Logger.LogWarning("Incoming RPC return: Unknown answer ID.");
- return;
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException("Unknown answer ID");
@@ -722,7 +733,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
if (!_importTable.TryGetValue(resolve.PromiseId, out var rcw))
Logger.LogWarning("Received a resolve message with invalid ID");
- return;
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException($"Invalid ID {resolve.PromiseId}");
if (!rcw.Cap.TryGetTarget(out var cap))
@@ -734,28 +745,33 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
if (!(cap is PromisedCapability resolvableCap))
Logger.LogWarning("Received a resolve message for a capability which is not a promise");
- return;
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException($"Not a promise {resolve.PromiseId}");
- switch (resolve.which)
+ try
- case Resolve.WHICH.Cap:
- lock (_reentrancyBlocker)
- {
- var resolvedCap = ImportCap(resolve.Cap);
- if (resolvedCap == null)
- resolvedCap = LazyCapability.CreateBrokenCap("Failed to resolve this capability");
- resolvableCap.ResolveTo(resolvedCap);
- }
- break;
+ switch (resolve.which)
+ {
+ case Resolve.WHICH.Cap:
+ lock (_reentrancyBlocker)
+ {
+ var resolvedCap = ImportCap(resolve.Cap);
+ resolvableCap.ResolveTo(resolvedCap);
+ }
+ break;
- case Resolve.WHICH.Exception:
- resolvableCap.Break(resolve.Exception.Reason);
- break;
+ case Resolve.WHICH.Exception:
+ resolvableCap.Break(resolve.Exception.Reason);
+ break;
- default:
- Logger.LogWarning("Received a resolve message with unknown category.");
- throw new RpcUnimplementedException();
+ default:
+ Logger.LogWarning("Received a resolve message with unknown category.");
+ throw new RpcUnimplementedException();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (InvalidOperationException)
+ {
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException($"Capability {resolve.PromiseId} was already resolved");
@@ -777,10 +793,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
Logger.LogWarning("Sender loopback request: Peer asked for invalid (already released?) capability ID.");
- SendAbort("'Disembargo': Invalid capability ID");
- Dismiss();
- return;
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException("'Disembargo': Invalid capability ID");
reply.Target.which = MessageTarget.WHICH.ImportedCap;
@@ -830,8 +843,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
Logger.LogWarning("Sender loopback request: Peer asked for disembargoing an answer which does not resolve back to the sender.");
- SendAbort("'Disembargo': Answer does not resolve back to me");
- Dismiss();
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException("'Disembargo': Answer does not resolve back to me");
@@ -844,9 +856,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
Logger.LogWarning($"Sender loopback request: Peer asked for disembargoing an answer which either has not yet returned, was canceled, or faulted: {exception.Message}");
- SendAbort($"'Disembargo' failure: {exception}");
- Dismiss();
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException($"'Disembargo' failure: {exception}");
@@ -854,10 +864,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
Logger.LogWarning("Sender loopback request: Peer asked for non-existing answer ID.");
- SendAbort("'Disembargo': Invalid answer ID");
- Dismiss();
- return;
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException("'Disembargo': Invalid answer ID");
@@ -966,6 +973,8 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
Logger.LogWarning("Peer sent 'finish' message with unknown question ID");
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException("unknown question ID");
@@ -994,6 +1003,8 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
catch (System.Exception exception)
Logger.LogWarning($"Attempting to release capability with invalid reference count: {exception.Message}");
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException("Invalid reference count");
@@ -1001,6 +1012,8 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
if (!exists)
Logger.LogWarning("Attempting to release unknown capability ID");
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException("Invalid export ID");
@@ -1056,9 +1069,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
//# In cases where there is no sensible way to react to an `unimplemented` message (without
//# resource leaks or other serious problems), the connection may need to be aborted. This is
//# a gray area; different implementations may take different approaches.
- SendAbort("It's hopeless if you don't implement the bootstrap message");
- Dismiss();
- break;
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException("It's hopeless if you don't implement the bootstrap message");
// Looking at the various message types it feels OK to just not care about other 'unimplemented'
@@ -1156,6 +1167,11 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
+ catch (RpcProtocolErrorException error)
+ {
+ SendAbort(error.Message);
+ Dismiss();
+ }
catch (System.Exception exception)
Logger.LogError(exception, "Uncaught exception during message processing.");
@@ -1164,12 +1180,11 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
// First, we send implementation specific details of a - maybe internal - error, not very valuable for the
// receiver. But worse: From a security point of view, we might even reveil a secret here.
SendAbort("Uncaught exception during RPC processing. This may also happen due to invalid input.");
- ConsumedCapability? ImportCap(CapDescriptor.READER capDesc)
+ ConsumedCapability ImportCap(CapDescriptor.READER capDesc)
lock (_reentrancyBlocker)
@@ -1198,7 +1213,6 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
rcw = new RefCounted>(
new WeakReference(newCap));
_importTable.Add(capDesc.SenderHosted, rcw);
- Debug.Assert(newCap != null);
return newCap;
@@ -1217,7 +1231,6 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
- Debug.Assert(impCap != null);
return impCap;
@@ -1226,7 +1239,6 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
rcw = new RefCounted>(
new WeakReference(newCap));
_importTable.Add(capDesc.SenderPromise, rcw);
- Debug.Assert(newCap != null);
return newCap;
@@ -1238,7 +1250,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
Logger.LogWarning("Peer refers to receiver-hosted capability which does not exist.");
- return null;
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException($"Receiver-hosted capability {capDesc.ReceiverHosted} does not exist.");
case CapDescriptor.WHICH.ReceiverAnswer:
@@ -1270,7 +1282,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
Logger.LogWarning("Peer refers to pending answer which does not exist.");
- return null;
+ throw new RpcProtocolErrorException($"Invalid question ID {capDesc.ReceiverAnswer.QuestionId}");
case CapDescriptor.WHICH.ThirdPartyHosted:
@@ -1288,7 +1300,6 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
- Debug.Assert(impCap != null);
return impCap;
@@ -1296,7 +1307,6 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
var newCap = new ImportedCapability(this, capDesc.ThirdPartyHosted.VineId);
rcv = new RefCounted>(
new WeakReference(newCap));
- Debug.Assert(newCap != null);
return newCap;
@@ -1307,7 +1317,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
- public IList ImportCapTable(Payload.READER payload)
+ internal IList ImportCapTable(Payload.READER payload)
var list = new List();
@@ -1481,7 +1491,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
readonly ConcurrentBag _inboundEndpoints = new ConcurrentBag();
- internal RpcEndpoint AddEndpoint(IEndpoint outboundEndpoint)
+ public RpcEndpoint AddEndpoint(IEndpoint outboundEndpoint)
var inboundEndpoint = new RpcEndpoint(this, outboundEndpoint);
@@ -1503,5 +1513,14 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
_bootstrapCap = value;
+ ///
+ /// Sets the bootstrap capability. It must be an object which implements a valid capability interface
+ /// ().
+ ///
+ public object Main
+ {
+ set { BootstrapCap = Skeleton.GetOrCreateSkeleton(value, false); }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Capnp.Net.Runtime/Rpc/RpcProtocolErrorException.cs b/Capnp.Net.Runtime/Rpc/RpcProtocolErrorException.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b4885d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Capnp.Net.Runtime/Rpc/RpcProtocolErrorException.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+namespace Capnp.Rpc
+ class RpcProtocolErrorException : System.Exception
+ {
+ public RpcProtocolErrorException(string reason): base(reason)
+ {
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Capnp.Net.Runtime/Rpc/TcpRpcServer.cs b/Capnp.Net.Runtime/Rpc/TcpRpcServer.cs
index dcdb9fb..75ad222 100644
--- a/Capnp.Net.Runtime/Rpc/TcpRpcServer.cs
+++ b/Capnp.Net.Runtime/Rpc/TcpRpcServer.cs
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
public object Main
- set { _rpcEngine.BootstrapCap = Skeleton.GetOrCreateSkeleton(value, false); }
+ set { _rpcEngine.Main = value; }