using Capnp.Rpc; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Capnp.Net.Runtime.Tests { public class TestBase { public static int TcpPort = 49152; public static int MediumNonDbgTimeout => Debugger.IsAttached ? Timeout.Infinite : 5000; public static int LargeNonDbgTimeout => Debugger.IsAttached ? Timeout.Infinite : 20000; public static int ShortTimeout => 500; protected ILogger Logger { get; set; } protected TcpRpcClient SetupClient() => new TcpRpcClient("localhost", TcpPort); protected TcpRpcServer SetupServer() { int attempt = 0; while (true) { try { return new TcpRpcServer(IPAddress.Any, TcpPort); } catch (SocketException) { // If the TCP listening port is occupied by some other process, // retry with a different one if (attempt == 5) throw; } IncrementTcpPort(); ++attempt; } } protected (TcpRpcServer, TcpRpcClient) SetupClientServerPair() { var server = SetupServer(); var client = SetupClient(); return (server, client); } public static void IncrementTcpPort() { if (++TcpPort > 49200) { TcpPort = 49152; } } [TestInitialize] public void InitConsoleLogging() { Logging.LoggerFactory?.Dispose(); Logging.LoggerFactory = new LoggerFactory().AddConsole((msg, level) => true); Logger = Logging.CreateLogger(); if (Thread.CurrentThread.Name == null) Thread.CurrentThread.Name = $"Test Thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}"; } /// /// Somewhat ugly helper method which ensures that both Tcp client and server /// are waiting for data reception from each other. This is a "balanced" state, meaning /// that nothing will ever happen in the RcpEngines without some other thread requesting /// anything. /// protected void WaitClientServerIdle(TcpRpcServer server, TcpRpcClient client) { var conn = server.Connections[0]; SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => conn.IsWaitingForData && client.IsWaitingForData && conn.RecvCount == client.SendCount && conn.SendCount == client.RecvCount, MediumNonDbgTimeout); } protected void ExpectPromiseThrows(Task task) { async Task ExpectPromiseThrowsAsync(Task t) { try { await t; Assert.Fail("Did not throw"); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { // Happens if the call went to the resolution // (thus, locally). In this case, the original // exception is routed here. } catch (RpcException) { // Happens if the call went to the promise // (thus, remotely). In this case, the original // exception had to be serialized, so we receive // the wrapped version. } catch (System.Exception exception) { Assert.Fail($"Got wrong kind of exception: {exception}"); } } Assert.IsTrue(ExpectPromiseThrowsAsync(task).Wait(MediumNonDbgTimeout)); } } }