using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace Capnp.Rpc
/// Provides functionality to construct Proxy and Skeleton instances from capability interfaces and objects implementing capability interfaces.
/// A capability interface is any .NET interface which is annotated with and .
/// There are some intricacies to consider that you usually don't need to care about, since all that stuff will be generated.
public static class CapabilityReflection
interface IBrokenFactory
System.Exception Exception { get; }
abstract class ProxyFactory
public abstract Proxy NewProxy();
class ProxyFactory: ProxyFactory where T: Proxy, new()
public override Proxy NewProxy() => new T();
class BrokenProxyFactory: ProxyFactory, IBrokenFactory
readonly System.Exception _exception;
public BrokenProxyFactory(System.Exception exception)
_exception = exception;
public System.Exception Exception => _exception;
public override Proxy NewProxy()
throw _exception;
abstract class SkeletonFactory
public abstract Skeleton NewSkeleton();
class SkeletonFactory: SkeletonFactory where T: Skeleton, new()
public override Skeleton NewSkeleton() => new T();
class BrokenSkeletonFactory: SkeletonFactory, IBrokenFactory
System.Exception _exception;
public BrokenSkeletonFactory(System.Exception exception)
_exception = exception;
public System.Exception Exception => _exception;
public override Skeleton NewSkeleton()
throw _exception;
class PolySkeletonFactory: SkeletonFactory
readonly SkeletonFactory[] _monoFactories;
public PolySkeletonFactory(SkeletonFactory[] monoFactories)
_monoFactories = monoFactories;
public override Skeleton NewSkeleton()
var poly = new PolySkeleton();
foreach (var fac in _monoFactories)
return poly;
static ConditionalWeakTable _proxyMap =
new ConditionalWeakTable();
static ConditionalWeakTable _skeletonMap =
new ConditionalWeakTable();
static CapabilityReflection()
_proxyMap.Add(typeof(BareProxy), new ProxyFactory());
_proxyMap.Add(typeof(object), new ProxyFactory());
static SkeletonFactory CreateMonoSkeletonFactory(SkeletonAttribute attr, Type[] genericArguments)
var skeletonClass = attr.SkeletonClass;
if (genericArguments.Length > 0)
skeletonClass = skeletonClass.MakeGenericType(genericArguments);
return (SkeletonFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(
static SkeletonFactory GetSkeletonFactory(Type type)
return _skeletonMap.GetValue(type, _ =>
var attrs = (from iface in _.GetInterfaces()
let generics = iface.GetGenericArguments()
from attr in iface.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SkeletonAttribute), false)
select (Attr: (SkeletonAttribute)attr, Generics: generics)).ToArray();
if (attrs.Length == 0)
throw new InvalidCapabilityInterfaceException("No 'Skeleton' attribute defined, don't know how to create the skeleton");
if (attrs.Length == 1)
return CreateMonoSkeletonFactory(attrs[0].Attr, attrs[0].Generics);
var monoFactories = attrs.Select(a => CreateMonoSkeletonFactory(a.Attr, a.Generics)).ToArray();
return new PolySkeletonFactory(monoFactories);
catch (System.Exception exception)
return new BrokenSkeletonFactory(exception);
/// Creates a Skeleton for a given interface implementation.
/// Interface implementation. Must implement at least one interface which is annotated with a .
/// The Skeleton
/// is null.
/// No found on implemented interface(s).
/// Mismatch between generic type arguments (if capability interface is generic).
/// Mismatch between generic type arguments (if capability interface is generic).
/// Problem with instatiating the Skeleton (constructor threw exception).
/// Caller does not have permission to invoke the Skeleton constructor.
/// Problem with building the Skeleton type, or problem with loading some dependent class.
public static Skeleton CreateSkeleton(object obj)
if (obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(obj));
var factory = GetSkeletonFactory(obj.GetType());
var skeleton = factory.NewSkeleton();
return skeleton;
static ProxyFactory GetProxyFactory(Type type)
return _proxyMap.GetValue(type, _ =>
var attrs = type
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ProxyAttribute), false)
if (attrs.Length == 0)
throw new InvalidCapabilityInterfaceException("No 'Proxy' attribute defined, don't know how to create the proxy");
if (attrs.Length == 1)
Type proxyClass = attrs[0].ProxyClass;
Type[] genericArguments = type.GetGenericArguments();
if (genericArguments.Length > 0)
proxyClass = proxyClass.MakeGenericType(genericArguments);
return (ProxyFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(
throw new InvalidCapabilityInterfaceException("Multiple 'Proxy' attributes defined, don't know which one to take");
catch (System.Exception exception)
return new BrokenProxyFactory(exception);
/// Validates that a given type qualifies as cpapbility interface, throws on failure.
/// type to check
/// is null.
/// Given typ did not qualify as capability interface.
/// Message and probably InnterException give more details.
public static void ValidateCapabilityInterface(Type interfaceType)
if (interfaceType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(interfaceType));
var proxyFactory = GetProxyFactory(interfaceType);
if (proxyFactory is IBrokenFactory brokenFactory)
throw new InvalidCapabilityInterfaceException(
"Given type did not qualify as capability interface, see inner exception.",
/// Checks whether a given type qualifies as cpapbility interface.
/// type to check
/// true when is a capability interface
/// is null.
public static bool IsValidCapabilityInterface(Type interfaceType)
if (interfaceType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(interfaceType));
var proxyFactory = GetProxyFactory(interfaceType);
return !(proxyFactory is IBrokenFactory);
/// Constructs a Proxy for given capability interface and wraps it around given low-level capability.
/// Capability interface. Must be annotated with .
/// low-level capability
/// The Proxy instance which implements .
/// is null.
/// did not qualify as capability interface.
/// Mismatch between generic type arguments (if capability interface is generic).
/// Mismatch between generic type arguments (if capability interface is generic).
/// Problem with instatiating the Proxy (constructor threw exception).
/// Caller does not have permission to invoke the Proxy constructor.
/// Problem with building the Proxy type, or problem with loading some dependent class.
public static Proxy CreateProxy(ConsumedCapability cap)
var factory = GetProxyFactory(typeof(TInterface));
var proxy = factory.NewProxy();
return proxy;