import SVGRenderer from '/src/SVGRenderer.mjs' import {} from '/src/Checkbox.mjs' // Create a template element to define the structure of the settings form component const template = document.createElement('template') template.innerHTML = /* html */ `
` // Define a custom SettingsForm class that extends HTMLElement class SettingsForm extends HTMLElement { machineID = '' // The machine ID entered by the user size = 25 // The selected size for the QR code optimizeForPrint = false // Whether to optimize colors for laser printing #root = null // Private property to store the root node /** * Creates an instance of SettingsForm and initializes the component. */ constructor() { super() // Call the parent class constructor // Attach a shadow DOM tree to this element this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }) // Append the cloned template content to the shadow root this.shadowRoot.append(template.content.cloneNode(true)) // Get the root node of the shadow DOM this.#root = this.shadowRoot.getRootNode() // Initialize properties from attributes this.machineID = this.getAttribute('machineid') || '' this.size = parseFloat(this.getAttribute('size') || 25) this.optimizeForPrint = this.getAttribute('optimizeforprint') == 'true' || this.getAttribute('optimizeforprint') == '1' // Get form elements from the shadow DOM const machineIdInput = this.#root.getElementById('machineID') //const optimizeForPrintCheckbox = this.#root.getElementById('optimize-for-laser-printer') const sizeSelect = this.#root.getElementById('size') // Add event listener for input changes machineIdInput.addEventListener('keyup', this.#handleInputChange.bind(this), { passive: false }) // Add event listener for size selection changes sizeSelect.addEventListener('change', this.#handleSelectChange.bind(this), { passive: false }) // Add event listener for checkbox changes /* optimizeForPrintCheckbox.addEventListener('change', this.#handleCheckboxChange.bind(this), { passive: false }) */ // Set focus to the machine ID input after the element is rendered setTimeout(() => machineIdInput.focus(), 0) } /** * Observed attributes for the custom element. * @returns {Array} - The list of attributes to observe. */ static get observedAttributes() { return ['value', 'size'] } /** * Called when one of the observed attributes changes. * @param {string} name - The name of the attribute that changed. * @param {string} oldValue - The old value of the attribute. * @param {string} newValue - The new value of the attribute. */ attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) { if (newValue != oldValue) { switch (name) { case 'value': this[name] = newValue break case 'size': this[name] = parseFloat(newValue) break } } } /** * Handles input changes in the machine ID input field. * @param {Event} e - The event object. * @private */ #handleInputChange(e) { e.stopPropagation() const val = this.machineID = val // Dispatch a custom 'change' event with the updated values this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('change', { detail: { machineID: this.machineID, size: this.size, optimizeForPrint: this.optimizeForPrint }, composed: true }) ) } /** * Handles changes in the size select dropdown. * @param {Event} e - The event object. * @private */ #handleSelectChange(e) { e.stopPropagation() const val = this.size = parseInt(val, 10) // Dispatch a custom 'change' event with the updated values this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('change', { detail: { machineID: this.machineID, size: this.size, optimizeForPrint: this.optimizeForPrint }, composed: true }) ) } /** * Handles changes in the optimize for print checkbox. * @param {Event} e - The event object. * @private */ /* #handleCheckboxChange(e) { e.stopPropagation() const val = e.detail.checked this.optimizeForPrint = val // Dispatch a custom 'change' event with the updated values this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('change', { detail: { machineID: this.machineID, size: this.size, optimizeForPrint: this.optimizeForPrint }, composed: true }) ) } */ } // Define the custom element 'fabaccess-settings-form' associated with the SettingsForm class customElements.define('fabaccess-settings-form', SettingsForm)