refactored codegen to use generated schema

fixed issue #45
refactored codegen unit tests
fixed appveyor.yml
This commit is contained in:
Christian Köllner 2020-04-19 16:16:48 +02:00
parent c1e8ed6d65
commit c3cbb123c8
35 changed files with 5098 additions and 1668 deletions

View File

@ -162,10 +162,12 @@ namespace Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests
public void ObsoleteGetAnswer()
#pragma warning disable CS0618
var answer = new PromisedAnswerMock();
Assert.ThrowsException<ArgumentException>(() => Impatient.GetAnswer(answer.WhenReturned));
var t = Impatient.MakePipelineAware(answer, _ => _);
Assert.AreEqual(answer, Impatient.GetAnswer(t));
#pragma warning restore CS0618
@ -182,8 +184,10 @@ namespace Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests
public void ObsoletePseudoEager()
#pragma warning disable CS0618
var task = Task.FromResult<ITestInterface>(new TestInterfaceImpl2());
Assert.IsTrue(task.PseudoEager() is Proxy proxy && proxy.WhenResolved.IsCompleted);
#pragma warning restore CS0618

View File

@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.GenImpls
await task2;
Assert.Fail("Not a tail call");
catch (TailCallNoDataException)
catch (NoResultsException)

View File

@ -1198,7 +1198,9 @@ namespace Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests
var p2 = (Proxy)Proxy.Share<ITestInterface>(impl);
Assert.AreEqual(0u, dss.ProvideCapability(p1));
Assert.AreEqual(0u, dss.ProvideCapability(p2.ConsumedCap));
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Typ oder Element ist veraltet
Assert.AreEqual(0u, dss.ProvideCapability(CapabilityReflection.CreateSkeleton(impl)));
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Typ oder Element ist veraltet

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests
ExpectingLogOutput = true;
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Typ oder Element ist veraltet
Logging.LoggerFactory = new LoggerFactory().AddConsole((msg, level) =>
if (!ExpectingLogOutput && level != LogLevel.Debug)
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests
return true;
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Typ oder Element ist veraltet
int MediumNonDbgTimeout => Debugger.IsAttached ? Timeout.Infinite : 2000;

View File

@ -412,7 +412,9 @@ namespace Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests
public void InitConsoleLogging()
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Typ oder Element ist veraltet
Logging.LoggerFactory = new LoggerFactory().AddConsole((msg, level) => true);
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Typ oder Element ist veraltet
Logger = Logging.CreateLogger<TcpRpcStress>();
if (Thread.CurrentThread.Name == null)
Thread.CurrentThread.Name = $"Test Thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}";

View File

@ -55,11 +55,22 @@ namespace Capnp
static object? CreateFromAny(DeserializerState state)
switch (state.Kind)
case ObjectKind.Capability: return state.RequireCap<Rpc.BareProxy>();
case ObjectKind.Nil: return null;
default: return state;
static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<Type, Func<DeserializerState, object?>> _typeMap =
new ConditionalWeakTable<Type, Func<DeserializerState, object?>>();
static CapnpSerializable()
_typeMap.Add(typeof(object), CreateFromAny);
_typeMap.Add(typeof(string), d => d.RequireList().CastText());
_typeMap.Add(typeof(IReadOnlyList<bool>), d => d.RequireList().CastBool());
_typeMap.Add(typeof(IReadOnlyList<sbyte>), d => d.RequireList().CastSByte());

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace Capnp.Rpc
var result = await promise.WhenReturned;
if (promise.IsTailCall)
throw new TailCallNoDataException();
throw new NoResultsException();
return then(result);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
namespace Capnp.Rpc
/// <summary>
/// Thrown when a pending question did return, but was not configured to deliver the result back to the sender
/// (typcial for tail calls).
/// </summary>
public class NoResultsException: System.Exception
/// <summary>
/// Creates an instance
/// </summary>
public NoResultsException(): base("Pending question did return, but was not configured to deliver the result back to the sender")

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
namespace Capnp.Rpc
public class TailCallNoDataException: System.Exception
public TailCallNoDataException(): base("Because the question was asked as tail call, it won't return data")

View File

@ -71,4 +71,5 @@ Examples:
| NullableDisable2.capnp.bin | false | true | success |
| NullableEnable2.capnp.bin | false | false | errors |
| NullableEnable2.capnp.bin | false | true | success |
| rpc-csharp.capnp.bin | true | true | warnings |
| rpc-csharp.capnp.bin | true | true | warnings |
| schema-csharp.capnp.bin | false | false | success |

View File

@ -662,6 +662,21 @@ this.ValidGeneratorOutput("NullableEnable2.capnp.bin", "false", "true", "success
#line 50
this.ValidGeneratorOutput("rpc-csharp.capnp.bin", "true", "true", "warnings", ((string[])(null)));
#line hidden
[Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DescriptionAttribute("Valid generator output: Variant 16")]
[Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestPropertyAttribute("FeatureTitle", "CodeGenerator")]
[Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestPropertyAttribute("VariantName", "Variant 16")]
[Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestPropertyAttribute("Parameter:bin", "schema-csharp.capnp.bin")]
[Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestPropertyAttribute("Parameter:nullablegen", "false")]
[Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestPropertyAttribute("Parameter:nullablesupp", "false")]
[Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestPropertyAttribute("Parameter:outcome", "success")]
public virtual void ValidGeneratorOutput_Variant16()
#line 50
this.ValidGeneratorOutput("schema-csharp.capnp.bin", "false", "false", "success", ((string[])(null)));
#line hidden

View File

@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Tests
public void Test04MutualDependencies()
LoadAndGenerate("UnitTest4.capnp.bin", "UnitTest4b.capnp.bin");
public void Test10ImportedNamespaces()
var (model, codegen, _) = LoadAndGenerate("UnitTest10.capnp.bin");
var (model, codegen, _) = LoadAndGenerate("UnitTest10.capnp.bin", "UnitTest10b.capnp.bin");
var outerTypeDef = GetGeneratedFile("UnitTest10.capnp", model).NestedTypes.First();
var outerType = Model.Types.FromDefinition(outerTypeDef);
var innerType = outerTypeDef.Fields[0].Type;
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Tests
public void Test11ImportedConst()
LoadAndGenerate("UnitTest11.capnp.bin", "UnitTest11b.capnp.bin");
@ -147,20 +147,54 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Tests
static (Model.SchemaModel, CodeGen.CodeGenerator, string) LoadAndGenerate(string inputName)
public void Issue45()
var model = Load(inputName);
var codegen = new CodeGen.CodeGenerator(model, new CodeGen.GeneratorOptions());
var input = CodeGeneratorSteps.LoadResource("Issue45.capnp.bin");
using (input)
var frame = Framing.ReadSegments(input);
var ds = DeserializerState.CreateRoot(frame);
var cgr = CapnpSerializable.Create<CodeGeneratorRequest>(ds);
Assert.IsTrue(cgr.Nodes.Count > 0);
static (Model.SchemaModel, CodeGen.CodeGenerator, string) LoadAndGenerate(params string[] inputNames)
Model.SchemaModel firstModel = null;
CodeGen.CodeGenerator firstCodeGen = null;
Model.SchemaModel LocalLoad(string name)
var model = Load(name);
firstModel = firstModel ?? model;
return model;
CodeGen.CodeGenerator CreateCodeGen(Model.SchemaModel model)
var codegen = new CodeGen.CodeGenerator(model, new CodeGen.GeneratorOptions());
firstCodeGen = firstCodeGen ?? codegen;
return codegen;
var codes = (
from name in inputNames
let model = LocalLoad(name)
let codegen = CreateCodeGen(model)
from file in model.FilesToGenerate
select codegen.Transform(file)).ToArray();
var code = model.FilesToGenerate.Select(f => codegen.Transform(f)).ToArray();
"Compilation was not successful with no warnings");
return (model, codegen, code[0]);
return (firstModel, firstCodeGen, codes[0]);
static Model.GenFile GetGeneratedFile(string name, Model.SchemaModel model)
@ -199,7 +233,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Tests
segments = Framing.ReadSegments(input);
var dec = DeserializerState.CreateRoot(segments);
var reader = CodeGeneratorRequest.Reader.Create(dec);
var reader = CodeGeneratorRequest.READER.create(dec);
var model = Model.SchemaModel.Create(reader);
return model;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
# Copyright (c) 2020 Christian Köllner and contributors
# This is a modified version of schema.capnp, found in the original distribution
# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors
# Licensed under the MIT License:
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# $$embed
# #pragma warning disable CS1591
using CSharp = import "/csharp.capnp";
using Id = UInt64;
# The globally-unique ID of a file, type, or annotation.
struct Node {
id @0 :Id;
displayName @1 :Text;
# Name to present to humans to identify this Node. You should not attempt to parse this. Its
# format could change. It is not guaranteed to be unique.
# (On Zooko's triangle, this is the node's nickname.)
displayNamePrefixLength @2 :UInt32;
# If you want a shorter version of `displayName` (just naming this node, without its surrounding
# scope), chop off this many characters from the beginning of `displayName`.
scopeId @3 :Id;
# ID of the lexical parent node. Typically, the scope node will have a NestedNode pointing back
# at this node, but robust code should avoid relying on this (and, in fact, group nodes are not
# listed in the outer struct's nestedNodes, since they are listed in the fields). `scopeId` is
# zero if the node has no parent, which is normally only the case with files, but should be
# allowed for any kind of node (in order to make runtime type generation easier).
parameters @32 :List(Parameter);
# If this node is parameterized (generic), the list of parameters. Empty for non-generic types.
isGeneric @33 :Bool;
# True if this node is generic, meaning that it or one of its parent scopes has a non-empty
# `parameters`.
struct Parameter {
# Information about one of the node's parameters.
name @0 :Text;
nestedNodes @4 :List(NestedNode);
# List of nodes nested within this node, along with the names under which they were declared.
struct NestedNode {
name @0 :Text;
# Unqualified symbol name. Unlike Node.displayName, this *can* be used programmatically.
# (On Zooko's triangle, this is the node's petname according to its parent scope.)
id @1 :Id;
# ID of the nested node. Typically, the target node's scopeId points back to this node, but
# robust code should avoid relying on this.
annotations @5 :List(Annotation);
# Annotations applied to this node.
union {
# Info specific to each kind of node.
file @6 :Void;
struct :group {
dataWordCount @7 :UInt16;
# Size of the data section, in words.
pointerCount @8 :UInt16;
# Size of the pointer section, in pointers (which are one word each).
preferredListEncoding @9 :ElementSize;
# The preferred element size to use when encoding a list of this struct. If this is anything
# other than `inlineComposite` then the struct is one word or less in size and is a candidate
# for list packing optimization.
isGroup @10 :Bool;
# If true, then this "struct" node is actually not an independent node, but merely represents
# some named union or group within a particular parent struct. This node's scopeId refers
# to the parent struct, which may itself be a union/group in yet another struct.
# All group nodes share the same dataWordCount and pointerCount as the top-level
# struct, and their fields live in the same ordinal and offset spaces as all other fields in
# the struct.
# Note that a named union is considered a special kind of group -- in fact, a named union
# is exactly equivalent to a group that contains nothing but an unnamed union.
discriminantCount @11 :UInt16;
# Number of fields in this struct which are members of an anonymous union, and thus may
# overlap. If this is non-zero, then a 16-bit discriminant is present indicating which
# of the overlapping fields is active. This can never be 1 -- if it is non-zero, it must be
# two or more.
# Note that the fields of an unnamed union are considered fields of the scope containing the
# union -- an unnamed union is not its own group. So, a top-level struct may contain a
# non-zero discriminant count. Named unions, on the other hand, are equivalent to groups
# containing unnamed unions. So, a named union has its own independent schema node, with
# `isGroup` = true.
discriminantOffset @12 :UInt32;
# If `discriminantCount` is non-zero, this is the offset of the union discriminant, in
# multiples of 16 bits.
fields @13 :List(Field);
# Fields defined within this scope (either the struct's top-level fields, or the fields of
# a particular group; see `isGroup`).
# The fields are sorted by ordinal number, but note that because groups share the same
# ordinal space, the field's index in this list is not necessarily exactly its ordinal.
# On the other hand, the field's position in this list does remain the same even as the
# protocol evolves, since it is not possible to insert or remove an earlier ordinal.
# Therefore, for most use cases, if you want to identify a field by number, it may make the
# most sense to use the field's index in this list rather than its ordinal.
enum :group {
enumerants@14 :List(Enumerant);
# Enumerants ordered by numeric value (ordinal).
interface :group {
methods @15 :List(Method);
# Methods ordered by ordinal.
superclasses @31 :List(Superclass);
# Superclasses of this interface.
const :group {
type @16 :Type;
value @17 :Value;
annotation :group {
type @18 :Type;
targetsFile @19 :Bool;
targetsConst @20 :Bool;
targetsEnum @21 :Bool;
targetsEnumerant @22 :Bool;
targetsStruct @23 :Bool;
targetsField @24 :Bool;
targetsUnion @25 :Bool;
targetsGroup @26 :Bool;
targetsInterface @27 :Bool;
targetsMethod @28 :Bool;
targetsParam @29 :Bool;
targetsAnnotation @30 :Bool;
struct SourceInfo {
# Additional information about a node which is not needed at runtime, but may be useful for
# documentation or debugging purposes. This is kept in a separate struct to make sure it
# doesn't accidentally get included in contexts where it is not needed. The
# `CodeGeneratorRequest` includes this information in a separate array.
id @0 :Id;
# ID of the Node which this info describes.
docComment @1 :Text;
# The top-level doc comment for the Node.
members @2 :List(Member);
# Information about each member -- i.e. fields (for structs), enumerants (for enums), or
# methods (for interfaces).
# This list is the same length and order as the corresponding list in the Node, i.e.
# Node.struct.fields, Node.enum.enumerants, or Node.interface.methods.
struct Member {
docComment @0 :Text;
# Doc comment on the member.
# TODO(someday): Record location of the declaration in the original source code.
struct Field {
# Schema for a field of a struct.
name @0 :Text;
codeOrder @1 :UInt16;
# Indicates where this member appeared in the code, relative to other members.
# Code ordering may have semantic relevance -- programmers tend to place related fields
# together. So, using code ordering makes sense in human-readable formats where ordering is
# otherwise irrelevant, like JSON. The values of codeOrder are tightly-packed, so the maximum
# value is count(members) - 1. Fields that are members of a union are only ordered relative to
# the other members of that union, so the maximum value there is count(union.members).
annotations @2 :List(Annotation);
const noDiscriminant :UInt16 = 0xffff;
discriminantValue @3 :UInt16 = Field.noDiscriminant;
# If the field is in a union, this is the value which the union's discriminant should take when
# the field is active. If the field is not in a union, this is 0xffff.
union {
slot :group {
# A regular, non-group, non-fixed-list field.
offset @4 :UInt32;
# Offset, in units of the field's size, from the beginning of the section in which the field
# resides. E.g. for a UInt32 field, multiply this by 4 to get the byte offset from the
# beginning of the data section.
type @5 :Type;
defaultValue @6 :Value;
hadExplicitDefault @10 :Bool;
# Whether the default value was specified explicitly. Non-explicit default values are always
# zero or empty values. Usually, whether the default value was explicit shouldn't matter.
# The main use case for this flag is for structs representing method parameters:
# explicitly-defaulted parameters may be allowed to be omitted when calling the method.
group :group {
# A group.
typeId @7 :Id;
# The ID of the group's node.
ordinal :union {
implicit @8 :Void;
explicit @9 :UInt16;
# The original ordinal number given to the field. You probably should NOT use this; if you need
# a numeric identifier for a field, use its position within the field array for its scope.
# The ordinal is given here mainly just so that the original schema text can be reproduced given
# the compiled version -- i.e. so that `capnp compile -ocapnp` can do its job.
struct Enumerant {
# Schema for member of an enum.
name @0 :Text;
codeOrder @1 :UInt16;
# Specifies order in which the enumerants were declared in the code.
# Like Struct.Field.codeOrder.
annotations @2 :List(Annotation);
struct Superclass {
id @0 :Id;
brand @1 :Brand;
struct Method {
# Schema for method of an interface.
name @0 :Text;
codeOrder @1 :UInt16;
# Specifies order in which the methods were declared in the code.
# Like Struct.Field.codeOrder.
implicitParameters @7 :List(Node.Parameter);
# The parameters listed in [] (typically, type / generic parameters), whose bindings are intended
# to be inferred rather than specified explicitly, although not all languages support this.
paramStructType @2 :Id;
# ID of the parameter struct type. If a named parameter list was specified in the method
# declaration (rather than a single struct parameter type) then a corresponding struct type is
# auto-generated. Such an auto-generated type will not be listed in the interface's
# `nestedNodes` and its `scopeId` will be zero -- it is completely detached from the namespace.
# (Awkwardly, it does of course inherit generic parameters from the method's scope, which makes
# this a situation where you can't just climb the scope chain to find where a particular
# generic parameter was introduced. Making the `scopeId` zero was a mistake.)
paramBrand @5 :Brand;
# Brand of param struct type.
resultStructType @3 :Id;
# ID of the return struct type; similar to `paramStructType`.
resultBrand @6 :Brand;
# Brand of result struct type.
annotations @4 :List(Annotation);
struct Type {
# Represents a type expression.
union {
# The ordinals intentionally match those of Value.
void @0 :Void;
bool @1 :Void;
int8 @2 :Void;
int16 @3 :Void;
int32 @4 :Void;
int64 @5 :Void;
uint8 @6 :Void;
uint16 @7 :Void;
uint32 @8 :Void;
uint64 @9 :Void;
float32 @10 :Void;
float64 @11 :Void;
text @12 :Void;
data @13 :Void;
list :group {
elementType @14 :Type;
enum :group {
typeId @15 :Id;
brand @21 :Brand;
struct :group {
typeId @16 :Id;
brand @22 :Brand;
interface :group {
typeId @17 :Id;
brand @23 :Brand;
anyPointer :union {
unconstrained :union {
# A regular AnyPointer.
# The name "unconstrained" means as opposed to constraining it to match a type parameter.
# In retrospect this name is probably a poor choice given that it may still be constrained
# to be a struct, list, or capability.
anyKind @18 :Void; # truly AnyPointer
struct @25 :Void; # AnyStruct
list @26 :Void; # AnyList
capability @27 :Void; # Capability
parameter :group {
# This is actually a reference to a type parameter defined within this scope.
scopeId @19 :Id;
# ID of the generic type whose parameter we're referencing. This should be a parent of the
# current scope.
parameterIndex @20 :UInt16;
# Index of the parameter within the generic type's parameter list.
implicitMethodParameter :group {
# This is actually a reference to an implicit (generic) parameter of a method. The only
# legal context for this type to appear is inside Method.paramBrand or Method.resultBrand.
parameterIndex @24 :UInt16;
struct Brand {
# Specifies bindings for parameters of generics. Since these bindings turn a generic into a
# non-generic, we call it the "brand".
scopes @0 :List(Scope);
# For each of the target type and each of its parent scopes, a parameterization may be included
# in this list. If no parameterization is included for a particular relevant scope, then either
# that scope has no parameters or all parameters should be considered to be `AnyPointer`.
struct Scope {
scopeId @0 :Id;
# ID of the scope to which these params apply.
union {
bind @1 :List(Binding);
# List of parameter bindings.
inherit @2 :Void;
# The place where this Brand appears is actually within this scope or a sub-scope,
# and the bindings for this scope should be inherited from the reference point.
struct Binding {
union {
unbound @0 :Void;
type @1 :Type;
# TODO(someday): Allow non-type parameters? Unsure if useful.
struct Value {
# Represents a value, e.g. a field default value, constant value, or annotation value.
union {
# The ordinals intentionally match those of Type.
void @0 :Void;
bool @1 :Bool;
int8 @2 :Int8;
int16 @3 :Int16;
int32 @4 :Int32;
int64 @5 :Int64;
uint8 @6 :UInt8;
uint16 @7 :UInt16;
uint32 @8 :UInt32;
uint64 @9 :UInt64;
float32 @10 :Float32;
float64 @11 :Float64;
text @12 :Text;
data @13 :Data;
list @14 :AnyPointer;
enum @15 :UInt16;
struct @16 :AnyPointer;
interface @17 :Void;
# The only interface value that can be represented statically is "null", whose methods always
# throw exceptions.
anyPointer @18 :AnyPointer;
struct Annotation {
# Describes an annotation applied to a declaration. Note AnnotationNode describes the
# annotation's declaration, while this describes a use of the annotation.
id @0 :Id;
# ID of the annotation node.
brand @2 :Brand;
# Brand of the annotation.
# Note that the annotation itself is not allowed to be parameterized, but its scope might be.
value @1 :Value;
enum ElementSize {
# Possible element sizes for encoded lists. These correspond exactly to the possible values of
# the 3-bit element size component of a list pointer.
empty @0; # aka "void", but that's a keyword.
bit @1;
byte @2;
twoBytes @3;
fourBytes @4;
eightBytes @5;
pointer @6;
inlineComposite @7;
struct CapnpVersion {
major @0 :UInt16;
minor @1 :UInt8;
micro @2 :UInt8;
struct CodeGeneratorRequest {
capnpVersion @2 :CapnpVersion;
# Version of the `capnp` executable. Generally, code generators should ignore this, but the code
# generators that ship with `capnp` itself will print a warning if this mismatches since that
# probably indicates something is misconfigured.
# The first version of 'capnp' to set this was 0.6.0. So, if it's missing, the compiler version
# is older than that.
nodes @0 :List(Node);
# All nodes parsed by the compiler, including for the files on the command line and their
# imports.
sourceInfo @3 :List(Node.SourceInfo);
# Information about the original source code for each node, where available. This array may be
# omitted or may be missing some nodes if no info is available for them.
requestedFiles @1 :List(RequestedFile);
# Files which were listed on the command line.
struct RequestedFile {
id @0 :Id;
# ID of the file.
filename @1 :Text;
# Name of the file as it appeared on the command-line (minus the src-prefix). You may use
# this to decide where to write the output.
imports @2 :List(Import);
# List of all imported paths seen in this file.
struct Import {
id @0 :Id;
# ID of the imported file.
name @1 :Text;
# Name which *this* file used to refer to the foreign file. This may be a relative name.
# This information is provided because it might be useful for code generation, e.g. to
# generate #include directives in C++. We don't put this in Node.file because this
# information is only meaningful at compile time anyway.
# (On Zooko's triangle, this is the import's petname according to the importing file.)

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator
var segments = Framing.ReadSegments(input);
var dec = DeserializerState.CreateRoot(segments);
var reader = Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.Reader.Create(dec);
var reader = Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.READER.create(dec);
var model = Model.SchemaModel.Create(reader);
var codeGen = new CodeGen.CodeGenerator(model, options ?? new CodeGen.GeneratorOptions());
return new GenerationResult(codeGen.Generate());

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.CodeGen
whichEnum = whichEnum.AddMembers(ndecl);

View File

@ -8,21 +8,23 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
class SchemaModel
readonly Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.Reader _request;
public const ushort NoDiscriminant = 65535;
readonly Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.READER _request;
readonly List<GenFile> _generatedFiles = new List<GenFile>();
readonly DefinitionManager _typeDefMgr = new DefinitionManager();
readonly Dictionary<ulong, Schema.Node.Reader> _id2node = new Dictionary<ulong, Schema.Node.Reader>();
readonly Dictionary<ulong, Schema.Node.READER> _id2node = new Dictionary<ulong, Schema.Node.READER>();
readonly Dictionary<ulong, SourceInfo> _id2sourceInfo = new Dictionary<ulong, SourceInfo>();
public SchemaModel(Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.Reader request)
public SchemaModel(Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.READER request)
_request = request;
public IReadOnlyList<GenFile> FilesToGenerate => _generatedFiles;
Schema.Node.Reader? IdToNode(ulong id, bool mustExist)
Schema.Node.READER? IdToNode(ulong id, bool mustExist)
if (_id2node.TryGetValue(id, out var node))
return node;
@ -31,9 +33,9 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
return null;
Schema.Node.Reader IdToNode(ulong id)
Schema.Node.READER IdToNode(ulong id)
return (Schema.Node.Reader)IdToNode(id, true);
return (Schema.Node.READER)IdToNode(id, true);
void Build()
@ -76,13 +78,13 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
public IHasNestedDefinitions parent;
void BuildPass1(Dictionary<ulong, Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.RequestedFile.Reader> requestedFiles)
void BuildPass1(Dictionary<ulong, Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.RequestedFile.READER> requestedFiles)
Pass1State state = new Pass1State()
unprocessedNodes = new HashSet<ulong>(_id2node.Keys)
foreach (var node in _id2node.Values.Where(n => n.IsFile))
foreach (var node in _id2node.Values.Where(n => n.which == Schema.Node.WHICH.File))
GenFile file;
bool isGenerated = requestedFiles.TryGetValue(node.Id, out var req);
@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
IDefinition ProcessNodePass1(ulong id, string name, Pass1State state)
bool mustExist = state.parent == null || (state.parent as IDefinition).IsGenerated;
if (!(IdToNode(id, mustExist) is Schema.Node.Reader node))
if (!(IdToNode(id, mustExist) is Schema.Node.READER node))
return null;
if (!state.unprocessedNodes.Remove(id))
return null;
@ -175,18 +177,18 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
ProcessNodePass1(nested.Id, nested.Name, state);
if (processFields && node.Fields != null)
foreach (var field in node.Fields.Where(f => f.IsGroup))
if (processFields && node.Struct.Fields != null)
foreach (var field in node.Struct.Fields.Where(f => f.which == Schema.Field.WHICH.Group))
var group = IdToNode(field.Group_TypeId);
if (!group.IsStruct || !group.Struct_IsGroup)
var group = IdToNode(field.Group.TypeId);
if (group.which != Schema.Node.WHICH.Struct || !group.Struct.IsGroup)
throw new InvalidSchemaException($"Expected node with id {group.StrId()} to be a struct definition");
ProcessNodePass1(field.Group_TypeId, field.Name, state);
ProcessNodePass1(field.Group.TypeId, field.Name, state);
if (processInterfaceMethods && node.Interface_Methods != null)
foreach (var method in node.Interface_Methods)
if (processInterfaceMethods && node.Interface.Methods != null)
foreach (var method in node.Interface.Methods)
var pnode = IdToNode(method.ParamStructType);
if (pnode.ScopeId == 0) ProcessNodePass1(pnode.Id, null, state); // Anonymous generated type
@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
public HashSet<ulong> processedNodes;
void BuildPass2(Dictionary<ulong, Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.RequestedFile.Reader> requestedFiles)
void BuildPass2(Dictionary<ulong, Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.RequestedFile.READER> requestedFiles)
var state = new Pass2State() { processedNodes = new HashSet<ulong>() };
foreach (var file in _typeDefMgr.Files)
@ -214,7 +216,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
void ProcessNestedNodes(IEnumerable<Schema.Node.NestedNode.Reader> nestedNodes, Pass2State state, bool mustExist)
void ProcessNestedNodes(IEnumerable<Schema.Node.NestedNode.READER> nestedNodes, Pass2State state, bool mustExist)
foreach (var nestedNode in nestedNodes)
@ -222,16 +224,16 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
void ProcessBrand(Schema.Brand.Reader brandReader, Type type, Pass2State state)
void ProcessBrand(Schema.Brand.READER brandReader, Type type, Pass2State state)
foreach (var scopeReader in brandReader.Scopes)
var whatToBind = ProcessTypeDef(scopeReader.ScopeId, state);
int index = 0;
switch (0)
switch (scopeReader.which)
case 0 when scopeReader.IsBind:
case Schema.Brand.Scope.WHICH.Bind:
foreach (var bindingReader in scopeReader.Bind)
var typeParameter = new GenericParameter()
@ -240,20 +242,20 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
Index = index++
switch (0)
switch (bindingReader.which)
case 0 when bindingReader.IsType:
case Schema.Brand.Binding.WHICH.Type:
type.BindGenericParameter(typeParameter, ProcessType(bindingReader.Type, state));
case 0 when bindingReader.IsUnbound:
case Schema.Brand.Binding.WHICH.Unbound:
type.BindGenericParameter(typeParameter, Types.FromParameter(typeParameter));
case 0 when scopeReader.IsInherit:
case Schema.Brand.Scope.WHICH.Inherit:
for (index = 0; index < type.DeclaringType.Definition.GenericParameters.Count; index++)
var typeParameter = new GenericParameter()
@ -269,45 +271,44 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
Type ProcessType(Schema.Type.Reader typeReader, Pass2State state)
Type ProcessType(Schema.Type.READER typeReader, Pass2State state)
Type result;
switch (0)
switch (typeReader.which)
case 0 when typeReader.IsAnyPointer:
switch (0)
case Schema.Type.WHICH.AnyPointer:
switch (typeReader.AnyPointer.which)
case 0 when typeReader.AnyPointer_IsParameter:
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.WHICH.Parameter:
return Types.FromParameter(
new GenericParameter()
DeclaringEntity = ProcessTypeDef(typeReader.AnyPointer_Parameter_ScopeId, state),
Index = typeReader.AnyPointer_Parameter_ParameterIndex
DeclaringEntity = ProcessTypeDef(typeReader.AnyPointer.Parameter.ScopeId, state),
Index = typeReader.AnyPointer.Parameter.ParameterIndex
case 0 when typeReader.AnyPointer_IsImplicitMethodParameter:
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.WHICH.ImplicitMethodParameter:
return Types.FromParameter(
new GenericParameter()
DeclaringEntity = state.currentMethod ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("current method not set"),
Index = typeReader.AnyPointer_ImplicitMethodParameter_ParameterIndex
Index = typeReader.AnyPointer.ImplicitMethodParameter.ParameterIndex
case 0 when typeReader.AnyPointer_IsUnconstrained:
switch (0)
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.WHICH.Unconstrained:
switch (typeReader.AnyPointer.Unconstrained.which)
case 0 when typeReader.AnyPointer_Unconstrained_IsAnyKind:
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.unconstrained.WHICH.AnyKind:
return Types.AnyPointer;
case 0 when typeReader.AnyPointer_Unconstrained_IsCapability:
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.unconstrained.WHICH.Capability:
return Types.CapabilityPointer;
case 0 when typeReader.AnyPointer_Unconstrained_IsList:
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.unconstrained.WHICH.List:
return Types.ListPointer;
case 0 when typeReader.AnyPointer_Unconstrained_IsStruct:
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.unconstrained.WHICH.Struct:
return Types.StructPointer;
@ -318,62 +319,62 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
throw new NotImplementedException();
case 0 when typeReader.IsBool:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Bool:
return Types.Bool;
case 0 when typeReader.IsData:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Data:
return Types.Data;
case 0 when typeReader.IsFloat64:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Float64:
return Types.F64;
case 0 when typeReader.IsEnum:
return Types.FromDefinition(ProcessTypeDef(typeReader.Enum_TypeId, state, TypeTag.Enum));
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Enum:
return Types.FromDefinition(ProcessTypeDef(typeReader.Enum.TypeId, state, TypeTag.Enum));
case 0 when typeReader.IsFloat32:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Float32:
return Types.F32;
case 0 when typeReader.IsInt16:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Int16:
return Types.S16;
case 0 when typeReader.IsInt32:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Int32:
return Types.S32;
case 0 when typeReader.IsInt64:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Int64:
return Types.S64;
case 0 when typeReader.IsInt8:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Int8:
return Types.S8;
case 0 when typeReader.IsInterface:
result = Types.FromDefinition(ProcessTypeDef(typeReader.Interface_TypeId, state, TypeTag.Interface));
ProcessBrand(typeReader.Interface_Brand, result, state);
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Interface:
result = Types.FromDefinition(ProcessTypeDef(typeReader.Interface.TypeId, state, TypeTag.Interface));
ProcessBrand(typeReader.Interface.Brand, result, state);
return result;
case 0 when typeReader.IsList:
return Types.List(ProcessType(typeReader.List_ElementType, state));
case Schema.Type.WHICH.List:
return Types.List(ProcessType(typeReader.List.ElementType, state));
case 0 when typeReader.IsStruct:
result = Types.FromDefinition(ProcessTypeDef(typeReader.Struct_TypeId, state, TypeTag.Struct));
ProcessBrand(typeReader.Struct_Brand, result, state);
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Struct:
result = Types.FromDefinition(ProcessTypeDef(typeReader.Struct.TypeId, state, TypeTag.Struct));
ProcessBrand(typeReader.Struct.Brand, result, state);
return result;
case 0 when typeReader.IsText:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Text:
return Types.Text;
case 0 when typeReader.IsUInt16:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Uint16:
return Types.U16;
case 0 when typeReader.IsUInt32:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Uint32:
return Types.U32;
case 0 when typeReader.IsUInt64:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Uint64:
return Types.U64;
case 0 when typeReader.IsUInt8:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Uint8:
return Types.U8;
case 0 when typeReader.IsVoid:
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Void:
return Types.Void;
@ -381,103 +382,103 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
Value ProcessValue(Schema.Value.Reader valueReader)
Value ProcessValue(Schema.Value.READER valueReader)
var value = new Value();
switch (0)
switch (valueReader.which)
case 0 when valueReader.IsAnyPointer:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.AnyPointer:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.AnyPointer;
value.Type = Types.AnyPointer;
case 0 when valueReader.IsBool:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Bool:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Bool;
value.Type = Types.Bool;
case 0 when valueReader.IsData:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Data:
value.Type = Types.Data;
case 0 when valueReader.IsEnum:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Enum:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Enum;
value.Type = Types.AnyEnum;
case 0 when valueReader.IsFloat32:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Float32:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Float32;
value.Type = Types.F32;
case 0 when valueReader.IsFloat64:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Float64:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Float64;
value.Type = Types.F64;
case 0 when valueReader.IsInt16:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Int16:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Int16;
value.Type = Types.S16;
case 0 when valueReader.IsInt32:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Int32:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Int32;
value.Type = Types.S32;
case 0 when valueReader.IsInt64:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Int64:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Int64;
value.Type = Types.S64;
case 0 when valueReader.IsInt8:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Int8:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Int8;
value.Type = Types.S8;
case 0 when valueReader.IsInterface:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Interface:
value.ScalarValue = null;
value.Type = Types.CapabilityPointer;
case 0 when valueReader.IsList:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.List:
value.RawValue = valueReader.List;
value.Type = Types.ListPointer;
case 0 when valueReader.IsStruct:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Struct:
value.RawValue = valueReader.Struct;
value.Type = Types.StructPointer;
case 0 when valueReader.IsText:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Text:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Text;
value.Type = Types.Text;
case 0 when valueReader.IsUInt16:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.UInt16;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Uint16:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Uint16;
value.Type = Types.U16;
case 0 when valueReader.IsUInt32:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.UInt32;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Uint32:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Uint32;
value.Type = Types.U32;
case 0 when valueReader.IsUInt64:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.UInt64;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Uint64:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Uint64;
value.Type = Types.U64;
case 0 when valueReader.IsUInt8:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.UInt8;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Uint8:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Uint8;
value.Type = Types.U8;
case 0 when valueReader.IsVoid:
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Void:
value.Type = Types.Void;
@ -488,14 +489,14 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
return value;
void ProcessFields(Schema.Node.Reader reader, TypeDefinition declaringType, List<Field> fields, Pass2State state)
void ProcessFields(Schema.Node.READER reader, TypeDefinition declaringType, List<Field> fields, Pass2State state)
if (reader.Fields == null)
if (reader.Struct.Fields == null)
foreach (var fieldReader in reader.Fields)
foreach (var fieldReader in reader.Struct.Fields)
var field = new Field()
@ -505,25 +506,25 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
CodeOrder = fieldReader.CodeOrder
if (fieldReader.DiscriminantValue != Schema.Field.Reader.NoDiscriminant)
if (fieldReader.DiscriminantValue != NoDiscriminant)
field.DiscValue = fieldReader.DiscriminantValue;
switch (0)
switch (fieldReader.which)
case 0 when fieldReader.IsGroup:
var def = ProcessTypeDef(fieldReader.Group_TypeId, state, TypeTag.Group);
case Schema.Field.WHICH.Group:
var def = ProcessTypeDef(fieldReader.Group.TypeId, state, TypeTag.Group);
field.Type = Types.FromDefinition(def);
def.CsName = field.CsName; // Type definitions for unions are artificially generated.
// Transfer the C# name of the using field.
case 0 when fieldReader.IsSlot:
field.DefaultValue = ProcessValue(fieldReader.Slot_DefaultValue);
field.DefaultValueIsExplicit = fieldReader.Slot_HadExplicitDefault;
field.Offset = fieldReader.Slot_Offset;
field.Type = ProcessType(fieldReader.Slot_Type, state);
case Schema.Field.WHICH.Slot:
field.DefaultValue = ProcessValue(fieldReader.Slot.DefaultValue);
field.DefaultValueIsExplicit = fieldReader.Slot.HadExplicitDefault;
field.Offset = fieldReader.Slot.Offset;
field.Type = ProcessType(fieldReader.Slot.Type, state);
field.DefaultValue.Type = field.Type;
@ -537,7 +538,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
TypeDefinition ProcessInterfaceOrStructTail(TypeDefinition def, Schema.Node.Reader reader, Pass2State state)
TypeDefinition ProcessInterfaceOrStructTail(TypeDefinition def, Schema.Node.READER reader, Pass2State state)
def.IsGeneric = reader.IsGeneric;
@ -553,9 +554,9 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
ProcessFields(reader, def, def.Fields, state);
if (reader.IsInterface)
if (reader.which == Schema.Node.WHICH.Interface)
foreach (var methodReader in reader.Interface_Methods)
foreach (var methodReader in reader.Interface.Methods)
var method = new Method()
@ -608,22 +609,22 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
return def;
TypeDefinition ProcessStruct(Schema.Node.Reader structReader, TypeDefinition def, Pass2State state)
TypeDefinition ProcessStruct(Schema.Node.READER structReader, TypeDefinition def, Pass2State state)
def.StructDataWordCount = structReader.Struct_DataWordCount;
def.StructPointerCount = structReader.Struct_PointerCount;
def.StructDataWordCount = structReader.Struct.DataWordCount;
def.StructPointerCount = structReader.Struct.PointerCount;
if (structReader.Struct_DiscriminantCount > 0)
if (structReader.Struct.DiscriminantCount > 0)
def.UnionInfo = new TypeDefinition.DiscriminationInfo(
16u * structReader.Struct_DiscriminantOffset);
16u * structReader.Struct.DiscriminantOffset);
return ProcessInterfaceOrStructTail(def, structReader, state);
TypeDefinition ProcessParameterList(Schema.Node.Reader reader, Schema.Brand.Reader brandReader, List<Field> list, Pass2State state)
TypeDefinition ProcessParameterList(Schema.Node.READER reader, Schema.Brand.READER brandReader, List<Field> list, Pass2State state)
//# If a named parameter list was specified in the method
//# declaration (rather than a single struct parameter type) then a corresponding struct type is
@ -633,7 +634,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
//# this a situation where you can't just climb the scope chain to find where a particular
//# generic parameter was introduced. Making the `scopeId` zero was a mistake.)
if (!reader.IsStruct)
if (reader.which != Schema.Node.WHICH.Struct)
throw new InvalidSchemaException("Expected a struct");
@ -657,9 +658,9 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
TypeDefinition ProcessInterface(Schema.Node.Reader ifaceReader, TypeDefinition def, Pass2State state)
TypeDefinition ProcessInterface(Schema.Node.READER ifaceReader, TypeDefinition def, Pass2State state)
foreach (var superClassReader in ifaceReader.Interface_Superclasses)
foreach (var superClassReader in ifaceReader.Interface.Superclasses)
var superClass = Types.FromDefinition(ProcessTypeDef(superClassReader.Id, state, TypeTag.Interface));
ProcessBrand(superClassReader.Brand, superClass, state);
@ -669,9 +670,9 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
return ProcessInterfaceOrStructTail(def, ifaceReader, state);
TypeDefinition ProcessEnum(Schema.Node.Reader enumReader, TypeDefinition def, Pass2State state)
TypeDefinition ProcessEnum(Schema.Node.READER enumReader, TypeDefinition def, Pass2State state)
foreach (var fieldReader in enumReader.Enumerants)
foreach (var fieldReader in enumReader.Enum.Enumerants)
var field = new Enumerant()
@ -681,20 +682,15 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
CodeOrder = fieldReader.CodeOrder
if (fieldReader.Ordinal_IsExplicit)
field.Ordinal = fieldReader.Ordinal_Explicit;
return def;
Constant ProcessConst(Schema.Node.Reader constReader, Constant @const, Pass2State state)
Constant ProcessConst(Schema.Node.READER constReader, Constant @const, Pass2State state)
var value = ProcessValue(constReader.Const_Value);
value.Type = ProcessType(constReader.Const_Type, state);
var value = ProcessValue(constReader.Const.Value);
value.Type = ProcessType(constReader.Const.Type, state);
@const.Value = value;
return @const;
@ -712,7 +708,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
IDefinition ProcessNode(ulong id, Pass2State state, bool mustExist, TypeTag tag = default)
if (!(IdToNode(id, mustExist) is Schema.Node.Reader node)) return null;
if (!(IdToNode(id, mustExist) is Schema.Node.READER node)) return null;
var kind = node.GetKind();
if (tag == TypeTag.Unknown) tag = kind.GetTypeTag();
var def = _typeDefMgr.GetExistingDef(id, tag);
@ -737,7 +733,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
public static SchemaModel Create(Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.Reader request)
public static SchemaModel Create(Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.READER request)
var model = new SchemaModel(request);
@ -759,22 +755,24 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
public static class SchemaExtensions
public static string StrId(this Schema.Node.Reader node)
public static string StrId(this Schema.Node.READER node)
=> $"0x{node.Id:X}";
public static string StrId(this ulong nodeId)
=> $"0x{nodeId:X}";
public static NodeKind GetKind(this Schema.Node.Reader node)
public static NodeKind GetKind(this Schema.Node.READER node)
if (node.IsStruct)
return node.Struct_IsGroup ? NodeKind.Group : NodeKind.Struct;
if (node.IsInterface) return NodeKind.Interface;
if (node.IsEnum) return NodeKind.Enum;
if (node.IsConst) return NodeKind.Const;
if (node.IsAnnotation) return NodeKind.Annotation;
if (node.IsFile) return NodeKind.File;
return NodeKind.Unknown;
switch (node.which)
case Schema.Node.WHICH.Struct: return node.Struct.IsGroup ? NodeKind.Group : NodeKind.Struct;
case Schema.Node.WHICH.Interface: return NodeKind.Interface;
case Schema.Node.WHICH.Enum: return NodeKind.Enum;
case Schema.Node.WHICH.Const: return NodeKind.Const;
case Schema.Node.WHICH.Annotation: return NodeKind.Annotation;
case Schema.Node.WHICH.File: return NodeKind.File;
default: return NodeKind.Unknown;
internal static TypeTag GetTypeTag(this NodeKind kind)
@ -789,7 +787,6 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
internal static TypeTag GetTypeTag(this Schema.Node.Reader node)
=> node.GetKind().GetTypeTag();
internal static TypeTag GetTypeTag(this Schema.Node.READER node) => node.GetKind().GetTypeTag();

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
Internal = 1
public static string[] GetNamespaceAnnotation(Schema.Node.Reader fileNode)
public static string[] GetNamespaceAnnotation(Schema.Node.READER fileNode)
foreach (var annotation in fileNode.Annotations)
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
return null;
public static string GetCsName(Schema.Field.Reader node)
public static string GetCsName(Schema.Field.READER node)
foreach (var annotation in node.Annotations)
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
return null;
public static string GetCsName(Schema.Node.Reader node)
public static string GetCsName(Schema.Enumerant.READER node)
foreach (var annotation in node.Annotations)
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
return null;
public static string GetCsName(Schema.Method.Reader node)
public static string GetCsName(Schema.Node.READER node)
foreach (var annotation in node.Annotations)
@ -84,11 +84,23 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
return null;
public static bool? GetNullableEnable(Schema.Node.Reader node)
public static string GetCsName(Schema.Method.READER node)
foreach (var annotation in node.Annotations)
if (annotation.Id == AnnotationIds.Cs.NullableEnable && annotation.Value.IsBool)
if (annotation.Id == AnnotationIds.Cs.Name)
return annotation.Value.Text;
return null;
public static bool? GetNullableEnable(Schema.Node.READER node)
foreach (var annotation in node.Annotations)
if (annotation.Id == AnnotationIds.Cs.NullableEnable && annotation.Value.which == Schema.Value.WHICH.Bool)
return annotation.Value.Bool;
@ -96,11 +108,11 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
return null;
public static bool? GetEmitNullableDirective(Schema.Node.Reader node)
public static bool? GetEmitNullableDirective(Schema.Node.READER node)
foreach (var annotation in node.Annotations)
if (annotation.Id == AnnotationIds.Cs.EmitNullableDirective && annotation.Value.IsBool)
if (annotation.Id == AnnotationIds.Cs.EmitNullableDirective && annotation.Value.which == Schema.Value.WHICH.Bool)
return annotation.Value.Bool;
@ -108,11 +120,11 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
return null;
public static bool? GetEmitDomainClassesAndInterfaces(Schema.Node.Reader node)
public static bool? GetEmitDomainClassesAndInterfaces(Schema.Node.READER node)
foreach (var annotation in node.Annotations)
if (annotation.Id == AnnotationIds.Cs.EmitDomainClassesAndInterfaces && annotation.Value.IsBool)
if (annotation.Id == AnnotationIds.Cs.EmitDomainClassesAndInterfaces && annotation.Value.which == Schema.Value.WHICH.Bool)
return annotation.Value.Bool;
@ -120,11 +132,11 @@ namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
return null;
public static TypeVisibility? GetTypeVisibility(Schema.Node.Reader node)
public static TypeVisibility? GetTypeVisibility(Schema.Node.READER node)
foreach (var annotation in node.Annotations)
if (annotation.Id == AnnotationIds.Cs.TypeVisibility && annotation.Value.IsEnum)
if (annotation.Id == AnnotationIds.Cs.TypeVisibility && annotation.Value.which == Schema.Value.WHICH.Enum)
return (TypeVisibility)annotation.Value.Enum;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ test_script:
vstest.console /logger:Appveyor /inIsolation CapnpC.CSharp.MsBuild.Generation.Tests\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.0\CapnpC.CSharp.MsBuild.Generation.Tests.dll
msbuild -t:restore ./MsBuildGenerationTest/MsBuildGenerationTest.csproj /p:Configuration="Debug" /p:PackageReferenceVersion="%VERSION%"
msbuild ./MsBuildGenerationTest/MsBuildGenerationTest.sln /p:Configuration="Debug" /p:PackageReferenceVersion="%VERSION%"
vstest.console /logger:Appveyor /inIsolation Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests\bin\Debug\net471\Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Std20.dll
vstest.console /logger:Appveyor /inIsolation Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests\bin\Release\net471\Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Std20.dll
vstest.console /logger:Appveyor /inIsolation Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Core21.dll
vstest.console /logger:Appveyor /inIsolation Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.1\Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.Core21.dll
vstest.console /logger:Appveyor /inIsolation Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests\bin\Debug\net471\Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.dll
vstest.console /logger:Appveyor /inIsolation Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests\bin\Release\net471\Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.dll
vstest.console /logger:Appveyor /inIsolation Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.dll
vstest.console /logger:Appveyor /inIsolation Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.1\Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests.dll
powershell -File .\scripts\measure-coverage.ps1
csmacnz.Coveralls --multiple -i "opencover=coverage\cov-Capnp.Net.Runtime.xml;opencover=coverage\cov-CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.xml" --repoToken %COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN%
on_finish :