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import SVGRenderer from '/src/SVGRenderer.mjs'
// Create a template element to define the structure of the preview box component
const template = document.createElement('template')
template.innerHTML = /* html */ `
<style> @import url("/src/PreviewBox.css"); </style>
<div id="box"></div>`
// Define a custom PreviewBox class that extends HTMLElement
class PreviewBox extends HTMLElement {
value = '' // The value to be encoded in the QR code
size = 0 // The size of the QR code
#root = null // Private property to store the root node
#box = null // Private property to store the box element
#animationId = 0 // Private property for requestAnimationFrame
* Creates an instance of PreviewBox and initializes the component.
constructor() {
super() // Call the parent class constructor
// Attach a shadow DOM tree to this element
this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })
// Append the cloned template content to the shadow root
// Get the root node of the shadow DOM
this.#root = this.shadowRoot.getRootNode()
// Get the box element from the shadow DOM
this.#box = this.#root.getElementById('box')
// Initialize value and size from attributes
this.value = this.getAttribute('value') || ''
this.size = parseFloat(this.getAttribute('size'))
* Observed attributes for the custom element.
* @returns {Array<string>} - The list of attributes to observe.
static get observedAttributes() {
return ['value', 'size']
* Called when one of the observed attributes changes.
* @param {string} name - The name of the attribute that changed.
* @param {string} oldValue - The old value of the attribute.
* @param {string} newValue - The new value of the attribute.
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
if (newValue != oldValue) {
switch (name) {
case 'value':
this[name] = newValue // Update the value property
case 'size':
this[name] = parseFloat(newValue) // Update the size property
this.#render() // Re-render the QR code
* Public method to update the QR code rendering.
update() {
* Clears the content of the box element.
* @private
#clear() {
while (this.#box.firstChild) {
* Renders the QR code inside the box element.
* @private
#render() {
// Cancel any pending animation frame
// Schedule the rendering in the next animation frame
this.#animationId = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.#clear() // Clear existing content
const time = new Date()
// Generate the QR code SVG and insert it into the box
this.#box.innerHTML = SVGRenderer.getCode(this.value, `${this.size}mm`)
console.log('QRCode generation time: ' + (new Date() - time) + ' ms')
// Define the custom element 'fabaccess-preview-box' associated with the PreviewBox class
customElements.define('fabaccess-preview-box', PreviewBox)