2024-02-12 20:28:38 +01:00

4094 lines
147 KiB

/* eslint-disable */
* canvg.js - Javascript SVG parser and renderer on Canvas
* version 2.0.0
* MIT Licensed
* Gabe Lerner (gabelerner@gmail.com)
* https://github.com/canvg/canvg
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory(require('rgbcolor'), require('stackblur-canvas')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['rgbcolor', 'stackblur-canvas'], factory) :
(global.canvgv2 = factory(global.RGBColor,global.StackBlur));
}(this || window, (function (rgbcolor,stackblurCanvas) { 'use strict';
rgbcolor = rgbcolor && rgbcolor.hasOwnProperty('default') ? rgbcolor['default'] : rgbcolor;
stackblurCanvas = stackblurCanvas && stackblurCanvas.hasOwnProperty('default') ? stackblurCanvas['default'] : stackblurCanvas;
function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) {
return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;
var canvg_1 = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
/* eslint-env browser, node */
/* globals $, Sizzle, Windows, ActiveXObject */
/* eslint-disable no-redeclare */
var isNode = (module.exports && typeof window === 'undefined'),
nodeEnv = false;
var windowEnv;
windowEnv = window;
windowEnv.DOMParser = window.DOMParser;
var doc = windowEnv.document,
defaultClientWidth = 800,
defaultClientHeight = 600;
function createCanvas(width, height) {
var c;
c = doc.createElement('canvas');
c.width = width;
c.height = height;
return c;
// canvg(target, s)
// empty parameters: replace all 'svg' elements on page with 'canvas' elements
// target: canvas element or the id of a canvas element
// s: svg string, url to svg file, or xml document
// opts: optional hash of options
// ignoreMouse: true => ignore mouse events
// ignoreAnimation: true => ignore animations
// ignoreDimensions: true => does not try to resize canvas
// ignoreClear: true => does not clear canvas
// offsetX: int => draws at a x offset
// offsetY: int => draws at a y offset
// scaleWidth: int => scales horizontally to width
// scaleHeight: int => scales vertically to height
// renderCallback: function => will call the function after the first render is completed
// enableRedraw: function => whether enable the redraw interval in node environment
// forceRedraw: function => will call the function on every frame, if it returns true, will redraw
var canvg = function (target, s, opts) {
// no parameters
if (target == null && s == null && opts == null) {
var svgTags = doc.querySelectorAll('svg');
for (var i = 0; i < svgTags.length; i++) {
var svgTag = svgTags[i];
var c = doc.createElement('canvas');
if (typeof(svgTag.clientWidth) !== 'undefined' && typeof(svgTag.clientHeight) !== 'undefined') {
c.width = svgTag.clientWidth;
c.height = svgTag.clientHeight;
} else {
var rect = svgTag.getBoundingClientRect();
c.width = rect.width;
c.height = rect.height;
svgTag.parentNode.insertBefore(c, svgTag);
var div = doc.createElement('div');
canvg(c, div.innerHTML);
var svg = build(opts || {});
if (typeof target == 'string') {
target = doc.getElementById(target);
// store class on canvas
if (target.svg != null) target.svg.stop();
// on i.e. 8 for flash canvas, we can't assign the property so check for it
if (!(target.childNodes && target.childNodes.length == 1 && target.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'OBJECT')) target.svg = svg;
var ctx = target.getContext('2d');
if (typeof s.documentElement != 'undefined') {
// load from xml doc
svg.loadXmlDoc(ctx, s);
} else if (s.substr(0, 1) == '<') {
// load from xml string
svg.loadXml(ctx, s);
} else {
// load from url
svg.load(ctx, s);
var matchesSelector;
// see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element.matches
if (typeof Element == 'undefined') ; else if (typeof Element.prototype.matches != 'undefined') {
matchesSelector = function (node, selector) {
return node.matches(selector);
} else if (typeof Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector != 'undefined') {
matchesSelector = function (node, selector) {
return node.webkitMatchesSelector(selector);
} else if (typeof Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector != 'undefined') {
matchesSelector = function (node, selector) {
return node.mozMatchesSelector(selector);
} else if (typeof Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector != 'undefined') {
matchesSelector = function (node, selector) {
return node.msMatchesSelector(selector);
} else if (typeof Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector != 'undefined') {
matchesSelector = function (node, selector) {
return node.oMatchesSelector(selector);
} else {
// requires Sizzle: https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/wiki/Sizzle-Documentation
// or jQuery: http://jquery.com/download/
// or Zepto: http://zeptojs.com/#
// without it, this is a ReferenceError
if (typeof jQuery === 'function' || typeof Zepto === 'function') {
matchesSelector = function (node, selector) {
return $(node).is(selector);
if (typeof matchesSelector === 'undefined' && typeof Sizzle !== 'undefined') {
matchesSelector = Sizzle.matchesSelector;
// slightly modified version of https://github.com/keeganstreet/specificity/blob/master/specificity.js
var attributeRegex = /(\[[^\]]+\])/g;
var idRegex = /(#[^\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g;
var classRegex = /(\.[^\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g;
var pseudoElementRegex = /(::[^\s\+>~\.\[:]+|:first-line|:first-letter|:before|:after)/gi;
var pseudoClassWithBracketsRegex = /(:[\w-]+\([^\)]*\))/gi;
var pseudoClassRegex = /(:[^\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g;
var elementRegex = /([^\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g;
function getSelectorSpecificity(selector) {
var typeCount = [0, 0, 0];
var findMatch = function (regex, type) {
var matches = selector.match(regex);
if (matches == null) {
typeCount[type] += matches.length;
selector = selector.replace(regex, ' ');
selector = selector.replace(/:not\(([^\)]*)\)/g, ' $1 ');
selector = selector.replace(/{[\s\S]*/gm, ' ');
findMatch(attributeRegex, 1);
findMatch(idRegex, 0);
findMatch(classRegex, 1);
findMatch(pseudoElementRegex, 2);
findMatch(pseudoClassWithBracketsRegex, 1);
findMatch(pseudoClassRegex, 1);
selector = selector.replace(/[\*\s\+>~]/g, ' ');
selector = selector.replace(/[#\.]/g, ' ');
findMatch(elementRegex, 2);
return typeCount.join('');
function build(opts) {
var svg = { opts: opts };
svg.FRAMERATE = 30;
svg.rootEmSize = 12;
svg.emSize = 12;
svg.log = function (/* msg */) { };
if (svg.opts['log'] == true && typeof console != 'undefined') {
svg.log = function (msg) { console.log(msg); }; // eslint-disable-line no-console
// globals
svg.init = function (ctx) {
var uniqueId = 0;
svg.UniqueId = function () { uniqueId++; return 'canvg' + uniqueId; };
svg.Definitions = {};
svg.Styles = {};
svg.StylesSpecificity = {};
svg.Animations = [];
svg.Images = [];
svg.ctx = ctx;
svg.ViewPort = new (function () {
this.viewPorts = [];
this.Clear = function () { this.viewPorts = []; };
this.SetCurrent = function (width, height) { this.viewPorts.push({ width: width, height: height }); };
this.RemoveCurrent = function () { this.viewPorts.pop(); };
this.Current = function () { return this.viewPorts[this.viewPorts.length - 1]; };
this.width = function () { return this.Current().width; };
this.height = function () { return this.Current().height; };
this.ComputeSize = function (d) {
if (d != null && typeof d == 'number') return d;
if (d == 'x') return this.width();
if (d == 'y') return this.height();
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.width(), 2) + Math.pow(this.height(), 2)) / Math.sqrt(2);
// images loaded
svg.ImagesLoaded = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < svg.Images.length; i++) {
if (!svg.Images[i].loaded) return false;
return true;
// trim
svg.trim = function (s) { return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); };
// compress non-ideographic spaces
svg.compressSpaces = function (s) { return s.replace(/(?!\u3000)\s+/gm, ' '); };
// ajax
svg.ajax = function (url) {
var AJAX;
if (windowEnv.XMLHttpRequest) { AJAX = new windowEnv.XMLHttpRequest(); } else { AJAX = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); }
if (AJAX) {
AJAX.open('GET', url, false);
return AJAX.responseText;
return null;
// parse xml
svg.parseXml = function (xml) {
if (typeof Windows != 'undefined' && typeof Windows.Data != 'undefined' && typeof Windows.Data.Xml != 'undefined') {
var xmlDoc = new Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument();
var settings = new Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlLoadSettings();
settings.prohibitDtd = false;
xmlDoc.loadXml(xml, settings);
return xmlDoc;
} else if (windowEnv.DOMParser) {
try {
var parser = opts.xmldom ? new windowEnv.DOMParser(opts.xmldom) : new windowEnv.DOMParser();
return parser.parseFromString(xml, 'image/svg+xml');
} catch (e) {
parser = opts.xmldom ? new windowEnv.DOMParser(opts.xmldom) : new windowEnv.DOMParser();
return parser.parseFromString(xml, 'text/xml');
} else {
xml = xml.replace(/<!DOCTYPE svg[^>]*>/, '');
var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
xmlDoc.async = 'false';
return xmlDoc;
svg.Property = function (name, value) {
this.name = name;
this.value = value;
svg.Property.prototype.getValue = function () {
return this.value;
svg.Property.prototype.hasValue = function () {
return (this.value != null && this.value !== '');
// return the numerical value of the property
svg.Property.prototype.numValue = function () {
if (!this.hasValue()) return 0;
var n = parseFloat(this.value);
if ((this.value + '').match(/%$/)) {
n = n / 100.0;
return n;
svg.Property.prototype.valueOrDefault = function (def) {
if (this.hasValue()) return this.value;
return def;
svg.Property.prototype.numValueOrDefault = function (def) {
if (this.hasValue()) return this.numValue();
return parseFloat(def);
// color extensions
// augment the current color value with the opacity
svg.Property.prototype.addOpacity = function (opacityProp) {
var newValue = this.value;
if (opacityProp.value != null && opacityProp.value != '' && typeof this.value == 'string') { // can only add opacity to colors, not patterns
var color = new rgbcolor(this.value);
if (color.ok) {
newValue = 'rgba(' + color.r + ', ' + color.g + ', ' + color.b + ', ' + opacityProp.numValue() + ')';
return new svg.Property(this.name, newValue);
// definition extensions
// get the definition from the definitions table
svg.Property.prototype.getDefinition = function () {
var name = this.value.match(/#([^\)'"]+)/);
if (name) { name = name[1]; }
if (!name) { name = this.value; }
return svg.Definitions[name];
svg.Property.prototype.isUrlDefinition = function () {
return this.value.indexOf('url(') == 0
svg.Property.prototype.getFillStyleDefinition = function (e, opacityProp) {
var def = this.getDefinition();
// gradient
if (def != null && def.createGradient) {
return def.createGradient(svg.ctx, e, opacityProp);
// pattern
if (def != null && def.createPattern) {
if (def.getHrefAttribute().hasValue()) {
var pt = def.attribute('patternTransform');
def = def.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition();
if (pt.hasValue()) { def.attribute('patternTransform', true).value = pt.value; }
return def.createPattern(svg.ctx, e, opacityProp);
return null;
// length extensions
svg.Property.prototype.getDPI = function (/* viewPort */) {
return 96.0; // TODO: compute?
svg.Property.prototype.getREM = function (/* viewPort */) {
return svg.rootEmSize;
svg.Property.prototype.getEM = function (/* viewPort */) {
return svg.emSize;
svg.Property.prototype.getUnits = function () {
var s = this.value + '';
return s.replace(/[0-9\.\-]/g, '');
svg.Property.prototype.isPixels = function () {
if (!this.hasValue()) return false;
var s = this.value + '';
if (s.match(/px$/)) return true;
if (s.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) return true;
return false;
// get the length as pixels
svg.Property.prototype.toPixels = function (viewPort, processPercent) {
if (!this.hasValue()) return 0;
var s = this.value + '';
if (s.match(/rem$/)) return this.numValue() * this.getREM(viewPort);
if (s.match(/em$/)) return this.numValue() * this.getEM(viewPort);
if (s.match(/ex$/)) return this.numValue() * this.getEM(viewPort) / 2.0;
if (s.match(/px$/)) return this.numValue();
if (s.match(/pt$/)) return this.numValue() * this.getDPI(viewPort) * (1.0 / 72.0);
if (s.match(/pc$/)) return this.numValue() * 15;
if (s.match(/cm$/)) return this.numValue() * this.getDPI(viewPort) / 2.54;
if (s.match(/mm$/)) return this.numValue() * this.getDPI(viewPort) / 25.4;
if (s.match(/in$/)) return this.numValue() * this.getDPI(viewPort);
if (s.match(/%$/)) return this.numValue() * svg.ViewPort.ComputeSize(viewPort);
var n = this.numValue();
if (processPercent && n < 1.0) return n * svg.ViewPort.ComputeSize(viewPort);
return n;
// time extensions
// get the time as milliseconds
// https://svgwg.org/specs/animations/#ClockValueSyntax
svg.Property.prototype.toMilliseconds = function () {
if (!this.hasValue()) return 0;
var s = this.value + '';
if (s.match(/ms$/)) return this.numValue();
return this.numValue() * 1000;
// angle extensions
// get the angle as radians
svg.Property.prototype.toRadians = function () {
if (!this.hasValue()) return 0;
var s = this.value + '';
if (s.match(/deg$/)) return this.numValue() * (Math.PI / 180.0);
if (s.match(/grad$/)) return this.numValue() * (Math.PI / 200.0);
if (s.match(/rad$/)) return this.numValue();
return this.numValue() * (Math.PI / 180.0);
// text extensions
// get the text baseline
var textBaselineMapping = {
'baseline': 'alphabetic',
'before-edge': 'top',
'text-before-edge': 'top',
'middle': 'middle',
'central': 'middle',
'after-edge': 'bottom',
'text-after-edge': 'bottom',
'ideographic': 'ideographic',
'alphabetic': 'alphabetic',
'hanging': 'hanging',
'mathematical': 'alphabetic'
svg.Property.prototype.toTextBaseline = function () {
if (!this.hasValue()) return null;
return textBaselineMapping[this.value];
// fonts
svg.Font = new (function () {
this.Styles = 'normal|italic|oblique|inherit';
this.Variants = 'normal|small-caps|inherit';
this.Weights = 'normal|bold|bolder|lighter|100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900|inherit';
this.CreateFont = function (fontStyle, fontVariant, fontWeight, fontSize, fontFamily, inherit) {
var f = inherit != null ? this.Parse(inherit) : this.CreateFont('', '', '', '', '', svg.ctx.font);
fontFamily = fontFamily || f.fontFamily;
return {
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontSize: fontSize || f.fontSize,
fontStyle: fontStyle || f.fontStyle,
fontWeight: fontWeight || f.fontWeight,
fontVariant: fontVariant || f.fontVariant,
toString: function () { return [this.fontStyle, this.fontVariant, this.fontWeight, this.fontSize, this.fontFamily].join(' ') }
var that = this;
this.Parse = function (s) {
var f = {};
var d = svg.trim(svg.compressSpaces(s || '')).split(' ');
var set = { fontSize: false, fontStyle: false, fontWeight: false, fontVariant: false };
var ff = '';
for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
if (!set.fontStyle && that.Styles.indexOf(d[i]) != -1) {
if (d[i] != 'inherit') f.fontStyle = d[i];
set.fontStyle = true;
} else if (!set.fontVariant && that.Variants.indexOf(d[i]) != -1) {
if (d[i] != 'inherit') f.fontVariant = d[i];
set.fontStyle = set.fontVariant = true;
} else if (!set.fontWeight && that.Weights.indexOf(d[i]) != -1) {
if (d[i] != 'inherit') f.fontWeight = d[i];
set.fontStyle = set.fontVariant = set.fontWeight = true;
} else if (!set.fontSize) {
if (d[i] != 'inherit') f.fontSize = d[i].split('/')[0];
set.fontStyle = set.fontVariant = set.fontWeight = set.fontSize = true;
} else { if (d[i] != 'inherit') ff += d[i]; }
if (ff != '') f.fontFamily = ff;
return f;
// points and paths
svg.ToNumberArray = function (s) {
var a = (s || '').match(/-?(\d+(?:\.\d*(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)?|\.\d+)(?=\D|$)/gm) || [];
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
a[i] = parseFloat(a[i]);
return a;
svg.Point = function (x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
svg.Point.prototype.angleTo = function (p) {
return Math.atan2(p.y - this.y, p.x - this.x);
svg.Point.prototype.applyTransform = function (v) {
var xp = this.x * v[0] + this.y * v[2] + v[4];
var yp = this.x * v[1] + this.y * v[3] + v[5];
this.x = xp;
this.y = yp;
svg.CreatePoint = function (s) {
var a = svg.ToNumberArray(s);
return new svg.Point(a[0], a[1]);
svg.CreatePath = function (s) {
var a = svg.ToNumberArray(s);
var path = [];
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i += 2) {
path.push(new svg.Point(a[i], a[i + 1]));
return path;
// bounding box
svg.BoundingBox = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { // pass in initial points if you want
this.x1 = Number.NaN;
this.y1 = Number.NaN;
this.x2 = Number.NaN;
this.y2 = Number.NaN;
this.x = function () { return this.x1; };
this.y = function () { return this.y1; };
this.width = function () { return this.x2 - this.x1; };
this.height = function () { return this.y2 - this.y1; };
this.addPoint = function (x, y) {
if (x != null) {
if (isNaN(this.x1) || isNaN(this.x2)) {
this.x1 = x;
this.x2 = x;
if (x < this.x1) this.x1 = x;
if (x > this.x2) this.x2 = x;
if (y != null) {
if (isNaN(this.y1) || isNaN(this.y2)) {
this.y1 = y;
this.y2 = y;
if (y < this.y1) this.y1 = y;
if (y > this.y2) this.y2 = y;
this.addX = function (x) { this.addPoint(x, null); };
this.addY = function (y) { this.addPoint(null, y); };
this.addBoundingBox = function (bb) {
this.addPoint(bb.x1, bb.y1);
this.addPoint(bb.x2, bb.y2);
this.addQuadraticCurve = function (p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) {
var cp1x = p0x + 2 / 3 * (p1x - p0x); // CP1 = QP0 + 2/3 *(QP1-QP0)
var cp1y = p0y + 2 / 3 * (p1y - p0y); // CP1 = QP0 + 2/3 *(QP1-QP0)
var cp2x = cp1x + 1 / 3 * (p2x - p0x); // CP2 = CP1 + 1/3 *(QP2-QP0)
var cp2y = cp1y + 1 / 3 * (p2y - p0y); // CP2 = CP1 + 1/3 *(QP2-QP0)
this.addBezierCurve(p0x, p0y, cp1x, cp2x, cp1y, cp2y, p2x, p2y);
this.addBezierCurve = function (p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y) {
// from http://blog.hackers-cafe.net/2009/06/how-to-calculate-bezier-curves-bounding.html
var p0 = [p0x, p0y],
p1 = [p1x, p1y],
p2 = [p2x, p2y],
p3 = [p3x, p3y];
this.addPoint(p0[0], p0[1]);
this.addPoint(p3[0], p3[1]);
for (var i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
var f = function (t) {
return Math.pow(1 - t, 3) * p0[i] +
3 * Math.pow(1 - t, 2) * t * p1[i] +
3 * (1 - t) * Math.pow(t, 2) * p2[i] +
Math.pow(t, 3) * p3[i];
var b = 6 * p0[i] - 12 * p1[i] + 6 * p2[i];
var a = -3 * p0[i] + 9 * p1[i] - 9 * p2[i] + 3 * p3[i];
var c = 3 * p1[i] - 3 * p0[i];
if (a == 0) {
if (b == 0) continue;
var t = -c / b;
if (0 < t && t < 1) {
if (i == 0) this.addX(f(t));
if (i == 1) this.addY(f(t));
var b2ac = Math.pow(b, 2) - 4 * c * a;
if (b2ac < 0) continue;
var t1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(b2ac)) / (2 * a);
if (0 < t1 && t1 < 1) {
if (i == 0) this.addX(f(t1));
if (i == 1) this.addY(f(t1));
var t2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(b2ac)) / (2 * a);
if (0 < t2 && t2 < 1) {
if (i == 0) this.addX(f(t2));
if (i == 1) this.addY(f(t2));
this.isPointInBox = function (x, y) {
return (this.x1 <= x && x <= this.x2 && this.y1 <= y && y <= this.y2);
this.addPoint(x1, y1);
this.addPoint(x2, y2);
// transforms
svg.Transform = function (v) {
var that = this;
this.Type = {};
// translate
this.Type.translate = function (s) {
this.p = svg.CreatePoint(s);
this.apply = function (ctx) {
ctx.translate(this.p.x || 0.0, this.p.y || 0.0);
this.unapply = function (ctx) {
ctx.translate(-1.0 * this.p.x || 0.0, -1.0 * this.p.y || 0.0);
this.applyToPoint = function (p) {
p.applyTransform([1, 0, 0, 1, this.p.x || 0.0, this.p.y || 0.0]);
// rotate
this.Type.rotate = function (s) {
var a = svg.ToNumberArray(s);
this.angle = new svg.Property('angle', a[0]);
this.cx = a[1] || 0;
this.cy = a[2] || 0;
this.apply = function (ctx) {
ctx.translate(this.cx, this.cy);
ctx.translate(-this.cx, -this.cy);
this.unapply = function (ctx) {
ctx.translate(this.cx, this.cy);
ctx.rotate(-1.0 * this.angle.toRadians());
ctx.translate(-this.cx, -this.cy);
this.applyToPoint = function (p) {
var a = this.angle.toRadians();
p.applyTransform([1, 0, 0, 1, this.p.x || 0.0, this.p.y || 0.0]);
p.applyTransform([Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a), -Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a), 0, 0]);
p.applyTransform([1, 0, 0, 1, -this.p.x || 0.0, -this.p.y || 0.0]);
this.Type.scale = function (s) {
this.p = svg.CreatePoint(s);
this.apply = function (ctx) {
ctx.scale(this.p.x || 1.0, this.p.y || this.p.x || 1.0);
this.unapply = function (ctx) {
ctx.scale(1.0 / this.p.x || 1.0, 1.0 / this.p.y || this.p.x || 1.0);
this.applyToPoint = function (p) {
p.applyTransform([this.p.x || 0.0, 0, 0, this.p.y || 0.0, 0, 0]);
this.Type.matrix = function (s) {
this.m = svg.ToNumberArray(s);
this.apply = function (ctx) {
ctx.transform(this.m[0], this.m[1], this.m[2], this.m[3], this.m[4], this.m[5]);
this.unapply = function (ctx) {
var a = this.m[0];
var b = this.m[2];
var c = this.m[4];
var d = this.m[1];
var e = this.m[3];
var f = this.m[5];
var g = 0.0;
var h = 0.0;
var i = 1.0;
var det = 1 / (a * (e * i - f * h) - b * (d * i - f * g) + c * (d * h - e * g));
det * (e * i - f * h),
det * (f * g - d * i),
det * (c * h - b * i),
det * (a * i - c * g),
det * (b * f - c * e),
det * (c * d - a * f)
this.applyToPoint = function (p) {
this.Type.SkewBase = function (s) {
this.base = that.Type.matrix;
this.angle = new svg.Property('angle', s);
this.Type.SkewBase.prototype = new this.Type.matrix;
this.Type.skewX = function (s) {
this.base = that.Type.SkewBase;
this.m = [1, 0, Math.tan(this.angle.toRadians()), 1, 0, 0];
this.Type.skewX.prototype = new this.Type.SkewBase;
this.Type.skewY = function (s) {
this.base = that.Type.SkewBase;
this.m = [1, Math.tan(this.angle.toRadians()), 0, 1, 0, 0];
this.Type.skewY.prototype = new this.Type.SkewBase;
this.transforms = [];
this.apply = function (ctx) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.transforms.length; i++) {
this.unapply = function (ctx) {
for (var i = this.transforms.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// TODO: applyToPoint unused ... remove?
this.applyToPoint = function (p) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.transforms.length; i++) {
var data = svg.trim(svg.compressSpaces(v)).replace(/\)([a-zA-Z])/g, ') $1').replace(/\)(\s?,\s?)/g, ') ').split(/\s(?=[a-z])/);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i] === 'none') {
var type = svg.trim(data[i].split('(')[0]);
var s = data[i].split('(')[1].replace(')', '');
var transformType = this.Type[type];
if (typeof transformType != 'undefined') {
var transform = new transformType(s);
transform.type = type;
// aspect ratio
svg.AspectRatio = function (ctx, aspectRatio, width, desiredWidth, height, desiredHeight, minX, minY, refX, refY) {
// aspect ratio - http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#PreserveAspectRatioAttribute
aspectRatio = svg.compressSpaces(aspectRatio);
aspectRatio = aspectRatio.replace(/^defer\s/, ''); // ignore defer
var align = aspectRatio.split(' ')[0] || 'xMidYMid';
var meetOrSlice = aspectRatio.split(' ')[1] || 'meet';
// calculate scale
var scaleX = width / desiredWidth;
var scaleY = height / desiredHeight;
var scaleMin = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
var scaleMax = Math.max(scaleX, scaleY);
if (meetOrSlice == 'meet') {
desiredWidth *= scaleMin;
desiredHeight *= scaleMin;
if (meetOrSlice == 'slice') {
desiredWidth *= scaleMax;
desiredHeight *= scaleMax;
refX = new svg.Property('refX', refX);
refY = new svg.Property('refY', refY);
if (refX.hasValue() && refY.hasValue()) {
ctx.translate(-scaleMin * refX.toPixels('x'), -scaleMin * refY.toPixels('y'));
} else {
// align
if (align.match(/^xMid/) && ((meetOrSlice == 'meet' && scaleMin == scaleY) || (meetOrSlice == 'slice' && scaleMax == scaleY))) ctx.translate(width / 2.0 - desiredWidth / 2.0, 0);
if (align.match(/YMid$/) && ((meetOrSlice == 'meet' && scaleMin == scaleX) || (meetOrSlice == 'slice' && scaleMax == scaleX))) ctx.translate(0, height / 2.0 - desiredHeight / 2.0);
if (align.match(/^xMax/) && ((meetOrSlice == 'meet' && scaleMin == scaleY) || (meetOrSlice == 'slice' && scaleMax == scaleY))) ctx.translate(width - desiredWidth, 0);
if (align.match(/YMax$/) && ((meetOrSlice == 'meet' && scaleMin == scaleX) || (meetOrSlice == 'slice' && scaleMax == scaleX))) ctx.translate(0, height - desiredHeight);
// scale
if (align == 'none') ctx.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
else if (meetOrSlice == 'meet') ctx.scale(scaleMin, scaleMin);
else if (meetOrSlice == 'slice') ctx.scale(scaleMax, scaleMax);
// translate
ctx.translate(minX == null ? 0 : -minX, minY == null ? 0 : -minY);
// elements
svg.Element = {};
svg.EmptyProperty = new svg.Property('EMPTY', '');
svg.Element.ElementBase = function (node) {
this.attributes = {};
this.styles = {};
this.stylesSpecificity = {};
this.children = [];
// get or create attribute
this.attribute = function (name, createIfNotExists) {
var a = this.attributes[name];
if (a != null) return a;
if (createIfNotExists == true) {
a = new svg.Property(name, '');
this.attributes[name] = a;
return a || svg.EmptyProperty;
this.getHrefAttribute = function () {
for (var a in this.attributes) {
if (a == 'href' || a.match(/:href$/)) {
return this.attributes[a];
return svg.EmptyProperty;
// get or create style, crawls up node tree
this.style = function (name, createIfNotExists, skipAncestors) {
var s = this.styles[name];
if (s != null) return s;
var a = this.attribute(name);
if (a != null && a.hasValue()) {
this.styles[name] = a; // move up to me to cache
return a;
if (skipAncestors != true) {
var p = this.parent;
if (p != null) {
var ps = p.style(name);
if (ps != null && ps.hasValue()) {
return ps;
if (createIfNotExists == true) {
s = new svg.Property(name, '');
this.styles[name] = s;
return s || svg.EmptyProperty;
// base render
this.render = function (ctx) {
// don't render display=none
if (this.style('display').value == 'none') return;
// don't render visibility=hidden
if (this.style('visibility').value == 'hidden') return;
if (this.style('mask').hasValue()) { // mask
var mask = this.style('mask').getDefinition();
if (mask != null) mask.apply(ctx, this);
} else if (this.style('filter').hasValue()) { // filter
var filter = this.style('filter').getDefinition();
if (filter != null) filter.apply(ctx, this);
} else {
// base set context
this.setContext = function (/* ctx */) {
// base clear context
this.clearContext = function (/* ctx */) {
// base render children
this.renderChildren = function (ctx) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
this.addChild = function (childNode, create) {
var child = childNode;
if (create) child = svg.CreateElement(childNode);
child.parent = this;
if (child.type != 'title') { this.children.push(child); }
this.addStylesFromStyleDefinition = function () {
// add styles
for (var selector in svg.Styles) {
if (selector[0] != '@' && matchesSelector(node, selector)) {
var styles = svg.Styles[selector];
var specificity = svg.StylesSpecificity[selector];
if (styles != null) {
for (var name in styles) {
var existingSpecificity = this.stylesSpecificity[name];
if (typeof existingSpecificity == 'undefined') {
existingSpecificity = '000';
if (specificity >= existingSpecificity) {
this.styles[name] = styles[name];
this.stylesSpecificity[name] = specificity;
// Microsoft Edge fix
var allUppercase = new RegExp('^[A-Z\-]+$');
var normalizeAttributeName = function (name) {
if (allUppercase.test(name)) {
return name.toLowerCase();
return name;
if (node != null && node.nodeType == 1) { //ELEMENT_NODE
// add attributes
for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) {
var attribute = node.attributes[i];
var nodeName = normalizeAttributeName(attribute.nodeName);
this.attributes[nodeName] = new svg.Property(nodeName, attribute.value);
// add inline styles
if (this.attribute('style').hasValue()) {
var styles = this.attribute('style').value.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
if (svg.trim(styles[i]) != '') {
var style = styles[i].split(':');
var name = svg.trim(style[0]);
var value = svg.trim(style[1]);
this.styles[name] = new svg.Property(name, value);
// add id
if (this.attribute('id').hasValue()) {
if (svg.Definitions[this.attribute('id').value] == null) {
svg.Definitions[this.attribute('id').value] = this;
// add children
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
var childNode = node.childNodes[i];
if (childNode.nodeType == 1) this.addChild(childNode, true); //ELEMENT_NODE
if (this.captureTextNodes && (childNode.nodeType == 3 || childNode.nodeType == 4)) {
var text = childNode.value || childNode.text || childNode.textContent || '';
if (svg.compressSpaces(text) != '') {
this.addChild(new svg.Element.tspan(childNode), false); // TEXT_NODE
svg.Element.RenderedElementBase = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.calculateOpacity = function() {
var opacity = 1.0;
var el = this;
while (el != null) {
var opacityStyle = el.style('opacity', false, true); // no ancestors on style call
if (opacityStyle.hasValue()) {
opacity = opacity * opacityStyle.numValue();
el = el.parent;
return opacity;
this.setContext = function (ctx, fromMeasure) {
if (!fromMeasure) { // causes stack overflow when measuring text with gradients
// fill
if (this.style('fill').isUrlDefinition()) {
var fs = this.style('fill').getFillStyleDefinition(this, this.style('fill-opacity'));
if (fs != null) ctx.fillStyle = fs;
} else if (this.style('fill').hasValue()) {
var fillStyle = this.style('fill');
if (fillStyle.value == 'currentColor') fillStyle.value = this.style('color').value;
if (fillStyle.value != 'inherit') ctx.fillStyle = (fillStyle.value == 'none' ? 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' : fillStyle.value);
if (this.style('fill-opacity').hasValue()) {
var fillStyle = new svg.Property('fill', ctx.fillStyle);
fillStyle = fillStyle.addOpacity(this.style('fill-opacity'));
ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle.value;
// stroke
if (this.style('stroke').isUrlDefinition()) {
var fs = this.style('stroke').getFillStyleDefinition(this, this.style('stroke-opacity'));
if (fs != null) ctx.strokeStyle = fs;
} else if (this.style('stroke').hasValue()) {
var strokeStyle = this.style('stroke');
if (strokeStyle.value == 'currentColor') strokeStyle.value = this.style('color').value;
if (strokeStyle.value != 'inherit') ctx.strokeStyle = (strokeStyle.value == 'none' ? 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' : strokeStyle.value);
if (this.style('stroke-opacity').hasValue()) {
var strokeStyle = new svg.Property('stroke', ctx.strokeStyle);
strokeStyle = strokeStyle.addOpacity(this.style('stroke-opacity'));
ctx.strokeStyle = strokeStyle.value;
if (this.style('stroke-width').hasValue()) {
var newLineWidth = this.style('stroke-width').toPixels();
ctx.lineWidth = newLineWidth == 0 ? 0.001 : newLineWidth; // browsers don't respect 0
if (this.style('stroke-linecap').hasValue()) ctx.lineCap = this.style('stroke-linecap').value;
if (this.style('stroke-linejoin').hasValue()) ctx.lineJoin = this.style('stroke-linejoin').value;
if (this.style('stroke-miterlimit').hasValue()) ctx.miterLimit = this.style('stroke-miterlimit').value;
if (this.style('paint-order').hasValue()) ctx.paintOrder = this.style('paint-order').value;
if (this.style('stroke-dasharray').hasValue() && this.style('stroke-dasharray').value != 'none') {
var gaps = svg.ToNumberArray(this.style('stroke-dasharray').value);
if (typeof ctx.setLineDash != 'undefined') { ctx.setLineDash(gaps); } else if (typeof ctx.webkitLineDash != 'undefined') { ctx.webkitLineDash = gaps; } else if (typeof ctx.mozDash != 'undefined' && !(gaps.length == 1 && gaps[0] == 0)) { ctx.mozDash = gaps; }
var offset = this.style('stroke-dashoffset').toPixels();
if (typeof ctx.lineDashOffset != 'undefined') { ctx.lineDashOffset = offset; } else if (typeof ctx.webkitLineDashOffset != 'undefined') { ctx.webkitLineDashOffset = offset; } else if (typeof ctx.mozDashOffset != 'undefined') { ctx.mozDashOffset = offset; }
// font
if (typeof ctx.font != 'undefined') {
if (this.style('font').hasValue()) {
ctx.font = this.style('font').value;
} else {
ctx.font = svg.Font.CreateFont(
this.style('font-size').hasValue() ? this.style('font-size').toPixels() + 'px' : '',
// update em size if needed
var currentFontSize = this.style('font-size', false, false);
if (currentFontSize.isPixels()) {
svg.emSize = currentFontSize.toPixels();
// transform
if (this.style('transform', false, true).hasValue()) {
var transform = new svg.Transform(this.style('transform', false, true).value);
// clip
if (this.style('clip-path', false, true).hasValue()) {
var clip = this.style('clip-path', false, true).getDefinition();
if (clip != null) clip.apply(ctx);
// opacity
ctx.globalAlpha = this.calculateOpacity();
svg.Element.RenderedElementBase.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
svg.Element.PathElementBase = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
this.path = function (ctx) {
if (ctx != null) ctx.beginPath();
return new svg.BoundingBox();
this.renderChildren = function (ctx) {
svg.Mouse.checkPath(this, ctx);
if (ctx.fillStyle != '') {
if (this.style('fill-rule').valueOrDefault('inherit') != 'inherit') { ctx.fill(this.style('fill-rule').value); } else { ctx.fill(); }
if (ctx.strokeStyle != '') ctx.stroke();
var markers = this.getMarkers();
if (markers != null) {
if (this.style('marker-start').isUrlDefinition()) {
var marker = this.style('marker-start').getDefinition();
marker.render(ctx, markers[0][0], markers[0][1]);
if (this.style('marker-mid').isUrlDefinition()) {
var marker = this.style('marker-mid').getDefinition();
for (var i = 1; i < markers.length - 1; i++) {
marker.render(ctx, markers[i][0], markers[i][1]);
if (this.style('marker-end').isUrlDefinition()) {
var marker = this.style('marker-end').getDefinition();
marker.render(ctx, markers[markers.length - 1][0], markers[markers.length - 1][1]);
this.getBoundingBox = function () {
return this.path();
this.getMarkers = function () {
return null;
svg.Element.PathElementBase.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
svg.SetDefaults = function (ctx) {
// initial values and defaults
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
ctx.lineCap = 'butt';
ctx.lineJoin = 'miter';
ctx.miterLimit = 4;
// svg element
svg.Element.svg = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
this.baseClearContext = this.clearContext;
this.clearContext = function (ctx) {
this.baseSetContext = this.setContext;
this.setContext = function (ctx) {
if (ctx.canvas.style && typeof ctx.font != 'undefined' && typeof windowEnv.getComputedStyle != 'undefined') {
ctx.font = windowEnv.getComputedStyle(ctx.canvas).getPropertyValue('font');
var fontSize = new svg.Property('fontSize', svg.Font.Parse(ctx.font).fontSize);
if (fontSize.hasValue()) svg.rootEmSize = svg.emSize = fontSize.toPixels('y');
// create new view port
if (!this.attribute('x').hasValue()) this.attribute('x', true).value = 0;
if (!this.attribute('y').hasValue()) this.attribute('y', true).value = 0;
ctx.translate(this.attribute('x').toPixels('x'), this.attribute('y').toPixels('y'));
var width = svg.ViewPort.width();
var height = svg.ViewPort.height();
if (!this.attribute('width').hasValue()) this.attribute('width', true).value = '100%';
if (!this.attribute('height').hasValue()) this.attribute('height', true).value = '100%';
if (typeof this.root == 'undefined') {
width = this.attribute('width').toPixels('x');
height = this.attribute('height').toPixels('y');
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
if (this.attribute('refX').hasValue() && this.attribute('refY').hasValue()) {
x = -this.attribute('refX').toPixels('x');
y = -this.attribute('refY').toPixels('y');
if (this.attribute('overflow').valueOrDefault('hidden') != 'visible') {
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
ctx.lineTo(width, y);
ctx.lineTo(width, height);
ctx.lineTo(x, height);
svg.ViewPort.SetCurrent(width, height);
// viewbox
if (this.attribute('viewBox').hasValue()) {
var viewBox = svg.ToNumberArray(this.attribute('viewBox').value);
var minX = viewBox[0];
var minY = viewBox[1];
width = viewBox[2];
height = viewBox[3];
svg.ViewPort.SetCurrent(viewBox[2], viewBox[3]);
svg.Element.svg.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
// rect element
svg.Element.rect = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.PathElementBase;
this.path = function (ctx) {
var x = this.attribute('x').toPixels('x');
var y = this.attribute('y').toPixels('y');
var width = this.attribute('width').toPixels('x');
var height = this.attribute('height').toPixels('y');
var rx = this.attribute('rx').toPixels('x');
var ry = this.attribute('ry').toPixels('y');
if (this.attribute('rx').hasValue() && !this.attribute('ry').hasValue()) ry = rx;
if (this.attribute('ry').hasValue() && !this.attribute('rx').hasValue()) rx = ry;
rx = Math.min(rx, width / 2.0);
ry = Math.min(ry, height / 2.0);
if (ctx != null) {
var KAPPA = 4 * ((Math.sqrt(2) - 1) / 3);
ctx.beginPath(); // always start the path so we don't fill prior paths
if (height > 0 && width > 0) {
ctx.moveTo(x + rx, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + width - rx, y);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(x + width - rx + (KAPPA * rx), y, x + width, y + ry - (KAPPA * ry), x + width, y + ry);
ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - ry);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(x + width, y + height - ry + (KAPPA * ry), x + width - rx + (KAPPA * rx), y + height, x + width - rx, y + height);
ctx.lineTo(x + rx, y + height);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(x + rx - (KAPPA * rx), y + height, x, y + height - ry + (KAPPA * ry), x, y + height - ry);
ctx.lineTo(x, y + ry);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(x, y + ry - (KAPPA * ry), x + rx - (KAPPA * rx), y, x + rx, y);
return new svg.BoundingBox(x, y, x + width, y + height);
svg.Element.rect.prototype = new svg.Element.PathElementBase;
// circle element
svg.Element.circle = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.PathElementBase;
this.path = function (ctx) {
var cx = this.attribute('cx').toPixels('x');
var cy = this.attribute('cy').toPixels('y');
var r = this.attribute('r').toPixels();
if (ctx != null && r > 0) {
ctx.arc(cx, cy, r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
return new svg.BoundingBox(cx - r, cy - r, cx + r, cy + r);
svg.Element.circle.prototype = new svg.Element.PathElementBase;
// ellipse element
svg.Element.ellipse = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.PathElementBase;
this.path = function (ctx) {
var KAPPA = 4 * ((Math.sqrt(2) - 1) / 3);
var rx = this.attribute('rx').toPixels('x');
var ry = this.attribute('ry').toPixels('y');
var cx = this.attribute('cx').toPixels('x');
var cy = this.attribute('cy').toPixels('y');
if (ctx != null) {
ctx.moveTo(cx + rx, cy);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx + rx, cy + (KAPPA * ry), cx + (KAPPA * rx), cy + ry, cx, cy + ry);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx - (KAPPA * rx), cy + ry, cx - rx, cy + (KAPPA * ry), cx - rx, cy);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx - rx, cy - (KAPPA * ry), cx - (KAPPA * rx), cy - ry, cx, cy - ry);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx + (KAPPA * rx), cy - ry, cx + rx, cy - (KAPPA * ry), cx + rx, cy);
return new svg.BoundingBox(cx - rx, cy - ry, cx + rx, cy + ry);
svg.Element.ellipse.prototype = new svg.Element.PathElementBase;
// line element
svg.Element.line = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.PathElementBase;
this.getPoints = function () {
return [
new svg.Point(this.attribute('x1').toPixels('x'), this.attribute('y1').toPixels('y')),
new svg.Point(this.attribute('x2').toPixels('x'), this.attribute('y2').toPixels('y'))
this.path = function (ctx) {
var points = this.getPoints();
if (ctx != null) {
ctx.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
ctx.lineTo(points[1].x, points[1].y);
return new svg.BoundingBox(points[0].x, points[0].y, points[1].x, points[1].y);
this.getMarkers = function () {
var points = this.getPoints();
var a = points[0].angleTo(points[1]);
return [
[points[0], a],
[points[1], a]
svg.Element.line.prototype = new svg.Element.PathElementBase;
// polyline element
svg.Element.polyline = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.PathElementBase;
this.points = svg.CreatePath(this.attribute('points').value);
this.path = function (ctx) {
var bb = new svg.BoundingBox(this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y);
if (ctx != null) {
ctx.moveTo(this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y);
for (var i = 1; i < this.points.length; i++) {
bb.addPoint(this.points[i].x, this.points[i].y);
if (ctx != null) ctx.lineTo(this.points[i].x, this.points[i].y);
return bb;
this.getMarkers = function () {
var markers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.points.length - 1; i++) {
markers.push([this.points[i], this.points[i].angleTo(this.points[i + 1])]);
if (markers.length > 0) {
markers.push([this.points[this.points.length - 1], markers[markers.length - 1][1]]);
return markers;
svg.Element.polyline.prototype = new svg.Element.PathElementBase;
// polygon element
svg.Element.polygon = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.polyline;
this.basePath = this.path;
this.path = function (ctx) {
var bb = this.basePath(ctx);
if (ctx != null) {
ctx.lineTo(this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y);
return bb;
svg.Element.polygon.prototype = new svg.Element.polyline;
// path element
svg.Element.path = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.PathElementBase;
var d = this.attribute('d').value;
// TODO: convert to real lexer based on http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/paths.html#PathDataBNF
d = d.replace(/,/gm, ' '); // get rid of all commas
// As the end of a match can also be the start of the next match, we need to run this replace twice.
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
d = d.replace(/([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])([^\s])/gm, '$1 $2'); // suffix commands with spaces
d = d.replace(/([^\s])([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])/gm, '$1 $2'); // prefix commands with spaces
d = d.replace(/([0-9])([+\-])/gm, '$1 $2'); // separate digits on +- signs
// Again, we need to run this twice to find all occurances
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
d = d.replace(/(\.[0-9]*)(\.)/gm, '$1 $2'); // separate digits when they start with a comma
d = d.replace(/([Aa](\s+[0-9]+){3})\s+([01])\s*([01])/gm, '$1 $3 $4 '); // shorthand elliptical arc path syntax
d = svg.compressSpaces(d); // compress multiple spaces
d = svg.trim(d);
this.PathParser = new (function (d) {
this.tokens = d.split(' ');
this.reset = function () {
this.i = -1;
this.command = '';
this.previousCommand = '';
this.start = new svg.Point(0, 0);
this.control = new svg.Point(0, 0);
this.current = new svg.Point(0, 0);
this.points = [];
this.angles = [];
this.isEnd = function () {
return this.i >= this.tokens.length - 1;
this.isCommandOrEnd = function () {
if (this.isEnd()) return true;
return this.tokens[this.i + 1].match(/^[A-Za-z]$/) != null;
this.isRelativeCommand = function () {
switch (this.command) {
case 'm':
case 'l':
case 'h':
case 'v':
case 'c':
case 's':
case 'q':
case 't':
case 'a':
case 'z':
return true;
return false;
this.getToken = function () {
return this.tokens[this.i];
this.getScalar = function () {
return parseFloat(this.getToken());
this.nextCommand = function () {
this.previousCommand = this.command;
this.command = this.getToken();
this.getPoint = function () {
var p = new svg.Point(this.getScalar(), this.getScalar());
return this.makeAbsolute(p);
this.getAsControlPoint = function () {
var p = this.getPoint();
this.control = p;
return p;
this.getAsCurrentPoint = function () {
var p = this.getPoint();
this.current = p;
return p;
this.getReflectedControlPoint = function () {
if (this.previousCommand.toLowerCase() != 'c' &&
this.previousCommand.toLowerCase() != 's' &&
this.previousCommand.toLowerCase() != 'q' &&
this.previousCommand.toLowerCase() != 't') {
return this.current;
// reflect point
var p = new svg.Point(2 * this.current.x - this.control.x, 2 * this.current.y - this.control.y);
return p;
this.makeAbsolute = function (p) {
if (this.isRelativeCommand()) {
p.x += this.current.x;
p.y += this.current.y;
return p;
this.addMarker = function (p, from, priorTo) {
// if the last angle isn't filled in because we didn't have this point yet ...
if (priorTo != null && this.angles.length > 0 && this.angles[this.angles.length - 1] == null) {
this.angles[this.angles.length - 1] = this.points[this.points.length - 1].angleTo(priorTo);
this.addMarkerAngle(p, from == null ? null : from.angleTo(p));
this.addMarkerAngle = function (p, a) {
this.getMarkerPoints = function () { return this.points; };
this.getMarkerAngles = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < this.angles.length; i++) {
if (this.angles[i] == null) {
for (var j = i + 1; j < this.angles.length; j++) {
if (this.angles[j] != null) {
this.angles[i] = this.angles[j];
return this.angles;
this.path = function (ctx) {
var pp = this.PathParser;
var bb = new svg.BoundingBox();
if (ctx != null) ctx.beginPath();
while (!pp.isEnd()) {
switch (pp.command) {
case 'M':
case 'm':
var p = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
bb.addPoint(p.x, p.y);
if (ctx != null) ctx.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
pp.start = pp.current;
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var p = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
pp.addMarker(p, pp.start);
bb.addPoint(p.x, p.y);
if (ctx != null) ctx.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
case 'L':
case 'l':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var c = pp.current;
var p = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
pp.addMarker(p, c);
bb.addPoint(p.x, p.y);
if (ctx != null) ctx.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
case 'H':
case 'h':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var newP = new svg.Point((pp.isRelativeCommand() ? pp.current.x : 0) + pp.getScalar(), pp.current.y);
pp.addMarker(newP, pp.current);
pp.current = newP;
bb.addPoint(pp.current.x, pp.current.y);
if (ctx != null) ctx.lineTo(pp.current.x, pp.current.y);
case 'V':
case 'v':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var newP = new svg.Point(pp.current.x, (pp.isRelativeCommand() ? pp.current.y : 0) + pp.getScalar());
pp.addMarker(newP, pp.current);
pp.current = newP;
bb.addPoint(pp.current.x, pp.current.y);
if (ctx != null) ctx.lineTo(pp.current.x, pp.current.y);
case 'C':
case 'c':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var curr = pp.current;
var p1 = pp.getPoint();
var cntrl = pp.getAsControlPoint();
var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
pp.addMarker(cp, cntrl, p1);
bb.addBezierCurve(curr.x, curr.y, p1.x, p1.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y);
if (ctx != null) ctx.bezierCurveTo(p1.x, p1.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y);
case 'S':
case 's':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var curr = pp.current;
var p1 = pp.getReflectedControlPoint();
var cntrl = pp.getAsControlPoint();
var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
pp.addMarker(cp, cntrl, p1);
bb.addBezierCurve(curr.x, curr.y, p1.x, p1.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y);
if (ctx != null) ctx.bezierCurveTo(p1.x, p1.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y);
case 'Q':
case 'q':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var curr = pp.current;
var cntrl = pp.getAsControlPoint();
var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
pp.addMarker(cp, cntrl, cntrl);
bb.addQuadraticCurve(curr.x, curr.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y);
if (ctx != null) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y);
case 'T':
case 't':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var curr = pp.current;
var cntrl = pp.getReflectedControlPoint();
pp.control = cntrl;
var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
pp.addMarker(cp, cntrl, cntrl);
bb.addQuadraticCurve(curr.x, curr.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y);
if (ctx != null) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y);
case 'A':
case 'a':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var curr = pp.current;
var rx = pp.getScalar();
var ry = pp.getScalar();
var xAxisRotation = pp.getScalar() * (Math.PI / 180.0);
var largeArcFlag = pp.getScalar();
var sweepFlag = pp.getScalar();
var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
// Conversion from endpoint to center parameterization
// http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/implnote.html#ArcImplementationNotes
// x1', y1'
var currp = new svg.Point(
Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * (curr.x - cp.x) / 2.0 + Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * (curr.y - cp.y) / 2.0, -Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * (curr.x - cp.x) / 2.0 + Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * (curr.y - cp.y) / 2.0
// adjust radii
var l = Math.pow(currp.x, 2) / Math.pow(rx, 2) + Math.pow(currp.y, 2) / Math.pow(ry, 2);
if (l > 1) {
rx *= Math.sqrt(l);
ry *= Math.sqrt(l);
// cx', cy'
var s = (largeArcFlag == sweepFlag ? -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt(
((Math.pow(rx, 2) * Math.pow(ry, 2)) - (Math.pow(rx, 2) * Math.pow(currp.y, 2)) - (Math.pow(ry, 2) * Math.pow(currp.x, 2))) /
(Math.pow(rx, 2) * Math.pow(currp.y, 2) + Math.pow(ry, 2) * Math.pow(currp.x, 2))
if (isNaN(s)) s = 0;
var cpp = new svg.Point(s * rx * currp.y / ry, s * -ry * currp.x / rx);
// cx, cy
var centp = new svg.Point(
(curr.x + cp.x) / 2.0 + Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * cpp.x - Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * cpp.y,
(curr.y + cp.y) / 2.0 + Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * cpp.x + Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * cpp.y
// vector magnitude
var m = function (v) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v[0], 2) + Math.pow(v[1], 2)); };
// ratio between two vectors
var r = function (u, v) { return (u[0] * v[0] + u[1] * v[1]) / (m(u) * m(v)) };
// angle between two vectors
var a = function (u, v) { return (u[0] * v[1] < u[1] * v[0] ? -1 : 1) * Math.acos(r(u, v)); };
// initial angle
var a1 = a([1, 0], [(currp.x - cpp.x) / rx, (currp.y - cpp.y) / ry]);
// angle delta
var u = [(currp.x - cpp.x) / rx, (currp.y - cpp.y) / ry];
var v = [(-currp.x - cpp.x) / rx, (-currp.y - cpp.y) / ry];
var ad = a(u, v);
if (r(u, v) <= -1) ad = Math.PI;
if (r(u, v) >= 1) ad = 0;
// for markers
var dir = 1 - sweepFlag ? 1.0 : -1.0;
var ah = a1 + dir * (ad / 2.0);
var halfWay = new svg.Point(
centp.x + rx * Math.cos(ah),
centp.y + ry * Math.sin(ah)
pp.addMarkerAngle(halfWay, ah - dir * Math.PI / 2);
pp.addMarkerAngle(cp, ah - dir * Math.PI);
bb.addPoint(cp.x, cp.y); // TODO: this is too naive, make it better
if (ctx != null && !isNaN(a1) && !isNaN(ad)) {
var r = rx > ry ? rx : ry;
var sx = rx > ry ? 1 : rx / ry;
var sy = rx > ry ? ry / rx : 1;
ctx.translate(centp.x, centp.y);
ctx.scale(sx, sy);
ctx.arc(0, 0, r, a1, a1 + ad, 1 - sweepFlag);
ctx.scale(1 / sx, 1 / sy);
ctx.translate(-centp.x, -centp.y);
case 'Z':
case 'z':
if (ctx != null) {
// only close path if it is not a straight line
if (bb.x1 !== bb.x2 && bb.y1 !== bb.y2) {
pp.current = pp.start;
return bb;
this.getMarkers = function () {
var points = this.PathParser.getMarkerPoints();
var angles = this.PathParser.getMarkerAngles();
var markers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
markers.push([points[i], angles[i]]);
return markers;
svg.Element.path.prototype = new svg.Element.PathElementBase;
// pattern element
svg.Element.pattern = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.createPattern = function (ctx, element, parentOpacityProp) {
var width = this.attribute('width').toPixels('x', true);
var height = this.attribute('height').toPixels('y', true);
// render me using a temporary svg element
var tempSvg = new svg.Element.svg();
tempSvg.attributes['viewBox'] = new svg.Property('viewBox', this.attribute('viewBox').value);
tempSvg.attributes['width'] = new svg.Property('width', width + 'px');
tempSvg.attributes['height'] = new svg.Property('height', height + 'px');
tempSvg.attributes['transform'] = new svg.Property('transform', this.attribute('patternTransform').value);
tempSvg.children = this.children;
var c = createCanvas(width, height);
var cctx = c.getContext('2d');
if (this.attribute('x').hasValue() && this.attribute('y').hasValue()) {
cctx.translate(this.attribute('x').toPixels('x', true), this.attribute('y').toPixels('y', true));
if (parentOpacityProp.hasValue()) {
this.styles['fill-opacity'] = parentOpacityProp;
} else {
delete this.styles['fill-opacity'];
// render 3x3 grid so when we transform there's no white space on edges
for (var x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {
for (var y = -1; y <= 1; y++) {
tempSvg.attributes['x'] = new svg.Property('x', x * c.width);
tempSvg.attributes['y'] = new svg.Property('y', y * c.height);
var pattern = ctx.createPattern(c, 'repeat');
return pattern;
svg.Element.pattern.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// marker element
svg.Element.marker = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.baseRender = this.render;
this.render = function (ctx, point, angle) {
if (!point) { return; }
ctx.translate(point.x, point.y);
if (this.attribute('orient').valueOrDefault('auto') == 'auto') ctx.rotate(angle);
if (this.attribute('markerUnits').valueOrDefault('strokeWidth') == 'strokeWidth') ctx.scale(ctx.lineWidth, ctx.lineWidth);
// render me using a temporary svg element
var tempSvg = new svg.Element.svg();
tempSvg.attributes['viewBox'] = new svg.Property('viewBox', this.attribute('viewBox').value);
tempSvg.attributes['refX'] = new svg.Property('refX', this.attribute('refX').value);
tempSvg.attributes['refY'] = new svg.Property('refY', this.attribute('refY').value);
tempSvg.attributes['width'] = new svg.Property('width', this.attribute('markerWidth').value);
tempSvg.attributes['height'] = new svg.Property('height', this.attribute('markerHeight').value);
tempSvg.attributes['fill'] = new svg.Property('fill', this.attribute('fill').valueOrDefault('black'));
tempSvg.attributes['stroke'] = new svg.Property('stroke', this.attribute('stroke').valueOrDefault('none'));
tempSvg.children = this.children;
if (this.attribute('markerUnits').valueOrDefault('strokeWidth') == 'strokeWidth') ctx.scale(1 / ctx.lineWidth, 1 / ctx.lineWidth);
if (this.attribute('orient').valueOrDefault('auto') == 'auto') ctx.rotate(-angle);
ctx.translate(-point.x, -point.y);
svg.Element.marker.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// definitions element
svg.Element.defs = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.render = function (/* ctx */) {
svg.Element.defs.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// base for gradients
svg.Element.GradientBase = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.stops = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
var child = this.children[i];
if (child.type == 'stop') this.stops.push(child);
this.getGradient = function () {
this.gradientUnits = function () {
return this.attribute('gradientUnits').valueOrDefault('objectBoundingBox');
this.attributesToInherit = ['gradientUnits'];
this.inheritStopContainer = function (stopsContainer) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.attributesToInherit.length; i++) {
var attributeToInherit = this.attributesToInherit[i];
if (!this.attribute(attributeToInherit).hasValue() && stopsContainer.attribute(attributeToInherit).hasValue()) {
this.attribute(attributeToInherit, true).value = stopsContainer.attribute(attributeToInherit).value;
this.createGradient = function (ctx, element, parentOpacityProp) {
var stopsContainer = this;
if (this.getHrefAttribute().hasValue()) {
stopsContainer = this.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition();
var addParentOpacity = function (color) {
if (parentOpacityProp.hasValue()) {
var p = new svg.Property('color', color);
return p.addOpacity(parentOpacityProp).value;
return color;
var g = this.getGradient(ctx, element);
if (g == null) return addParentOpacity(stopsContainer.stops[stopsContainer.stops.length - 1].color);
for (var i = 0; i < stopsContainer.stops.length; i++) {
g.addColorStop(stopsContainer.stops[i].offset, addParentOpacity(stopsContainer.stops[i].color));
if (this.attribute('gradientTransform').hasValue()) {
// render as transformed pattern on temporary canvas
var rootView = svg.ViewPort.viewPorts[0];
var rect = new svg.Element.rect();
rect.attributes['x'] = new svg.Property('x', -svg.MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS / 3.0);
rect.attributes['y'] = new svg.Property('y', -svg.MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS / 3.0);
rect.attributes['width'] = new svg.Property('width', svg.MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS);
rect.attributes['height'] = new svg.Property('height', svg.MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS);
var group = new svg.Element.g();
group.attributes['transform'] = new svg.Property('transform', this.attribute('gradientTransform').value);
group.children = [rect];
var tempSvg = new svg.Element.svg();
tempSvg.attributes['x'] = new svg.Property('x', 0);
tempSvg.attributes['y'] = new svg.Property('y', 0);
tempSvg.attributes['width'] = new svg.Property('width', rootView.width);
tempSvg.attributes['height'] = new svg.Property('height', rootView.height);
tempSvg.children = [group];
var c = createCanvas(rootView.width, rootView.height);
var tempCtx = c.getContext('2d');
tempCtx.fillStyle = g;
return tempCtx.createPattern(c, 'no-repeat');
return g;
svg.Element.GradientBase.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// linear gradient element
svg.Element.linearGradient = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.GradientBase;
this.getGradient = function (ctx, element) {
var bb = this.gradientUnits() == 'objectBoundingBox' ? element.getBoundingBox(ctx) : null;
if (!this.attribute('x1').hasValue() &&
!this.attribute('y1').hasValue() &&
!this.attribute('x2').hasValue() &&
!this.attribute('y2').hasValue()) {
this.attribute('x1', true).value = 0;
this.attribute('y1', true).value = 0;
this.attribute('x2', true).value = 1;
this.attribute('y2', true).value = 0;
var x1 = (this.gradientUnits() == 'objectBoundingBox' ?
bb.x() + bb.width() * this.attribute('x1').numValue() :
var y1 = (this.gradientUnits() == 'objectBoundingBox' ?
bb.y() + bb.height() * this.attribute('y1').numValue() :
var x2 = (this.gradientUnits() == 'objectBoundingBox' ?
bb.x() + bb.width() * this.attribute('x2').numValue() :
var y2 = (this.gradientUnits() == 'objectBoundingBox' ?
bb.y() + bb.height() * this.attribute('y2').numValue() :
if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) return null;
return ctx.createLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2);
svg.Element.linearGradient.prototype = new svg.Element.GradientBase;
// radial gradient element
svg.Element.radialGradient = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.GradientBase;
this.getGradient = function (ctx, element) {
var bb = element.getBoundingBox(ctx);
if (!this.attribute('cx').hasValue()) this.attribute('cx', true).value = '50%';
if (!this.attribute('cy').hasValue()) this.attribute('cy', true).value = '50%';
if (!this.attribute('r').hasValue()) this.attribute('r', true).value = '50%';
var cx = (this.gradientUnits() == 'objectBoundingBox' ?
bb.x() + bb.width() * this.attribute('cx').numValue() :
var cy = (this.gradientUnits() == 'objectBoundingBox' ?
bb.y() + bb.height() * this.attribute('cy').numValue() :
var fx = cx;
var fy = cy;
if (this.attribute('fx').hasValue()) {
fx = (this.gradientUnits() == 'objectBoundingBox' ?
bb.x() + bb.width() * this.attribute('fx').numValue() :
if (this.attribute('fy').hasValue()) {
fy = (this.gradientUnits() == 'objectBoundingBox' ?
bb.y() + bb.height() * this.attribute('fy').numValue() :
var r = (this.gradientUnits() == 'objectBoundingBox' ?
(bb.width() + bb.height()) / 2.0 * this.attribute('r').numValue() :
var fr = this.attribute('fr').toPixels();
return ctx.createRadialGradient(fx, fy, fr, cx, cy, r);
svg.Element.radialGradient.prototype = new svg.Element.GradientBase;
// gradient stop element
svg.Element.stop = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.offset = this.attribute('offset').numValue();
if (this.offset < 0) this.offset = 0;
if (this.offset > 1) this.offset = 1;
var stopColor = this.style('stop-color', true);
if (stopColor.value === '') stopColor.value = '#000';
if (this.style('stop-opacity').hasValue()) stopColor = stopColor.addOpacity(this.style('stop-opacity'));
this.color = stopColor.value;
svg.Element.stop.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// animation base element
svg.Element.AnimateBase = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.duration = 0.0;
this.begin = this.attribute('begin').toMilliseconds();
this.maxDuration = this.begin + this.attribute('dur').toMilliseconds();
this.getProperty = function () {
var attributeType = this.attribute('attributeType').value;
var attributeName = this.attribute('attributeName').value;
if (attributeType == 'CSS') {
return this.parent.style(attributeName, true);
return this.parent.attribute(attributeName, true);
this.initialValue = null;
this.initialUnits = '';
this.removed = false;
this.calcValue = function () {
return '';
this.update = function (delta) {
// set initial value
if (this.initialValue == null) {
this.initialValue = this.getProperty().value;
this.initialUnits = this.getProperty().getUnits();
// if we're past the end time
if (this.duration > this.maxDuration) {
// loop for indefinitely repeating animations
if (this.attribute('repeatCount').value == 'indefinite' ||
this.attribute('repeatDur').value == 'indefinite') {
this.duration = 0.0;
} else if (this.attribute('fill').valueOrDefault('remove') == 'freeze' && !this.frozen) {
this.frozen = true;
this.parent.animationFrozen = true;
this.parent.animationFrozenValue = this.getProperty().value;
} else if (this.attribute('fill').valueOrDefault('remove') == 'remove' && !this.removed) {
this.removed = true;
this.getProperty().value = this.parent.animationFrozen ? this.parent.animationFrozenValue : this.initialValue;
return true;
return false;
this.duration = this.duration + delta;
// if we're past the begin time
var updated = false;
if (this.begin < this.duration) {
var newValue = this.calcValue(); // tween
if (this.attribute('type').hasValue()) {
// for transform, etc.
var type = this.attribute('type').value;
newValue = type + '(' + newValue + ')';
this.getProperty().value = newValue;
updated = true;
return updated;
this.from = this.attribute('from');
this.to = this.attribute('to');
this.values = this.attribute('values');
if (this.values.hasValue()) this.values.value = this.values.value.split(';');
// fraction of duration we've covered
this.progress = function () {
var ret = { progress: (this.duration - this.begin) / (this.maxDuration - this.begin) };
if (this.values.hasValue()) {
var p = ret.progress * (this.values.value.length - 1);
var lb = Math.floor(p),
ub = Math.ceil(p);
ret.from = new svg.Property('from', parseFloat(this.values.value[lb]));
ret.to = new svg.Property('to', parseFloat(this.values.value[ub]));
ret.progress = (p - lb) / (ub - lb);
} else {
ret.from = this.from;
ret.to = this.to;
return ret;
svg.Element.AnimateBase.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// animate element
svg.Element.animate = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.AnimateBase;
this.calcValue = function () {
var p = this.progress();
// tween value linearly
var newValue = p.from.numValue() + (p.to.numValue() - p.from.numValue()) * p.progress;
if (this.initialUnits === '%') {
newValue *= 100.0; // numValue() returns 0-1 whereas properties are 0-100
return newValue + this.initialUnits;
svg.Element.animate.prototype = new svg.Element.AnimateBase;
// animate color element
svg.Element.animateColor = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.AnimateBase;
this.calcValue = function () {
var p = this.progress();
var from = new rgbcolor(p.from.value);
var to = new rgbcolor(p.to.value);
if (from.ok && to.ok) {
// tween color linearly
var r = from.r + (to.r - from.r) * p.progress;
var g = from.g + (to.g - from.g) * p.progress;
var b = from.b + (to.b - from.b) * p.progress;
return 'rgb(' + parseInt(r, 10) + ',' + parseInt(g, 10) + ',' + parseInt(b, 10) + ')';
return this.attribute('from').value;
svg.Element.animateColor.prototype = new svg.Element.AnimateBase;
// animate transform element
svg.Element.animateTransform = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.AnimateBase;
this.calcValue = function () {
var p = this.progress();
// tween value linearly
var from = svg.ToNumberArray(p.from.value);
var to = svg.ToNumberArray(p.to.value);
var newValue = '';
for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
newValue += from[i] + (to[i] - from[i]) * p.progress + ' ';
return newValue;
svg.Element.animateTransform.prototype = new svg.Element.animate;
// font element
svg.Element.font = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.horizAdvX = this.attribute('horiz-adv-x').numValue();
this.isRTL = false;
this.isArabic = false;
this.fontFace = null;
this.missingGlyph = null;
this.glyphs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
var child = this.children[i];
if (child.type == 'font-face') {
this.fontFace = child;
if (child.style('font-family').hasValue()) {
svg.Definitions[child.style('font-family').value] = this;
} else if (child.type == 'missing-glyph') this.missingGlyph = child;
else if (child.type == 'glyph') {
if (child.arabicForm != '') {
this.isRTL = true;
this.isArabic = true;
if (typeof this.glyphs[child.unicode] == 'undefined') this.glyphs[child.unicode] = [];
this.glyphs[child.unicode][child.arabicForm] = child;
} else {
this.glyphs[child.unicode] = child;
this.render = function(/* ctx */) {
svg.Element.font.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// font-face element
svg.Element.fontface = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.ascent = this.attribute('ascent').value;
this.descent = this.attribute('descent').value;
this.unitsPerEm = this.attribute('units-per-em').numValue();
svg.Element.fontface.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// missing-glyph element
svg.Element.missingglyph = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.path;
this.horizAdvX = 0;
svg.Element.missingglyph.prototype = new svg.Element.path;
// glyph element
svg.Element.glyph = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.path;
this.horizAdvX = this.attribute('horiz-adv-x').numValue();
this.unicode = this.attribute('unicode').value;
this.arabicForm = this.attribute('arabic-form').value;
svg.Element.glyph.prototype = new svg.Element.path;
// text element
svg.Element.text = function (node) {
this.captureTextNodes = true;
this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
this.baseSetContext = this.setContext;
this.setContext = function (ctx) {
var textBaseline = this.style('dominant-baseline').toTextBaseline();
if (textBaseline == null) textBaseline = this.style('alignment-baseline').toTextBaseline();
if (textBaseline != null) ctx.textBaseline = textBaseline;
this.initializeCoordinates = function (ctx) {
this.x = this.attribute('x').toPixels('x');
this.y = this.attribute('y').toPixels('y');
if (this.attribute('dx').hasValue()) this.x += this.attribute('dx').toPixels('x');
if (this.attribute('dy').hasValue()) this.y += this.attribute('dy').toPixels('y');
this.x += this.getAnchorDelta(ctx, this, 0);
this.getBoundingBox = function (ctx) {
var bb = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
var childBB = this.getChildBoundingBox(ctx, this, this, i);
if (bb == null) bb = childBB;
else bb.addBoundingBox(childBB);
return bb;
this.renderChildren = function (ctx) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
this.renderChild(ctx, this, this, i);
svg.Mouse.checkBoundingBox(this, this.getBoundingBox(ctx));
this.getAnchorDelta = function (ctx, parent, startI) {
var textAnchor = this.style('text-anchor').valueOrDefault('start');
if (textAnchor != 'start') {
var width = 0;
for (var i = startI; i < parent.children.length; i++) {
var child = parent.children[i];
if (i > startI && child.attribute('x').hasValue()) break; // new group
width += child.measureTextRecursive(ctx);
return -1 * (textAnchor == 'end' ? width : width / 2.0);
return 0;
this.adjustChildCoordinates = function(ctx, textParent, parent, i) {
var child = parent.children[i];
if (typeof(child.measureText) !== 'function') {
return child;
if (child.attribute('x').hasValue()) {
child.x = child.attribute('x').toPixels('x') + textParent.getAnchorDelta(ctx, parent, i);
// local text-anchor
var textAnchor = child.attribute('text-anchor').valueOrDefault('start');
if (textAnchor !== 'start') {
var width = child.measureTextRecursive(ctx);
child.x += -1 * (textAnchor == 'end' ? width : width / 2.0);
if (child.attribute('dx').hasValue()) child.x += child.attribute('dx').toPixels('x');
} else {
if (child.attribute('dx').hasValue()) textParent.x += child.attribute('dx').toPixels('x');
child.x = textParent.x;
textParent.x = child.x + child.measureText(ctx);
if (child.attribute('y').hasValue()) {
child.y = child.attribute('y').toPixels('y');
if (child.attribute('dy').hasValue()) child.y += child.attribute('dy').toPixels('y');
} else {
if (child.attribute('dy').hasValue()) textParent.y += child.attribute('dy').toPixels('y');
child.y = textParent.y;
textParent.y = child.y;
return child;
this.getChildBoundingBox = function (ctx, textParent, parent, i) {
var child = this.adjustChildCoordinates(ctx, textParent, parent, i);
var bb = child.getBoundingBox(ctx);
for (var i = 0; i < child.children.length; i++) {
var childBB = textParent.getChildBoundingBox(ctx, textParent, child, i);
return bb;
this.renderChild = function (ctx, textParent, parent, i) {
var child = this.adjustChildCoordinates(ctx, textParent, parent, i);
for (var i = 0; i < child.children.length; i++) {
textParent.renderChild(ctx, textParent, child, i);
svg.Element.text.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
// text base
svg.Element.TextElementBase = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
this.getGlyph = function (font, text, i) {
var c = text[i];
var glyph = null;
if (font.isArabic) {
var arabicForm = 'isolated';
if ((i == 0 || text[i - 1] == ' ') && i < text.length - 2 && text[i + 1] != ' ') arabicForm = 'terminal';
if (i > 0 && text[i - 1] != ' ' && i < text.length - 2 && text[i + 1] != ' ') arabicForm = 'medial';
if (i > 0 && text[i - 1] != ' ' && (i == text.length - 1 || text[i + 1] == ' ')) arabicForm = 'initial';
if (typeof font.glyphs[c] != 'undefined') {
glyph = font.glyphs[c][arabicForm];
if (glyph == null && font.glyphs[c].type == 'glyph') glyph = font.glyphs[c];
} else {
glyph = font.glyphs[c];
if (glyph == null) glyph = font.missingGlyph;
return glyph;
this.renderChildren = function (ctx) {
var customFont = this.parent.style('font-family').getDefinition();
if (customFont != null) {
var fontSize = this.parent.style('font-size').numValueOrDefault(svg.Font.Parse(svg.ctx.font).fontSize);
var fontStyle = this.parent.style('font-style').valueOrDefault(svg.Font.Parse(svg.ctx.font).fontStyle);
var text = this.getText();
if (customFont.isRTL) text = text.split('').reverse().join('');
var dx = svg.ToNumberArray(this.parent.attribute('dx').value);
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var glyph = this.getGlyph(customFont, text, i);
var scale = fontSize / customFont.fontFace.unitsPerEm;
ctx.translate(this.x, this.y);
ctx.scale(scale, -scale);
var lw = ctx.lineWidth;
ctx.lineWidth = ctx.lineWidth * customFont.fontFace.unitsPerEm / fontSize;
if (fontStyle == 'italic') ctx.transform(1, 0, .4, 1, 0, 0);
if (fontStyle == 'italic') ctx.transform(1, 0, -.4, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.lineWidth = lw;
ctx.scale(1 / scale, -1 / scale);
ctx.translate(-this.x, -this.y);
this.x += fontSize * (glyph.horizAdvX || customFont.horizAdvX) / customFont.fontFace.unitsPerEm;
if (typeof dx[i] != 'undefined' && !isNaN(dx[i])) {
this.x += dx[i];
if (ctx.paintOrder == 'stroke') {
if (ctx.strokeStyle != '') ctx.strokeText(svg.compressSpaces(this.getText()), this.x, this.y);
if (ctx.fillStyle != '') ctx.fillText(svg.compressSpaces(this.getText()), this.x, this.y);
} else {
if (ctx.fillStyle != '') ctx.fillText(svg.compressSpaces(this.getText()), this.x, this.y);
if (ctx.strokeStyle != '') ctx.strokeText(svg.compressSpaces(this.getText()), this.x, this.y);
this.getText = function () {
this.measureTextRecursive = function (ctx) {
var width = this.measureText(ctx);
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
width += this.children[i].measureTextRecursive(ctx);
return width;
this.measureText = function (ctx) {
var customFont = this.parent.style('font-family').getDefinition();
if (customFont != null) {
var fontSize = this.parent.style('font-size').numValueOrDefault(svg.Font.Parse(svg.ctx.font).fontSize);
var measure = 0;
var text = this.getText();
if (customFont.isRTL) text = text.split('').reverse().join('');
var dx = svg.ToNumberArray(this.parent.attribute('dx').value);
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var glyph = this.getGlyph(customFont, text, i);
measure += (glyph.horizAdvX || customFont.horizAdvX) * fontSize / customFont.fontFace.unitsPerEm;
if (typeof dx[i] != 'undefined' && !isNaN(dx[i])) {
measure += dx[i];
return measure;
var textToMeasure = svg.compressSpaces(this.getText());
if (!ctx.measureText) return textToMeasure.length * 10;
this.setContext(ctx, true);
var width = ctx.measureText(textToMeasure).width;
return width;
this.getBoundingBox = function (ctx) {
var fontSize = this.parent.style('font-size').numValueOrDefault(svg.Font.Parse(svg.ctx.font).fontSize);
return new svg.BoundingBox(this.x, this.y - fontSize, this.x + this.measureText(ctx), this.y);
svg.Element.TextElementBase.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
// tspan
svg.Element.tspan = function (node) {
this.captureTextNodes = true;
this.base = svg.Element.TextElementBase;
this.text = svg.compressSpaces(node.value || node.text || node.textContent || '');
this.getText = function () {
// if this node has children, then they own the text
if (this.children.length > 0) { return ''; }
return this.text;
svg.Element.tspan.prototype = new svg.Element.TextElementBase;
// tref
svg.Element.tref = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.TextElementBase;
this.getText = function () {
var element = this.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition();
if (element != null) return element.children[0].getText();
svg.Element.tref.prototype = new svg.Element.TextElementBase;
// a element
svg.Element.a = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.TextElementBase;
this.hasText = node.childNodes.length > 0;
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (node.childNodes[i].nodeType != 3) this.hasText = false;
// this might contain text
this.text = this.hasText ? node.childNodes[0].value || node.childNodes[0].data : '';
this.getText = function () {
return this.text;
this.baseRenderChildren = this.renderChildren;
this.renderChildren = function (ctx) {
if (this.hasText) {
// render as text element
var fontSize = new svg.Property('fontSize', svg.Font.Parse(svg.ctx.font).fontSize);
svg.Mouse.checkBoundingBox(this, new svg.BoundingBox(this.x, this.y - fontSize.toPixels('y'), this.x + this.measureText(ctx), this.y));
} else if (this.children.length > 0) {
// render as temporary group
var g = new svg.Element.g();
g.children = this.children;
g.parent = this;
this.onclick = function () {
this.onmousemove = function () {
svg.ctx.canvas.style.cursor = 'pointer';
svg.Element.a.prototype = new svg.Element.TextElementBase;
// textPath
svg.Element.textPath = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.TextElementBase;
var pathElement = this.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition();
this.text = svg.compressSpaces(node.value || node.text || node.textContent || '');
this.renderChildren = function (ctx) {
var textDecoration = this.parent.style('text-decoration').value;
var fontSize = this.fontSize();
var glyphInfo = this.glyphInfo;
var fill = ctx.fillStyle;
if (textDecoration === 'underline') {
for (var i = 0; i < glyphInfo.length; i++) {
var p0 = glyphInfo[i].p0;
var p1 = glyphInfo[i].p1;
var partialText = glyphInfo[i].text;
ctx.translate(p0.x, p0.y);
if (ctx.fillStyle != '') ctx.fillText(svg.compressSpaces(partialText), 0, 0);
if (ctx.strokeStyle != '') ctx.strokeText(svg.compressSpaces(partialText), 0, 0);
if (textDecoration === 'underline') {
if (i === 0) {
ctx.moveTo(p0.x, p0.y + fontSize / 8);
ctx.lineTo(p1.x, p1.y + fontSize / 5);
//// To assist with debugging visually, uncomment following
// ctx.beginPath();
// if (i % 2)
// ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';
// else
// ctx.strokeStyle = 'green';
// ctx.moveTo(p0.x, p0.y);
// ctx.lineTo(p1.x, p1.y);
// ctx.stroke();
// ctx.closePath();
if (textDecoration === 'underline') {
ctx.lineWidth = fontSize / 20;
ctx.strokeStyle = fill;
this.path = function (ctx) {
var ca = this.dataArray;
if (ctx != null) {
for (var n = 0; n < ca.length; n++) {
var c = ca[n].command;
var p = ca[n].points;
switch (c) {
case 'L':
if (ctx != null) ctx.lineTo(p[0], p[1]);
case 'M':
if (ctx != null) ctx.moveTo(p[0], p[1]);
case 'C':
if (ctx != null) ctx.bezierCurveTo(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]);
case 'Q':
if (ctx != null) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
case 'A':
var cx = p[0], cy = p[1], rx = p[2], ry = p[3],
theta = p[4], dTheta = p[5], psi = p[6], fs = p[7];
var r = (rx > ry) ? rx : ry;
var scaleX = (rx > ry) ? 1 : rx / ry;
var scaleY = (rx > ry) ? ry / rx : 1;
if (ctx != null) {
ctx.translate(cx, cy);
ctx.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
ctx.arc(0, 0, r, theta, theta + dTheta, 1 - fs);
ctx.scale(1 / scaleX, 1 / scaleY);
ctx.translate(-cx, -cy);
case 'z':
if (ctx != null) ctx.closePath();
this.getText = function () {
return this.text;
this.fontSize = function () {
return this.parent.style('font-size').numValueOrDefault(svg.Font.Parse(svg.ctx.font).fontSize);
this.measureText = function (ctx, text) {
var customFont = this.parent.style('font-family').getDefinition();
text = text || this.getText();
if (customFont != null) {
var fontSize = this.fontSize();
var measure = 0;
if (customFont.isRTL) text = text.split("").reverse().join("");
var dx = svg.ToNumberArray(this.parent.attribute('dx').value);
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var glyph = this.getGlyph(customFont, text, i);
measure += (glyph.horizAdvX || customFont.horizAdvX) * fontSize / customFont.fontFace.unitsPerEm;
if (typeof dx[i] != 'undefined' && !isNaN(dx[i])) {
measure += dx[i];
return measure;
var textToMeasure = svg.compressSpaces(text);
if (!ctx.measureText) return textToMeasure.length * 10;
var width = ctx.measureText(textToMeasure).width;
return width;
// This method supposes what all custom fonts already loaded.
// If some font will be loaded after this method call, <textPath> will not be rendered correctly.
// You need to call this method manually to update glyphs cache.
this.setTextData = function (ctx) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty('glyphInfo')) return;
var that = this;
var charArr = this.getText().split('');
var spacesNumber = this.getText().split(' ').length - 1;
var dx = svg.ToNumberArray(this.parent.attribute('dx').valueOrDefault('0'));
var letterSpacing = 0;
var anchor = this.parent.style('text-anchor').valueOrDefault('start');
var thisSpacing = this.style('letter-spacing');
var parentSpacing = this.parent.style('letter-spacing');
if (!thisSpacing.hasValue() || thisSpacing.getValue() === 'inherit') {
letterSpacing = parentSpacing.toPixels();
} else if (thisSpacing.hasValue()) {
if (thisSpacing.getValue() !== 'initial' && thisSpacing.getValue() !== 'unset') {
letterSpacing = thisSpacing.toPixels();
// fill letter-spacing cache
this.letterSpacingCache = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.getText().length; i++) {
this.letterSpacingCache.push(dx[i] !== undefined ? dx[i] : letterSpacing);
var dxSum = this.letterSpacingCache.reduce(function (acc, cur) { return acc + cur || 0 }, 0);
this.textWidth = this.measureText(ctx);
this.textHeight = this.fontSize();
var textFullWidth = Math.max(this.textWidth + dxSum, 0);
this.glyphInfo = [];
var fullPathWidth = this.getPathLength();
var startOffset = this.style('startOffset').numValueOrDefault(0) * fullPathWidth;
var offset = 0;
if (anchor === 'middle' || anchor === 'center') {
offset = -textFullWidth / 2;
if (anchor === 'end' || anchor === 'right') {
offset = -textFullWidth;
offset += startOffset;
var getGetterSpacingAt = function (idx) {
idx = idx || 0;
return that.letterSpacingCache[idx] || 0;
var findSegmentToFitChar = function (c, charI) {
var glyphWidth = that.measureText(ctx, c);
if (c === ' ' && anchor === 'justify' && textFullWidth < fullPathWidth) {
glyphWidth += (fullPathWidth - textFullWidth) / spacesNumber;
if (charI > -1) {
offset += getGetterSpacingAt(charI);
var splineStep = that.textHeight / 20;
var segment = {
p0: that.getEquidistantPointOnPath(offset, splineStep),
p1: that.getEquidistantPointOnPath(offset + glyphWidth, splineStep)
offset += glyphWidth;
return segment;
for (var i = 0; i < charArr.length; i++) {
// Find such segment what distance between p0 and p1 is approx. width of glyph
var segment = findSegmentToFitChar(charArr[i], i);
if (segment.p0 === undefined || segment.p1 === undefined) {
var width = that.getLineLength(segment.p0.x, segment.p0.y, segment.p1.x, segment.p1.y);
// Note: Since glyphs are rendered one at a time, any kerning pair data built into the font will not be used.
// Can foresee having a rough pair table built in that the developer can override as needed.
// Or use "dx" attribute of the <text> node as a naive replacement
var kern = 0;
// placeholder for future implementation
var midpoint = that.getPointOnLine(kern + width / 2.0, segment.p0.x, segment.p0.y, segment.p1.x, segment.p1.y);
var rotation = Math.atan2((segment.p1.y - segment.p0.y), (segment.p1.x - segment.p0.x));
transposeX: midpoint.x,
transposeY: midpoint.y,
text: charArr[i],
rotation: rotation,
p0: segment.p0,
p1: segment.p1
this.parsePathData = function (path) {
this.pathLength = undefined; // reset path length
if (!path) {
return [];
var ca = [];
var pp = path.PathParser;
// convert l, H, h, V, and v to L
while (!pp.isEnd()) {
var points = [];
var cmd = null;
var startX = pp.current ? pp.current.x : 0;
var startY = pp.current ? pp.current.y : 0;
var C = pp.command.toUpperCase();
switch (pp.command) {
case 'M':
case 'm':
var p = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
// pp.addMarker(p);
points.push(p.x, p.y);
pp.start = pp.current;
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var p = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
points.push(p.x, p.y);
cmd = 'L';
case 'L':
case 'l':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var p = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
points.push(p.x, p.y);
cmd = 'L';
case 'H':
case 'h':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var newP = new svg.Point((pp.isRelativeCommand() ? pp.current.x : 0) + pp.getScalar(),
points.push(newP.x, newP.y);
pp.current = newP;
cmd = 'L';
case 'V':
case 'v':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var newP = new svg.Point(pp.current.x,
(pp.isRelativeCommand() ? pp.current.y : 0) + pp.getScalar());
points.push(newP.x, newP.y);
pp.current = newP;
cmd = 'L';
case 'C':
case 'c':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var p1 = pp.getPoint();
var cntrl = pp.getAsControlPoint();
var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
points.push(p1.x, p1.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y);
case 'S':
case 's':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var p1 = pp.getReflectedControlPoint();
var cntrl = pp.getAsControlPoint();
var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
points.push(p1.x, p1.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y);
cmd = 'C';
case 'Q':
case 'q':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var cntrl = pp.getAsControlPoint();
var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
points.push(cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y);
case 'T':
case 't':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var cntrl = pp.getReflectedControlPoint();
pp.control = cntrl;
var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint();
points.push(cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y);
cmd = 'Q';
case 'A':
case 'a':
while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) {
var curr = pp.current; // x1, y1
var rx = pp.getScalar();
var ry = pp.getScalar();
var xAxisRotation = pp.getScalar() * (Math.PI / 180.0); // φ
var largeArcFlag = pp.getScalar(); // fA
var sweepFlag = pp.getScalar(); // fS
var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint(); // x2, y2
// Conversion from endpoint to center parameterization
// http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/implnote.html#ArcImplementationNotes
// x1', y1'
var currp = new svg.Point(
Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * (curr.x - cp.x) / 2.0 + Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * (curr.y - cp.y) / 2.0,
-Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * (curr.x - cp.x) / 2.0 + Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * (curr.y - cp.y) / 2.0
// adjust radii
var l = Math.pow(currp.x, 2) / Math.pow(rx, 2) + Math.pow(currp.y, 2) / Math.pow(ry, 2);
if (l > 1) {
rx *= Math.sqrt(l);
ry *= Math.sqrt(l);
// cx', cy'
var s = (largeArcFlag == sweepFlag ? -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt(
((Math.pow(rx, 2) * Math.pow(ry, 2)) - (Math.pow(rx, 2) * Math.pow(currp.y, 2)) - (Math.pow(ry, 2) * Math.pow(currp.x, 2))) /
(Math.pow(rx, 2) * Math.pow(currp.y, 2) + Math.pow(ry, 2) * Math.pow(currp.x, 2))
if (isNaN(s)) s = 0;
var cpp = new svg.Point(s * rx * currp.y / ry, s * -ry * currp.x / rx);
// cx, cy
var centp = new svg.Point(
(curr.x + cp.x) / 2.0 + Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * cpp.x - Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * cpp.y,
(curr.y + cp.y) / 2.0 + Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * cpp.x + Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * cpp.y
// vector magnitude
var m = function (v) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v[0], 2) + Math.pow(v[1], 2));
// ratio between two vectors
var r = function (u, v) {
return (u[0] * v[0] + u[1] * v[1]) / (m(u) * m(v))
// angle between two vectors
var a = function (u, v) {
return (u[0] * v[1] < u[1] * v[0] ? -1 : 1) * Math.acos(r(u, v));
// initial angle
var a1 = a([1, 0], [(currp.x - cpp.x) / rx, (currp.y - cpp.y) / ry]); // θ1
// angle delta
var u = [(currp.x - cpp.x) / rx, (currp.y - cpp.y) / ry];
var v = [(-currp.x - cpp.x) / rx, (-currp.y - cpp.y) / ry];
var ad = a(u, v); // Δθ
if (r(u, v) <= -1) ad = Math.PI;
if (r(u, v) >= 1) ad = 0;
if (sweepFlag === 0 && ad > 0) ad = ad - 2 * Math.PI;
if (sweepFlag === 1 && ad < 0) ad = ad + 2 * Math.PI;
points = [centp.x, centp.y, rx, ry, a1, ad, xAxisRotation, sweepFlag];
case 'Z':
case 'z':
pp.current = pp.start;
if (C !== 'Z') {
command: cmd || C,
points: points,
start: {
x: startX,
y: startY
pathLength: this.calcLength(startX, startY, cmd || C, points)
} else {
command: 'z',
points: [],
start: undefined,
pathLength: 0
return ca;
this.getPathLength = function() {
if (this.pathLength === undefined || this.pathLength === null || isNaN(this.pathLength)) {
this.pathLength = 0;
for (var l = 0; l < this.dataArray.length; l++) {
if (this.dataArray[l].pathLength > 0) {
this.pathLength += this.dataArray[l].pathLength;
return this.pathLength;
this.getPointOnPath = function(distance) {
var cumulativePathLength = 0;
var fullLen = this.getPathLength();
var p = undefined;
if (distance < -0.00005 || distance - 0.00005 > fullLen) return undefined;
for(var i = 0; i < this.dataArray.length; i++) {
var pathCmd = this.dataArray[i];
if (pathCmd
&& (
pathCmd.pathLength < 0.00005
|| cumulativePathLength + pathCmd.pathLength + 0.00005 < distance
) {
cumulativePathLength += pathCmd.pathLength;
var delta = distance - cumulativePathLength;
var currentT = undefined;
switch (pathCmd.command) {
case 'L':
p = this.getPointOnLine(delta, pathCmd.start.x, pathCmd.start.y, pathCmd.points[0], pathCmd.points[1], pathCmd.start.x, pathCmd.start.y);
case 'A':
var start = pathCmd.points[4];
// 4 = theta
var dTheta = pathCmd.points[5];
// 5 = dTheta
var end = pathCmd.points[4] + dTheta;
currentT = start + delta / pathCmd.pathLength * dTheta;
if(dTheta < 0 && currentT < end || dTheta >= 0 && currentT > end) {
p = this.getPointOnEllipticalArc(pathCmd.points[0], pathCmd.points[1], pathCmd.points[2], pathCmd.points[3], currentT, pathCmd.points[6]);
case 'C':
currentT = delta / pathCmd.pathLength;
if (currentT > 1) {
currentT = 1;
p = this.getPointOnCubicBezier(currentT, pathCmd.start.x, pathCmd.start.y, pathCmd.points[0], pathCmd.points[1], pathCmd.points[2], pathCmd.points[3], pathCmd.points[4], pathCmd.points[5]);
case 'Q':
currentT = delta / pathCmd.pathLength;
if (currentT > 1) {
currentT = 1;
p = this.getPointOnQuadraticBezier(currentT, pathCmd.start.x, pathCmd.start.y, pathCmd.points[0], pathCmd.points[1], pathCmd.points[2], pathCmd.points[3]);
if (p !== undefined && p !== {}) {
return p;
// TODO need some optimisations. possibly build cache only for curved segments?
this.buildEquidistantCache = function(step, precision) {
var fullLen = this.getPathLength();
precision = precision || 0.25; // accuracy vs performance
step = step || fullLen / 100;
this.equidistantCache = this.equidistantCache || {};
if (
|| this.equidistantCache.step != step
|| this.equidistantCache.precision != precision
) {
// Prepare cache
this.equidistantCache = {
step: step,
precision: precision,
points: []
// Calculate points
var s = 0;
for (var l = 0; l <= fullLen; l += precision) {
var p0 = this.getPointOnPath(l),
p1 = this.getPointOnPath(l + precision);
if (p0 === undefined || p1 === undefined) continue;
s += this.getLineLength(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y);
if (s >= step) {
x: p0.x,
y: p0.y,
distance: l
s -= step;
this.getEquidistantPointOnPath = function (targetDistance, step, precision) {
this.buildEquidistantCache(step, precision);
if (targetDistance < 0 || targetDistance - this.getPathLength() > 0.00005) return undefined;
var idx = Math.round(targetDistance / this.getPathLength() * (this.equidistantCache.points.length - 1));
return this.equidistantCache.points[idx] || undefined;
this.getLineLength = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1));
this.getPointOnLine = function (dist, P1x, P1y, P2x, P2y, fromX, fromY) {
if (fromX === undefined) {
fromX = P1x;
if (fromY === undefined) {
fromY = P1y;
var m = (P2y - P1y) / ((P2x - P1x) + 0.00000001);
var run = Math.sqrt(dist * dist / (1 + m * m));
if (P2x < P1x) {
run *= -1;
var rise = m * run;
var pt;
if (P2x === P1x) { // vertical line
pt = {
x: fromX,
y: fromY + rise
} else if ((fromY - P1y) / ((fromX - P1x) + 0.00000001) === m) {
pt = {
x: fromX + run,
y: fromY + rise
else {
var ix, iy;
var len = this.getLineLength(P1x, P1y, P2x, P2y);
if (len < 0.00000001) {
return undefined;
var u = (((fromX - P1x) * (P2x - P1x)) + ((fromY - P1y) * (P2y - P1y)));
u = u / (len * len);
ix = P1x + u * (P2x - P1x);
iy = P1y + u * (P2y - P1y);
var pRise = this.getLineLength(fromX, fromY, ix, iy);
var pRun = Math.sqrt(dist * dist - pRise * pRise);
run = Math.sqrt(pRun * pRun / (1 + m * m));
if (P2x < P1x) {
run *= -1;
rise = m * run;
pt = {
x: ix + run,
y: iy + rise
return pt;
this.getPointOnCubicBezier = function (pct, P1x, P1y, P2x, P2y, P3x, P3y, P4x, P4y) {
function CB1(t) {
return t * t * t;
function CB2(t) {
return 3 * t * t * (1 - t);
function CB3(t) {
return 3 * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t);
function CB4(t) {
return (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t);
var x = P4x * CB1(pct) + P3x * CB2(pct) + P2x * CB3(pct) + P1x * CB4(pct);
var y = P4y * CB1(pct) + P3y * CB2(pct) + P2y * CB3(pct) + P1y * CB4(pct);
return {
x: x,
y: y
this.getPointOnQuadraticBezier = function (pct, P1x, P1y, P2x, P2y, P3x, P3y) {
function QB1(t) {
return t * t;
function QB2(t) {
return 2 * t * (1 - t);
function QB3(t) {
return (1 - t) * (1 - t);
var x = P3x * QB1(pct) + P2x * QB2(pct) + P1x * QB3(pct);
var y = P3y * QB1(pct) + P2y * QB2(pct) + P1y * QB3(pct);
return {
x: x,
y: y
this.getPointOnEllipticalArc = function (cx, cy, rx, ry, theta, psi) {
var cosPsi = Math.cos(psi), sinPsi = Math.sin(psi);
var pt = {
x: rx * Math.cos(theta),
y: ry * Math.sin(theta)
return {
x: cx + (pt.x * cosPsi - pt.y * sinPsi),
y: cy + (pt.x * sinPsi + pt.y * cosPsi)
this.calcLength = function (x, y, cmd, points) {
var len, p1, p2, t;
switch (cmd) {
case 'L':
return this.getLineLength(x, y, points[0], points[1]);
case 'C':
// Approximates by breaking curve into 100 line segments
len = 0.0;
p1 = this.getPointOnCubicBezier(0, x, y, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5]);
for (t = 0.01; t <= 1; t += 0.01) {
p2 = this.getPointOnCubicBezier(t, x, y, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5]);
len += this.getLineLength(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
p1 = p2;
return len;
case 'Q':
// Approximates by breaking curve into 100 line segments
len = 0.0;
p1 = this.getPointOnQuadraticBezier(0, x, y, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]);
for (t = 0.01; t <= 1; t += 0.01) {
p2 = this.getPointOnQuadraticBezier(t, x, y, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]);
len += this.getLineLength(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
p1 = p2;
return len;
case 'A':
// Approximates by breaking curve into line segments
len = 0.0;
var start = points[4];
// 4 = theta
var dTheta = points[5];
// 5 = dTheta
var end = points[4] + dTheta;
var inc = Math.PI / 180.0;
// 1 degree resolution
if (Math.abs(start - end) < inc) {
inc = Math.abs(start - end);
// Note: for purpose of calculating arc length, not going to worry about rotating X-axis by angle psi
p1 = this.getPointOnEllipticalArc(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], start, 0);
if (dTheta < 0) {// clockwise
for (t = start - inc; t > end; t -= inc) {
p2 = this.getPointOnEllipticalArc(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], t, 0);
len += this.getLineLength(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
p1 = p2;
else {// counter-clockwise
for (t = start + inc; t < end; t += inc) {
p2 = this.getPointOnEllipticalArc(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], t, 0);
len += this.getLineLength(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
p1 = p2;
p2 = this.getPointOnEllipticalArc(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], end, 0);
len += this.getLineLength(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
return len;
return 0;
this.dataArray = this.parsePathData(pathElement);
svg.Element.textPath.prototype = new svg.Element.TextElementBase;
// image element
svg.Element.image = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
var href = this.getHrefAttribute().value;
if (href == '') { return; }
var isSvg = href.match(/\.svg$/);
this.loaded = false;
if (!isSvg) {
this.img = doc.createElement('img');
if (svg.opts['useCORS'] == true) { this.img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'; }
var self = this;
this.img.onload = function () { self.loaded = true; };
this.img.onerror = function () {
svg.log('ERROR: image "' + href + '" not found');
self.loaded = true;
this.img.src = href;
} else {
this.img = svg.ajax(href);
this.loaded = true;
this.renderChildren = function (ctx) {
var x = this.attribute('x').toPixels('x');
var y = this.attribute('y').toPixels('y');
var width = this.attribute('width').toPixels('x');
var height = this.attribute('height').toPixels('y');
if (width == 0 || height == 0) return;
if (isSvg) {
ctx.drawSvg(this.img, x, y, width, height);
} else {
ctx.translate(x, y);
if (self.loaded) {
if (this.img.complete === undefined || this.img.complete) {
ctx.drawImage(this.img, 0, 0);
this.getBoundingBox = function () {
var x = this.attribute('x').toPixels('x');
var y = this.attribute('y').toPixels('y');
var width = this.attribute('width').toPixels('x');
var height = this.attribute('height').toPixels('y');
return new svg.BoundingBox(x, y, x + width, y + height);
svg.Element.image.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
// group element
svg.Element.g = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
this.getBoundingBox = function (ctx) {
var bb = new svg.BoundingBox();
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
return bb;
svg.Element.g.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
// symbol element
svg.Element.symbol = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
this.render = function (/* ctx */) {
svg.Element.symbol.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
svg.ParseExternalUrl = function(url) {
// single quotes [2]
// v double quotes [3]
// v v no quotes [4]
// v v v
var urlMatch = url.match(/url\(('([^']+)'|"([^"]+)"|([^'"\)]+))\)/) || [];
return urlMatch[2] || urlMatch[3] || urlMatch[4];
// style element
svg.Element.style = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
// text, or spaces then CDATA
var css = '';
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
css += node.childNodes[i].data;
css = css.replace(/(\/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*\/]|[\r\n])))*\*+\/)|(^[\s]*\/\/.*)/gm, ''); // remove comments
css = svg.compressSpaces(css); // replace whitespace
var cssDefs = css.split('}');
for (var i = 0; i < cssDefs.length; i++) {
if (svg.trim(cssDefs[i]) != '') {
var cssDef = cssDefs[i].split('{');
var cssClasses = cssDef[0].split(',');
var cssProps = cssDef[1].split(';');
for (var j = 0; j < cssClasses.length; j++) {
var cssClass = svg.trim(cssClasses[j]);
if (cssClass != '') {
var props = svg.Styles[cssClass] || {};
for (var k = 0; k < cssProps.length; k++) {
var prop = cssProps[k].indexOf(':');
var name = cssProps[k].substr(0, prop);
var value = cssProps[k].substr(prop + 1, cssProps[k].length - prop);
if (name != null && value != null) {
props[svg.trim(name)] = new svg.Property(svg.trim(name), svg.trim(value));
svg.Styles[cssClass] = props;
svg.StylesSpecificity[cssClass] = getSelectorSpecificity(cssClass);
if (cssClass == '@font-face' && !nodeEnv) {
var fontFamily = props['font-family'].value.replace(/"/g, '');
var srcs = props['src'].value.split(',');
for (var s = 0; s < srcs.length; s++) {
if (srcs[s].indexOf('format("svg")') > 0) {
var url = svg.ParseExternalUrl(srcs[s]);
if (url) {
var doc = svg.parseXml(svg.ajax(url));
var fonts = doc.getElementsByTagName('font');
for (var f = 0; f < fonts.length; f++) {
var font = svg.CreateElement(fonts[f]);
svg.Definitions[fontFamily] = font;
svg.Element.style.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// use element
svg.Element.use = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
this.baseSetContext = this.setContext;
this.setContext = function (ctx) {
if (this.attribute('x').hasValue()) ctx.translate(this.attribute('x').toPixels('x'), 0);
if (this.attribute('y').hasValue()) ctx.translate(0, this.attribute('y').toPixels('y'));
var element = this.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition();
this.path = function (ctx) {
if (element != null) element.path(ctx);
this.elementTransform = function () {
if (element != null && element.style('transform', false, true).hasValue()) {
return new svg.Transform(element.style('transform', false, true).value);
this.getBoundingBox = function (ctx) {
if (element != null) return element.getBoundingBox(ctx);
this.renderChildren = function (ctx) {
if (element != null) {
var tempSvg = element;
if (element.type == 'symbol') {
// render me using a temporary svg element in symbol cases (http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/struct.html#UseElement)
tempSvg = new svg.Element.svg();
tempSvg.type = 'svg';
tempSvg.attributes['viewBox'] = new svg.Property('viewBox', element.attribute('viewBox').value);
tempSvg.attributes['preserveAspectRatio'] = new svg.Property('preserveAspectRatio', element.attribute('preserveAspectRatio').value);
tempSvg.attributes['overflow'] = new svg.Property('overflow', element.attribute('overflow').value);
tempSvg.children = element.children;
if (tempSvg.type == 'svg') {
// if symbol or svg, inherit width/height from me
if (this.attribute('width').hasValue()) tempSvg.attributes['width'] = new svg.Property('width', this.attribute('width').value);
if (this.attribute('height').hasValue()) tempSvg.attributes['height'] = new svg.Property('height', this.attribute('height').value);
var oldParent = tempSvg.parent;
tempSvg.parent = null;
tempSvg.parent = oldParent;
svg.Element.use.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase;
// mask element
svg.Element.mask = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.apply = function (ctx, element) {
// render as temp svg
var x = this.attribute('x').toPixels('x');
var y = this.attribute('y').toPixels('y');
var width = this.attribute('width').toPixels('x');
var height = this.attribute('height').toPixels('y');
if (width == 0 && height == 0) {
var bb = new svg.BoundingBox();
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
var x = Math.floor(bb.x1);
var y = Math.floor(bb.y1);
var width = Math.floor(bb.width());
var height = Math.floor(bb.height());
// temporarily remove mask to avoid recursion
var mask = element.style('mask').value;
element.style('mask').value = '';
var cMask = createCanvas(x + width, y + height);
var maskCtx = cMask.getContext('2d');
// convert mask to alpha with a fake node
// TODO: refactor out apply from feColorMatrix
var cm = new svg.Element.feColorMatrix({
nodeType: 1,
childNodes: [],
attributes: [
{ nodeName: 'type', value: 'luminanceToAlpha' },
{ nodeName: 'includeOpacity', value: 'true' },
cm.apply(maskCtx, 0, 0, x + width, y + height);
var c = createCanvas(x + width, y + height);
var tempCtx = c.getContext('2d');
tempCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in';
tempCtx.fillStyle = maskCtx.createPattern(cMask, 'no-repeat');
tempCtx.fillRect(0, 0, x + width, y + height);
ctx.fillStyle = tempCtx.createPattern(c, 'no-repeat');
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, x + width, y + height);
// reassign mask
element.style('mask').value = mask;
this.render = function (/* ctx */) {
svg.Element.mask.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// clip element
svg.Element.clipPath = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.apply = function (ctx) {
var hasContext2D = (typeof CanvasRenderingContext2D !== 'undefined');
var oldBeginPath = ctx.beginPath;
var oldClosePath = ctx.closePath;
if (hasContext2D) {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.beginPath = function () { };
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.closePath = function () { };
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
var child = this.children[i];
if (typeof child.path != 'undefined') {
var transform = typeof child.elementTransform != 'undefined' && child.elementTransform(); // handle <use />
if (!transform && child.style('transform', false, true).hasValue()) {
transform = new svg.Transform(child.style('transform', false, true).value);
if (transform) {
if (hasContext2D) {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.closePath = oldClosePath;
if (transform) { transform.unapply(ctx); }
if (hasContext2D) {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.beginPath = oldBeginPath;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.closePath = oldClosePath;
this.render = function (/* ctx */) {
svg.Element.clipPath.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// filters
svg.Element.filter = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.apply = function (ctx, element) {
// render as temp svg
var bb = element.getBoundingBox(ctx);
var x = Math.floor(bb.x1);
var y = Math.floor(bb.y1);
var width = Math.floor(bb.width());
var height = Math.floor(bb.height());
// temporarily remove filter to avoid recursion
var filter = element.style('filter').value;
element.style('filter').value = '';
var px = 0,
py = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
var efd = this.children[i].extraFilterDistance || 0;
px = Math.max(px, efd);
py = Math.max(py, efd);
var c = createCanvas(width + 2 * px, height + 2 * py);
var tempCtx = c.getContext('2d');
tempCtx.translate(-x + px, -y + py);
// apply filters
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
if (typeof this.children[i].apply == 'function') {
this.children[i].apply(tempCtx, 0, 0, width + 2 * px, height + 2 * py);
// render on me
ctx.drawImage(c, 0, 0, width + 2 * px, height + 2 * py, x - px, y - py, width + 2 * px, height + 2 * py);
// reassign filter
element.style('filter', true).value = filter;
this.render = function (/* ctx */) {
svg.Element.filter.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
svg.Element.feDropShadow = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.apply = function (/* ctx, x, y, width, height */) {
// TODO: implement
svg.Element.feDropShadow.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
svg.Element.feMorphology = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.apply = function (/* ctx, x, y, width, height */) {
// TODO: implement
svg.Element.feMorphology.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
svg.Element.feComposite = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.apply = function (/* ctx, x, y, width, height */) {
// TODO: implement
svg.Element.feComposite.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
svg.Element.feColorMatrix = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
var matrix = svg.ToNumberArray(this.attribute('values').value);
switch (this.attribute('type').valueOrDefault('matrix')) { // http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/filters.html#feColorMatrixElement
case 'saturate':
var s = matrix[0];
matrix = [0.213 + 0.787 * s, 0.715 - 0.715 * s, 0.072 - 0.072 * s, 0, 0,
0.213 - 0.213 * s, 0.715 + 0.285 * s, 0.072 - 0.072 * s, 0, 0,
0.213 - 0.213 * s, 0.715 - 0.715 * s, 0.072 + 0.928 * s, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1
case 'hueRotate':
var a = matrix[0] * Math.PI / 180.0;
var c = function (m1, m2, m3) { return m1 + Math.cos(a) * m2 + Math.sin(a) * m3; };
matrix = [c(0.213, 0.787, -0.213), c(0.715, -0.715, -0.715), c(0.072, -0.072, 0.928), 0, 0,
c(0.213, -0.213, 0.143), c(0.715, 0.285, 0.140), c(0.072, -0.072, -0.283), 0, 0,
c(0.213, -0.213, -0.787), c(0.715, -0.715, 0.715), c(0.072, 0.928, 0.072), 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1
case 'luminanceToAlpha':
matrix = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1
function imGet(img, x, y, width, height, rgba) {
return img[y * width * 4 + x * 4 + rgba];
function imSet(img, x, y, width, height, rgba, val) {
img[y * width * 4 + x * 4 + rgba] = val;
function m(i, v) {
var mi = matrix[i];
return mi * (mi < 0 ? v - 255 : v);
var includeOpacity = this.attribute('includeOpacity').hasValue();
this.apply = function (ctx, x, y, width, height) {
// assuming x==0 && y==0 for now
var srcData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
var r = imGet(srcData.data, x, y, width, height, 0);
var g = imGet(srcData.data, x, y, width, height, 1);
var b = imGet(srcData.data, x, y, width, height, 2);
var a = imGet(srcData.data, x, y, width, height, 3);
var nr = m(0, r) + m(1, g) + m(2, b) + m(3, a) + m(4, 1);
var ng = m(5, r) + m(6, g) + m(7, b) + m(8, a) + m(9, 1);
var nb = m(10, r) + m(11, g) + m(12, b) + m(13, a) + m(14, 1);
var na = m(15, r) + m(16, g) + m(17, b) + m(18, a) + m(19, 1);
if (includeOpacity) {
nr = ng = nb = 0;
na *= a / 255;
imSet(srcData.data, x, y, width, height, 0, nr);
imSet(srcData.data, x, y, width, height, 1, ng);
imSet(srcData.data, x, y, width, height, 2, nb);
imSet(srcData.data, x, y, width, height, 3, na);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
ctx.putImageData(srcData, 0, 0);
svg.Element.feColorMatrix.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
svg.Element.feGaussianBlur = function (node) {
this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase;
this.blurRadius = Math.floor(this.attribute('stdDeviation').numValue());
this.extraFilterDistance = this.blurRadius;
this.apply = function (ctx, x, y, width, height) {
if (!stackblurCanvas || typeof stackblurCanvas.canvasRGBA === 'undefined') {
svg.log('ERROR: StackBlur.js must be included for blur to work');
// StackBlur requires canvas be on document
ctx.canvas.id = svg.UniqueId();
ctx.canvas.style.display = 'none';
stackblurCanvas.canvasRGBA(ctx.canvas, x, y, width, height, this.blurRadius);
svg.Element.feGaussianBlur.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// title element, do nothing
svg.Element.title = function (/* node */) { };
svg.Element.title.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// desc element, do nothing
svg.Element.desc = function (/* node */) { };
svg.Element.desc.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
svg.Element.MISSING = function (node) {
svg.log('ERROR: Element \'' + node.nodeName + '\' not yet implemented.');
svg.Element.MISSING.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase;
// element factory
svg.CreateElement = function (node) {
var className = node.nodeName.replace(/^[^:]+:/, ''); // remove namespace
className = className.replace(/\-/g, ''); // remove dashes
var e = null;
if (typeof svg.Element[className] != 'undefined') {
e = new svg.Element[className](node);
} else {
e = new svg.Element.MISSING(node);
e.type = node.nodeName;
return e;
// load from url
svg.load = function (ctx, url) {
svg.loadXml(ctx, svg.ajax(url));
// load from xml
svg.loadXml = function (ctx, xml) {
svg.loadXmlDoc(ctx, svg.parseXml(xml));
svg.loadXmlDoc = function (ctx, dom) {
var mapXY = function (p) {
var e = ctx.canvas;
while (e) {
p.x -= e.offsetLeft;
p.y -= e.offsetTop;
e = e.offsetParent;
if (windowEnv.scrollX) p.x += windowEnv.scrollX;
if (windowEnv.scrollY) p.y += windowEnv.scrollY;
return p;
// bind mouse
if (svg.opts['ignoreMouse'] != true) {
ctx.canvas.onclick = function (e) {
var p = mapXY(new svg.Point(e != null ? e.clientX : event.clientX, e != null ? e.clientY : event.clientY));
svg.Mouse.onclick(p.x, p.y);
ctx.canvas.onmousemove = function (e) {
var p = mapXY(new svg.Point(e != null ? e.clientX : event.clientX, e != null ? e.clientY : event.clientY));
svg.Mouse.onmousemove(p.x, p.y);
var e = svg.CreateElement(dom.documentElement);
e.root = true;
// render loop
var isFirstRender = true;
var draw = function () {
if (ctx.canvas.parentNode) {
svg.ViewPort.SetCurrent(ctx.canvas.parentNode.clientWidth, ctx.canvas.parentNode.clientHeight);
} else {
svg.ViewPort.SetCurrent(defaultClientWidth, defaultClientHeight);
if (svg.opts['ignoreDimensions'] != true && (isFirstRender || (svg.opts['scaleWidth'] == null && svg.opts['scaleHeight'] == null))) {
// set canvas size
if (e.style('width').hasValue()) {
ctx.canvas.width = e.style('width').toPixels('x');
if (ctx.canvas.style) { ctx.canvas.style.width = ctx.canvas.width + 'px'; }
if (e.style('height').hasValue()) {
ctx.canvas.height = e.style('height').toPixels('y');
if (ctx.canvas.style) { ctx.canvas.style.height = ctx.canvas.height + 'px'; }
var cWidth = ctx.canvas.clientWidth || ctx.canvas.width;
var cHeight = ctx.canvas.clientHeight || ctx.canvas.height;
if (svg.opts['ignoreDimensions'] == true && e.style('width').hasValue() && e.style('height').hasValue()) {
cWidth = e.style('width').toPixels('x');
cHeight = e.style('height').toPixels('y');
svg.ViewPort.SetCurrent(cWidth, cHeight);
if (svg.opts['offsetX'] != null) e.attribute('x', true).value = svg.opts['offsetX'];
if (svg.opts['offsetY'] != null) e.attribute('y', true).value = svg.opts['offsetY'];
if (svg.opts['scaleWidth'] != null || svg.opts['scaleHeight'] != null) {
var xRatio = null,
yRatio = null,
viewBox = svg.ToNumberArray(e.attribute('viewBox').value);
if (svg.opts['scaleWidth'] != null) {
if (e.attribute('width').hasValue()) xRatio = e.attribute('width').toPixels('x') / svg.opts['scaleWidth'];
else if (!isNaN(viewBox[2])) xRatio = viewBox[2] / svg.opts['scaleWidth'];
if (svg.opts['scaleHeight'] != null) {
if (e.attribute('height').hasValue()) yRatio = e.attribute('height').toPixels('y') / svg.opts['scaleHeight'];
else if (!isNaN(viewBox[3])) yRatio = viewBox[3] / svg.opts['scaleHeight'];
if (xRatio == null) { xRatio = yRatio; }
if (yRatio == null) { yRatio = xRatio; }
e.attribute('width', true).value = svg.opts['scaleWidth'];
e.attribute('height', true).value = svg.opts['scaleHeight'];
e.style('transform', true, true).value += ' scale(' + (1.0 / xRatio) + ',' + (1.0 / yRatio) + ')';
// clear and render
if (svg.opts['ignoreClear'] != true) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cWidth, cHeight);
if (isFirstRender) {
isFirstRender = false;
if (typeof svg.opts['renderCallback'] == 'function') svg.opts['renderCallback'](dom);
var waitingForImages = true;
if (svg.ImagesLoaded()) {
waitingForImages = false;
//In node, in the most cases, we don't need the animation listener.
svg.intervalID = setInterval(function () {
var needUpdate = false;
if (waitingForImages && svg.ImagesLoaded()) {
waitingForImages = false;
needUpdate = true;
// need update from mouse events?
if (svg.opts['ignoreMouse'] != true) {
needUpdate = needUpdate || svg.Mouse.hasEvents();
// need update from animations?
if (svg.opts['ignoreAnimation'] != true) {
for (var i = 0; i < svg.Animations.length; i++) {
var needAnimationUpdate = svg.Animations[i].update(1000 / svg.FRAMERATE);
needUpdate = needUpdate || needAnimationUpdate;
// need update from redraw?
if (typeof svg.opts['forceRedraw'] == 'function') {
if (svg.opts['forceRedraw']() == true) needUpdate = true;
// render if needed
if (needUpdate) {
svg.Mouse.runEvents(); // run and clear our events
}, 1000 / svg.FRAMERATE);
svg.stop = function () {
if (svg.intervalID) {
svg.Mouse = new (function () {
this.events = [];
this.hasEvents = function () { return this.events.length != 0; };
this.onclick = function (x, y) {
type: 'onclick',
x: x,
y: y,
run: function (e) { if (e.onclick) e.onclick(); }
this.onmousemove = function (x, y) {
type: 'onmousemove',
x: x,
y: y,
run: function (e) { if (e.onmousemove) e.onmousemove(); }
this.eventElements = [];
this.checkPath = function (element, ctx) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.events.length; i++) {
var e = this.events[i];
if (ctx.isPointInPath && ctx.isPointInPath(e.x, e.y)) this.eventElements[i] = element;
this.checkBoundingBox = function (element, bb) {
if (!bb) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.events.length; i++) {
var e = this.events[i];
if (bb.isPointInBox(e.x, e.y)) this.eventElements[i] = element;
this.runEvents = function () {
svg.ctx.canvas.style.cursor = '';
for (var i = 0; i < this.events.length; i++) {
var e = this.events[i];
var element = this.eventElements[i];
while (element) {
element = element.parent;
// done running, clear
this.events = [];
this.eventElements = [];
return svg;
if (typeof CanvasRenderingContext2D != 'undefined') {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawSvg = function (s, dx, dy, dw, dh, opts) {
var cOpts = {
ignoreMouse: true,
ignoreAnimation: true,
ignoreDimensions: true,
ignoreClear: true,
offsetX: dx,
offsetY: dy,
scaleWidth: dw,
scaleHeight: dh
for (var prop in opts) {
if (opts.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
cOpts[prop] = opts[prop];
canvg(this.canvas, s, cOpts);
// for tests
canvg._build = build;
module.exports = canvg;
return canvg_1;