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2021-10-16 01:08:58 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Inkscape extension to render text with the stroke fonts.
The path data used to render the text is generated by the
'Generate Font Data' extension
The original concept is from Hershey Text extension (Copyright 2011, Windell H. Oskay),
that comes bundled with Inkscape
This tool extends it with a number of rendering options like flow in boxes,
text alignment and char & line spacing
Copyright 2019 Shrinivas Kulkarni
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
from inkex import addNS, NSS, Effect, errormsg
import os, sys
from simplepath import parsePath, translatePath, formatPath
from stroke_font_common import CommonDefs, InkscapeCharDataFactory, getEtree, getAddFnTypes
from stroke_font_common import computePtInNode, getDecodedChars
from stroke_font_common import getViewCenter, runEffect, getSelectedElements
from stroke_font_common import formatStyle, getCharStyle, getTranslatedPath, getCurrentLayer
from stroke_font_manager import DrawContext
class InkscapeFontRenderer:
def __init__(self, layer, vc, strokeWidth):
self.layer = layer
self.g = None
self.currG = None = computePtInNode(vc, layer)
self.strokeWidth = strokeWidth = None
def renderChar(self, charData, x, y, naChar):
d = charData.pathStr
style = getCharStyle(self.strokeWidth, naChar)
d = getTranslatedPath(d, x, y)
attribs = {'style':formatStyle(style), 'd':d}
getEtree().SubElement(self.currG, addNS('path','svg'), attribs)
def beforeRender(self):
self.g = getEtree().SubElement(self.layer, 'g')
self.currG = self.g
def newBoxToBeRendered(self, box, addPlane):
boxG = getEtree().SubElement(self.layer, 'g')
if('transform' in box.attrib):
boxG.set('transform', box.get('transform'))
# order important!
self.currG = boxG = box
def moveBoxInYDir(self, moveBy):
t = 'translate(' + str(0) + ',' + str(moveBy) + ')'
self.currG.set('transform', t)
def centerInView(self, width, height):
t = 'translate(' + str([0] - width) + ',' + str([1] - height) + ')'
self.g.set('transform', t)
def renderPlainText(self, text, size, x = None, y = None, objName = None):
textStyle = {'fill':'#000000', 'fill-opacity':'1'}
textStyle['font-size'] = str(size)
attribs = {'style':formatStyle(textStyle)}
if(x != None and y != None):
attribs['transform'] = 'translate(' + str(x) + ', '+ str(y)+')'
textElem = getEtree().SubElement(self.g, addNS('text','svg'), attribs)
textElem.text = text
def getBoxLeftTopRightBottom(self, box):
x1 = float(box.get('x'))
y1 = float(box.get('y'))
w = float(box.get('width'))
h = float(box.get('height'))
x2 = w + x1
y2 = h + y1
return x1, y1, x2, y2
def getBoxFromCoords(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
attribs = {'x':str(x1), 'y':str(y1), 'width':str(x2-x1), 'height':str(y2-y1)}
attribs['style'] ='style') = getEtree().SubElement(self.layer, addNS('rect','svg'), attribs)
def getDefaultStartLocation(self):
return 0, 0
class RenderStrokeFontText(Effect):
def __init__( self ):
Effect.__init__( self )
addFn, typeFloat, typeInt, typeString, typeBool = getAddFnTypes(self)
addFn( '--tab', action = 'store', type = typeString, dest = 'tab', \
default = 'splash', help = 'The active tab when Apply was pressed')
addFn( '--action', action = 'store', type = typeString, dest = 'action', \
default = 'render', help = 'The active option when Apply was pressed' )
addFn( '--text', action = 'store', type = typeString, dest = 'text', \
default = 'Hello World', help = 'The input text to render')
addFn( '--filePath', action = 'store', type = typeString, dest = 'filePath', \
default = '', help = 'Complete path of the text file')
addFn( '--fontName', action = 'store', type = typeString, dest = 'fontName', \
default = 'Script', help = 'The custom font to be used for rendering')
addFn('--fontSize', action = 'store', type = typeFloat, dest = 'fontSize', \
default = '100', help = 'Size of the font')
addFn('--charSpacing', action = 'store', type = typeFloat, dest = 'charSpacing', \
default = '1', help = 'Spacing between characters')
addFn('--wordSpacing', action = 'store', type = typeFloat, dest = 'wordSpacing', \
default = '1', help = 'Spacing between words')
addFn('--lineSpacing', action = 'store', type = typeFloat, dest = 'lineSpacing', \
default = '1.5', help = 'Spacing between the lines')
addFn('--flowInBox', action = 'store', type = typeBool, dest = 'flowInBox', \
default = False, help = 'Fit the text in the selected rectangle objects')
addFn('--margin', action = 'store', type = typeFloat, dest = 'margin', default = '.1', \
help = 'Inside margin of text within the box')
addFn( '--hAlignment', action='store', type = typeString, dest = 'hAlignment', \
default = 'left', help='Horizontal text alignment within the box')
addFn( '--vAlignment', action='store', type = typeString, dest = 'vAlignment', \
default = 'none', help='Vertical text alignment within the box')
addFn( '--expandDir', action='store', type = typeString, dest = 'expandDir', \
default = 'x', help='Create new rectangles if text doesn\'t fit the selected ones')
addFn('--expandDist', action = 'store', type = typeFloat, dest = 'expandDist', \
default = True, help = 'Offset distance between the newly created rectangles')
def effect(self):
fontName = self.options.fontName
fontSize = self.options.fontSize
filePath = self.options.filePath
action = self.options.action
if(action == "renderTable"):
charSpacing = 1
wordSpacing = 1
lineSpacing = 2
charSpacing = self.options.charSpacing
wordSpacing = self.options.wordSpacing
lineSpacing = self.options.lineSpacing
flowInBox = self.options.flowInBox
margin = self.options.margin
hAlignment = self.options.hAlignment
vAlignment = self.options.vAlignment
expandDir = self.options.expandDir
expandDist = self.options.expandDist
if(expandDir == 'none'):
expandDir = None
expandDist = None
extPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
strokeWidth = 0.02 * fontSize
layer = getCurrentLayer(self)
renderer = InkscapeFontRenderer(layer, getViewCenter(self), strokeWidth)
context = DrawContext(extPath, fontName, fontSize, \
charSpacing, wordSpacing, lineSpacing, InkscapeCharDataFactory(), renderer)
if(not context.fontHasGlyphs()):
errormsg('No font data; please select a font and ' + \
'ensure that the list is synchronized')
if(action == "renderTable"):
if(action == "renderText"):
text = self.options.text
text = text.replace('\\n','\n').replace('\\\n','\\n')
text = getDecodedChars(text)
elif(action == "renderFile"):
readmode = 'rU' if CommonDefs.pyVer == 2 else 'r'
with open(filePath, readmode) as f:
text =
if(CommonDefs.pyVer == 2): text = unicode(text, 'utf-8')
except Exception as e:
errormsg("Error reading the file specified in Text File input box."+ str(e))
if(text[0] == u'\ufeff'):
text = text[1:]
if(flowInBox == True):
selElems = getSelectedElements(self)
selIds = [selElems[key].get('id') for key in selElems.keys()]
rectNodes = [r for r in self.document.xpath('//svg:rect', \
namespaces=NSS) if r.get('id') in selIds]
if(len(rectNodes) == 0):
errormsg(_("No rectangle objects selected."))
context.renderCharsInSelBoxes(text, rectNodes, margin, hAlignment, vAlignment, \
False, expandDir, expandDist)