2021-07-23 02:36:56 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# paths2openscad.py
# This is an Inkscape extension to output paths to extruded OpenSCAD polygons
# The Inkscape objects must first be converted to paths (Path > Object to
# Path). Some paths may not work well -- the paths have to be polygons. As
# such, paths derived from text may meet with mixed results.
# Written by Daniel C. Newman ( dan dot newman at mtbaldy dot us )
# 2020-06-18
# Updated by Sillyfrog (https://github.com/sillyfrog) to support
# Inkscape v1.0 (exclusively, prior versions) are no longer supported).
# Updated to run under python3 now python2 is end of life.
# 10 June 2012
# 15 June 2012
# Updated by Dan Newman to handle a single level of polygon nesting.
# This is sufficient to handle most fonts.
# If you want to nest two polygons, combine them into a single path
# within Inkscape with "Path > Combine Path".
# 15 August 2014
# Updated by Josef Skladanka to automatically set extruded heights
# 2017-03-11, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.12 parse svg width="400mm" correctly. Came out downscaled by 3...
# 2017-04-08, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.13 allow letter 'a' prefix on zsize values for anti-matter.
# All anti-matter objects are subtracted from all normal objects.
# raise: Offset along Z axis, to make cut-outs and balconies.
# Refactored object_merge_extrusion_values() from convertPath().
# Inheriting extrusion values from enclosing groups.
# 2017-04-10, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.14 Started merging V7 outline mode by Neon22.
# (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1065500)
# Toplevel object from http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1286041
# is already included.
# 2017-04-16, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.15 Fixed https://github.com/fablabnbg/inkscape-paths2openscad/
# issues/1#issuecomment-294257592
# Line width of V7 code became a minimum line width,
# rendering is now based on stroke-width
# Refactored LengthWithUnit() from getLength()
# Finished merge with v7 code.
# Subpath in subpath are now handled very nicely.
# Added msg_extrude_by_hull_and_paths() outline mode with nested paths.
# 2017-06-12, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.16 Feature added: scale: XXX to taper the object while extruding.
# 2017-06-15, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.17 scale is now centered on each path. and supports an optional second
# value for explicit Y scaling. Renamed the autoheight command line
# option to 'parsedesc' with default true. Renamed dict auto to
# extrusion. Rephrased all prose to refer to extrusion syntax rather
# than auto zsize.
# 2017-06-18, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.18 pep8 relaxed. all hard 80 cols line breaks removed.
# Refactored the commands into a separate tab in the inx.
# Added 'View in OpenSCAD' feature with pidfile for single instance.
# 2017-08-10, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.19 fix style="" elements.
# 2017-11-14, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.20 do not traverse into objects with style="display:none"
# some precondition checks had 'pass' but should have 'continue'.
# 2018-01-21, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.21 start a new openscad instance if the command has changed.
# 2018-01-27, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.22 command comparison fixed. do not use 0.21 !
# 2018-02-18, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.23 fixed rect with x=0 not rendered.
# FIXME: should really use inksvg.py here too!
# 2018.09-09, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.24 merged module feature, renamed Height,Raise to Zsize,Zoffset
# 2019-01-18, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.25 Allow Depth,Offset instead of Zsize,Zoffset
# Simplify the syntax description page.
# Added parameter line_width_scale.
# Added parameter chamfer, and module chamfer_sphere for doing minkowski
# 2020-03-12, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.26 DEB: relax dependency on 'openscad' to 'openscad | bash'
# 2020-04-05, juergen@fabmail.org
# 0.27 Make pep8 happy again. Give proper error message, when file was not saved.
# CAUTION: keep the version number in sync with paths2openscad.inx about page
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import os
import sys
import os . path
import inkex
import inkex . paths
import inkex . bezier
from inkex . transforms import Transform
import re
import time
import string
import tempfile
import gettext
import subprocess
VERSION = " 0.27 " # CAUTION: Keep in sync with all *.inx files
# Parse all these as 56.7 mm zsize:
# "path1234_56_7_mm", "pat1234____57.7mm", "path1234_57.7__mm"
# The verbs Height and Raise are deprecated. Use Zsize and Zoffset, (or Depth and Offset) instead.
RE_AUTO_ZSIZE_ID = re . compile ( r " .*?_+([aA]? \ d+(?:[_ \ .] \ d+)?)_*mm$ " )
RE_AUTO_ZSIZE_DESC = re . compile (
r " ^(?:[Hh]eight|[Dd]epth|[Zz]-?size): \ s*([aA]? \ d+(?: \ . \ d+)?) ?mm$ " , re . MULTILINE
RE_AUTO_SCALE_DESC = re . compile (
r " ^(?:sc|[Ss]cale|[Tt]aper): \ s*( \ d+(?: \ . \ d+)?(?: ?, ? \ d+(?: \ . \ d+)?)?) ? % $ " ,
RE_AUTO_ZOFFSET_DESC = re . compile (
r " ^(?:[Rr]aise|[Zz]-?offset|[Oo]ffset): \ s*( \ d+(?: \ . \ d+)?) ?mm$ " , re . MULTILINE
DESC_TAGS = [ " desc " , inkex . addNS ( " desc " , " svg " ) ]
# CAUTION: keep these defaults in sync with paths2openscad.inx
INX_SCADVIEW = os . getenv ( " INX_SCADVIEW " , " openscad \" {NAME} .scad \" " )
INX_SCAD2STL = os . getenv ( " INX_SCAD2STL " , " openscad \" {NAME} .scad \" -o \" {NAME} .stl \" " )
INX_STL_POSTPROCESSING = os . getenv ( " INX_STL_POSTPROCESSING " , " cura \" {NAME} .stl \" & " )
def IsProcessRunning ( pid ) :
Windows code from https : / / stackoverflow . com / questions / 7647167 / check - if - a - process - is - running - in - python - in - linux - unix
sys_platform = sys . platform . lower ( )
if sys_platform . startswith ( " win " ) :
with subprocess . Popen ( r ' tasklist.exe /NH /FI " PID eq %d " ' % ( pid ) , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE ) as ps :
output = ps . stdout . read ( )
ps . wait ( )
if str ( pid ) in output :
return True
return False
else :
# OSX sys_platform.startswith('darwin'):
# and Linux
try :
os . kill ( pid , 0 )
return True
except OSError :
return False
def parseLengthWithUnits ( str , default_unit = " px " ) :
Parse an SVG value which may or may not have units attached
This version is greatly simplified in that it only allows : no units ,
units of px , and units of % . Everything else , it returns None for .
There is a more general routine to consider in scour . py if more
generality is ever needed .
With inkscape 0.91 we need other units too : e . g . svg : width = " 400mm "
u = default_unit
s = str . strip ( )
if s [ - 2 : ] in ( " px " , " pt " , " pc " , " mm " , " cm " , " in " , " ft " ) :
u = s [ - 2 : ]
s = s [ : - 2 ]
elif s [ - 1 : ] in ( " m " , " % " ) :
u = s [ - 1 : ]
s = s [ : - 1 ]
try :
v = float ( s )
except Exception :
return None , None
return v , u
def pointInBBox ( pt , bbox ) :
Determine if the point pt = [ x , y ] lies on or within the bounding
box bbox = [ xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax ] .
# if ( x < xmin ) or ( x > xmax ) or ( y < ymin ) or ( y > ymax )
if ( pt [ 0 ] < bbox [ 0 ] ) or ( pt [ 0 ] > bbox [ 1 ] ) or ( pt [ 1 ] < bbox [ 2 ] ) or ( pt [ 1 ] > bbox [ 3 ] ) :
return False
else :
return True
def bboxInBBox ( bbox1 , bbox2 ) :
Determine if the bounding box bbox1 lies on or within the
bounding box bbox2 . NOTE : we do not test for strict enclosure .
Structure of the bounding boxes is
bbox1 = [ xmin1 , xmax1 , ymin1 , ymax1 ]
bbox2 = [ xmin2 , xmax2 , ymin2 , ymax2 ]
# if ( xmin1 < xmin2 ) or ( xmax1 > xmax2 ) or
# ( ymin1 < ymin2 ) or ( ymax1 > ymax2 )
if (
( bbox1 [ 0 ] < bbox2 [ 0 ] )
or ( bbox1 [ 1 ] > bbox2 [ 1 ] )
or ( bbox1 [ 2 ] < bbox2 [ 2 ] )
or ( bbox1 [ 3 ] > bbox2 [ 3 ] )
) :
return False
else :
return True
def pointInPoly ( p , poly , bbox = None ) :
Use a ray casting algorithm to see if the point p = [ x , y ] lies within
the polygon poly = [ [ x1 , y1 ] , [ x2 , y2 ] , . . . ] . Returns True if the point
is within poly , lies on an edge of poly , or is a vertex of poly .
if ( p is None ) or ( poly is None ) :
return False
# Check to see if the point lies outside the polygon's bounding box
if bbox is not None :
if not pointInBBox ( p , bbox ) :
return False
# Check to see if the point is a vertex
if p in poly :
return True
# Handle a boundary case associated with the point
# lying on a horizontal edge of the polygon
x = p [ 0 ]
y = p [ 1 ]
p1 = poly [ 0 ]
p2 = poly [ 1 ]
for i in range ( len ( poly ) ) :
if i != 0 :
p1 = poly [ i - 1 ]
p2 = poly [ i ]
if (
( y == p1 [ 1 ] )
and ( p1 [ 1 ] == p2 [ 1 ] )
and ( x > min ( p1 [ 0 ] , p2 [ 0 ] ) )
and ( x < max ( p1 [ 0 ] , p2 [ 0 ] ) )
) :
return True
n = len ( poly )
inside = False
p1_x , p1_y = poly [ 0 ]
for i in range ( n + 1 ) :
p2_x , p2_y = poly [ i % n ]
if y > min ( p1_y , p2_y ) :
if y < = max ( p1_y , p2_y ) :
if x < = max ( p1_x , p2_x ) :
if p1_y != p2_y :
intersect = p1_x + ( y - p1_y ) * ( p2_x - p1_x ) / ( p2_y - p1_y )
if x < = intersect :
inside = not inside
else :
inside = not inside
p1_x , p1_y = p2_x , p2_y
return inside
def polyInPoly ( poly1 , bbox1 , poly2 , bbox2 ) :
Determine if polygon poly2 = [ [ x1 , y1 ] , [ x2 , y2 ] , . . . ]
contains polygon poly1 .
The bounding box information , bbox = [ xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax ]
is optional . When supplied it can be used to perform rejections .
Note that one bounding box containing another is not sufficient
to imply that one polygon contains another . It ' s necessary, but
not sufficient .
# See if poly1's bboundin box is NOT contained by poly2's bounding box
# if it isn't, then poly1 cannot be contained by poly2.
if ( bbox1 is not None ) and ( bbox2 is not None ) :
if not bboxInBBox ( bbox1 , bbox2 ) :
return False
# To see if poly1 is contained by poly2, we need to ensure that each
# vertex of poly1 lies on or within poly2
for p in poly1 :
if not pointInPoly ( p , poly2 , bbox2 ) :
return False
# Looks like poly1 is contained on or in Poly2
return True
def subdivideCubicPath ( sp , flat , i = 1 ) :
[ Lifted from eggbot . py with impunity ]
Break up a bezier curve into smaller curves , each of which
is approximately a straight line within a given tolerance
( the " smoothness " defined by [ flat ] ) .
This is a modified version of cspsubdiv . cspsubdiv ( ) : rewritten
because recursion - depth errors on complicated line segments
could occur with cspsubdiv . cspsubdiv ( ) .
while True :
while True :
if i > = len ( sp ) :
p0 = sp [ i - 1 ] [ 1 ]
p1 = sp [ i - 1 ] [ 2 ]
p2 = sp [ i ] [ 0 ]
p3 = sp [ i ] [ 1 ]
b = ( p0 , p1 , p2 , p3 )
if inkex . bezier . maxdist ( b ) > flat :
i + = 1
one , two = inkex . bezier . beziersplitatt ( b , 0.5 )
sp [ i - 1 ] [ 2 ] = one [ 1 ]
sp [ i ] [ 0 ] = two [ 2 ]
p = [ one [ 2 ] , one [ 3 ] , two [ 1 ] ]
sp [ i : 1 ] = [ p ]
def msg_linear_extrude ( id , prefix ) :
msg = (
" translate ( %s _ %d _center) linear_extrude(height=h, convexity=10, scale=0.01*s) \n "
+ " translate (- %s _ %d _center) polygon( %s _ %d _points); \n "
return msg % ( id , prefix , id , prefix , id , prefix )
def msg_linear_extrude_by_paths ( id , prefix ) :
msg = (
" translate ( %s _ %d _center) linear_extrude(height=h, convexity=10, scale=0.01*s) \n "
+ " translate (- %s _ %d _center) polygon( %s _ %d _points, %s _ %d _paths); \n "
return msg % ( id , prefix , id , prefix , id , prefix , id , prefix )
def msg_extrude_by_hull ( id , prefix ) :
msg = (
" for (t = [0: len( %s _ %d _points)-2]) { \n " % ( id , prefix )
+ " hull() { \n "
+ " translate( %s _ %d _points[t]) \n " % ( id , prefix )
+ " cylinder(h=h, r=w/2, $fn=res); \n "
+ " translate( %s _ %d _points[t + 1]) \n " % ( id , prefix )
+ " cylinder(h=h, r=w/2, $fn=res); \n "
+ " } \n "
+ " } \n "
return msg
def msg_extrude_by_hull_and_paths ( id , prefix ) :
msg = (
" for (p = [0: len( %s _ %d _paths)-1]) { \n " % ( id , prefix )
+ " pp = %s _ %d _paths[p]; \n " % ( id , prefix )
+ " for (t = [0: len(pp)-2]) { \n "
+ " hull() { \n "
+ " translate( %s _ %d _points[pp[t]]) \n " % ( id , prefix )
+ " cylinder(h=h, r=w/2, $fn=res); \n "
+ " translate( %s _ %d _points[pp[t+1]]) \n " % ( id , prefix )
+ " cylinder(h=h, r=w/2, $fn=res); \n "
+ " } \n "
+ " } \n "
+ " } \n "
return msg
2021-12-25 20:55:49 +01:00
def remove_umlaut ( string ) :
Removes umlauts from strings and replaces them with the letter + e convention
: param string : string to remove umlauts from
: return : unumlauted string
u = ' ü ' . encode ( )
U = ' Ü ' . encode ( )
a = ' ä ' . encode ( )
A = ' Ä ' . encode ( )
o = ' ö ' . encode ( )
O = ' Ö ' . encode ( )
ss = ' ß ' . encode ( )
string = string . encode ( )
string = string . replace ( u , b ' ue ' )
string = string . replace ( U , b ' Ue ' )
string = string . replace ( a , b ' ae ' )
string = string . replace ( A , b ' Ae ' )
string = string . replace ( o , b ' oe ' )
string = string . replace ( O , b ' Oe ' )
string = string . replace ( ss , b ' ss ' )
string = string . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
return string
2021-07-23 02:36:56 +02:00
class PathsToOpenSCAD ( inkex . EffectExtension ) :
def add_arguments ( self , pars ) :
inkex . localization . localize ( ) # does not help for localizing my *.inx file
pars . add_argument ( " --tab " , default = " splash " , help = " The active tab when Apply was pressed " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --smoothness " , type = float , default = float ( 0.2 ) , help = " Curve smoothing (less for more) " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --chamfer " , type = float , default = float ( 1. ) , help = " Add a chamfer radius, displacing all object walls outwards [mm] " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --chamfer_fn " , type = int , default = int ( 4 ) , help = " Chamfer precision ($fn when generating the minkowski sphere) " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --zsize " , default = " 5 " , help = " Depth (Z-size) [mm] " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --min_line_width " , type = float , default = float ( 1 ) , help = " Line width for non closed curves [mm] " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --line_width_scale_perc " , type = float , default = float ( 1 ) , help = " Percentage of SVG line width. Use e.g. 26.46 to compensate a px/mm confusion. Default: 100 [ % ] " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --line_fn " , type = int , default = int ( 4 ) , help = " Line width precision ($fn when constructing hull) " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --force_line " , type = inkex . utils . Boolean , default = False , help = " Force outline mode. " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --fname " , default = " {NAME} .scad " , help = " openSCAD output file derived from the svg file name. " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --parsedesc " , type = inkex . utils . Boolean , default = True , help = " Parse zsize and other parameters from object descriptions " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --scadview " , type = inkex . utils . Boolean , default = False , help = " Open the file with openscad ( details see --scadviewcmd option ) " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --scadviewcmd " , default = INX_SCADVIEW , help = " Command used start an openscad viewer. Use {SCAD} for the openSCAD input. " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --scad2stl " , type = inkex . utils . Boolean , default = False , help = " Also convert to STL ( details see --scad2stlcmd option ) " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --scad2stlcmd " , default = INX_SCAD2STL , help = " Command used to convert to STL. You can use {NAME} .scad for the openSCAD file to read and "
+ " {NAME} .stl for the STL file to write. " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --stlpost " , type = inkex . utils . Boolean , default = False , help = " Start e.g. a slicer. This implies the --scad2stl option. ( see --stlpostcmd ) " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --stlpostcmd " , default = INX_STL_POSTPROCESSING , help = " Command used for post processing an STL file (typically a slicer). You can use {NAME} .stl for the STL file. " , )
pars . add_argument ( " --stlmodule " , type = inkex . utils . Boolean , default = False , help = " Output configured to comment out final rendering line, to create a module file for import. " , )
self . userunitsx = 1.0 # Move to pure userunits per mm for v1.0
self . userunitsy = 1.0
self . px_used = False # raw px unit depends on correct dpi.
self . cx = float ( DEFAULT_WIDTH ) / 2.0
self . cy = float ( DEFAULT_HEIGHT ) / 2.0
self . xmin , self . xmax = ( 1.0E70 , - 1.0E70 )
self . ymin , self . ymax = ( 1.0E70 , - 1.0E70 )
# Dictionary of paths we will construct. It's keyed by the SVG node
# it came from. Such keying isn't too useful in this specific case,
# but it can be useful in other applications when you actually want
# to go back and update the SVG document
self . paths = { }
# Output file handling
self . call_list = [ ]
self . call_list_neg = [ ] # anti-matter (holes via difference)
self . pathid = int ( 0 )
# Output file
self . outfile = None
# For handling an SVG viewbox attribute, we will need to know the
# values of the document's <svg> width and height attributes as well
# as establishing a transform from the viewbox to the display.
self . docWidth = float ( DEFAULT_WIDTH )
self . docHeight = float ( DEFAULT_HEIGHT )
self . docTransform = Transform ( None )
# Dictionary of warnings issued. This to prevent from warning
# multiple times about the same problem
self . warnings = { }
def getLength ( self , name , default ) :
Get the < svg > attribute with name " name " and default value " default "
Parse the attribute into a value and associated units . Then , accept
units of cm , ft , in , m , mm , pc , or pt . Convert to pixels .
Note that SVG defines 90 px = 1 in = 25.4 mm .
Note : Since inkscape 0.92 we use the CSS standard of 96 px = 1 in .
str = self . document . getroot ( ) . get ( name )
if str :
return self . LengthWithUnit ( str )
else :
# No width specified; assume the default value
return float ( default )
def LengthWithUnit ( self , strn , default_unit = " px " ) :
v , u = parseLengthWithUnits ( strn , default_unit )
if v is None :
# Couldn't parse the value
return None
elif u == " mm " :
return float ( v ) * ( self . userunitsx )
elif u == " cm " :
return float ( v ) * ( self . userunitsx * 10.0 )
elif u == " m " :
return float ( v ) * ( self . userunitsx * 1000.0 )
elif u == " in " :
return float ( v ) * self . userunitsx * 25.4
elif u == " ft " :
return float ( v ) * 12.0 * self . userunitsx * 25.4
elif u == " pt " :
# Use modern "Postscript" points of 72 pt = 1 in instead
# of the traditional 72.27 pt = 1 in
return float ( v ) * ( self . userunitsx * 25.4 / 72.0 )
elif u == " pc " :
return float ( v ) * ( self . userunitsx * 25.4 / 6.0 )
elif u == " px " :
self . px_used = True
return float ( v )
else :
# Unsupported units
return None
def getDocProps ( self ) :
Get the document ' s height and width attributes from the <svg> tag.
Use a default value in case the property is not present or is
expressed in units of percentages .
self . inkscape_version = self . document . getroot ( ) . get (
" { http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape}version "
sodipodi_docname = self . document . getroot ( ) . get (
" { http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd}docname "
if sodipodi_docname is None :
sodipodi_docname = " inkscape "
# the document was not saved. We can assume it is v1 inkscape
self . basename = re . sub ( r " \ .SVG " , " " , sodipodi_docname , flags = re . I )
self . docHeight = self . getLength ( " height " , DEFAULT_HEIGHT )
self . docWidth = self . getLength ( " width " , DEFAULT_WIDTH )
if ( self . docHeight is None ) or ( self . docWidth is None ) :
return False
else :
return True
def handleViewBox ( self ) :
Set up the document - wide transform in the event that the document has
an SVG viewbox , which it should as of v1 .0
For details , see https : / / wiki . inkscape . org / wiki / index . php / Units_In_Inkscape
if self . getDocProps ( ) :
viewbox = self . document . getroot ( ) . get ( " viewBox " )
if viewbox :
vinfo = viewbox . strip ( ) . replace ( " , " , " " ) . split ( )
vinfo = [ float ( i ) for i in vinfo ]
unitsx = abs ( vinfo [ 0 ] - vinfo [ 2 ] )
# unitsy = abs(vinfo[1] - vinfo[3])
self . userunitsx = self . docWidth / unitsx
# The above wiki page suggests that x and y scaling maybe different
# however in practice they are not
self . userunitsy = self . userunitsx
self . docTransform = Transform (
" scale( %f , %f ) " % ( self . userunitsx , self . userunitsy )
def getPathVertices ( self , path , node = None , transform = None ) :
Decompose the path data from an SVG element into individual
subpaths , each subpath consisting of absolute move to and line
to coordinates . Place these coordinates into a list of polygon
vertices .
if not path :
# Path must have been devoid of any real content
return None
# Get a cubic super path
p = inkex . paths . CubicSuperPath ( path )
if ( not p ) or ( len ( p ) == 0 ) :
# Probably never happens, but...
return None
if transform :
p = p . transform ( transform )
# Now traverse the cubic super path
subpath_list = [ ]
subpath_vertices = [ ]
sp_xmin = None
sp_xmax = None
sp_ymin = None
sp_ymax = None
for sp in p :
# We've started a new subpath
# See if there is a prior subpath and whether we should keep it
if len ( subpath_vertices ) :
subpath_list . append (
[ subpath_vertices , [ sp_xmin , sp_xmax , sp_ymin , sp_ymax ] ]
subpath_vertices = [ ]
subdivideCubicPath ( sp , float ( self . options . smoothness ) )
# Note the first point of the subpath
first_point = sp [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
subpath_vertices . append ( first_point )
sp_xmin = first_point [ 0 ]
sp_xmax = first_point [ 0 ]
sp_ymin = first_point [ 1 ]
sp_ymax = first_point [ 1 ]
n = len ( sp )
# Traverse each point of the subpath
for csp in sp [ 1 : n ] :
# Append the vertex to our list of vertices
pt = csp [ 1 ]
subpath_vertices . append ( pt )
# Track the bounding box of this subpath
if pt [ 0 ] < sp_xmin :
sp_xmin = pt [ 0 ]
elif pt [ 0 ] > sp_xmax :
sp_xmax = pt [ 0 ]
if pt [ 1 ] < sp_ymin :
sp_ymin = pt [ 1 ]
elif pt [ 1 ] > sp_ymax :
sp_ymax = pt [ 1 ]
# Track the bounding box of the overall drawing
# This is used for centering the polygons in OpenSCAD around the
# (x,y) origin
if sp_xmin < self . xmin :
self . xmin = sp_xmin
if sp_xmax > self . xmax :
self . xmax = sp_xmax
if sp_ymin < self . ymin :
self . ymin = sp_ymin
if sp_ymax > self . ymax :
self . ymax = sp_ymax
# Handle the final subpath
if len ( subpath_vertices ) :
subpath_list . append (
[ subpath_vertices , [ sp_xmin , sp_xmax , sp_ymin , sp_ymax ] ]
if len ( subpath_list ) > 0 :
self . paths [ node ] = subpath_list
def getPathStyle ( self , node ) :
style = node . get ( " style " , " " )
# .get default is not reliable, ensure value is a string
if not style :
style = " "
ret = { }
# fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:10;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1
for elem in style . split ( " ; " ) :
if len ( elem ) :
try :
( key , val ) = elem . strip ( ) . split ( " : " )
except Exception :
inkex . errormsg (
" unparsable element ' {1} ' in style ' {0} ' " . format ( elem , style )
ret [ key ] = val
return ret
def convertPath ( self , node ) :
def object_merge_extrusion_values ( extrusion , node ) :
""" Parser for description and ID fields for extrusion parameters.
This recurse into parents , to inherit values from enclosing
groups .
p = node . getparent ( )
if p is not None and p . tag in ( inkex . addNS ( " g " , " svg " ) , " g " ) :
object_merge_extrusion_values ( extrusion , p )
# let the node override inherited values
rawid = node . get ( " id " , " " )
if rawid is not None :
zsize = RE_AUTO_ZSIZE_ID . findall ( rawid )
if zsize :
extrusion [ " zsize " ] = zsize [ - 1 ] . replace ( " _ " , " . " )
# let description contents override id contents.
for tagname in DESC_TAGS :
desc_node = node . find ( " ./ %s " % tagname )
if desc_node is not None :
zsize = RE_AUTO_ZSIZE_DESC . findall ( desc_node . text )
if zsize :
extrusion [ " zsize " ] = zsize [ - 1 ]
zscale = RE_AUTO_SCALE_DESC . findall ( desc_node . text )
if zscale :
if " , " in zscale [ - 1 ] :
extrusion [ " scale " ] = " [ " + zscale [ - 1 ] + " ] "
else :
extrusion [ " scale " ] = zscale [ - 1 ]
zoffset = RE_AUTO_ZOFFSET_DESC . findall ( desc_node . text )
if zoffset :
extrusion [ " zoffset " ] = zoffset [ - 1 ]
if extrusion [ " zsize " ] [ 0 ] in ( " a " , " A " ) :
extrusion [ " neg " ] = True
extrusion [ " zsize " ] = extrusion [ " zsize " ] [ 1 : ]
# END object_merge_extrusion_values
path = self . paths [ node ]
if ( path is None ) or ( len ( path ) == 0 ) :
# Determine which polys contain which
contains = [ [ ] for i in range ( len ( path ) ) ]
contained_by = [ [ ] for i in range ( len ( path ) ) ]
for i in range ( 0 , len ( path ) ) :
for j in range ( i + 1 , len ( path ) ) :
if polyInPoly ( path [ j ] [ 0 ] , path [ j ] [ 1 ] , path [ i ] [ 0 ] , path [ i ] [ 1 ] ) :
# subpath i contains subpath j
contains [ i ] . append ( j )
# subpath j is contained in subpath i
contained_by [ j ] . append ( i )
elif polyInPoly ( path [ i ] [ 0 ] , path [ i ] [ 1 ] , path [ j ] [ 0 ] , path [ j ] [ 1 ] ) :
# subpath j contains subpath i
contains [ j ] . append ( i )
# subpath i is contained in subpath j
contained_by [ i ] . append ( j )
# Generate an OpenSCAD module for this path
rawid = node . get ( " id " , " " )
if ( rawid is None ) or ( rawid == " " ) :
id = str ( self . pathid ) + " x "
rawid = id
self . pathid + = 1
else :
id = re . sub ( " [^A-Za-z0-9_]+ " , " " , rawid )
style = self . getPathStyle ( node )
stroke_width = style . get ( " stroke-width " , " 1 " )
# FIXME: works with document units == 'mm', but otherwise untested..
stroke_width_mm = self . LengthWithUnit ( stroke_width , default_unit = " mm " )
stroke_width_mm = str ( stroke_width_mm * self . userunitsx ) # px to mm
fill_color = style . get ( " fill " , " #FFF " )
if fill_color == " none " :
filled = False
else :
filled = True
if filled is False and style . get ( " stroke " , " none " ) == " none " :
inkex . errormsg (
" WARNING: " + rawid + " has fill:none and stroke:none, object ignored. "
# #### global data for msg_*() functions. ####
# fold subpaths into a single list of points and index paths.
prefix = 0
for i in range ( 0 , len ( path ) ) :
# Skip this subpath if it is contained by another one
if len ( contained_by [ i ] ) != 0 :
subpath = path [ i ] [ 0 ]
bbox = path [ i ] [ 1 ] # [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
polycenter = (
+ " _ "
+ str ( prefix )
+ " _center = [ %f , %f ] "
% (
( bbox [ 0 ] + bbox [ 1 ] ) * .5 - self . cx ,
( bbox [ 2 ] + bbox [ 3 ] ) * .5 - self . cy ,
polypoints = id + " _ " + str ( prefix ) + " _points = [ "
# polypaths = [[0,1,2], [3,4,5]] # this path is two triangle
polypaths = id + " _ " + str ( prefix ) + " _paths = [[ "
if len ( contains [ i ] ) == 0 :
# This subpath does not contain any subpaths
for point in subpath :
polypoints + = " [ %f , %f ], " % (
( point [ 0 ] - self . cx ) ,
( point [ 1 ] - self . cy ) ,
polypoints = polypoints [ : - 1 ]
polypoints + = " ]; \n "
self . outfile . write ( polycenter + " ; \n " )
self . outfile . write ( polypoints )
prefix + = 1
else :
# This subpath contains other subpaths
# collect all points into polypoints
# also collect the indices into polypaths
for point in subpath :
polypoints + = " [ %f , %f ], " % (
( point [ 0 ] - self . cx ) ,
( point [ 1 ] - self . cy ) ,
count = len ( subpath )
for k in range ( 0 , count ) :
polypaths + = " %d , " % ( k )
polypaths = polypaths [ : - 1 ] + " ], \n \t \t \t \t [ "
# The nested paths
for j in contains [ i ] :
for point in path [ j ] [ 0 ] :
polypoints + = " [ %f , %f ], " % (
( point [ 0 ] - self . cx ) ,
( point [ 1 ] - self . cy ) ,
for k in range ( count , count + len ( path [ j ] [ 0 ] ) ) :
polypaths + = " %d , " % k
count + = len ( path [ j ] [ 0 ] )
polypaths = polypaths [ : - 1 ] + " ], \n \t \t \t \t [ "
polypoints = polypoints [ : - 1 ]
polypoints + = " ]; \n "
polypaths = polypaths [ : - 7 ] + " ]; \n "
# write the polys and paths
self . outfile . write ( polycenter + " ; \n " )
self . outfile . write ( polypoints )
self . outfile . write ( polypaths )
prefix + = 1
# #### end global data for msg_*() functions. ####
self . outfile . write ( " module poly_ " + id + " (h, w, s, res=line_fn) \n { \n " )
# Element is transformed to correct size, so scale is now just for the user to
# tweak after the fact
self . outfile . write ( " scale([custom_scale_x, -custom_scale_y, 1]) union() \n { \n " )
# And add the call to the call list
# Z-size is set by the overall module parameter
# unless an extrusion zsize is parsed from the description or ID.
extrusion = { " zsize " : " h " , " zoffset " : " 0 " , " scale " : 100.0 , " neg " : False }
if self . options . parsedesc is True :
object_merge_extrusion_values ( extrusion , node )
call_item = " translate ([0,0, %s ]) poly_ %s ( %s , min_line_mm( %s ), %s ); \n " % (
extrusion [ " zoffset " ] ,
id ,
extrusion [ " zsize " ] ,
stroke_width_mm ,
extrusion [ " scale " ] ,
if extrusion [ " neg " ] :
self . call_list_neg . append ( call_item )
else :
self . call_list . append ( call_item )
prefix = 0
for i in range ( 0 , len ( path ) ) :
# Skip this subpath if it is contained by another one
if len ( contained_by [ i ] ) != 0 :
subpath = path [ i ] [ 0 ]
bbox = path [ i ] [ 1 ]
if filled and not self . options . force_line :
if len ( contains [ i ] ) == 0 :
# This subpath does not contain any subpaths
poly = msg_linear_extrude ( id , prefix )
else :
# This subpath contains other subpaths
poly = msg_linear_extrude_by_paths ( id , prefix )
else : # filled == False -> outline mode
if len ( contains [ i ] ) == 0 :
# This subpath does not contain any subpaths
poly = msg_extrude_by_hull ( id , prefix )
else :
# This subpath contains other subpaths
poly = msg_extrude_by_hull_and_paths ( id , prefix )
self . outfile . write ( poly )
prefix + = 1
# End the module
self . outfile . write ( " } \n } \n " )
def recursivelyTraverseSvg (
self , aNodeList , matCurrent = Transform ( None ) , parent_visibility = " visible "
) :
[ This too is largely lifted from eggbot . py ]
Recursively walk the SVG document , building polygon vertex lists
for each graphical element we support .
Rendered SVG elements :
< circle > , < ellipse > , < line > , < path > , < polygon > , < polyline > , < rect >
Supported SVG elements :
< group > , < use >
Ignored SVG elements :
< defs > , < eggbot > , < metadata > , < namedview > , < pattern > ,
processing directives
All other SVG elements trigger an error ( including < text > )
for node in aNodeList :
# Ignore invisible nodes
v = node . get ( " visibility " , parent_visibility )
if v == " inherit " :
v = parent_visibility
if v == " hidden " or v == " collapse " :
s = node . get ( " style " , " " )
if s == " display:none " :
# First apply the current matrix transform to this node's transform
matNew = matCurrent * Transform ( node . get ( " transform " ) )
if node . tag == inkex . addNS ( " g " , " svg " ) or node . tag == " g " :
self . recursivelyTraverseSvg ( node , matNew , v )
elif node . tag == inkex . addNS ( " use " , " svg " ) or node . tag == " use " :
# A <use> element refers to another SVG element via an
# xlink:href="#blah" attribute. We will handle the element by
# doing an XPath search through the document, looking for the
# element with the matching id="blah" attribute. We then
# recursively process that element after applying any necessary
# (x,y) translation.
# Notes:
# 1. We ignore the height and width attributes as they do not
# apply to path-like elements, and
# 2. Even if the use element has visibility="hidden", SVG
# still calls for processing the referenced element. The
# referenced element is hidden only if its visibility is
# "inherit" or "hidden".
refid = node . get ( inkex . addNS ( " href " , " xlink " ) )
if not refid :
# [1:] to ignore leading '#' in reference
path = ' //*[@id= " %s " ] ' % refid [ 1 : ]
refnode = node . xpath ( path )
if refnode :
x = float ( node . get ( " x " , " 0 " ) )
y = float ( node . get ( " y " , " 0 " ) )
# Note: the transform has already been applied
if ( x != 0 ) or ( y != 0 ) :
matNew2 = matNew * Transform ( " translate( %f , %f ) " % ( x , y ) )
else :
matNew2 = matNew
v = node . get ( " visibility " , v )
self . recursivelyTraverseSvg ( refnode , matNew2 , v )
elif node . tag == inkex . addNS ( " path " , " svg " ) :
path_data = node . get ( " d " )
if path_data :
self . getPathVertices ( path_data , node , matNew )
elif node . tag == inkex . addNS ( " rect " , " svg " ) or node . tag == " rect " :
# Manually transform
# <rect x="X" y="Y" width="W" height="H"/>
# into
# <path d="MX,Y lW,0 l0,H l-W,0 z"/>
# I.e., explicitly draw three sides of the rectangle and the
# fourth side implicitly
# Create a path with the outline of the rectangle
x = float ( node . get ( " x " ) )
y = float ( node . get ( " y " ) )
w = float ( node . get ( " width " , " 0 " ) )
h = float ( node . get ( " height " , " 0 " ) )
a = [ ]
a . append ( [ " M " , [ x , y ] ] )
a . append ( [ " l " , [ w , 0 ] ] )
a . append ( [ " l " , [ 0 , h ] ] )
a . append ( [ " l " , [ - w , 0 ] ] )
a . append ( [ " Z " , [ ] ] )
self . getPathVertices ( a , node , matNew )
elif node . tag == inkex . addNS ( " line " , " svg " ) or node . tag == " line " :
# Convert
# <line x1="X1" y1="Y1" x2="X2" y2="Y2/>
# to
# <path d="MX1,Y1 LX2,Y2"/>
x1 = float ( node . get ( " x1 " ) )
y1 = float ( node . get ( " y1 " ) )
x2 = float ( node . get ( " x2 " ) )
y2 = float ( node . get ( " y2 " ) )
if ( not x1 ) or ( not y1 ) or ( not x2 ) or ( not y2 ) :
a = [ ]
a . append ( [ " M " , [ x1 , y1 ] ] )
a . append ( [ " L " , [ x2 , y2 ] ] )
self . getPathVertices ( a , node , matNew )
elif node . TAG in [ " polygon " , " polyline " ] :
# Convert
# <polyline points="x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3 [...]"/>
# to
# <path d="Mx1,y1 Lx2,y2 Lx3,y3 [...]"/>
# Note: we ignore polylines with no points
pl = node . get ( " points " , " " ) . strip ( )
if not pl :
pa = pl . split ( )
d = " " . join (
" M " + pa [ i ] if i == 0 else " L " + pa [ i ]
for i in range ( 0 , len ( pa ) )
d = [ ]
first = True
for part in pl . split ( ) :
x , y = part . split ( " , " )
coords = [ float ( x ) , float ( y ) ]
if first :
d . append ( [ " M " , coords ] )
first = False
else :
d . append ( [ " L " , coords ] )
if node . TAG == " polygon " :
d . append ( [ " Z " , [ ] ] )
self . getPathVertices ( d , node , matNew )
elif (
node . tag == inkex . addNS ( " ellipse " , " svg " )
or node . tag == " ellipse "
or node . tag == inkex . addNS ( " circle " , " svg " )
or node . tag == " circle "
) :
# Convert circles and ellipses to a path with two 180 degree
# arcs. In general (an ellipse), we convert