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# tkfbox.tcl --
# Implements the "TK" standard file selection dialog box. This
# dialog box is used on the Unix platforms whenever the tk_strictMotif
# flag is not set.
# The "TK" standard file selection dialog box is similar to the
# file selection dialog box on Win95(TM). The user can navigate
# the directories by clicking on the folder icons or by
# selecting the "Directory" option menu. The user can select
# files by clicking on the file icons or by entering a filename
# in the "Filename:" entry.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
package require Ttk
# I C O N L I S T
# This is a pseudo-widget that implements the icon list inside the
# ::tk::dialog::file:: dialog box.
# ::tk::IconList --
# Creates an IconList widget.
proc ::tk::IconList {w args} {
IconList_Config $w $args
IconList_Create $w
proc ::tk::IconList_Index {w i} {
upvar #0 ::tk::$w data ::tk::$w:itemList itemList
if {![info exists data(list)]} {
set data(list) {}
switch -regexp -- $i {
"^-?[0-9]+$" {
if {$i < 0} {
set i 0
if {$i >= [llength $data(list)]} {
set i [expr {[llength $data(list)] - 1}]
return $i
"^active$" {
return $data(index,active)
"^anchor$" {
return $data(index,anchor)
"^end$" {
return [llength $data(list)]
"@-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+" {
foreach {x y} [scan $i "@%d,%d"] {
set item [$data(canvas) find closest \
[$data(canvas) canvasx $x] [$data(canvas) canvasy $y]]
return [lindex [$data(canvas) itemcget $item -tags] 1]
proc ::tk::IconList_Selection {w op args} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
switch -exact -- $op {
"anchor" {
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
set data(index,anchor) [tk::IconList_Index $w [lindex $args 0]]
} else {
return $data(index,anchor)
"clear" {
if {[llength $args] == 2} {
foreach {first last} $args {
} elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
set first [set last [lindex $args 0]]
} else {
error "wrong # args: should be [lindex [info level 0] 0] path\
clear first ?last?"
set first [IconList_Index $w $first]
set last [IconList_Index $w $last]
if {$first > $last} {
set tmp $first
set first $last
set last $tmp
set ind 0
foreach item $data(selection) {
if { $item >= $first } {
set first $ind
incr ind
set ind [expr {[llength $data(selection)] - 1}]
for {} {$ind >= 0} {incr ind -1} {
set item [lindex $data(selection) $ind]
if { $item <= $last } {
set last $ind
if { $first > $last } {
set data(selection) [lreplace $data(selection) $first $last]
event generate $w <<ListboxSelect>>
IconList_DrawSelection $w
"includes" {
set index [lsearch -exact $data(selection) [lindex $args 0]]
return [expr {$index != -1}]
"set" {
if { [llength $args] == 2 } {
foreach {first last} $args {
} elseif { [llength $args] == 1 } {
set last [set first [lindex $args 0]]
} else {
error "wrong # args: should be [lindex [info level 0] 0] path\
set first ?last?"
set first [IconList_Index $w $first]
set last [IconList_Index $w $last]
if { $first > $last } {
set tmp $first
set first $last
set last $tmp
for {set i $first} {$i <= $last} {incr i} {
lappend data(selection) $i
set data(selection) [lsort -integer -unique $data(selection)]
event generate $w <<ListboxSelect>>
IconList_DrawSelection $w
proc ::tk::IconList_CurSelection {w} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
return $data(selection)
proc ::tk::IconList_DrawSelection {w} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
upvar ::tk::$w:itemList itemList
$data(canvas) delete selection
$data(canvas) itemconfigure selectionText -fill black
$data(canvas) dtag selectionText
set cbg [ttk::style lookup TEntry -selectbackground focus]
set cfg [ttk::style lookup TEntry -selectforeground focus]
foreach item $data(selection) {
set rTag [lindex [lindex $data(list) $item] 2]
foreach {iTag tTag text serial} $itemList($rTag) {
set bbox [$data(canvas) bbox $tTag]
$data(canvas) create rect $bbox -fill $cbg -outline $cbg \
-tags selection
$data(canvas) itemconfigure $tTag -fill $cfg -tags selectionText
$data(canvas) lower selection
proc ::tk::IconList_Get {w item} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
upvar ::tk::$w:itemList itemList
set rTag [lindex [lindex $data(list) $item] 2]
foreach {iTag tTag text serial} $itemList($rTag) {
return $text
# ::tk::IconList_Config --
# Configure the widget variables of IconList, according to the command
# line arguments.
proc ::tk::IconList_Config {w argList} {
# 1: the configuration specs
set specs {
{-command "" "" ""}
{-multiple "" "" "0"}
# 2: parse the arguments
tclParseConfigSpec ::tk::$w $specs "" $argList
# ::tk::IconList_Create --
# Creates an IconList widget by assembling a canvas widget and a
# scrollbar widget. Sets all the bindings necessary for the IconList's
# operations.
proc ::tk::IconList_Create {w} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
ttk::frame $w
ttk::entry $w.cHull -takefocus 0 -cursor {}
set data(sbar) [ttk::scrollbar $w.cHull.sbar -orient horizontal -takefocus 0]
catch {$data(sbar) configure -highlightthickness 0}
set data(canvas) [canvas $w.cHull.canvas -highlightthick 0 \
-width 400 -height 120 -takefocus 1 -background white]
pack $data(sbar) -side bottom -fill x -padx 2 -in $w.cHull -pady {0 2}
pack $data(canvas) -expand yes -fill both -padx 2 -pady {2 0}
pack $w.cHull -expand yes -fill both -ipadx 2 -ipady 2
$data(sbar) configure -command [list $data(canvas) xview]
$data(canvas) configure -xscrollcommand [list $data(sbar) set]
# Initializes the max icon/text width and height and other variables
set data(maxIW) 1
set data(maxIH) 1
set data(maxTW) 1
set data(maxTH) 1
set data(numItems) 0
set data(noScroll) 1
set data(selection) {}
set data(index,anchor) ""
set fg [option get $data(canvas) foreground Foreground]
if {$fg eq ""} {
set data(fill) black
} else {
set data(fill) $fg
# Creates the event bindings.
bind $data(canvas) <Configure> [list tk::IconList_Arrange $w]
bind $data(canvas) <1> [list tk::IconList_Btn1 $w %x %y]
bind $data(canvas) <B1-Motion> [list tk::IconList_Motion1 $w %x %y]
bind $data(canvas) <B1-Leave> [list tk::IconList_Leave1 $w %x %y]
bind $data(canvas) <Control-1> [list tk::IconList_CtrlBtn1 $w %x %y]
bind $data(canvas) <Shift-1> [list tk::IconList_ShiftBtn1 $w %x %y]
bind $data(canvas) <B1-Enter> [list tk::CancelRepeat]
bind $data(canvas) <ButtonRelease-1> [list tk::CancelRepeat]
bind $data(canvas) <Double-ButtonRelease-1> \
[list tk::IconList_Double1 $w %x %y]
bind $data(canvas) <Control-B1-Motion> {;}
bind $data(canvas) <Shift-B1-Motion> \
[list tk::IconList_ShiftMotion1 $w %x %y]
bind $data(canvas) <Up> [list tk::IconList_UpDown $w -1]
bind $data(canvas) <Down> [list tk::IconList_UpDown $w 1]
bind $data(canvas) <Left> [list tk::IconList_LeftRight $w -1]
bind $data(canvas) <Right> [list tk::IconList_LeftRight $w 1]
bind $data(canvas) <Return> [list tk::IconList_ReturnKey $w]
bind $data(canvas) <KeyPress> [list tk::IconList_KeyPress $w %A]
bind $data(canvas) <Control-KeyPress> ";"
bind $data(canvas) <Alt-KeyPress> ";"
bind $data(canvas) <FocusIn> [list tk::IconList_FocusIn $w]
bind $data(canvas) <FocusOut> [list tk::IconList_FocusOut $w]
return $w
# ::tk::IconList_AutoScan --
# This procedure is invoked when the mouse leaves an entry window
# with button 1 down. It scrolls the window up, down, left, or
# right, depending on where the mouse left the window, and reschedules
# itself as an "after" command so that the window continues to scroll until
# the mouse moves back into the window or the mouse button is released.
# Arguments:
# w - The IconList window.
proc ::tk::IconList_AutoScan {w} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
variable ::tk::Priv
if {![winfo exists $w]} return
set x $Priv(x)
set y $Priv(y)
if {$data(noScroll)} {
if {$x >= [winfo width $data(canvas)]} {
$data(canvas) xview scroll 1 units
} elseif {$x < 0} {
$data(canvas) xview scroll -1 units
} elseif {$y >= [winfo height $data(canvas)]} {
# do nothing
} elseif {$y < 0} {
# do nothing
} else {
IconList_Motion1 $w $x $y
set Priv(afterId) [after 50 [list tk::IconList_AutoScan $w]]
# Deletes all the items inside the canvas subwidget and reset the IconList's
# state.
proc ::tk::IconList_DeleteAll {w} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
upvar ::tk::$w:itemList itemList
$data(canvas) delete all
unset -nocomplain data(selected) data(rect) data(list) itemList
set data(maxIW) 1
set data(maxIH) 1
set data(maxTW) 1
set data(maxTH) 1
set data(numItems) 0
set data(noScroll) 1
set data(selection) {}
set data(index,anchor) ""
$data(sbar) set 0.0 1.0
$data(canvas) xview moveto 0
# Adds an icon into the IconList with the designated image and text
proc ::tk::IconList_Add {w image items} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
upvar ::tk::$w:itemList itemList
upvar ::tk::$w:textList textList
foreach text $items {
set iTag [$data(canvas) create image 0 0 -image $image -anchor nw \
-tags [list icon $data(numItems) item$data(numItems)]]
set tTag [$data(canvas) create text 0 0 -text $text -anchor nw \
-font $data(font) -fill $data(fill) \
-tags [list text $data(numItems) item$data(numItems)]]
set rTag [$data(canvas) create rect 0 0 0 0 -fill "" -outline "" \
-tags [list rect $data(numItems) item$data(numItems)]]
foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$data(canvas) bbox $iTag] {
set iW [expr {$x2 - $x1}]
set iH [expr {$y2 - $y1}]
if {$data(maxIW) < $iW} {
set data(maxIW) $iW
if {$data(maxIH) < $iH} {
set data(maxIH) $iH
foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$data(canvas) bbox $tTag] {
set tW [expr {$x2 - $x1}]
set tH [expr {$y2 - $y1}]
if {$data(maxTW) < $tW} {
set data(maxTW) $tW
if {$data(maxTH) < $tH} {
set data(maxTH) $tH
lappend data(list) [list $iTag $tTag $rTag $iW $iH $tW \
$tH $data(numItems)]
set itemList($rTag) [list $iTag $tTag $text $data(numItems)]
set textList($data(numItems)) [string tolower $text]
incr data(numItems)
# Places the icons in a column-major arrangement.
proc ::tk::IconList_Arrange {w} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
if {![info exists data(list)]} {
if {[info exists data(canvas)] && [winfo exists $data(canvas)]} {
set data(noScroll) 1
$data(sbar) configure -command ""
set W [winfo width $data(canvas)]
set H [winfo height $data(canvas)]
set pad [expr {[$data(canvas) cget -highlightthickness] + \
[$data(canvas) cget -bd]}]
if {$pad < 2} {
set pad 2
incr W -[expr {$pad*2}]
incr H -[expr {$pad*2}]
set dx [expr {$data(maxIW) + $data(maxTW) + 8}]
if {$data(maxTH) > $data(maxIH)} {
set dy $data(maxTH)
} else {
set dy $data(maxIH)
incr dy 2
set shift [expr {$data(maxIW) + 4}]
set x [expr {$pad * 2}]
set y [expr {$pad * 1}] ; # Why * 1 ?
set usedColumn 0
foreach sublist $data(list) {
set usedColumn 1
foreach {iTag tTag rTag iW iH tW tH} $sublist {
set i_dy [expr {($dy - $iH)/2}]
set t_dy [expr {($dy - $tH)/2}]
$data(canvas) coords $iTag $x [expr {$y + $i_dy}]
$data(canvas) coords $tTag [expr {$x + $shift}] [expr {$y + $t_dy}]
$data(canvas) coords $rTag $x $y [expr {$x+$dx}] [expr {$y+$dy}]
incr y $dy
if {($y + $dy) > $H} {
set y [expr {$pad * 1}] ; # *1 ?
incr x $dx
set usedColumn 0
if {$usedColumn} {
set sW [expr {$x + $dx}]
} else {
set sW $x
if {$sW < $W} {
$data(canvas) configure -scrollregion [list $pad $pad $sW $H]
$data(sbar) configure -command ""
$data(canvas) xview moveto 0
set data(noScroll) 1
} else {
$data(canvas) configure -scrollregion [list $pad $pad $sW $H]
$data(sbar) configure -command [list $data(canvas) xview]
set data(noScroll) 0
set data(itemsPerColumn) [expr {($H-$pad)/$dy}]
if {$data(itemsPerColumn) < 1} {
set data(itemsPerColumn) 1
IconList_DrawSelection $w
# Gets called when the user invokes the IconList (usually by double-clicking
# or pressing the Return key).
proc ::tk::IconList_Invoke {w} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
if {$data(-command) ne "" && [llength $data(selection)]} {
uplevel #0 $data(-command)
# ::tk::IconList_See --
# If the item is not (completely) visible, scroll the canvas so that
# it becomes visible.
proc ::tk::IconList_See {w rTag} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
upvar ::tk::$w:itemList itemList
if {$data(noScroll)} {
set sRegion [$data(canvas) cget -scrollregion]
if {$sRegion eq ""} {
if { $rTag < 0 || $rTag >= [llength $data(list)] } {
set bbox [$data(canvas) bbox item$rTag]
set pad [expr {[$data(canvas) cget -highlightthickness] + \
[$data(canvas) cget -bd]}]
set x1 [lindex $bbox 0]
set x2 [lindex $bbox 2]
incr x1 -[expr {$pad * 2}]
incr x2 -[expr {$pad * 1}] ; # *1 ?
set cW [expr {[winfo width $data(canvas)] - $pad*2}]
set scrollW [expr {[lindex $sRegion 2]-[lindex $sRegion 0]+1}]
set dispX [expr {int([lindex [$data(canvas) xview] 0]*$scrollW)}]
set oldDispX $dispX
# check if out of the right edge
if {($x2 - $dispX) >= $cW} {
set dispX [expr {$x2 - $cW}]
# check if out of the left edge
if {($x1 - $dispX) < 0} {
set dispX $x1
if {$oldDispX ne $dispX} {
set fraction [expr {double($dispX)/double($scrollW)}]
$data(canvas) xview moveto $fraction
proc ::tk::IconList_Btn1 {w x y} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
focus $data(canvas)
set i [IconList_Index $w @$x,$y]
if {$i eq ""} {
IconList_Selection $w clear 0 end
IconList_Selection $w set $i
IconList_Selection $w anchor $i
proc ::tk::IconList_CtrlBtn1 {w x y} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
if { $data(-multiple) } {
focus $data(canvas)
set i [IconList_Index $w @$x,$y]
if {$i eq ""} {
if { [IconList_Selection $w includes $i] } {
IconList_Selection $w clear $i
} else {
IconList_Selection $w set $i
IconList_Selection $w anchor $i
proc ::tk::IconList_ShiftBtn1 {w x y} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
if { $data(-multiple) } {
focus $data(canvas)
set i [IconList_Index $w @$x,$y]
if {$i eq ""} {
if {[IconList_Index $w anchor] eq ""} {
IconList_Selection $w anchor $i
IconList_Selection $w clear 0 end
IconList_Selection $w set anchor $i
# Gets called on button-1 motions
proc ::tk::IconList_Motion1 {w x y} {
variable ::tk::Priv
set Priv(x) $x
set Priv(y) $y
set i [IconList_Index $w @$x,$y]
if {$i eq ""} {
IconList_Selection $w clear 0 end
IconList_Selection $w set $i
proc ::tk::IconList_ShiftMotion1 {w x y} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
variable ::tk::Priv
set Priv(x) $x
set Priv(y) $y
set i [IconList_Index $w @$x,$y]
if {$i eq ""} {
IconList_Selection $w clear 0 end
IconList_Selection $w set anchor $i
proc ::tk::IconList_Double1 {w x y} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
if {[llength $data(selection)]} {
IconList_Invoke $w
proc ::tk::IconList_ReturnKey {w} {
IconList_Invoke $w
proc ::tk::IconList_Leave1 {w x y} {
variable ::tk::Priv
set Priv(x) $x
set Priv(y) $y
IconList_AutoScan $w
proc ::tk::IconList_FocusIn {w} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
$w.cHull state focus
if {![info exists data(list)]} {
if {[llength $data(selection)]} {
IconList_DrawSelection $w
proc ::tk::IconList_FocusOut {w} {
$w.cHull state !focus
IconList_Selection $w clear 0 end
# ::tk::IconList_UpDown --
# Moves the active element up or down by one element
# Arguments:
# w - The IconList widget.
# amount - +1 to move down one item, -1 to move back one item.
proc ::tk::IconList_UpDown {w amount} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
if {![info exists data(list)]} {
set curr [tk::IconList_CurSelection $w]
if { [llength $curr] == 0 } {
set i 0
} else {
set i [tk::IconList_Index $w anchor]
if {$i eq ""} {
incr i $amount
IconList_Selection $w clear 0 end
IconList_Selection $w set $i
IconList_Selection $w anchor $i
IconList_See $w $i
# ::tk::IconList_LeftRight --
# Moves the active element left or right by one column
# Arguments:
# w - The IconList widget.
# amount - +1 to move right one column, -1 to move left one column.
proc ::tk::IconList_LeftRight {w amount} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
if {![info exists data(list)]} {
set curr [IconList_CurSelection $w]
if { [llength $curr] == 0 } {
set i 0
} else {
set i [IconList_Index $w anchor]
if {$i eq ""} {
incr i [expr {$amount*$data(itemsPerColumn)}]
IconList_Selection $w clear 0 end
IconList_Selection $w set $i
IconList_Selection $w anchor $i
IconList_See $w $i
# Accelerator key bindings
# ::tk::IconList_KeyPress --
# Gets called when user enters an arbitrary key in the listbox.
proc ::tk::IconList_KeyPress {w key} {
variable ::tk::Priv
append Priv(ILAccel,$w) $key
IconList_Goto $w $Priv(ILAccel,$w)
catch {
after cancel $Priv(ILAccel,$w,afterId)
set Priv(ILAccel,$w,afterId) [after 500 [list tk::IconList_Reset $w]]
proc ::tk::IconList_Goto {w text} {
upvar ::tk::$w data
upvar ::tk::$w:textList textList
if {![info exists data(list)]} {
if {$text eq "" || $data(numItems) == 0} {
if {[llength [IconList_CurSelection $w]]} {
set start [IconList_Index $w anchor]
} else {
set start 0
set theIndex -1
set less 0
set len [string length $text]
set len0 [expr {$len-1}]
set i $start
# Search forward until we find a filename whose prefix is a
# case-insensitive match with $text
while {1} {
if {[string equal -nocase -length $len0 $textList($i) $text]} {
set theIndex $i
incr i
if {$i == $data(numItems)} {
set i 0
if {$i == $start} {
if {$theIndex > -1} {
IconList_Selection $w clear 0 end
IconList_Selection $w set $theIndex
IconList_Selection $w anchor $theIndex
IconList_See $w $theIndex
proc ::tk::IconList_Reset {w} {
variable ::tk::Priv
unset -nocomplain Priv(ILAccel,$w)
# F I L E D I A L O G
namespace eval ::tk::dialog {}
namespace eval ::tk::dialog::file {
namespace import -force ::tk::msgcat::*
set ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenBtn 0
set ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenVar 1
# ::tk::dialog::file:: --
# Implements the TK file selection dialog. This dialog is used when
# the tk_strictMotif flag is set to false. This procedure shouldn't
# be called directly. Call tk_getOpenFile or tk_getSaveFile instead.
# Arguments:
# type "open" or "save"
# args Options parsed by the procedure.
proc ::tk::dialog::file:: {type args} {
variable ::tk::Priv
set dataName __tk_filedialog
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::$dataName data
Config $dataName $type $args
if {$data(-parent) eq "."} {
set w .$dataName
} else {
set w $data(-parent).$dataName
# (re)create the dialog box if necessary
if {![winfo exists $w]} {
Create $w TkFDialog
} elseif {[winfo class $w] ne "TkFDialog"} {
destroy $w
Create $w TkFDialog
} else {
set data(dirMenuBtn) $
set data(dirMenu) $
set data(upBtn) $w.contents.f1.up
set data(icons) $w.contents.icons
set data(ent) $w.contents.f2.ent
set data(typeMenuLab) $w.contents.f2.lab2
set data(typeMenuBtn) $
set data(typeMenu) $data(typeMenuBtn).m
set data(okBtn) $w.contents.f2.ok
set data(cancelBtn) $w.contents.f2.cancel
set data(hiddenBtn) $w.contents.f2.hidden
SetSelectMode $w $data(-multiple)
if {$::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenBtn} {
$data(hiddenBtn) configure -state normal
grid $data(hiddenBtn)
} else {
$data(hiddenBtn) configure -state disabled
grid remove $data(hiddenBtn)
# Make sure subseqent uses of this dialog are independent [Bug 845189]
unset -nocomplain data(extUsed)
# Dialog boxes should be transient with respect to their parent,
# so that they will always stay on top of their parent window. However,
# some window managers will create the window as withdrawn if the parent
# window is withdrawn or iconified. Combined with the grab we put on the
# window, this can hang the entire application. Therefore we only make
# the dialog transient if the parent is viewable.
if {[winfo viewable [winfo toplevel $data(-parent)]]} {
wm transient $w $data(-parent)
# Add traces on the selectPath variable
trace add variable data(selectPath) write \
[list ::tk::dialog::file::SetPath $w]
$data(dirMenuBtn) configure \
-textvariable ::tk::dialog::file::${dataName}(selectPath)
# Cleanup previous menu
$data(typeMenu) delete 0 end
$data(typeMenuBtn) configure -state normal -text ""
# Initialize the file types menu
if {[llength $data(-filetypes)]} {
# Default type and name to first entry
set initialtype [lindex $data(-filetypes) 0]
set initialTypeName [lindex $initialtype 0]
if {$data(-typevariable) ne ""} {
upvar #0 $data(-typevariable) typeVariable
if {[info exists typeVariable]} {
set initialTypeName $typeVariable
foreach type $data(-filetypes) {
set title [lindex $type 0]
set filter [lindex $type 1]
$data(typeMenu) add command -label $title \
-command [list ::tk::dialog::file::SetFilter $w $type]
# string first avoids glob-pattern char issues
if {[string first ${initialTypeName} $title] == 0} {
set initialtype $type
SetFilter $w $initialtype
$data(typeMenuBtn) configure -state normal
$data(typeMenuLab) configure -state normal
} else {
set data(filter) "*"
$data(typeMenuBtn) configure -state disabled -takefocus 0
$data(typeMenuLab) configure -state disabled
UpdateWhenIdle $w
# Withdraw the window, then update all the geometry information
# so we know how big it wants to be, then center the window in the
# display (Motif style) and de-iconify it.
::tk::PlaceWindow $w widget $data(-parent)
wm title $w $data(-title)
# Set a grab and claim the focus too.
::tk::SetFocusGrab $w $data(ent)
$data(ent) delete 0 end
$data(ent) insert 0 $data(selectFile)
$data(ent) selection range 0 end
$data(ent) icursor end
# Wait for the user to respond, then restore the focus and
# return the index of the selected button. Restore the focus
# before deleting the window, since otherwise the window manager
# may take the focus away so we can't redirect it. Finally,
# restore any grab that was in effect.
vwait ::tk::Priv(selectFilePath)
::tk::RestoreFocusGrab $w $data(ent) withdraw
# Cleanup traces on selectPath variable
foreach trace [trace info variable data(selectPath)] {
trace remove variable data(selectPath) [lindex $trace 0] [lindex $trace 1]
$data(dirMenuBtn) configure -textvariable {}
return $Priv(selectFilePath)
# ::tk::dialog::file::Config --
# Configures the TK filedialog according to the argument list
proc ::tk::dialog::file::Config {dataName type argList} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::$dataName data
set data(type) $type
# 0: Delete all variable that were set on data(selectPath) the
# last time the file dialog is used. The traces may cause troubles
# if the dialog is now used with a different -parent option.
foreach trace [trace info variable data(selectPath)] {
trace remove variable data(selectPath) [lindex $trace 0] [lindex $trace 1]
# 1: the configuration specs
set specs {
{-defaultextension "" "" ""}
{-filetypes "" "" ""}
{-initialdir "" "" ""}
{-initialfile "" "" ""}
{-parent "" "" "."}
{-title "" "" ""}
{-typevariable "" "" ""}
# The "-multiple" option is only available for the "open" file dialog.
if {$type eq "open"} {
lappend specs {-multiple "" "" "0"}
# The "-confirmoverwrite" option is only for the "save" file dialog.
if {$type eq "save"} {
lappend specs {-confirmoverwrite "" "" "1"}
# 2: default values depending on the type of the dialog
if {![info exists data(selectPath)]} {
# first time the dialog has been popped up
set data(selectPath) [pwd]
set data(selectFile) ""
# 3: parse the arguments
tclParseConfigSpec ::tk::dialog::file::$dataName $specs "" $argList
if {$data(-title) eq ""} {
if {$type eq "open"} {
set data(-title) [mc "Open"]
} else {
set data(-title) [mc "Save As"]
# 4: set the default directory and selection according to the -initial
# settings
if {$data(-initialdir) ne ""} {
# Ensure that initialdir is an absolute path name.
if {[file isdirectory $data(-initialdir)]} {
set old [pwd]
cd $data(-initialdir)
set data(selectPath) [pwd]
cd $old
} else {
set data(selectPath) [pwd]
set data(selectFile) $data(-initialfile)
# 5. Parse the -filetypes option
set data(-filetypes) [::tk::FDGetFileTypes $data(-filetypes)]
if {![winfo exists $data(-parent)]} {
error "bad window path name \"$data(-parent)\""
# Set -multiple to a one or zero value (not other boolean types
# like "yes") so we can use it in tests more easily.
if {$type eq "save"} {
set data(-multiple) 0
} elseif {$data(-multiple)} {
set data(-multiple) 1
} else {
set data(-multiple) 0
proc ::tk::dialog::file::Create {w class} {
set dataName [lindex [split $w .] end]
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::$dataName data
variable ::tk::Priv
global tk_library
toplevel $w -class $class
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "x11"} {wm attributes $w -type dialog}
pack [ttk::frame $w.contents] -expand 1 -fill both
#set w $w.contents
# f1: the frame with the directory option menu
set f1 [ttk::frame $w.contents.f1]
bind [::tk::AmpWidget ttk::label $f1.lab -text [mc "&Directory:"]] \
<<AltUnderlined>> [list focus $]
set data(dirMenuBtn) $
if {![info exists data(selectPath)]} {
set data(selectPath) ""
set data(dirMenu) $
ttk::menubutton $ -menu $data(dirMenu) -direction flush \
-textvariable [format %s(selectPath) ::tk::dialog::file::$dataName]
[menu $data(dirMenu) -tearoff 0] add radiobutton -label "" -variable \
[format %s(selectPath) ::tk::dialog::file::$dataName]
set data(upBtn) [ttk::button $f1.up]
if {![info exists Priv(updirImage)]} {
set Priv(updirImage) [image create bitmap -data {
#define updir_width 28
#define updir_height 16
static char updir_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00,
0x20, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
0x10, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x07, 0x00, 0x01, 0x90, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x01,
0x10, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01,
0x10, 0xfe, 0x07, 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01};}]
$data(upBtn) configure -image $Priv(updirImage)
$ configure -takefocus 1;# -highlightthickness 2
pack $data(upBtn) -side right -padx 4 -fill both
pack $f1.lab -side left -padx 4 -fill both
pack $ -expand yes -fill both -padx 4
# data(icons): the IconList that list the files and directories.
if {$class eq "TkFDialog"} {
if { $data(-multiple) } {
set fNameCaption [mc "File &names:"]
} else {
set fNameCaption [mc "File &name:"]
set fTypeCaption [mc "Files of &type:"]
set iconListCommand [list ::tk::dialog::file::OkCmd $w]
} else {
set fNameCaption [mc "&Selection:"]
set iconListCommand [list ::tk::dialog::file::chooseDir::DblClick $w]
set data(icons) [::tk::IconList $w.contents.icons \
-command $iconListCommand -multiple $data(-multiple)]
bind $data(icons) <<ListboxSelect>> \
[list ::tk::dialog::file::ListBrowse $w]
# f2: the frame with the OK button, cancel button, "file name" field
# and file types field.
set f2 [ttk::frame $w.contents.f2]
bind [::tk::AmpWidget ttk::label $f2.lab -text $fNameCaption -anchor e]\
<<AltUnderlined>> [list focus $f2.ent]
# -pady 0
set data(ent) [ttk::entry $f2.ent]
# The font to use for the icons. The default Canvas font on Unix
# is just deviant.
set ::tk::$w.contents.icons(font) [$data(ent) cget -font]
# Make the file types bits only if this is a File Dialog
if {$class eq "TkFDialog"} {
set data(typeMenuLab) [::tk::AmpWidget ttk::label $f2.lab2 \
-text $fTypeCaption -anchor e]
# -pady [$f2.lab cget -pady]
set data(typeMenuBtn) [ttk::menubutton $ \
-menu $]
# -indicatoron 1
set data(typeMenu) [menu $data(typeMenuBtn).m -tearoff 0]
# $data(typeMenuBtn) configure -takefocus 1 -relief raised -anchor w
bind $data(typeMenuLab) <<AltUnderlined>> [list \
focus $data(typeMenuBtn)]
# The hidden button is displayed when ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenBtn
# is true. Create it disabled so the binding doesn't trigger if it
# isn't shown.
if {$class eq "TkFDialog"} {
set text [mc "Show &Hidden Files and Directories"]
} else {
set text [mc "Show &Hidden Directories"]
set data(hiddenBtn) [::tk::AmpWidget ttk::checkbutton $f2.hidden \
-text $text -state disabled \
-variable ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenVar \
-command [list ::tk::dialog::file::UpdateWhenIdle $w]]
# -anchor w -padx 3
# the okBtn is created after the typeMenu so that the keyboard traversal
# is in the right order, and add binding so that we find out when the
# dialog is destroyed by the user (added here instead of to the overall
# window so no confusion about how much <Destroy> gets called; exactly
# once will do). [Bug 987169]
set data(okBtn) [::tk::AmpWidget ttk::button $f2.ok \
-text [mc "&OK"] -default active];# -pady 3]
bind $data(okBtn) <Destroy> [list ::tk::dialog::file::Destroyed $w]
set data(cancelBtn) [::tk::AmpWidget ttk::button $f2.cancel \
-text [mc "&Cancel"] -default normal];# -pady 3]
# grid the widgets in f2
grid $f2.lab $f2.ent $data(okBtn) -padx 4 -pady 3 -sticky ew
grid configure $f2.ent -padx 2
if {$class eq "TkFDialog"} {
grid $data(typeMenuLab) $data(typeMenuBtn) $data(cancelBtn) \
-padx 4 -sticky ew
grid configure $data(typeMenuBtn) -padx 0
grid $data(hiddenBtn) -columnspan 2 -padx 4 -sticky ew
} else {
grid $data(hiddenBtn) - $data(cancelBtn) -padx 4 -sticky ew
grid columnconfigure $f2 1 -weight 1
# Pack all the frames together. We are done with widget construction.
pack $f1 -side top -fill x -pady 4
pack $f2 -side bottom -pady 4 -fill x
pack $data(icons) -expand yes -fill both -padx 4 -pady 1
# Set up the event handlers that are common to Directory and File Dialogs
wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list ::tk::dialog::file::CancelCmd $w]
$data(upBtn) configure -command [list ::tk::dialog::file::UpDirCmd $w]
$data(cancelBtn) configure -command [list ::tk::dialog::file::CancelCmd $w]
bind $w <KeyPress-Escape> [list $data(cancelBtn) invoke]
bind $w <Alt-Key> [list tk::AltKeyInDialog $w %A]
# Set up event handlers specific to File or Directory Dialogs
if {$class eq "TkFDialog"} {
bind $data(ent) <Return> [list ::tk::dialog::file::ActivateEnt $w]
$data(okBtn) configure -command [list ::tk::dialog::file::OkCmd $w]
bind $w <Alt-t> [format {
if {[%s cget -state] eq "normal"} {
focus %s
} $data(typeMenuBtn) $data(typeMenuBtn)]
} else {
set okCmd [list ::tk::dialog::file::chooseDir::OkCmd $w]
bind $data(ent) <Return> $okCmd
$data(okBtn) configure -command $okCmd
bind $w <Alt-s> [list focus $data(ent)]
bind $w <Alt-o> [list $data(okBtn) invoke]
bind $w <Alt-h> [list $data(hiddenBtn) invoke]
bind $data(ent) <Tab> [list ::tk::dialog::file::CompleteEnt $w]
# Build the focus group for all the entries
::tk::FocusGroup_Create $w
::tk::FocusGroup_BindIn $w $data(ent) [list \
::tk::dialog::file::EntFocusIn $w]
::tk::FocusGroup_BindOut $w $data(ent) [list \
::tk::dialog::file::EntFocusOut $w]
# ::tk::dialog::file::SetSelectMode --
# Set the select mode of the dialog to single select or multi-select.
# Arguments:
# w The dialog path.
# multi 1 if the dialog is multi-select; 0 otherwise.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::tk::dialog::file::SetSelectMode {w multi} {
set dataName __tk_filedialog
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::$dataName data
if { $multi } {
set fNameCaption [mc "File &names:"]
} else {
set fNameCaption [mc "File &name:"]
set iconListCommand [list ::tk::dialog::file::OkCmd $w]
::tk::SetAmpText $w.contents.f2.lab $fNameCaption
::tk::IconList_Config $data(icons) \
[list -multiple $multi -command $iconListCommand]
# ::tk::dialog::file::UpdateWhenIdle --
# Creates an idle event handler which updates the dialog in idle
# time. This is important because loading the directory may take a long
# time and we don't want to load the same directory for multiple times
# due to multiple concurrent events.
proc ::tk::dialog::file::UpdateWhenIdle {w} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
if {[info exists data(updateId)]} {
} else {
set data(updateId) [after idle [list ::tk::dialog::file::Update $w]]
# ::tk::dialog::file::Update --
# Loads the files and directories into the IconList widget. Also
# sets up the directory option menu for quick access to parent
# directories.
proc ::tk::dialog::file::Update {w} {
# This proc may be called within an idle handler. Make sure that the
# window has not been destroyed before this proc is called
if {![winfo exists $w]} {
set class [winfo class $w]
if {($class ne "TkFDialog") && ($class ne "TkChooseDir")} {
set dataName [winfo name $w]
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::$dataName data
variable ::tk::Priv
global tk_library
unset -nocomplain data(updateId)
if {![info exists Priv(folderImage)]} {
set Priv(folderImage) [image create photo -data {
set Priv(fileImage) [image create photo -data {
set folder $Priv(folderImage)
set file $Priv(fileImage)
set appPWD [pwd]
if {[catch {
cd $data(selectPath)
}]} {
# We cannot change directory to $data(selectPath). $data(selectPath)
# should have been checked before ::tk::dialog::file::Update is called, so
# we normally won't come to here. Anyways, give an error and abort
# action.
tk_messageBox -type ok -parent $w -icon warning -message \
[mc "Cannot change to the directory \"%1\$s\".\nPermission denied." $data(selectPath)]
cd $appPWD
# Turn on the busy cursor. BUG?? We haven't disabled X events, though,
# so the user may still click and cause havoc ...
set entCursor [$data(ent) cget -cursor]
set dlgCursor [$w cget -cursor]
$data(ent) configure -cursor watch
$w configure -cursor watch
update idletasks
::tk::IconList_DeleteAll $data(icons)
set showHidden $::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenVar
# Make the dir list. Note that using an explicit [pwd] (instead of '.') is
# better in some VFS cases.
::tk::IconList_Add $data(icons) $folder [GlobFiltered [pwd] d 1]
if {$class eq "TkFDialog"} {
# Make the file list if this is a File Dialog, selecting all but
# 'd'irectory type files.
::tk::IconList_Add $data(icons) $file \
[GlobFiltered [pwd] {f b c l p s}]
::tk::IconList_Arrange $data(icons)
# Update the Directory: option menu
set list ""
set dir ""
foreach subdir [file split $data(selectPath)] {
set dir [file join $dir $subdir]
lappend list $dir
$data(dirMenu) delete 0 end
set var [format %s(selectPath) ::tk::dialog::file::$dataName]
foreach path $list {
$data(dirMenu) add command -label $path -command [list set $var $path]
# Restore the PWD to the application's PWD
cd $appPWD
if {$class eq "TkFDialog"} {
# Restore the Open/Save Button if this is a File Dialog
if {$data(type) eq "open"} {
::tk::SetAmpText $data(okBtn) [mc "&Open"]
} else {
::tk::SetAmpText $data(okBtn) [mc "&Save"]
# turn off the busy cursor.
$data(ent) configure -cursor $entCursor
$w configure -cursor $dlgCursor
# ::tk::dialog::file::SetPathSilently --
# Sets data(selectPath) without invoking the trace procedure
proc ::tk::dialog::file::SetPathSilently {w path} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
trace remove variable data(selectPath) write [list ::tk::dialog::file::SetPath $w]
set data(selectPath) $path
trace add variable data(selectPath) write [list ::tk::dialog::file::SetPath $w]
# This proc gets called whenever data(selectPath) is set
proc ::tk::dialog::file::SetPath {w name1 name2 op} {
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
UpdateWhenIdle $w
# On directory dialogs, we keep the entry in sync with the currentdir.
if {[winfo class $w] eq "TkChooseDir"} {
$data(ent) delete 0 end
$data(ent) insert end $data(selectPath)
# This proc gets called whenever data(filter) is set
proc ::tk::dialog::file::SetFilter {w type} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
upvar ::tk::$data(icons) icons
set data(filterType) $type
set data(filter) [lindex $type 1]
$data(typeMenuBtn) configure -text [lindex $type 0] ;#-indicatoron 1
# If we aren't using a default extension, use the one suppled
# by the filter.
if {![info exists data(extUsed)]} {
if {[string length $data(-defaultextension)]} {
set data(extUsed) 1
} else {
set data(extUsed) 0
if {!$data(extUsed)} {
# Get the first extension in the list that matches {^\*\.\w+$}
# and remove all * from the filter.
set index [lsearch -regexp $data(filter) {^\*\.\w+$}]
if {$index >= 0} {
set data(-defaultextension) \
[string trimleft [lindex $data(filter) $index] "*"]
} else {
# Couldn't find anything! Reset to a safe default...
set data(-defaultextension) ""
$icons(sbar) set 0.0 0.0
UpdateWhenIdle $w
# tk::dialog::file::ResolveFile --
# Interpret the user's text input in a file selection dialog.
# Performs:
# (1) ~ substitution
# (2) resolve all instances of . and ..
# (3) check for non-existent files/directories
# (4) check for chdir permissions
# (5) conversion of environment variable references to their
# contents (once only)
# Arguments:
# context: the current directory you are in
# text: the text entered by the user
# defaultext: the default extension to add to files with no extension
# expandEnv: whether to expand environment variables (yes by default)
# Return vaue:
# [list $flag $directory $file]
# flag = OK : valid input
# = PATTERN : valid directory/pattern
# = PATH : the directory does not exist
# = FILE : the directory exists by the file doesn't
# exist
# = CHDIR : Cannot change to the directory
# = ERROR : Invalid entry
# directory : valid only if flag = OK or PATTERN or FILE
# file : valid only if flag = OK or PATTERN
# directory may not be the same as context, because text may contain
# a subdirectory name
proc ::tk::dialog::file::ResolveFile {context text defaultext {expandEnv 1}} {
set appPWD [pwd]
set path [JoinFile $context $text]
# If the file has no extension, append the default. Be careful not
# to do this for directories, otherwise typing a dirname in the box
# will give back "dirname.extension" instead of trying to change dir.
if {
![file isdirectory $path] && ([file ext $path] eq "") &&
![string match {$*} [file tail $path]]
} then {
set path "$path$defaultext"
if {[catch {file exists $path}]} {
# This "if" block can be safely removed if the following code
# stop generating errors.
# file exists ~nonsuchuser
return [list ERROR $path ""]
if {[file exists $path]} {
if {[file isdirectory $path]} {
if {[catch {cd $path}]} {
return [list CHDIR $path ""]
set directory [pwd]
set file ""
set flag OK
cd $appPWD
} else {
if {[catch {cd [file dirname $path]}]} {
return [list CHDIR [file dirname $path] ""]
set directory [pwd]
set file [file tail $path]
set flag OK
cd $appPWD
} else {
set dirname [file dirname $path]
if {[file exists $dirname]} {
if {[catch {cd $dirname}]} {
return [list CHDIR $dirname ""]
set directory [pwd]
cd $appPWD
set file [file tail $path]
# It's nothing else, so check to see if it is an env-reference
if {$expandEnv && [string match {$*} $file]} {
set var [string range $file 1 end]
if {[info exist ::env($var)]} {
return [ResolveFile $context $::env($var) $defaultext 0]
if {[regexp {[*?]} $file]} {
set flag PATTERN
} else {
set flag FILE
} else {
set directory $dirname
set file [file tail $path]
set flag PATH
# It's nothing else, so check to see if it is an env-reference
if {$expandEnv && [string match {$*} $file]} {
set var [string range $file 1 end]
if {[info exist ::env($var)]} {
return [ResolveFile $context $::env($var) $defaultext 0]
return [list $flag $directory $file]
# Gets called when the entry box gets keyboard focus. We clear the selection
# from the icon list . This way the user can be certain that the input in the
# entry box is the selection.
proc ::tk::dialog::file::EntFocusIn {w} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
if {[$data(ent) get] ne ""} {
$data(ent) selection range 0 end
$data(ent) icursor end
} else {
$data(ent) selection clear
if {[winfo class $w] eq "TkFDialog"} {
# If this is a File Dialog, make sure the buttons are labeled right.
if {$data(type) eq "open"} {
::tk::SetAmpText $data(okBtn) [mc "&Open"]
} else {
::tk::SetAmpText $data(okBtn) [mc "&Save"]
proc ::tk::dialog::file::EntFocusOut {w} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
$data(ent) selection clear
# Gets called when user presses Return in the "File name" entry.
proc ::tk::dialog::file::ActivateEnt {w} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
set text [$data(ent) get]
if {$data(-multiple)} {
foreach t $text {
VerifyFileName $w $t
} else {
VerifyFileName $w $text
# Verification procedure
proc ::tk::dialog::file::VerifyFileName {w filename} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
set list [ResolveFile $data(selectPath) $filename $data(-defaultextension)]
foreach {flag path file} $list {
switch -- $flag {
OK {
if {$file eq ""} {
# user has entered an existing (sub)directory
set data(selectPath) $path
$data(ent) delete 0 end
} else {
SetPathSilently $w $path
if {$data(-multiple)} {
lappend data(selectFile) $file
} else {
set data(selectFile) $file
Done $w
set data(selectPath) $path
set data(filter) $file
if {$data(type) eq "open"} {
tk_messageBox -icon warning -type ok -parent $w \
-message [mc "File \"%1\$s\" does not exist." \
[file join $path $file]]
$data(ent) selection range 0 end
$data(ent) icursor end
} else {
SetPathSilently $w $path
if {$data(-multiple)} {
lappend data(selectFile) $file
} else {
set data(selectFile) $file
Done $w
tk_messageBox -icon warning -type ok -parent $w \
-message [mc "Directory \"%1\$s\" does not exist." $path]
$data(ent) selection range 0 end
$data(ent) icursor end
tk_messageBox -type ok -parent $w -icon warning -message \
[mc "Cannot change to the directory\
\"%1\$s\".\nPermission denied." $path]
$data(ent) selection range 0 end
$data(ent) icursor end
tk_messageBox -type ok -parent $w -icon warning -message \
[mc "Invalid file name \"%1\$s\"." $path]
$data(ent) selection range 0 end
$data(ent) icursor end
# Gets called when user presses the Alt-s or Alt-o keys.
proc ::tk::dialog::file::InvokeBtn {w key} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
if {[$data(okBtn) cget -text] eq $key} {
$data(okBtn) invoke
# Gets called when user presses the "parent directory" button
proc ::tk::dialog::file::UpDirCmd {w} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
if {$data(selectPath) ne "/"} {
set data(selectPath) [file dirname $data(selectPath)]
# Join a file name to a path name. The "file join" command will break
# if the filename begins with ~
proc ::tk::dialog::file::JoinFile {path file} {
if {[string match {~*} $file] && [file exists $path/$file]} {
return [file join $path ./$file]
} else {
return [file join $path $file]
# Gets called when user presses the "OK" button
proc ::tk::dialog::file::OkCmd {w} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
set filenames {}
foreach item [::tk::IconList_CurSelection $data(icons)] {
lappend filenames [::tk::IconList_Get $data(icons) $item]
if {([llength $filenames] && !$data(-multiple)) || \
($data(-multiple) && ([llength $filenames] == 1))} {
set filename [lindex $filenames 0]
set file [JoinFile $data(selectPath) $filename]
if {[file isdirectory $file]} {
ListInvoke $w [list $filename]
ActivateEnt $w
# Gets called when user presses the "Cancel" button
proc ::tk::dialog::file::CancelCmd {w} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
variable ::tk::Priv
bind $data(okBtn) <Destroy> {}
set Priv(selectFilePath) ""
# Gets called when user destroys the dialog directly [Bug 987169]
proc ::tk::dialog::file::Destroyed {w} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
variable ::tk::Priv
set Priv(selectFilePath) ""
# Gets called when user browses the IconList widget (dragging mouse, arrow
# keys, etc)
proc ::tk::dialog::file::ListBrowse {w} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
set text {}
foreach item [::tk::IconList_CurSelection $data(icons)] {
lappend text [::tk::IconList_Get $data(icons) $item]
if {[llength $text] == 0} {
if {$data(-multiple)} {
set newtext {}
foreach file $text {
set fullfile [JoinFile $data(selectPath) $file]
if { ![file isdirectory $fullfile] } {
lappend newtext $file
set text $newtext
set isDir 0
} else {
set text [lindex $text 0]
set file [JoinFile $data(selectPath) $text]
set isDir [file isdirectory $file]
if {!$isDir} {
$data(ent) delete 0 end
$data(ent) insert 0 $text
if {[winfo class $w] eq "TkFDialog"} {
if {$data(type) eq "open"} {
::tk::SetAmpText $data(okBtn) [mc "&Open"]
} else {
::tk::SetAmpText $data(okBtn) [mc "&Save"]
} elseif {[winfo class $w] eq "TkFDialog"} {
::tk::SetAmpText $data(okBtn) [mc "&Open"]
# Gets called when user invokes the IconList widget (double-click,
# Return key, etc)
proc ::tk::dialog::file::ListInvoke {w filenames} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
if {[llength $filenames] == 0} {
set file [JoinFile $data(selectPath) [lindex $filenames 0]]
set class [winfo class $w]
if {$class eq "TkChooseDir" || [file isdirectory $file]} {
set appPWD [pwd]
if {[catch {cd $file}]} {
tk_messageBox -type ok -parent $w -icon warning -message \
[mc "Cannot change to the directory \"%1\$s\".\nPermission denied." $file]
} else {
cd $appPWD
set data(selectPath) $file
} else {
if {$data(-multiple)} {
set data(selectFile) $filenames
} else {
set data(selectFile) $file
Done $w
# ::tk::dialog::file::Done --
# Gets called when user has input a valid filename. Pops up a
# dialog box to confirm selection when necessary. Sets the
# tk::Priv(selectFilePath) variable, which will break the "vwait"
# loop in ::tk::dialog::file:: and return the selected filename to the
# script that calls tk_getOpenFile or tk_getSaveFile
proc ::tk::dialog::file::Done {w {selectFilePath ""}} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
variable ::tk::Priv
if {$selectFilePath eq ""} {
if {$data(-multiple)} {
set selectFilePath {}
foreach f $data(selectFile) {
lappend selectFilePath [JoinFile $data(selectPath) $f]
} else {
set selectFilePath [JoinFile $data(selectPath) $data(selectFile)]
set Priv(selectFile) $data(selectFile)
set Priv(selectPath) $data(selectPath)
if {($data(type) eq "save") && $data(-confirmoverwrite) && [file exists $selectFilePath]} {
set reply [tk_messageBox -icon warning -type yesno -parent $w \
-message [mc "File \"%1\$s\" already exists.\nDo you want\
to overwrite it?" $selectFilePath]]
if {$reply eq "no"} {
if {[info exists data(-typevariable)] && $data(-typevariable) ne ""
&& [info exists data(-filetypes)] && [llength $data(-filetypes)]
&& [info exists data(filterType)] && $data(filterType) ne ""} {
upvar #0 $data(-typevariable) typeVariable
set typeVariable [lindex $data(filterType) 0]
bind $data(okBtn) <Destroy> {}
set Priv(selectFilePath) $selectFilePath
proc ::tk::dialog::file::GlobFiltered {dir type {overrideFilter 0}} {
# $dir == where to search
# $type == what to look for ('d' or 'f b c l p s')
# $overrideFilter == whether to ignore the filter
variable showHiddenVar
upvar 1 data(filter) filter
if {$filter eq "*" || $overrideFilter} {
set patterns [list *]
if {$showHiddenVar} {
lappend patterns .*
} elseif {[string is list $filter]} {
set patterns $filter
} else {
# Invalid list; assume we can use non-whitespace sequences as words
set patterns [regexp -inline -all {\S+} $filter]
set opts [list -tails -directory $dir -type $type -nocomplain]
set result {}
catch {
# We have a catch because we might have a really bad pattern (e.g.,
# with an unbalanced brace); even [glob -nocomplain] doesn't like it.
# Using a catch ensures that it just means we match nothing instead of
# throwing a nasty error at the user...
foreach f [glob {*}$opts -- {*}$patterns] {
if {$f eq "." || $f eq ".."} {
lappend result $f
return [lsort -dictionary -unique $result]
proc ::tk::dialog::file::CompleteEnt {w} {
upvar ::tk::dialog::file::[winfo name $w] data
set f [$data(ent) get]
if {$data(-multiple)} {
if {![string is list $f] || [llength $f] != 1} {
return -code break
set f [lindex $f 0]
# Get list of matching filenames and dirnames
set files [if {[winfo class $w] eq "TkFDialog"} {
GlobFiltered $data(selectPath) {f b c l p s}
set dirs2 {}
foreach d [GlobFiltered $data(selectPath) d] {lappend dirs2 $d/}
set targets [concat \
[lsearch -glob -all -inline $files $f*] \
[lsearch -glob -all -inline $dirs2 $f*]]
if {[llength $targets] == 1} {
# We have a winner!
set f [lindex $targets 0]
} elseif {$f in $targets || [llength $targets] == 0} {
if {[string length $f] > 0} {
} elseif {[llength $targets] > 1} {
# Multiple possibles
if {[string length $f] == 0} {
set t0 [lindex $targets 0]
for {set len [string length $t0]} {$len>0} {} {
set allmatch 1
foreach s $targets {
if {![string equal -length $len $s $t0]} {
set allmatch 0
incr len -1
if {$allmatch} break
set f [string range $t0 0 $len]
if {$data(-multiple)} {
set f [list $f]
$data(ent) delete 0 end
$data(ent) insert 0 $f
return -code break