using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
#nullable enable
namespace Capnp
/// Pointer tag, see>
public enum PointerKind : byte
/// Struct pointer
Struct = 0,
/// List pointer
List = 1,
/// Far pointer
Far = 2,
/// Other (capability) pointer
Other = 3
/// Lightweight wrapper struct around a Cap'n Proto pointer. Useful for both encoding and decoding pointers.
public struct WirePointer
ulong _ptrData;
/// Constructs this struct from pointer raw data
public WirePointer(ulong ptrData)
_ptrData = ptrData;
/// Interprets any ulong value as Cap'n Proto pointer
public static implicit operator WirePointer (ulong value) => new WirePointer(value);
/// Extracts the wire data from the pointer.
public static implicit operator ulong (WirePointer pointer) => pointer._ptrData;
/// Pointer tag "A"
public PointerKind Kind
get => (PointerKind)(_ptrData & 3);
set { _ptrData = _ptrData & ~3ul | (ulong)value; }
/// Returns true iff this is a null pointer.
public bool IsNull => _ptrData == 0;
/// The Offset (field "B") for struct and list pointers.
/// Thrown by setter if encoded value would require more than 30 bits
public int Offset
get => unchecked((int)_ptrData) >> 2;
if (value >= (1 << 29) || value < -(1 << 29))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value));
_ptrData |= (uint)(value << 2);
/// Returns the landing pad offset (field "C") for inter-segment pointers.
public int LandingPadOffset
get => unchecked((int)((_ptrData >> 3) & 0x1fffffff));
/// Returns the size of the struct's data section (field "C"), in words, for struct pointers.
public ushort StructDataCount
get => unchecked((ushort)(_ptrData >> 32));
/// Returns the size of the struct's pointer section (field "D"), in words, for struct pointers.
public ushort StructPtrCount
get => unchecked((ushort)(_ptrData >> 48));
/// Convenience getter which returns the sum of the struct's pointer and data section sizes.
public uint StructSize
get => (uint)StructDataCount + StructPtrCount;
/// Begins encoding a struct pointer.
/// the size of the struct's data section, in words
/// the size of the struct's pointer section, in words
public void BeginStruct(ushort dataCount, ushort ptrCount)
_ptrData = ((ulong)dataCount << 32) | ((ulong)ptrCount << 48);
/// Returns the list "size" (field "C") for list pointers.
public ListKind ListKind
get => (ListKind)((int)(_ptrData >> 32) & 0x7);
/// Gets or sets the element count if this pointer represents a list of fixed-width composite values.
/// negative value, or encoded value would require more than 30 bits
public int ListOfStructsElementCount
get => (int)((_ptrData >> 2) & 0x3fffffff);
set { _ptrData = _ptrData & 0xffffffff00000000ul | checked((uint)value << 2); }
/// Returns the element count if this pointer represents a list of anything, except fixed-width composite values.
public int ListElementCount
get => (int)(_ptrData >> 35);
/// Begins encoding a list pointer
/// element "size" (field "C")
/// element count
/// element count would require more than 29 bits
public void BeginList(ListKind kind, int count)
if (count < 0 || count >= (1 << 29))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(count));
_ptrData = ((ulong)count << 35) | ((ulong)kind << 32) | (ulong)PointerKind.List;
/// Returns the target segment index (field "D") for inter-segment pointers.
public uint TargetSegmentIndex
get => (uint)(_ptrData >> 32);
/// Whether the landing pad is two words (field "B") for inter-segment pointers.
public bool IsDoubleFar
get => (_ptrData & 4) != 0;
/// Encodes an inter-segment pointer.
/// target segment index
/// landing pad offset
/// whether the landing pad is two words
/// negative landing pad offset, or encoding would require more than 29 bits
public void SetFarPointer(uint targetSegmentIndex, int landingPadOffset, bool isDoubleFar)
if (landingPadOffset < 0 || landingPadOffset >= (1 << 29))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(landingPadOffset));
_ptrData = ((ulong)targetSegmentIndex << 32) |
((uint)landingPadOffset << 3) |
if (isDoubleFar) _ptrData |= 4;
/// Returns the sub-kind of pointer (field "B") if this is an "other" pointer.
/// Currently, only 0 is specified, which is a capability pointer.
public uint OtherPointerKind
get => unchecked((uint)_ptrData) >> 2;
/// Returns the capability index (field "C") if this is a capability pointer.
public uint CapabilityIndex
get => (uint)(_ptrData >> 32);
/// Encodes a capability pointer.
/// capability index
public void SetCapability(uint index)
_ptrData = ((ulong)index << 32) | (ulong)PointerKind.Other;
#nullable restore