using Capnp.FrameTracing;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Capnp.Rpc
/// TCP-based RPC implementation which will establish a connection to a TCP server implementing
/// the Cap'n Proto RPC protocol.
public class TcpRpcClient: IConnection, IDisposable
ILogger Logger { get; } = Logging.CreateLogger();
class OutboundTcpEndpoint : IEndpoint
readonly TcpRpcClient _client;
readonly FramePump _pump;
public OutboundTcpEndpoint(TcpRpcClient client, FramePump pump)
_client = client;
_pump = pump;
public void Dismiss()
public void Forward(WireFrame frame)
readonly RpcEngine _rpcEngine;
readonly TcpClient _client;
RpcEngine.RpcEndpoint? _inboundEndpoint;
OutboundTcpEndpoint? _outboundEndpoint;
FramePump? _pump;
Thread? _pumpThread;
Action? _attachTracerAction;
/// Gets a Task which completes when TCP is connected. Will be
/// null until connection is actually requested (either by calling Connect or using appropriate constructor).
public Task? WhenConnected { get; private set; }
async Task ConnectAsync(string host, int port)
for (int retry = 0; ; retry++)
await _client.ConnectAsync(host, port);
catch (SocketException exception) when (retry < 240 && exception.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.AddressAlreadyInUse)
await Task.Delay(1000);
catch (SocketException exception)
throw new RpcException("TcpRpcClient is unable to connect", exception);
async Task ConnectAndRunAsync(string host, int port)
await ConnectAsync(host, port);
State = ConnectionState.Active;
_pump = new FramePump(_client.GetStream());
_outboundEndpoint = new OutboundTcpEndpoint(this, _pump);
_inboundEndpoint = _rpcEngine.AddEndpoint(_outboundEndpoint);
_pumpThread = new Thread(() =>
Thread.CurrentThread.Name = $"TCP RPC Client Thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}";
State = ConnectionState.Down;
_pump.FrameReceived += _inboundEndpoint.Forward;
/// Constructs an instance and attempts to connect it to given host.
/// The DNS name of the remote RPC host
/// The port number of the remote RPC host
/// is null.
/// is not between System.Net.IPEndPoint.MinPort and System.Net.IPEndPoint.MaxPort.
/// An error occurred when accessing the socket.
public TcpRpcClient(string host, int port): this()
Connect(host, port);
/// Constructs an instance but does not yet attempt to connect.
public TcpRpcClient()
_rpcEngine = new RpcEngine();
_client = new TcpClient();
_client.ExclusiveAddressUse = false;
/// Attempts to connect it to given host.
/// The DNS name of the remote RPC host
/// The port number of the remote RPC host
/// is null.
/// is not between System.Net.IPEndPoint.MinPort and System.Net.IPEndPoint.MaxPort.
/// An error occurred when accessing the socket.
/// Connection was already requested
public void Connect(string host, int port)
if (WhenConnected != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Connection was already requested");
WhenConnected = ConnectAndRunAsync(host, port);
/// Returns the remote bootstrap capability.
/// Bootstrap capability interface
/// A proxy for the bootstrap capability
/// Not connected
public TProxy GetMain() where TProxy: class
if (WhenConnected == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Not connecting");
if (!WhenConnected.IsCompleted)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Connection not yet established");
if (!WhenConnected.ReplacementTaskIsCompletedSuccessfully())
throw new InvalidOperationException("Connection not successfully established");
return (CapabilityReflection.CreateProxy(_inboundEndpoint!.QueryMain()) as TProxy)!;
/// Dispose pattern implementation
public void Dispose()
if (WhenConnected != null && !WhenConnected.Wait(500))
Logger.LogError("Unable to join connection task within timeout");
catch (System.Exception e)
Logger.LogError(e, "Failure disposing client");
if (_pumpThread != null && !_pumpThread.Join(500))
Logger.LogError("Unable to join pump thread within timeout");
/// Attaches a tracer to this connection. Only allowed in state 'Initializing'. To avoid race conditions,
/// this method should only be used in conjunction with the parameterless constructor (no auto-connect).
/// Call this method *before* calling Connect.
/// Tracer to attach
/// is null
/// Connection is not in state 'Initializing'
public void AttachTracer(IFrameTracer tracer)
if (tracer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tracer));
if (State != ConnectionState.Initializing)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Connection is not in state 'Initializing'");
_attachTracerAction += () =>
/// Prematurely closes this connection. Note that there is usually no need to close a connection manually.
void IConnection.Close()
/// Returns the state of this connection.
public ConnectionState State { get; private set; } = ConnectionState.Initializing;
/// Gets the number of RPC protocol messages sent by this client so far.
public long SendCount => _inboundEndpoint?.SendCount ?? 0;
/// Gets the number of RPC protocol messages received by this client so far.
public long RecvCount => _inboundEndpoint?.RecvCount ?? 0;
/// Gets the remote port number which this client is connected to,
/// or null if the connection is not yet established.
public int? RemotePort => ((IPEndPoint)_client.Client.RemoteEndPoint)?.Port;
/// Gets the local port number which this client using,
/// or null if the connection is not yet established.
public int? LocalPort => ((IPEndPoint)_client.Client.LocalEndPoint)?.Port;
/// Whether the I/O thread is currently running
public bool IsComputing => _pumpThread?.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Running;
/// Whether the I/O thread is waiting for data to receive
public bool IsWaitingForData => _pump?.IsWaitingForData ?? false;