! sparschuh-442widefrench5th.scl ! ! relative deviations in the circle of 5ths, beginning from: ! 442Hz=A 662:663 E 992:993 B F# C# G# inbetween the "french" 5th G#-Eb 2512:2511 =~0.7Cents widend sharper ! Eb Bb 1412:1413 F 1058:1059 C 528:529 G 296:297 D 221:222 A=442Hz ! and with all other 5ths JI-pure or narrow flattend. Rational temperament, 1/1=264.5 Hz, Andreas Sparschuh (2008) 12 ! 558/529 592/529 ! d 628/529 ! eb 662/529 ! e (5:4)*(2652:2645) ~4.6 Cents sharper above 5/4 JI 3rd 706/529 ! f (4:3)*(1059:1058) ~1.6 Cents sharper above 4/3 JI 4th 744/529 792/529 ! g (3:2)*(528:529) ~3.3Cents flattend up than 3/2 JI 5th 838/529 884/529 ! a 942/529 ! bb 992/529 ! b 2/1