using CapnpC.Model; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using static Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxFactory; namespace CapnpC.Generator { enum NameUsage { Default, Interface, Proxy, Skeleton, Namespace } enum TypeUsage { NotRelevant, DomainClass, DomainClassNullable, Reader, Writer } class GenNames { readonly Dictionary _fieldNameMap = new Dictionary(); public NameSyntax TopNamespace { get; set; } public Name ReaderStruct { get; } public Name ReaderParameter { get; } public Name WriterParameter { get; } public Name WriterStruct { get; } public Name ReaderCreateMethod { get; } public Name ReaderContextField { get; } public Name ContextParameter { get; } public Name GroupReaderContextArg { get; } public Name GroupWriterContextArg { get; } public Name UnionDiscriminatorEnum { get; } public Name UnionDiscriminatorProp { get; } public Name UnionDiscriminatorUndefined { get; } public Name UnionDiscriminatorField { get; } public Name UnionContentField { get; } public Name AnonymousParameter { get; } public Name CancellationTokenParameter { get; } public Name ParamsLocal { get; } public Name DeserializerLocal { get; } public Name SerializerLocal { get; } public Name ResultLocal { get; } public Name SerializeMethod { get; } public Name ApplyDefaultsMethod { get; } public Name InstLocalName { get; } public string ParamsStructFormat { get; } public string ResultStructFormat { get; } public string PropertyNamedLikeTypeRenameFormat { get; } public string GenericTypeParameterFormat { get; } public Name PipeliningExtensionsClassName { get; } public string MemberAccessPathNameFormat { get; } public Name TaskParameter { get; } public Name EagerMethod { get; } public Name TypeIdField { get; } public GenNames(GeneratorOptions options) { TopNamespace = new Name(options.TopNamespaceName).IdentifierName; ReaderStruct = new Name(options.ReaderStructName); WriterStruct = new Name(options.WriterStructName); ReaderParameter = new Name(options.ReaderParameterName); WriterParameter = new Name(options.WriterParameterName); ReaderCreateMethod = new Name(options.ReaderCreateMethodName); ReaderContextField = new Name(options.ReaderContextFieldName); ContextParameter = new Name(options.ContextParameterName); GroupReaderContextArg = new Name(options.GroupReaderContextArgName); GroupWriterContextArg = new Name(options.GroupWriterContextArgName); UnionDiscriminatorEnum = new Name(options.UnionDisciminatorEnumName); UnionDiscriminatorProp = new Name(options.UnionDiscriminatorPropName); UnionDiscriminatorUndefined = new Name(options.UnionDisciminatorUndefinedName); UnionDiscriminatorField = new Name(options.UnionDiscriminatorFieldName); UnionContentField = new Name(options.UnionContentFieldName); SerializeMethod = new Name(options.SerializeMethodName); ApplyDefaultsMethod = new Name(options.ApplyDefaultsMethodName); AnonymousParameter = new Name(options.AnonymousParameterName); CancellationTokenParameter = new Name(options.CancellationTokenParameterName); ParamsLocal = new Name(options.ParamsLocalName); DeserializerLocal = new Name(options.DeserializerLocalName); SerializerLocal = new Name(options.SerializerLocalName); ResultLocal = new Name(options.ResultLocalName); InstLocalName = new Name(options.InstLocalName); ParamsStructFormat = options.ParamsStructFormat; ResultStructFormat = options.ResultStructFormat; PropertyNamedLikeTypeRenameFormat = options.PropertyNamedLikeTypeRenameFormat; GenericTypeParameterFormat = options.GenericTypeParameterFormat; PipeliningExtensionsClassName = new Name(options.PipeliningExtensionsClassName); MemberAccessPathNameFormat = options.MemberAccessPathNameFormat; TaskParameter = new Name(options.TaskParameterName); EagerMethod = new Name(options.EagerMethodName); TypeIdField = new Name(options.TypeIdFieldName); } public Name MakeTypeName(TypeDefinition def, NameUsage usage = NameUsage.Default) { if (def.Tag == TypeTag.Group) { return new Name(SyntaxHelpers.MakeAllLower(def.Name)); } else { string name; switch (usage) { case NameUsage.Default: if (def.Tag == TypeTag.Interface) goto case NameUsage.Interface; switch (def.SpecialName) { case SpecialName.NothingSpecial: name = def.Name; break; case SpecialName.MethodParamsStruct: name = MakeParamsStructName(def.UsingMethod); break; case SpecialName.MethodResultStruct: name = MakeResultStructName(def.UsingMethod); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } break; case NameUsage.Namespace: name = def.Name; break; case NameUsage.Interface: name = "I" + def.Name; break; case NameUsage.Proxy: name = def.Name + "Proxy"; break; case NameUsage.Skeleton: name = def.Name + "Skeleton"; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } return new Name(name); } } public SimpleNameSyntax MakeGenericTypeName(TypeDefinition def, NameUsage usage = NameUsage.Default) { var name = MakeTypeName(def, usage); if (def.GenericParameters.Count > 0) { return GenericName(name.Identifier) .AddTypeArgumentListArguments(def .GenericParameters .Select(p => GetGenericTypeParameter(p).IdentifierName).ToArray()); } else { return name.IdentifierName; } } TypeSyntax ResolveGenericParameter(GenericParameter p, Model.Type boundType, TypeDefinition def) { var type = boundType.ResolveGenericParameter(p); return MakeTypeSyntax(type, def, TypeUsage.DomainClass); } public SimpleNameSyntax MakeGenericTypeName(TypeDefinition def, Model.Type boundType, NameUsage usage = NameUsage.Default) { var name = MakeTypeName(def, usage); if (def.GenericParameters.Count > 0) { return GenericName(name.Identifier) .AddTypeArgumentListArguments(def .GetLocalTypeParameters() .Select(p => ResolveGenericParameter(p, boundType, def)).ToArray()); } else { return name.IdentifierName; } } public SimpleNameSyntax MakeGenericTypeNameForAttribute(TypeDefinition def, NameUsage usage) { var name = MakeTypeName(def, usage); if (def.GenericParameters.Count > 0) { return GenericName(name.Identifier).AddTypeArgumentListArguments(); } else { return name.IdentifierName; } } public static NameSyntax NamespaceName(string[] @namespace) { NameSyntax ident = null; if (@namespace != null) { ident = IdentifierName(SyntaxHelpers.MakeCamel(@namespace[0])); foreach (string name in @namespace.Skip(1)) { var temp = IdentifierName(SyntaxHelpers.MakeCamel(name)); ident = QualifiedName(ident, temp); } } return ident; } NameSyntax GetNamespaceFor(TypeDefinition def) => NamespaceName(def?.File?.Namespace); internal NameSyntax GetQName(Model.Type type, TypeDefinition scope) { // FIXME: With the help of the 'scope' parameter we will be able to generate abbreviated // qualified names. Unfortunately the commented approach is too naive. It will fail if // there are multiple objects with identical name up the hierarchy. We will need a more // sophisticated algorithm. var scopeSet = new HashSet(); //while (scope != null) //{ // scopeSet.Add(scope); // scope = scope.DeclaringElement as TypeDefinition; //} if (type.Definition != null) { var stack = new Stack(); var def = type.Definition; stack.Push(MakeGenericTypeName(def, type, NameUsage.Default)); while (def.DeclaringElement is TypeDefinition pdef && !scopeSet.Contains(pdef)) { stack.Push(MakeGenericTypeName(pdef, type, NameUsage.Namespace)); def = pdef; } var qtype = GetNamespaceFor(type.Definition) ?? GetNamespaceFor(scope) ?? TopNamespace; foreach (var name in stack) { qtype = QualifiedName(qtype, name); } return qtype; } else { return GetGenericTypeParameter(type.Parameter.Name).IdentifierName; } } public TypeSyntax MakeListSerializerSyntax(Model.Type elementType, TypeDefinition scope) { switch (elementType.Tag) { case TypeTag.AnyPointer: case TypeTag.StructPointer: case TypeTag.ListPointer: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); case TypeTag.CapabilityPointer: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); case TypeTag.Data: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>>(); case TypeTag.Enum: return GenericName("ListOfPrimitivesSerializer") .AddTypeArgumentListArguments(MakeTypeSyntax(elementType, scope, TypeUsage.Writer)); case TypeTag.Group: case TypeTag.Struct: return GenericName("ListOfStructsSerializer") .AddTypeArgumentListArguments(MakeTypeSyntax(elementType, scope, TypeUsage.Writer)); case TypeTag.Interface: return GenericName("ListOfCapsSerializer") .AddTypeArgumentListArguments(MakeTypeSyntax(elementType, scope, TypeUsage.Writer)); case TypeTag.List: return GenericName("ListOfPointersSerializer") .AddTypeArgumentListArguments(MakeTypeSyntax(elementType, scope, TypeUsage.Writer)); case TypeTag.Text: return SyntaxHelpers.Type(); case TypeTag.Void: return SyntaxHelpers.Type(); case TypeTag.Bool: return SyntaxHelpers.Type(); case TypeTag.F32: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); case TypeTag.F64: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); case TypeTag.S8: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); case TypeTag.U8: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); case TypeTag.S16: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); case TypeTag.U16: case TypeTag.AnyEnum: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); case TypeTag.S32: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); case TypeTag.U32: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); case TypeTag.S64: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); case TypeTag.U64: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); default: throw new NotImplementedException("Unexpected type tag, don't know how to deal with this"); } } TypeSyntax MaybeNullableValueType(TypeSyntax typeSyntax, TypeUsage usage) { switch (usage) { case TypeUsage.DomainClassNullable: return NullableType(typeSyntax); default: return typeSyntax; } } public TypeSyntax MakeTypeSyntax(Model.Type type, TypeDefinition scope, TypeUsage usage) { switch (type.Tag) { case TypeTag.AnyEnum: return MaybeNullableValueType(SyntaxHelpers.Type(), usage); case TypeTag.CapabilityPointer: if (type.Parameter != null) { return GetQName(type, scope); } else { return SyntaxHelpers.Type(); } case TypeTag.AnyPointer: case TypeTag.StructPointer: switch (usage) { case TypeUsage.Reader: return SyntaxHelpers.Type(); case TypeUsage.Writer: return SyntaxHelpers.Type(); case TypeUsage.DomainClass: case TypeUsage.DomainClassNullable: if (type.Parameter != null) { return GetQName(type, scope); } else { return SyntaxHelpers.Type(); } default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } case TypeTag.Bool: return MaybeNullableValueType(SyntaxHelpers.Type(), usage); case TypeTag.Data: switch (usage) { case TypeUsage.Reader: case TypeUsage.DomainClass: case TypeUsage.DomainClassNullable: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); case TypeUsage.Writer: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } case TypeTag.Enum: return MaybeNullableValueType(GetQName(type, scope), usage); case TypeTag.Interface: return GetQName(type, scope); case TypeTag.Struct: case TypeTag.Group: switch (usage) { case TypeUsage.Writer: return QualifiedName(GetQName(type, scope), WriterStruct.IdentifierName); case TypeUsage.Reader: return QualifiedName(GetQName(type, scope), ReaderStruct.IdentifierName); case TypeUsage.DomainClass: case TypeUsage.DomainClassNullable: return GetQName(type, scope); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } case TypeTag.F32: return MaybeNullableValueType(SyntaxHelpers.Type(), usage); case TypeTag.F64: return MaybeNullableValueType(SyntaxHelpers.Type(), usage); case TypeTag.List when type.ElementType.Tag == TypeTag.Void && usage != TypeUsage.Writer: return MaybeNullableValueType(SyntaxHelpers.Type(), usage); case TypeTag.List: switch (usage) { case TypeUsage.Writer: return MakeListSerializerSyntax(type.ElementType, scope); case TypeUsage.Reader: return GenericName(Identifier("IReadOnlyList")) .AddTypeArgumentListArguments(MakeTypeSyntax(type.ElementType, scope, TypeUsage.Reader)); case TypeUsage.DomainClass: case TypeUsage.DomainClassNullable: return GenericName(Identifier("IReadOnlyList")) .AddTypeArgumentListArguments(MakeTypeSyntax(type.ElementType, scope, TypeUsage.DomainClass)); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } case TypeTag.ListPointer: switch (usage) { case TypeUsage.Writer: return SyntaxHelpers.Type(); case TypeUsage.Reader: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); case TypeUsage.DomainClass: case TypeUsage.DomainClassNullable: return SyntaxHelpers.Type>(); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } case TypeTag.S16: return MaybeNullableValueType(SyntaxHelpers.Type(), usage); case TypeTag.S32: return MaybeNullableValueType(SyntaxHelpers.Type(), usage); case TypeTag.S64: return MaybeNullableValueType(SyntaxHelpers.Type(), usage); case TypeTag.S8: return MaybeNullableValueType(SyntaxHelpers.Type(), usage); case TypeTag.Text: return SyntaxHelpers.Type(); case TypeTag.U16: return MaybeNullableValueType(SyntaxHelpers.Type(), usage); case TypeTag.U32: return MaybeNullableValueType(SyntaxHelpers.Type(), usage); case TypeTag.U64: return MaybeNullableValueType(SyntaxHelpers.Type(), usage); case TypeTag.U8: return MaybeNullableValueType(SyntaxHelpers.Type(), usage); case TypeTag.Void: return PredefinedType(Token(SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword)); default: throw new NotImplementedException("Unexpected type tag, don't know how to deal with this"); } } public string MakeParamsStructName(Method method) { return string.Format(ParamsStructFormat, method.Name); } public string MakeResultStructName(Method method) { return string.Format(ResultStructFormat, method.Name); } public Name GetCodeIdentifier(Method method) { return new Name(SyntaxHelpers.MakeCamel(method.Name)); } public Name GetCodeIdentifier(Field field) { if (_fieldNameMap.TryGetValue(field, out var name)) { return name; } var def = field.DeclaringType; if (def == null) { // Method parameters are internally represented with the same class "Field". // They do not have a declaring type. Anyway, they don't suffer from the field-name-equals-nested-type-name problem. return new Name(SyntaxHelpers.MakeCamel(field.Name)); } var typeNames = new HashSet(def.NestedTypes.Select(t => MakeTypeName(t))); typeNames.Add(MakeTypeName(def)); foreach (var member in def.Fields) { var memberName = new Name(SyntaxHelpers.MakeCamel(member.Name)); while (typeNames.Contains(memberName)) { memberName = new Name(string.Format(PropertyNamedLikeTypeRenameFormat, memberName.ToString())); } _fieldNameMap.Add(member, memberName); } return _fieldNameMap[field]; } public Name GetGenericTypeParameter(string name) { return new Name(string.Format(GenericTypeParameterFormat, name)); } public Name MakePipeliningSupportExtensionMethodName(IReadOnlyList path) { if (path.Count == 1 && path[0].Offset == 0) return EagerMethod; else return new Name(string.Join("_", path.Select(f => GetCodeIdentifier(f).ToString()))); } public Name MakeMemberAccessPathFieldName(Method method, IReadOnlyList path) { return new Name(string.Format(MemberAccessPathNameFormat, method.Name, MakePipeliningSupportExtensionMethodName(path))); } } }