using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Capnp.Rpc
    class LazyCapability : RefCountingCapability, IResolvingCapability
        public static LazyCapability CreateBrokenCap(string message)
            var cap = new LazyCapability(Task.FromException<Proxy>(new RpcException(message)));
            cap.AddRef(); // Instance shall be persistent
            return cap;

        public static LazyCapability CreateCanceledCap(CancellationToken token)
            var cap = new LazyCapability(Task.FromCanceled<Proxy>(token));
            cap.AddRef(); // Instance shall be persistent
            return cap;

        public static LazyCapability Null { get; } = CreateBrokenCap("Null capability");

        public LazyCapability(Task<Proxy> capabilityTask)
            WhenResolved = capabilityTask;

        internal override void Freeze(out IRpcEndpoint boundEndpoint)
            if (WhenResolved.IsCompleted)
                    WhenResolved.Result.Freeze(out boundEndpoint);
                catch (AggregateException exception)
                    throw exception.InnerException;
                boundEndpoint = null;

        internal override void Unfreeze()

        internal override void Export(IRpcEndpoint endpoint, CapDescriptor.WRITER writer)
            if (WhenResolved.ReplacementTaskIsCompletedSuccessfully())
                WhenResolved.Result.Export(endpoint, writer);
                this.ExportAsSenderPromise(endpoint, writer);

        async void DisposeProxyWhenResolved()
                var cap = await WhenResolved;
                if (cap != null) cap.Dispose();

        protected override void ReleaseRemotely()

        public Task<Proxy> WhenResolved { get; }

        async Task<DeserializerState> CallImpl(ulong interfaceId, ushort methodId,
            DynamicSerializerState args, bool pipeline,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var cap = await WhenResolved;


            if (cap == null)
                throw new RpcException("Broken capability");

            var call = cap.Call(interfaceId, methodId, args, pipeline);
            var whenReturned = call.WhenReturned;

            using (var registration = cancellationToken.Register(call.Dispose))
                return await whenReturned;

        internal override IPromisedAnswer DoCall(ulong interfaceId, ushort methodId, DynamicSerializerState args, bool pipeline)
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            return new LocalAnswer(cts, CallImpl(interfaceId, methodId, args, pipeline, cts.Token));