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2021-07-23 02:36:56 +02:00
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import random
rr = random.randint(1,10)
import inkex
from lxml import etree
class Streaks(inkex.EffectExtension):
def add_arguments(self, pars):
pars.add_argument('--blur', type = int, default = 2)
pars.add_argument('--linno', type = int, default = 50)
pars.add_argument('--xrand', type = inkex.Boolean, default = True)
pars.add_argument('--pagep', type = inkex.Boolean, default = True)
pars.add_argument('--cusx', type = int, default = 500)
pars.add_argument('--cusy', type = int, default = 500)
pars.add_argument('--segLen', type = int, default = 8)
pars.add_argument('--yrand', type = inkex.Boolean, default = True)
pars.add_argument('--dashp', type = inkex.Boolean, default = True)
pars.add_argument('--blankp', type = inkex.Boolean, default = True)
pars.add_argument('--dotp', type = inkex.Boolean, default = True)
pars.add_argument('--dots', type = int, default = 100)
pars.add_argument('--strokeColour', default = 255)
pars.add_argument('--strokeWidth', type = int, default = 2)
pars.add_argument("--Nmain", default='title')
def effect(self):
blur = int(self.options.blur)
linno = int(self.options.linno)
xrand = bool(self.options.xrand)
pagep = bool(self.options.pagep)
cusx = int(self.options.cusx)
cusy = int(self.options.cusy)
segLen = int(self.options.segLen)
yrand = bool(self.options.yrand)
dashp = bool(self.options.dashp)
blankp = bool(self.options.blankp)
dotp = bool(self.options.dotp)
dots = int(self.options.dots)
strokeColour = int(self.options.strokeColour)
strokeWidth = int(self.options.strokeWidth)
# Get access to main SVG document element and get its dimensions.
svg = self.document.getroot()
if pagep :
try :
width = self.svg.unittouu(svg.get('width'))
height = self.svg.unittouu(svg.attrib['height'])
except AttributeError :
width = self.unittouu(svg.get('width'))
height = self.unittouu(svg.attrib['height'])
# inkex.errormsg("Page size %d %d" % (width, height))
else :
width = cusx
height = cusy
# Find defs node.
for child in svg :
if -1 != child.tag.find("defs") :
inkex.errormsg("No defs child found")
defs = child
if blur :
filter = etree.SubElement(defs, "filter")
filter.set(inkex.addNS('collect', 'inkscape'), 'always')
filname = self.svg.get_unique_id('filter')
filter.set('id' , filname)
finfo = etree.SubElement(filter, 'feGaussianBlur')
finfo.set(inkex.addNS('collect', 'inkscape'), 'always')
finfo.set('stdDeviation', str(blur))
""" Debug
for i in range(len(svg)) :
k = svg[i].attrib
for ky in k :
# Clean any old layers
flag = False
for i in range(len(svg)) :
dic = svg[i].attrib
for key in dic:
if -1 != key.find("label") :
if 'Streak Layer' == dic[key] :
del svg[i]
flag = True
if flag :
inkex.errormsg("Found old Streak layer")
# Create a new layer.
layer = etree.SubElement(svg, 'g')
layer.set(inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape'), 'Streak Layer')
layer.set(inkex.addNS('groupmode', 'inkscape'), 'layer')
# Create path element
path = etree.Element(inkex.addNS('path','svg'))
alpha = strokeColour & 255
color = (strokeColour >> 8) & int('ffffff', 16)
style = {
'stroke' : '#%06X' % color,
'stroke-width' : str(strokeWidth),
#inkex.errormsg("Colour %s" % strokeColour)
if blur : style['filter'] = 'url(#' + filname +')'
path.set('style', str(inkex.Style(style)))
pathstring = ''
seglim = int(height / segLen)
ditlen = int(height / dots)
xco = 0
while xco < width :
y = 0
flag = random.randint(0, 2)
while y < height :
if yrand :
yinc = random.randint(1, seglim)
else :
yinc = seglim
if flag == 1 and dashp: #Draw dash
pathstring += ' M '+str(xco)+','+str(y)+' L '+str(xco)+','+str(min(y + yinc, height))
y += yinc + ditlen
elif flag == 2 and dotp: #Draw dots
ylim = min(y + yinc, height)
while y < ylim :
pathstring += ' M '+str(xco)+','+str(y)+' L '+str(xco)+','+str(min(y + ditlen, height))
y += 2*ditlen
elif flag == 0 and blankp :
y += yinc #Adding blank space
elif not (dashp or dotp or blankp) : #Squiggle if user turns them off
sdit = str(2*ditlen)+' '
pathstring += ' M '+str(xco)+','+str(y)+' q '+ 2*sdit + '0 ' +sdit
for i in range(int(height/(2*ditlen))) :
pathstring += 't 0 '+sdit
y = height
flag = (flag + 1)%3
if xrand :
xco += random.randint(0, int(2 * width / linno))
else :
xco += width / linno
path.set('d', pathstring)
# Connect elements together.
if __name__ == '__main__':