! dudon_kellner_eb.scl ! JI version of Anton Kellner 1/5 Pyth.c well-temperament, based on Skisni algorithm 12 ! 256/243 272/243 32/27 2738/2187 4/3 1024/729 3272/2187 128/81 3664/2187 16/9 1369/729 2/1 ! 2 x^4 = x^3 + 4, 4E - 5C = 3G - 2C = (3/8)E - (5/4)G ! -c and triple equal-beating Skisni recurrent sequence, Dudon 2006 ! (double skisni occurrences attained by changing B to 4096/2187 - see also Skisni_hwt)