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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using static CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model.SupportedAnnotations;
namespace CapnpC.CSharp.Generator.Model
class SchemaModel
public const ushort NoDiscriminant = 65535;
readonly Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.READER _request;
readonly List<GenFile> _generatedFiles = new List<GenFile>();
readonly DefinitionManager _typeDefMgr = new DefinitionManager();
readonly Dictionary<ulong, Schema.Node.READER> _id2node = new Dictionary<ulong, Schema.Node.READER>();
readonly Dictionary<ulong, SourceInfo> _id2sourceInfo = new Dictionary<ulong, SourceInfo>();
public SchemaModel(Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.READER request)
_request = request;
public IReadOnlyList<GenFile> FilesToGenerate => _generatedFiles;
Schema.Node.READER? IdToNode(ulong id, bool mustExist)
if (_id2node.TryGetValue(id, out var node))
return node;
if (mustExist)
throw new InvalidSchemaException($"Node with ID {id.StrId()} is required by the codegen backend but is missing.");
return null;
Schema.Node.READER IdToNode(ulong id)
return (Schema.Node.READER)IdToNode(id, true);
void Build()
if (_request.Nodes == null || _request.Nodes.Count == 0)
throw new InvalidSchemaException("No nodes, nothing to generate");
foreach (var node in _request.Nodes)
if (_id2node.TryGetValue(node.Id, out var existingNode))
throw new InvalidSchemaException($"Node {node.StrId()} \"{node.DisplayName}\" has a duplicate ID, prior node was \"{existingNode.DisplayName}\"");
_id2node[node.Id] = node;
foreach (var reader in _request.SourceInfo)
var sourceInfo = new SourceInfo()
DocComment = reader.DocComment,
MemberDocComments = reader.Members.Select(m => m.DocComment).ToList()
_id2sourceInfo.Add(reader.Id, sourceInfo);
var requestedFiles = _request.RequestedFiles.ToDictionary(req => req.Id);
// First pass: create type definitions for each node.
struct Pass1State
public HashSet<ulong> unprocessedNodes;
public IHasNestedDefinitions parent;
void BuildPass1(Dictionary<ulong, Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.RequestedFile.READER> requestedFiles)
Pass1State state = new Pass1State()
unprocessedNodes = new HashSet<ulong>(_id2node.Keys)
foreach (var node in _id2node.Values.Where(n => n.which == Schema.Node.WHICH.File))
GenFile file;
bool isGenerated = requestedFiles.TryGetValue(node.Id, out var req);
var filename = isGenerated ? req.Filename : node.DisplayName;
file = ProcessFilePass1(node.Id, filename, state, isGenerated);
if (isGenerated)
if (state.unprocessedNodes.Count != 0)
throw new InvalidSchemaException("Unreferenced nodes were present in the schema.");
GenFile ProcessFilePass1(ulong id, string name, Pass1State state, bool isGenerated)
var file = _typeDefMgr.CreateFile(id, isGenerated);
var node = IdToNode(id);
state.parent = null;
file.Namespace = GetNamespaceAnnotation(node);
file.Name = name;
file.NullableEnable = GetNullableEnable(node);
file.EmitNullableDirective = GetEmitNullableDirective(node) ?? false;
file.EmitDomainClassesAndInterfaces = GetEmitDomainClassesAndInterfaces(node) ?? true;
file.TypeVisibility = GetTypeVisibility(node) ?? TypeVisibility.Public;
if (_id2sourceInfo.TryGetValue(node.Id, out var sourceInfo))
file.HeaderText = GetHeaderText(sourceInfo);
return ProcessNodePass1(id, name, state) as GenFile;
IDefinition ProcessNodePass1(ulong id, string name, Pass1State state)
bool mustExist = state.parent == null || (state.parent as IDefinition).IsGenerated;
if (!(IdToNode(id, mustExist) is Schema.Node.READER node))
return null;
if (!state.unprocessedNodes.Remove(id))
return null;
IDefinition def = null;
bool processNestedNodes = false;
bool processFields = false;
bool processInterfaceMethods = false;
switch (node.GetKind())
case NodeKind.Annotation:
return _typeDefMgr.CreateAnnotation(id, state.parent);
case NodeKind.Const:
return _typeDefMgr.CreateConstant(id, state.parent);
case NodeKind.File:
if (state.parent != null)
throw new InvalidSchemaException($"Did not expect a file node {node.StrId()} to be a nested node.");
var file = _typeDefMgr.GetExistingFile(id);
file.Namespace = GetNamespaceAnnotation(node);
file.Name = name;
state.parent = file;
def = file;
processNestedNodes = true;
case NodeKind.Enum:
case NodeKind.Interface:
processNestedNodes = true;
processFields = true;
processInterfaceMethods = true;
case NodeKind.Struct:
case NodeKind.Group:
processNestedNodes = true;
processFields = true;
throw new InvalidSchemaException($"Don't know how to process node {node.StrId()} \"{node.DisplayName}\"");
if (def == null)
Trace.Assert(state.parent != null, $"The {node.GetTypeTag().ToString()} node {node.StrId()} was expected to have a parent.");
var typeDef = _typeDefMgr.CreateTypeDef(id, node.GetTypeTag(), state.parent);
typeDef.Name = name;
typeDef.CsName = GetCsName(node);
state.parent = typeDef;
def = typeDef;
if (processNestedNodes && node.NestedNodes != null)
foreach (var nested in node.NestedNodes)
ProcessNodePass1(nested.Id, nested.Name, state);
if (processFields && node.Struct.Fields != null)
foreach (var field in node.Struct.Fields.Where(f => f.which == Schema.Field.WHICH.Group))
var group = IdToNode(field.Group.TypeId);
if (group.which != Schema.Node.WHICH.Struct || !group.Struct.IsGroup)
throw new InvalidSchemaException($"Expected node with id {group.StrId()} to be a struct definition");
ProcessNodePass1(field.Group.TypeId, field.Name, state);
if (processInterfaceMethods && node.Interface.Methods != null)
foreach (var method in node.Interface.Methods)
var pnode = IdToNode(method.ParamStructType);
if (pnode.ScopeId == 0) ProcessNodePass1(pnode.Id, null, state); // Anonymous generated type
pnode = IdToNode(method.ResultStructType);
if (pnode.ScopeId == 0) ProcessNodePass1(pnode.Id, null, state); // Anonymous generated type
return def;
// 2nd pass: Generate types based on definitions
struct Pass2State
public Method currentMethod;
public HashSet<ulong> processedNodes;
void BuildPass2(Dictionary<ulong, Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.RequestedFile.READER> requestedFiles)
var state = new Pass2State() { processedNodes = new HashSet<ulong>() };
foreach (var file in _typeDefMgr.Files)
var node = IdToNode(file.Id);
ProcessNestedNodes(node.NestedNodes, state, file.IsGenerated);
void ProcessNestedNodes(IEnumerable<Schema.Node.NestedNode.READER> nestedNodes, Pass2State state, bool mustExist)
foreach (var nestedNode in nestedNodes)
ProcessNode(nestedNode.Id, state, mustExist);
void ProcessBrand(Schema.Brand.READER brandReader, Type type, Pass2State state)
foreach (var scopeReader in brandReader.Scopes)
var whatToBind = ProcessTypeDef(scopeReader.ScopeId, state);
int index = 0;
switch (scopeReader.which)
case Schema.Brand.Scope.WHICH.Bind:
foreach (var bindingReader in scopeReader.Bind)
var typeParameter = new GenericParameter()
DeclaringEntity = whatToBind,
Index = index++
switch (bindingReader.which)
case Schema.Brand.Binding.WHICH.Type:
type.BindGenericParameter(typeParameter, ProcessType(bindingReader.Type, state));
case Schema.Brand.Binding.WHICH.Unbound:
type.BindGenericParameter(typeParameter, Types.FromParameter(typeParameter));
case Schema.Brand.Scope.WHICH.Inherit:
for (index = 0; index < type.DeclaringType.Definition.GenericParameters.Count; index++)
var typeParameter = new GenericParameter()
DeclaringEntity = whatToBind,
Index = index
type.BindGenericParameter(typeParameter, Types.FromParameter(typeParameter));
Type ProcessType(Schema.Type.READER typeReader, Pass2State state)
Type result;
switch (typeReader.which)
case Schema.Type.WHICH.AnyPointer:
switch (typeReader.AnyPointer.which)
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.WHICH.Parameter:
return Types.FromParameter(
new GenericParameter()
DeclaringEntity = ProcessTypeDef(typeReader.AnyPointer.Parameter.ScopeId, state),
Index = typeReader.AnyPointer.Parameter.ParameterIndex
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.WHICH.ImplicitMethodParameter:
return Types.FromParameter(
new GenericParameter()
DeclaringEntity = state.currentMethod ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("current method not set"),
Index = typeReader.AnyPointer.ImplicitMethodParameter.ParameterIndex
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.WHICH.Unconstrained:
switch (typeReader.AnyPointer.Unconstrained.which)
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.unconstrained.WHICH.AnyKind:
return Types.AnyPointer;
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.unconstrained.WHICH.Capability:
return Types.CapabilityPointer;
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.unconstrained.WHICH.List:
return Types.ListPointer;
case Schema.Type.anyPointer.unconstrained.WHICH.Struct:
return Types.StructPointer;
throw new NotImplementedException();
throw new NotImplementedException();
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Bool:
return Types.Bool;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Data:
return Types.Data;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Float64:
return Types.F64;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Enum:
return Types.FromDefinition(ProcessTypeDef(typeReader.Enum.TypeId, state, TypeTag.Enum));
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Float32:
return Types.F32;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Int16:
return Types.S16;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Int32:
return Types.S32;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Int64:
return Types.S64;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Int8:
return Types.S8;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Interface:
result = Types.FromDefinition(ProcessTypeDef(typeReader.Interface.TypeId, state, TypeTag.Interface));
ProcessBrand(typeReader.Interface.Brand, result, state);
return result;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.List:
return Types.List(ProcessType(typeReader.List.ElementType, state));
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Struct:
result = Types.FromDefinition(ProcessTypeDef(typeReader.Struct.TypeId, state, TypeTag.Struct));
ProcessBrand(typeReader.Struct.Brand, result, state);
return result;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Text:
return Types.Text;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Uint16:
return Types.U16;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Uint32:
return Types.U32;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Uint64:
return Types.U64;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Uint8:
return Types.U8;
case Schema.Type.WHICH.Void:
return Types.Void;
throw new NotImplementedException();
Value ProcessValue(Schema.Value.READER valueReader)
var value = new Value();
switch (valueReader.which)
case Schema.Value.WHICH.AnyPointer:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.AnyPointer;
value.Type = Types.AnyPointer;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Bool:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Bool;
value.Type = Types.Bool;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Data:
value.Type = Types.Data;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Enum:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Enum;
value.Type = Types.AnyEnum;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Float32:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Float32;
value.Type = Types.F32;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Float64:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Float64;
value.Type = Types.F64;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Int16:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Int16;
value.Type = Types.S16;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Int32:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Int32;
value.Type = Types.S32;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Int64:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Int64;
value.Type = Types.S64;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Int8:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Int8;
value.Type = Types.S8;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Interface:
value.ScalarValue = null;
value.Type = Types.CapabilityPointer;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.List:
value.RawValue = valueReader.List;
value.Type = Types.ListPointer;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Struct:
value.RawValue = valueReader.Struct;
value.Type = Types.StructPointer;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Text:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Text;
value.Type = Types.Text;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Uint16:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Uint16;
value.Type = Types.U16;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Uint32:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Uint32;
value.Type = Types.U32;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Uint64:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Uint64;
value.Type = Types.U64;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Uint8:
value.ScalarValue = valueReader.Uint8;
value.Type = Types.U8;
case Schema.Value.WHICH.Void:
value.Type = Types.Void;
throw new NotImplementedException();
return value;
void ProcessFields(Schema.Node.READER reader, TypeDefinition declaringType, List<Field> fields, Pass2State state)
if (reader.Struct.Fields == null)
foreach (var fieldReader in reader.Struct.Fields)
var field = new Field()
DeclaringType = declaringType,
Name = fieldReader.Name,
CsName = GetCsName(fieldReader),
CodeOrder = fieldReader.CodeOrder
if (fieldReader.DiscriminantValue != NoDiscriminant)
field.DiscValue = fieldReader.DiscriminantValue;
switch (fieldReader.which)
case Schema.Field.WHICH.Group:
var def = ProcessTypeDef(fieldReader.Group.TypeId, state, TypeTag.Group);
field.Type = Types.FromDefinition(def);
def.CsName = field.CsName; // Type definitions for unions are artificially generated.
// Transfer the C# name of the using field.
case Schema.Field.WHICH.Slot:
field.DefaultValue = ProcessValue(fieldReader.Slot.DefaultValue);
field.DefaultValueIsExplicit = fieldReader.Slot.HadExplicitDefault;
field.Offset = fieldReader.Slot.Offset;
field.Type = ProcessType(fieldReader.Slot.Type, state);
field.DefaultValue.Type = field.Type;
throw new NotImplementedException();
TypeDefinition ProcessInterfaceOrStructTail(TypeDefinition def, Schema.Node.READER reader, Pass2State state)
def.IsGeneric = reader.IsGeneric;
if (def.IsGeneric)
foreach (var paramReader in reader.Parameters)
ProcessNestedNodes(reader.NestedNodes, state, def.File.IsGenerated);
ProcessFields(reader, def, def.Fields, state);
if (reader.which == Schema.Node.WHICH.Interface)
foreach (var methodReader in reader.Interface.Methods)
var method = new Method()
DeclaringInterface = def,
Id = def.Methods.Count,
Name = methodReader.Name,
CsName = GetCsName(methodReader)
foreach (var implicitParameterReader in methodReader.ImplicitParameters)
state.currentMethod = method;
var paramNode = IdToNode(methodReader.ParamStructType);
var paramType = ProcessParameterList(paramNode, methodReader.ParamBrand, method.Params, state);
if (paramType != null)
paramType.SpecialName = SpecialName.MethodParamsStruct;
paramType.UsingMethod = method;
method.ParamsStruct = Types.FromDefinition(paramType);
method.ParamsStruct = method.Params[0].Type;
var resultNode = IdToNode(methodReader.ResultStructType);
var resultType = ProcessParameterList(resultNode, methodReader.ResultBrand, method.Results, state);
if (resultType != null)
resultType.SpecialName = SpecialName.MethodResultStruct;
resultType.UsingMethod = method;
method.ResultStruct = Types.FromDefinition(resultType);
method.ResultStruct = method.Results[0].Type;
state.currentMethod = null;
return def;
TypeDefinition ProcessStruct(Schema.Node.READER structReader, TypeDefinition def, Pass2State state)
def.StructDataWordCount = structReader.Struct.DataWordCount;
def.StructPointerCount = structReader.Struct.PointerCount;
if (structReader.Struct.DiscriminantCount > 0)
def.UnionInfo = new TypeDefinition.DiscriminationInfo(
16u * structReader.Struct.DiscriminantOffset);
return ProcessInterfaceOrStructTail(def, structReader, state);
TypeDefinition ProcessParameterList(Schema.Node.READER reader, Schema.Brand.READER brandReader, List<Field> list, Pass2State state)
//# If a named parameter list was specified in the method
//# declaration (rather than a single struct parameter type) then a corresponding struct type is
//# auto-generated. Such an auto-generated type will not be listed in the interface's
//# `nestedNodes` and its `scopeId` will be zero -- it is completely detached from the namespace.
//# (Awkwardly, it does of course inherit generic parameters from the method's scope, which makes
//# this a situation where you can't just climb the scope chain to find where a particular
//# generic parameter was introduced. Making the `scopeId` zero was a mistake.)
if (reader.which != Schema.Node.WHICH.Struct)
throw new InvalidSchemaException("Expected a struct");
var def = ProcessTypeDef(reader.Id, state, TypeTag.Struct);
if (reader.ScopeId == 0)
// Auto-generated => Named parameter list
foreach (var field in def.Fields) list.Add(field);
return def;
// Single, anonymous, struct-typed parameter
var type = Types.FromDefinition(def);
ProcessBrand(brandReader, type, state);
var anon = new Field() { Type = type };
return null;
TypeDefinition ProcessInterface(Schema.Node.READER ifaceReader, TypeDefinition def, Pass2State state)
foreach (var superClassReader in ifaceReader.Interface.Superclasses)
var superClass = Types.FromDefinition(ProcessTypeDef(superClassReader.Id, state, TypeTag.Interface));
ProcessBrand(superClassReader.Brand, superClass, state);
return ProcessInterfaceOrStructTail(def, ifaceReader, state);
TypeDefinition ProcessEnum(Schema.Node.READER enumReader, TypeDefinition def, Pass2State state)
foreach (var fieldReader in enumReader.Enum.Enumerants)
var field = new Enumerant()
TypeDefinition = def,
Literal = fieldReader.Name,
CsLiteral = GetCsName(fieldReader),
CodeOrder = fieldReader.CodeOrder
return def;
Constant ProcessConst(Schema.Node.READER constReader, Constant @const, Pass2State state)
var value = ProcessValue(constReader.Const.Value);
value.Type = ProcessType(constReader.Const.Type, state);
@const.Value = value;
return @const;
TypeDefinition ProcessTypeDef(ulong id, Pass2State state, TypeTag tag = default)
var def = ProcessNode(id, state, true, tag);
var typeDef = def as TypeDefinition;
if (typeDef == null)
throw new ArgumentException(
$"Expected node {id.StrId()} to be a TypeDefinition but got {def.GetType().Name} instead.",
return typeDef;
IDefinition ProcessNode(ulong id, Pass2State state, bool mustExist, TypeTag tag = default)
if (!(IdToNode(id, mustExist) is Schema.Node.READER node)) return null;
var kind = node.GetKind();
if (tag == TypeTag.Unknown) tag = kind.GetTypeTag();
var def = _typeDefMgr.GetExistingDef(id, tag);
if (state.processedNodes.Contains(id)) return def;
switch (def)
case Annotation annotation:
return annotation;
case Constant constant:
def.DeclaringElement.Constants.Add(ProcessConst(node, constant, state));
return def;
case TypeDefinition typeDef when kind == NodeKind.Enum:
return ProcessEnum(node, typeDef, state);
case TypeDefinition typeDef when kind == NodeKind.Interface:
return ProcessInterface(node, typeDef, state);
case TypeDefinition typeDef when kind == NodeKind.Struct || kind == NodeKind.Group:
return ProcessStruct(node, typeDef, state);
throw new InvalidProgramException($"An unexpected node {node.StrId()} was found during the 2nd schema model building pass.");
public static SchemaModel Create(Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.READER request)
var model = new SchemaModel(request);
return model;
public enum NodeKind
public static class SchemaExtensions
public static string StrId(this Schema.Node.READER node)
=> $"0x{node.Id:X}";
public static string StrId(this ulong nodeId)
=> $"0x{nodeId:X}";
public static NodeKind GetKind(this Schema.Node.READER node)
switch (node.which)
case Schema.Node.WHICH.Struct: return node.Struct.IsGroup ? NodeKind.Group : NodeKind.Struct;
case Schema.Node.WHICH.Interface: return NodeKind.Interface;
case Schema.Node.WHICH.Enum: return NodeKind.Enum;
case Schema.Node.WHICH.Const: return NodeKind.Const;
case Schema.Node.WHICH.Annotation: return NodeKind.Annotation;
case Schema.Node.WHICH.File: return NodeKind.File;
default: return NodeKind.Unknown;
internal static TypeTag GetTypeTag(this NodeKind kind)
switch (kind)
case NodeKind.Enum: return TypeTag.Enum;
case NodeKind.Interface: return TypeTag.Interface;
case NodeKind.Struct: return TypeTag.Struct;
case NodeKind.Group: return TypeTag.Group;
default: return TypeTag.Unknown;
internal static TypeTag GetTypeTag(this Schema.Node.READER node) => node.GetKind().GetTypeTag();