! dudon_soria.scl ! 12 from a 17-notes cycle, equal-beating extended fifths (705.5685 c.) sequence 12 ! 481/445 4011/3560 2067/1780 1133/890 9503/7120 128/89 533/356 723/445 754/445 1233/712 1703/890 2/1 ! Airos recurrent sequence x^3 = 13 - 8x, Dudon 2008 ! Eq-b of fourths, and septimal minor thirds with harmonic 7ths : ! 8(4 - 3x) = 3x^3 - 7 = (32x^3 - 56x)/13 ! Airos fourths of 494.4315 c. (approx. 640/481), ! cycle here starting from the neutral sixth (A-koron = 723/445) ! -c with the 13th harmonic : (13 * 890) - 9503 = 2067, etc.