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imagetracer.js version 1.2.6
Simple raster image tracer and vectorizer written in JavaScript.
The Unlicense / PUBLIC DOMAIN
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
software under copyright law.
For more information, please refer to
(function(){ 'use strict';
function ImageTracer(){
var _this = this;
this.versionnumber = '1.2.6',
// API
// Loading an image from a URL, tracing when loaded,
// then executing callback with the scaled svg string as argument
this.imageToSVG = function( url, callback, options ){
options = _this.checkoptions(options);
// loading image, tracing and callback
_this.imagedataToSVG( _this.getImgdata(canvas), options )
},// End of imageToSVG()
// Tracing imagedata, then returning the scaled svg string
this.imagedataToSVG = function( imgd, options ){
options = _this.checkoptions(options);
// tracing imagedata
var td = _this.imagedataToTracedata( imgd, options );
// returning SVG string
return _this.getsvgstring(td, options);
},// End of imagedataToSVG()
// Loading an image from a URL, tracing when loaded,
// then executing callback with tracedata as argument
this.imageToTracedata = function( url, callback, options ){
options = _this.checkoptions(options);
// loading image, tracing and callback
_this.imagedataToTracedata( _this.getImgdata(canvas), options )
},// End of imageToTracedata()
// Tracing imagedata, then returning tracedata (layers with paths, palette, image size)
this.imagedataToTracedata = function( imgd, options ){
options = _this.checkoptions(options);
// 1. Color quantization
var ii = _this.colorquantization( imgd, options );
if(options.layering === 0){// Sequential layering
// create tracedata object
var tracedata = {
layers : [],
palette : ii.palette,
width : ii.array[0].length-2,
height : ii.array.length-2
// Loop to trace each color layer
for(var colornum=0; colornum<ii.palette.length; colornum++){
// layeringstep -> pathscan -> internodes -> batchtracepaths
var tracedlayer =
_this.layeringstep( ii, colornum ),
// adding traced layer
}// End of color loop
}else{// Parallel layering
// 2. Layer separation and edge detection
var ls = _this.layering( ii );
// Optional edge node visualization
if(options.layercontainerid){ _this.drawLayers( ls, _this.specpalette, options.scale, options.layercontainerid ); }
// 3. Batch pathscan
var bps = _this.batchpathscan( ls, options.pathomit );
// 4. Batch interpollation
var bis = _this.batchinternodes( bps, options );
// 5. Batch tracing and creating tracedata object
var tracedata = {
layers : _this.batchtracelayers( bis, options.ltres, options.qtres ),
palette : ii.palette,
width : imgd.width,
height : imgd.height
}// End of parallel layering
// return tracedata
return tracedata;
},// End of imagedataToTracedata()
this.optionpresets = {
'default': {
// Tracing
corsenabled : false,
ltres : 1,
qtres : 1,
pathomit : 8,
rightangleenhance : true,
// Color quantization
colorsampling : 2,
numberofcolors : 16,
mincolorratio : 0,
colorquantcycles : 3,
// Layering method
layering : 0,
// SVG rendering
strokewidth : 1,
linefilter : false,
scale : 1,
roundcoords : 1,
viewbox : false,
desc : false,
lcpr : 0,
qcpr : 0,
// Blur
blurradius : 0,
blurdelta : 20
'posterized1': { colorsampling:0, numberofcolors:2 },
'posterized2': { numberofcolors:4, blurradius:5 },
'curvy': { ltres:0.01, linefilter:true, rightangleenhance:false },
'sharp': { qtres:0.01, linefilter:false },
'detailed': { pathomit:0, roundcoords:2, ltres:0.5, qtres:0.5, numberofcolors:64 },
'smoothed': { blurradius:5, blurdelta: 64 },
'grayscale': { colorsampling:0, colorquantcycles:1, numberofcolors:7 },
'fixedpalette': { colorsampling:0, colorquantcycles:1, numberofcolors:27 },
'randomsampling1': { colorsampling:1, numberofcolors:8 },
'randomsampling2': { colorsampling:1, numberofcolors:64 },
'artistic1': { colorsampling:0, colorquantcycles:1, pathomit:0, blurradius:5, blurdelta: 64, ltres:0.01, linefilter:true, numberofcolors:16, strokewidth:2 },
'artistic2': { qtres:0.01, colorsampling:0, colorquantcycles:1, numberofcolors:4, strokewidth:0 },
'artistic3': { qtres:10, ltres:10, numberofcolors:8 },
'artistic4': { qtres:10, ltres:10, numberofcolors:64, blurradius:5, blurdelta: 256, strokewidth:2 },
'posterized3': { ltres: 1, qtres: 1, pathomit: 20, rightangleenhance: true, colorsampling: 0, numberofcolors: 3,
mincolorratio: 0, colorquantcycles: 3, blurradius: 3, blurdelta: 20, strokewidth: 0, linefilter: false,
roundcoords: 1, pal: [ { r: 0, g: 0, b: 100, a: 255 }, { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 255 } ] }
},// End of optionpresets
// creating options object, setting defaults for missing values
this.checkoptions = function(options){
options = options || {};
// Option preset
if(typeof options === 'string'){
options = options.toLowerCase();
if( _this.optionpresets[options] ){ options = _this.optionpresets[options]; }else{ options = {}; }
// Defaults
var ok = Object.keys(_this.optionpresets['default']);
for(var k=0; k<ok.length; k++){
if(!options.hasOwnProperty(ok[k])){ options[ok[k]] = _this.optionpresets['default'][ok[k]]; }
// options.pal is not defined here, the custom palette should be added externally: options.pal = [ { 'r':0, 'g':0, 'b':0, 'a':255 }, {...}, ... ];
// options.layercontainerid is not defined here, can be added externally: options.layercontainerid = 'mydiv'; ... <div id="mydiv"></div>
return options;
},// End of checkoptions()
// Vectorizing functions
// 1. Color quantization
// Using a form of k-means clustering repeatead options.colorquantcycles times.
this.colorquantization = function( imgd, options ){
var arr = [], idx=0, cd,cdl,ci, paletteacc = [], pixelnum = imgd.width * imgd.height, i, j, k, cnt, palette;
// must be RGBA, not just RGB
if( < pixelnum * 4 ){
var newimgddata = new Uint8ClampedArray(pixelnum * 4);
for(var pxcnt = 0; pxcnt < pixelnum ; pxcnt++){
newimgddata[pxcnt*4 ] =[pxcnt*3 ];
newimgddata[pxcnt*4+1] =[pxcnt*3+1];
newimgddata[pxcnt*4+2] =[pxcnt*3+2];
newimgddata[pxcnt*4+3] = 255;
} = newimgddata;
}// End of RGBA check
// Filling arr (color index array) with -1
for( j=0; j<imgd.height+2; j++ ){ arr[j]=[]; for(i=0; i<imgd.width+2 ; i++){ arr[j][i] = -1; } }
// Use custom palette if pal is defined or sample / generate custom length palette
palette = options.pal;
}else if(options.colorsampling === 0){
palette = _this.generatepalette(options.numberofcolors);
}else if(options.colorsampling === 1){
palette = _this.samplepalette( options.numberofcolors, imgd );
palette = _this.samplepalette2( options.numberofcolors, imgd );
// Selective Gaussian blur preprocessing
if( options.blurradius > 0 ){ imgd = _this.blur( imgd, options.blurradius, options.blurdelta ); }
// Repeat clustering step options.colorquantcycles times
for( cnt=0; cnt < options.colorquantcycles; cnt++ ){
// Average colors from the second iteration
// averaging paletteacc for palette
for( k=0; k < palette.length; k++ ){
// averaging
if( paletteacc[k].n > 0 ){
palette[k] = { r: Math.floor( paletteacc[k].r / paletteacc[k].n ),
g: Math.floor( paletteacc[k].g / paletteacc[k].n ),
b: Math.floor( paletteacc[k].b / paletteacc[k].n ),
a: Math.floor( paletteacc[k].a / paletteacc[k].n ) };
// Randomizing a color, if there are too few pixels and there will be a new cycle
if( ( paletteacc[k].n/pixelnum < options.mincolorratio ) && ( cnt < options.colorquantcycles-1 ) ){
palette[k] = { r: Math.floor(Math.random()*255),
g: Math.floor(Math.random()*255),
b: Math.floor(Math.random()*255),
a: Math.floor(Math.random()*255) };
}// End of palette loop
}// End of Average colors from the second iteration
// Reseting palette accumulator for averaging
for( i=0; i < palette.length; i++ ){ paletteacc[i] = { r:0, g:0, b:0, a:0, n:0 }; }
// loop through all pixels
for( j=0; j < imgd.height; j++ ){
for( i=0; i < imgd.width; i++ ){
// pixel index
idx = (j*imgd.width+i)*4;
// find closest color from palette by measuring (rectilinear) color distance between this pixel and all palette colors
ci=0; cdl = 1024; // 4 * 256 is the maximum RGBA distance
for( k=0; k<palette.length; k++ ){
// In my experience, works better than
cd = Math.abs(palette[k][idx]) + Math.abs(palette[k][idx+1]) + Math.abs(palette[k][idx+2]) + Math.abs(palette[k][idx+3]);
// Remember this color if this is the closest yet
if(cd<cdl){ cdl = cd; ci = k; }
}// End of palette loop
// add to palettacc
paletteacc[ci].r +=[idx ];
paletteacc[ci].g +=[idx+1];
paletteacc[ci].b +=[idx+2];
paletteacc[ci].a +=[idx+3];
// update the indexed color array
arr[j+1][i+1] = ci;
}// End of i loop
}// End of j loop
}// End of Repeat clustering step options.colorquantcycles times
return { array:arr, palette:palette };
},// End of colorquantization()
// Sampling a palette from imagedata
this.samplepalette = function( numberofcolors, imgd ){
var idx, palette=[];
for(var i=0; i<numberofcolors; i++){
idx = Math.floor( Math.random() * / 4 ) * 4;
palette.push({[idx ],[idx+1],[idx+2],[idx+3] });
return palette;
},// End of samplepalette()
// Deterministic sampling a palette from imagedata: rectangular grid
this.samplepalette2 = function( numberofcolors, imgd ){
var idx, palette=[], ni = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(numberofcolors)), nj = Math.ceil(numberofcolors/ni),
vx = imgd.width / (ni+1), vy = imgd.height / (nj+1);
for(var j=0; j<nj; j++){
for(var i=0; i<ni; i++){
if(palette.length === numberofcolors){
idx = Math.floor( ((j+1)*vy) * imgd.width + ((i+1)*vx) ) * 4;
palette.push( {[idx],[idx+1],[idx+2],[idx+3] } );
return palette;
},// End of samplepalette2()
// Generating a palette with numberofcolors
this.generatepalette = function(numberofcolors){
var palette = [], rcnt, gcnt, bcnt;
// Grayscale
var graystep = Math.floor(255/(numberofcolors-1));
for(var i=0; i<numberofcolors; i++){ palette.push({ r:i*graystep, g:i*graystep, b:i*graystep, a:255 }); }
// RGB color cube
var colorqnum = Math.floor(Math.pow(numberofcolors, 1/3)), // Number of points on each edge on the RGB color cube
colorstep = Math.floor(255/(colorqnum-1)), // distance between points
rndnum = numberofcolors - colorqnum*colorqnum*colorqnum; // number of random colors
for(rcnt=0; rcnt<colorqnum; rcnt++){
for(gcnt=0; gcnt<colorqnum; gcnt++){
for(bcnt=0; bcnt<colorqnum; bcnt++){
palette.push( { r:rcnt*colorstep, g:gcnt*colorstep, b:bcnt*colorstep, a:255 } );
}// End of blue loop
}// End of green loop
}// End of red loop
// Rest is random
for(rcnt=0; rcnt<rndnum; rcnt++){ palette.push({ r:Math.floor(Math.random()*255), g:Math.floor(Math.random()*255), b:Math.floor(Math.random()*255), a:Math.floor(Math.random()*255) }); }
}// End of numberofcolors check
return palette;
},// End of generatepalette()
// 2. Layer separation and edge detection
// Edge node types ( ▓: this layer or 1; ░: not this layer or 0 )
// 12 ░░ ▓░ ░▓ ▓▓ ░░ ▓░ ░▓ ▓▓ ░░ ▓░ ░▓ ▓▓ ░░ ▓░ ░▓ ▓▓
// 48 ░░ ░░ ░░ ░░ ░▓ ░▓ ░▓ ░▓ ▓░ ▓░ ▓░ ▓░ ▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
this.layering = function(ii){
// Creating layers for each indexed color in arr
var layers = [], val=0, ah = ii.array.length, aw = ii.array[0].length, n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8, i, j, k;
// Create layers
for(k=0; k<ii.palette.length; k++){
layers[k] = [];
for(j=0; j<ah; j++){
layers[k][j] = [];
for(i=0; i<aw; i++){
// Looping through all pixels and calculating edge node type
for(j=1; j<ah-1; j++){
for(i=1; i<aw-1; i++){
// This pixel's indexed color
val = ii.array[j][i];
// Are neighbor pixel colors the same?
n1 = ii.array[j-1][i-1]===val ? 1 : 0;
n2 = ii.array[j-1][i ]===val ? 1 : 0;
n3 = ii.array[j-1][i+1]===val ? 1 : 0;
n4 = ii.array[j ][i-1]===val ? 1 : 0;
n5 = ii.array[j ][i+1]===val ? 1 : 0;
n6 = ii.array[j+1][i-1]===val ? 1 : 0;
n7 = ii.array[j+1][i ]===val ? 1 : 0;
n8 = ii.array[j+1][i+1]===val ? 1 : 0;
// this pixel's type and looking back on previous pixels
layers[val][j+1][i+1] = 1 + n5 * 2 + n8 * 4 + n7 * 8 ;
if(!n4){ layers[val][j+1][i ] = 0 + 2 + n7 * 4 + n6 * 8 ; }
if(!n2){ layers[val][j ][i+1] = 0 + n3*2 + n5 * 4 + 8 ; }
if(!n1){ layers[val][j ][i ] = 0 + n2*2 + 4 + n4 * 8 ; }
}// End of i loop
}// End of j loop
return layers;
},// End of layering()
// 2. Layer separation and edge detection
// Edge node types ( ▓: this layer or 1; ░: not this layer or 0 )
// 12 ░░ ▓░ ░▓ ▓▓ ░░ ▓░ ░▓ ▓▓ ░░ ▓░ ░▓ ▓▓ ░░ ▓░ ░▓ ▓▓
// 48 ░░ ░░ ░░ ░░ ░▓ ░▓ ░▓ ░▓ ▓░ ▓░ ▓░ ▓░ ▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
this.layeringstep = function(ii,cnum){
// Creating layers for each indexed color in arr
var layer = [], val=0, ah = ii.array.length, aw = ii.array[0].length, n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8, i, j, k;
// Create layer
for(j=0; j<ah; j++){
layer[j] = [];
for(i=0; i<aw; i++){
// Looping through all pixels and calculating edge node type
for(j=1; j<ah; j++){
for(i=1; i<aw; i++){
layer[j][i] =
( ii.array[j-1][i-1]===cnum ? 1 : 0 ) +
( ii.array[j-1][i]===cnum ? 2 : 0 ) +
( ii.array[j][i-1]===cnum ? 8 : 0 ) +
( ii.array[j][i]===cnum ? 4 : 0 )
}// End of i loop
}// End of j loop
return layer;
},// End of layeringstep()
// Point in polygon test
this.pointinpoly = function( p, pa ){
var isin=false;
for(var i=0,j=pa.length-1; i<pa.length; j=i++){
isin =
( ((pa[i].y > p.y) !== (pa[j].y > p.y)) && (p.x < (pa[j].x - pa[i].x) * (p.y - pa[i].y) / (pa[j].y - pa[i].y) + pa[i].x) )
? !isin : isin;
return isin;
// Lookup tables for pathscan
// pathscan_combined_lookup[ arr[py][px] ][ dir ] = [nextarrpypx, nextdir, deltapx, deltapy];
this.pathscan_combined_lookup = [
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],// arr[py][px]===0 is invalid
[[ 0, 1, 0,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 2,-1, 0]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 1, 0,-1], [ 0, 0, 1, 0]],
[[ 0, 0, 1, 0], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 2,-1, 0], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 0, 1, 0], [ 0, 3, 0, 1], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],
[[13, 3, 0, 1], [13, 2,-1, 0], [ 7, 1, 0,-1], [ 7, 0, 1, 0]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 1, 0,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 3, 0, 1]],
[[ 0, 3, 0, 1], [ 0, 2,-1, 0], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],
[[ 0, 3, 0, 1], [ 0, 2,-1, 0], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 1, 0,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 3, 0, 1]],
[[11, 1, 0,-1], [14, 0, 1, 0], [14, 3, 0, 1], [11, 2,-1, 0]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 0, 1, 0], [ 0, 3, 0, 1], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],
[[ 0, 0, 1, 0], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 2,-1, 0], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 1, 0,-1], [ 0, 0, 1, 0]],
[[ 0, 1, 0,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 2,-1, 0]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1]]// arr[py][px]===15 is invalid
// 3. Walking through an edge node array, discarding edge node types 0 and 15 and creating paths from the rest.
// Walk directions (dir): 0 > ; 1 ^ ; 2 < ; 3 v
this.pathscan = function( arr, pathomit ){
var paths=[], pacnt=0, pcnt=0, px=0, py=0, w = arr[0].length, h = arr.length,
dir=0, pathfinished=true, holepath=false, lookuprow;
for(var j=0; j<h; j++){
for(var i=0; i<w; i++){
if( (arr[j][i] == 4) || ( arr[j][i] == 11) ){ // Other values are not valid
// Init
px = i; py = j;
paths[pacnt] = {};
paths[pacnt].points = [];
paths[pacnt].boundingbox = [px,py,px,py];
paths[pacnt].holechildren = [];
pathfinished = false;
holepath = (arr[j][i]==11);
dir = 1;
// Path points loop
// New path point
paths[pacnt].points[pcnt] = {};
paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].x = px-1;
paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].y = py-1;
paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].t = arr[py][px];
// Bounding box
if( (px-1) < paths[pacnt].boundingbox[0] ){ paths[pacnt].boundingbox[0] = px-1; }
if( (px-1) > paths[pacnt].boundingbox[2] ){ paths[pacnt].boundingbox[2] = px-1; }
if( (py-1) < paths[pacnt].boundingbox[1] ){ paths[pacnt].boundingbox[1] = py-1; }
if( (py-1) > paths[pacnt].boundingbox[3] ){ paths[pacnt].boundingbox[3] = py-1; }
// Next: look up the replacement, direction and coordinate changes = clear this cell, turn if required, walk forward
lookuprow = _this.pathscan_combined_lookup[ arr[py][px] ][ dir ];
arr[py][px] = lookuprow[0]; dir = lookuprow[1]; px += lookuprow[2]; py += lookuprow[3];
// Close path
if( (px-1 === paths[pacnt].points[0].x ) && ( py-1 === paths[pacnt].points[0].y ) ){
pathfinished = true;
// Discarding paths shorter than pathomit
if( paths[pacnt].points.length < pathomit ){
paths[pacnt].isholepath = holepath ? true : false;
// Finding the parent shape for this hole
var parentidx = 0, parentbbox = [-1,-1,w+1,h+1];
for(var parentcnt=0; parentcnt < pacnt; parentcnt++){
if( (!paths[parentcnt].isholepath) &&
_this.boundingboxincludes( paths[parentcnt].boundingbox , paths[pacnt].boundingbox ) &&
_this.boundingboxincludes( parentbbox , paths[parentcnt].boundingbox ) &&
_this.pointinpoly( paths[pacnt].points[0], paths[parentcnt].points )
parentidx = parentcnt;
parentbbox = paths[parentcnt].boundingbox;
paths[parentidx].holechildren.push( pacnt );
}// End of holepath parent finding
}// End of Close path
}// End of Path points loop
}// End of Follow path
}// End of i loop
}// End of j loop
return paths;
},// End of pathscan()
this.boundingboxincludes = function( parentbbox, childbbox ){
return ( ( parentbbox[0] < childbbox[0] ) && ( parentbbox[1] < childbbox[1] ) && ( parentbbox[2] > childbbox[2] ) && ( parentbbox[3] > childbbox[3] ) );
},// End of boundingboxincludes()
// 3. Batch pathscan
this.batchpathscan = function( layers, pathomit ){
var bpaths = [];
for(var k in layers){
if(!layers.hasOwnProperty(k)){ continue; }
bpaths[k] = _this.pathscan( layers[k], pathomit );
return bpaths;
// 4. interpollating between path points for nodes with 8 directions ( East, SouthEast, S, SW, W, NW, N, NE )
this.internodes = function( paths, options ){
var ins = [], palen=0, nextidx=0, nextidx2=0, previdx=0, previdx2=0, pacnt, pcnt;
// paths loop
for(pacnt=0; pacnt<paths.length; pacnt++){
ins[pacnt] = {};
ins[pacnt].points = [];
ins[pacnt].boundingbox = paths[pacnt].boundingbox;
ins[pacnt].holechildren = paths[pacnt].holechildren;
ins[pacnt].isholepath = paths[pacnt].isholepath;
palen = paths[pacnt].points.length;
// pathpoints loop
for(pcnt=0; pcnt<palen; pcnt++){
// next and previous point indexes
nextidx = (pcnt+1)%palen; nextidx2 = (pcnt+2)%palen; previdx = (pcnt-1+palen)%palen; previdx2 = (pcnt-2+palen)%palen;
// right angle enhance
if( options.rightangleenhance && _this.testrightangle( paths[pacnt], previdx2, previdx, pcnt, nextidx, nextidx2 ) ){
// Fix previous direction
if(ins[pacnt].points.length > 0){
ins[pacnt].points[ ins[pacnt].points.length-1 ].linesegment = _this.getdirection(
ins[pacnt].points[ ins[pacnt].points.length-1 ].x,
ins[pacnt].points[ ins[pacnt].points.length-1 ].y,
// This corner point
x : paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].x,
y : paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].y,
linesegment : _this.getdirection(
(( paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].x + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].x ) /2),
(( paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].y + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].y ) /2)
}// End of right angle enhance
// interpolate between two path points
x : (( paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].x + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].x ) /2),
y : (( paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].y + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].y ) /2),
linesegment : _this.getdirection(
(( paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].x + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].x ) /2),
(( paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].y + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].y ) /2),
(( paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].x + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx2].x ) /2),
(( paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].y + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx2].y ) /2)
}// End of pathpoints loop
}// End of paths loop
return ins;
},// End of internodes()
this.testrightangle = function( path, idx1, idx2, idx3, idx4, idx5 ){
return ( (( path.points[idx3].x === path.points[idx1].x) &&
( path.points[idx3].x === path.points[idx2].x) &&
( path.points[idx3].y === path.points[idx4].y) &&
( path.points[idx3].y === path.points[idx5].y)
) ||
(( path.points[idx3].y === path.points[idx1].y) &&
( path.points[idx3].y === path.points[idx2].y) &&
( path.points[idx3].x === path.points[idx4].x) &&
( path.points[idx3].x === path.points[idx5].x)
},// End of testrightangle()
this.getdirection = function( x1, y1, x2, y2 ){
var val = 8;
if(x1 < x2){
if (y1 < y2){ val = 1; }// SouthEast
else if(y1 > y2){ val = 7; }// NE
else { val = 0; }// E
}else if(x1 > x2){
if (y1 < y2){ val = 3; }// SW
else if(y1 > y2){ val = 5; }// NW
else { val = 4; }// W
if (y1 < y2){ val = 2; }// S
else if(y1 > y2){ val = 6; }// N
else { val = 8; }// center, this should not happen
return val;
},// End of getdirection()
// 4. Batch interpollation
this.batchinternodes = function( bpaths, options ){
var binternodes = [];
for (var k in bpaths) {
if(!bpaths.hasOwnProperty(k)){ continue; }
binternodes[k] = _this.internodes(bpaths[k], options);
return binternodes;
// 5. tracepath() : recursively trying to fit straight and quadratic spline segments on the 8 direction internode path
// 5.1. Find sequences of points with only 2 segment types
// 5.2. Fit a straight line on the sequence
// 5.3. If the straight line fails (distance error > ltres), find the point with the biggest error
// 5.4. Fit a quadratic spline through errorpoint (project this to get controlpoint), then measure errors on every point in the sequence
// 5.5. If the spline fails (distance error > qtres), find the point with the biggest error, set splitpoint = fitting point
// 5.6. Split sequence and recursively apply 5.2. - 5.6. to startpoint-splitpoint and splitpoint-endpoint sequences
this.tracepath = function( path, ltres, qtres ){
var pcnt=0, segtype1, segtype2, seqend, smp = {};
smp.segments = [];
smp.boundingbox = path.boundingbox;
smp.holechildren = path.holechildren;
smp.isholepath = path.isholepath;
while(pcnt < path.points.length){
// 5.1. Find sequences of points with only 2 segment types
segtype1 = path.points[pcnt].linesegment; segtype2 = -1; seqend=pcnt+1;
((path.points[seqend].linesegment === segtype1) || (path.points[seqend].linesegment === segtype2) || (segtype2 === -1))
&& (seqend < path.points.length-1) ){
if((path.points[seqend].linesegment!==segtype1) && (segtype2===-1)){ segtype2 = path.points[seqend].linesegment; }
if(seqend === path.points.length-1){ seqend = 0; }
// 5.2. - 5.6. Split sequence and recursively apply 5.2. - 5.6. to startpoint-splitpoint and splitpoint-endpoint sequences
smp.segments = smp.segments.concat( _this.fitseq(path, ltres, qtres, pcnt, seqend) );
// forward pcnt;
if(seqend>0){ pcnt = seqend; }else{ pcnt = path.points.length; }
}// End of pcnt loop
return smp;
},// End of tracepath()
// 5.2. - 5.6. recursively fitting a straight or quadratic line segment on this sequence of path nodes,
// called from tracepath()
this.fitseq = function( path, ltres, qtres, seqstart, seqend ){
// return if invalid seqend
if( (seqend>path.points.length) || (seqend<0) ){ return []; }
// variables
var errorpoint=seqstart, errorval=0, curvepass=true, px, py, dist2;
var tl = (seqend-seqstart); if(tl<0){ tl += path.points.length; }
var vx = (path.points[seqend].x-path.points[seqstart].x) / tl,
vy = (path.points[seqend].y-path.points[seqstart].y) / tl;
// 5.2. Fit a straight line on the sequence
var pcnt = (seqstart+1) % path.points.length, pl;
while(pcnt != seqend){
pl = pcnt-seqstart; if(pl<0){ pl += path.points.length; }
px = path.points[seqstart].x + vx * pl; py = path.points[seqstart].y + vy * pl;
dist2 = (path.points[pcnt].x-px)*(path.points[pcnt].x-px) + (path.points[pcnt].y-py)*(path.points[pcnt].y-py);
if(dist2>errorval){ errorpoint=pcnt; errorval=dist2; }
pcnt = (pcnt+1)%path.points.length;
// return straight line if fits
if(curvepass){ return [{ type:'L', x1:path.points[seqstart].x, y1:path.points[seqstart].y, x2:path.points[seqend].x, y2:path.points[seqend].y }]; }
// 5.3. If the straight line fails (distance error>ltres), find the point with the biggest error
var fitpoint = errorpoint; curvepass = true; errorval = 0;
// 5.4. Fit a quadratic spline through this point, measure errors on every point in the sequence
// helpers and projecting to get control point
var t=(fitpoint-seqstart)/tl, t1=(1-t)*(1-t), t2=2*(1-t)*t, t3=t*t;
var cpx = (t1*path.points[seqstart].x + t3*path.points[seqend].x - path.points[fitpoint].x)/-t2 ,
cpy = (t1*path.points[seqstart].y + t3*path.points[seqend].y - path.points[fitpoint].y)/-t2 ;
// Check every point
pcnt = seqstart+1;
while(pcnt != seqend){
t=(pcnt-seqstart)/tl; t1=(1-t)*(1-t); t2=2*(1-t)*t; t3=t*t;
px = t1 * path.points[seqstart].x + t2 * cpx + t3 * path.points[seqend].x;
py = t1 * path.points[seqstart].y + t2 * cpy + t3 * path.points[seqend].y;
dist2 = (path.points[pcnt].x-px)*(path.points[pcnt].x-px) + (path.points[pcnt].y-py)*(path.points[pcnt].y-py);
if(dist2>errorval){ errorpoint=pcnt; errorval=dist2; }
pcnt = (pcnt+1)%path.points.length;
// return spline if fits
if(curvepass){ return [{ type:'Q', x1:path.points[seqstart].x, y1:path.points[seqstart].y, x2:cpx, y2:cpy, x3:path.points[seqend].x, y3:path.points[seqend].y }]; }
// 5.5. If the spline fails (distance error>qtres), find the point with the biggest error
var splitpoint = fitpoint; // Earlier: Math.floor((fitpoint + errorpoint)/2);
// 5.6. Split sequence and recursively apply 5.2. - 5.6. to startpoint-splitpoint and splitpoint-endpoint sequences
return _this.fitseq( path, ltres, qtres, seqstart, splitpoint ).concat(
_this.fitseq( path, ltres, qtres, splitpoint, seqend ) );
},// End of fitseq()
// 5. Batch tracing paths
this.batchtracepaths = function(internodepaths,ltres,qtres){
var btracedpaths = [];
for(var k in internodepaths){
if(!internodepaths.hasOwnProperty(k)){ continue; }
btracedpaths.push( _this.tracepath(internodepaths[k],ltres,qtres) );
return btracedpaths;
// 5. Batch tracing layers
this.batchtracelayers = function(binternodes, ltres, qtres){
var btbis = [];
for(var k in binternodes){
if(!binternodes.hasOwnProperty(k)){ continue; }
btbis[k] = _this.batchtracepaths(binternodes[k], ltres, qtres);
return btbis;
// SVG Drawing functions
// Rounding to given decimals
this.roundtodec = function(val,places){ return +val.toFixed(places); },
// Getting SVG path element string from a traced path
this.svgpathstring = function( tracedata, lnum, pathnum, options ){
var layer = tracedata.layers[lnum], smp = layer[pathnum], str='', pcnt;
// Line filter
if(options.linefilter && (smp.segments.length < 3)){ return str; }
// Starting path element, desc contains layer and path number
str = '<path '+
( options.desc ? ('desc="l '+lnum+' p '+pathnum+'" ') : '' ) +
_this.tosvgcolorstr(tracedata.palette[lnum], options) +
// Creating non-hole path string
if( options.roundcoords === -1 ){
str += 'M '+ smp.segments[0].x1 * options.scale +' '+ smp.segments[0].y1 * options.scale +' ';
for(pcnt=0; pcnt<smp.segments.length; pcnt++){
str += smp.segments[pcnt].type +' '+ smp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale +' '+ smp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale +' ';
str += smp.segments[pcnt].x3 * options.scale +' '+ smp.segments[pcnt].y3 * options.scale +' ';
str += 'Z ';
str += 'M '+ _this.roundtodec( smp.segments[0].x1 * options.scale, options.roundcoords ) +' '+ _this.roundtodec( smp.segments[0].y1 * options.scale, options.roundcoords ) +' ';
for(pcnt=0; pcnt<smp.segments.length; pcnt++){
str += smp.segments[pcnt].type +' '+ _this.roundtodec( smp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale, options.roundcoords ) +' '+ _this.roundtodec( smp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale, options.roundcoords ) +' ';
str += _this.roundtodec( smp.segments[pcnt].x3 * options.scale, options.roundcoords ) +' '+ _this.roundtodec( smp.segments[pcnt].y3 * options.scale, options.roundcoords ) +' ';
str += 'Z ';
}// End of creating non-hole path string
// Hole children
for( var hcnt=0; hcnt < smp.holechildren.length; hcnt++){
var hsmp = layer[ smp.holechildren[hcnt] ];
// Creating hole path string
if( options.roundcoords === -1 ){
if(hsmp.segments[ hsmp.segments.length-1 ].hasOwnProperty('x3')){
str += 'M '+ hsmp.segments[ hsmp.segments.length-1 ].x3 * options.scale +' '+ hsmp.segments[ hsmp.segments.length-1 ].y3 * options.scale +' ';
str += 'M '+ hsmp.segments[ hsmp.segments.length-1 ].x2 * options.scale +' '+ hsmp.segments[ hsmp.segments.length-1 ].y2 * options.scale +' ';
for(pcnt = hsmp.segments.length-1; pcnt >= 0; pcnt--){
str += hsmp.segments[pcnt].type +' ';
str += hsmp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale +' '+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale +' ';
str += hsmp.segments[pcnt].x1 * options.scale +' '+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].y1 * options.scale +' ';
if(hsmp.segments[ hsmp.segments.length-1 ].hasOwnProperty('x3')){
str += 'M '+ _this.roundtodec( hsmp.segments[ hsmp.segments.length-1 ].x3 * options.scale ) +' '+ _this.roundtodec( hsmp.segments[ hsmp.segments.length-1 ].y3 * options.scale ) +' ';
str += 'M '+ _this.roundtodec( hsmp.segments[ hsmp.segments.length-1 ].x2 * options.scale ) +' '+ _this.roundtodec( hsmp.segments[ hsmp.segments.length-1 ].y2 * options.scale ) +' ';
for(pcnt = hsmp.segments.length-1; pcnt >= 0; pcnt--){
str += hsmp.segments[pcnt].type +' ';
str += _this.roundtodec( hsmp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale ) +' '+ _this.roundtodec( hsmp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale ) +' ';
str += _this.roundtodec( hsmp.segments[pcnt].x1 * options.scale ) +' '+ _this.roundtodec( hsmp.segments[pcnt].y1 * options.scale ) +' ';
}// End of creating hole path string
str += 'Z '; // Close path
}// End of holepath check
// Closing path element
str += '" />';
// Rendering control points
if(options.lcpr || options.qcpr){
for(pcnt=0; pcnt<smp.segments.length; pcnt++){
if( smp.segments[pcnt].hasOwnProperty('x3') && options.qcpr ){
str += '<circle cx="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale +'" cy="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale +'" r="'+ options.qcpr +'" fill="cyan" stroke-width="'+ options.qcpr * 0.2 +'" stroke="black" />';
str += '<circle cx="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].x3 * options.scale +'" cy="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].y3 * options.scale +'" r="'+ options.qcpr +'" fill="white" stroke-width="'+ options.qcpr * 0.2 +'" stroke="black" />';
str += '<line x1="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].x1 * options.scale +'" y1="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].y1 * options.scale +'" x2="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale +'" y2="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale +'" stroke-width="'+ options.qcpr * 0.2 +'" stroke="cyan" />';
str += '<line x1="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale +'" y1="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale +'" x2="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].x3 * options.scale +'" y2="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].y3 * options.scale +'" stroke-width="'+ options.qcpr * 0.2 +'" stroke="cyan" />';
if( (!smp.segments[pcnt].hasOwnProperty('x3')) && options.lcpr){
str += '<circle cx="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale +'" cy="'+ smp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale +'" r="'+ options.lcpr +'" fill="white" stroke-width="'+ options.lcpr * 0.2 +'" stroke="black" />';
// Hole children control points
for( var hcnt=0; hcnt < smp.holechildren.length; hcnt++){
var hsmp = layer[ smp.holechildren[hcnt] ];
for(pcnt=0; pcnt<hsmp.segments.length; pcnt++){
if( hsmp.segments[pcnt].hasOwnProperty('x3') && options.qcpr ){
str += '<circle cx="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale +'" cy="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale +'" r="'+ options.qcpr +'" fill="cyan" stroke-width="'+ options.qcpr * 0.2 +'" stroke="black" />';
str += '<circle cx="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].x3 * options.scale +'" cy="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].y3 * options.scale +'" r="'+ options.qcpr +'" fill="white" stroke-width="'+ options.qcpr * 0.2 +'" stroke="black" />';
str += '<line x1="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].x1 * options.scale +'" y1="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].y1 * options.scale +'" x2="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale +'" y2="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale +'" stroke-width="'+ options.qcpr * 0.2 +'" stroke="cyan" />';
str += '<line x1="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale +'" y1="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale +'" x2="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].x3 * options.scale +'" y2="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].y3 * options.scale +'" stroke-width="'+ options.qcpr * 0.2 +'" stroke="cyan" />';
if( (!hsmp.segments[pcnt].hasOwnProperty('x3')) && options.lcpr){
str += '<circle cx="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale +'" cy="'+ hsmp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale +'" r="'+ options.lcpr +'" fill="white" stroke-width="'+ options.lcpr * 0.2 +'" stroke="black" />';
}// End of Rendering control points
return str;
},// End of svgpathstring()
// Converting tracedata to an SVG string
this.getsvgstring = function( tracedata, options ){
options = _this.checkoptions(options);
var w = tracedata.width * options.scale, h = tracedata.height * options.scale;
// SVG start
var svgstr = '<svg ' + (options.viewbox ? ('viewBox="0 0 '+w+' '+h+'" ') : ('width="'+w+'" height="'+h+'" ')) +
'version="1.1" xmlns="" desc="Created with imagetracer.js version '+_this.versionnumber+'" >';
// Drawing: Layers and Paths loops
for(var lcnt=0; lcnt < tracedata.layers.length; lcnt++){
for(var pcnt=0; pcnt < tracedata.layers[lcnt].length; pcnt++){
// Adding SVG <path> string
if( !tracedata.layers[lcnt][pcnt].isholepath ){
svgstr += _this.svgpathstring( tracedata, lcnt, pcnt, options );
}// End of paths loop
}// End of layers loop
// SVG End
return svgstr;
},// End of getsvgstring()
// Comparator for numeric Array.sort
this.compareNumbers = function(a,b){ return a - b; },
// Convert color object to rgba string
this.torgbastr = function(c){ return 'rgba('+c.r+','+c.g+','+c.b+','+c.a+')'; },
// Convert color object to SVG color string
this.tosvgcolorstr = function(c, options){
return 'fill="rgb('+c.r+','+c.g+','+c.b+')" stroke="rgb('+c.r+','+c.g+','+c.b+')" stroke-width="'+options.strokewidth+'" opacity="'+c.a/255.0+'" ';
// Helper function: Appending an <svg> element to a container from an svgstring
this.appendSVGString = function(svgstr,parentid){
var div;
div = document.getElementById(parentid);
div = document.createElement('div'); = parentid;
div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML += svgstr;
// Canvas functions
// Gaussian kernels for blur
this.gks = [ [0.27901,0.44198,0.27901], [0.135336,0.228569,0.272192,0.228569,0.135336], [0.086776,0.136394,0.178908,0.195843,0.178908,0.136394,0.086776],
[0.063327,0.093095,0.122589,0.144599,0.152781,0.144599,0.122589,0.093095,0.063327], [0.049692,0.069304,0.089767,0.107988,0.120651,0.125194,0.120651,0.107988,0.089767,0.069304,0.049692] ],
// Selective Gaussian blur for preprocessing
this.blur = function(imgd,radius,delta){
var i,j,k,d,idx,racc,gacc,bacc,aacc,wacc;
// new ImageData
var imgd2 = { width:imgd.width, height:imgd.height, data:[] };
// radius and delta limits, this kernel
radius = Math.floor(radius); if(radius<1){ return imgd; } if(radius>5){ radius = 5; } delta = Math.abs( delta ); if(delta>1024){ delta = 1024; }
var thisgk = _this.gks[radius-1];
// loop through all pixels, horizontal blur
for( j=0; j < imgd.height; j++ ){
for( i=0; i < imgd.width; i++ ){
racc = 0; gacc = 0; bacc = 0; aacc = 0; wacc = 0;
// gauss kernel loop
for( k = -radius; k < radius+1; k++){
// add weighted color values
if( (i+k > 0) && (i+k < imgd.width) ){
idx = (j*imgd.width+i+k)*4;
racc +=[idx ] * thisgk[k+radius];
gacc +=[idx+1] * thisgk[k+radius];
bacc +=[idx+2] * thisgk[k+radius];
aacc +=[idx+3] * thisgk[k+radius];
wacc += thisgk[k+radius];
// The new pixel
idx = (j*imgd.width+i)*4;[idx ] = Math.floor(racc / wacc);[idx+1] = Math.floor(gacc / wacc);[idx+2] = Math.floor(bacc / wacc);[idx+3] = Math.floor(aacc / wacc);
}// End of width loop
}// End of horizontal blur
// copying the half blurred imgd2
var himgd = new Uint8ClampedArray(;
// loop through all pixels, vertical blur
for( j=0; j < imgd.height; j++ ){
for( i=0; i < imgd.width; i++ ){
racc = 0; gacc = 0; bacc = 0; aacc = 0; wacc = 0;
// gauss kernel loop
for( k = -radius; k < radius+1; k++){
// add weighted color values
if( (j+k > 0) && (j+k < imgd.height) ){
idx = ((j+k)*imgd.width+i)*4;
racc += himgd[idx ] * thisgk[k+radius];
gacc += himgd[idx+1] * thisgk[k+radius];
bacc += himgd[idx+2] * thisgk[k+radius];
aacc += himgd[idx+3] * thisgk[k+radius];
wacc += thisgk[k+radius];
// The new pixel
idx = (j*imgd.width+i)*4;[idx ] = Math.floor(racc / wacc);[idx+1] = Math.floor(gacc / wacc);[idx+2] = Math.floor(bacc / wacc);[idx+3] = Math.floor(aacc / wacc);
}// End of width loop
}// End of vertical blur
// Selective blur: loop through all pixels
for( j=0; j < imgd.height; j++ ){
for( i=0; i < imgd.width; i++ ){
idx = (j*imgd.width+i)*4;
// d is the difference between the blurred and the original pixel
d = Math.abs([idx ] -[idx ]) + Math.abs([idx+1] -[idx+1]) +
Math.abs([idx+2] -[idx+2]) + Math.abs([idx+3] -[idx+3]);
// selective blur: if d>delta, put the original pixel back
if(d>delta){[idx ] =[idx ];[idx+1] =[idx+1];[idx+2] =[idx+2];[idx+3] =[idx+3];
}// End of Selective blur
return imgd2;
},// End of blur()
// Helper function: loading an image from a URL, then executing callback with canvas as argument
this.loadImage = function(url,callback,options){
var img = new Image();
if(options && options.corsenabled){ img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'; }
img.onload = function(){
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = img.width;
canvas.height = img.height;
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
img.src = url;
// Helper function: getting ImageData from a canvas
this.getImgdata = function(canvas){
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
return context.getImageData(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);
// Special palette to use with drawlayers()
this.specpalette = [
{r:0,g:0,b:0,a:255}, {r:128,g:128,b:128,a:255}, {r:0,g:0,b:128,a:255}, {r:64,g:64,b:128,a:255},
{r:192,g:192,b:192,a:255}, {r:255,g:255,b:255,a:255}, {r:128,g:128,b:192,a:255}, {r:0,g:0,b:192,a:255},
{r:128,g:0,b:0,a:255}, {r:128,g:64,b:64,a:255}, {r:128,g:0,b:128,a:255}, {r:168,g:168,b:168,a:255},
{r:192,g:128,b:128,a:255}, {r:192,g:0,b:0,a:255}, {r:255,g:255,b:255,a:255}, {r:0,g:128,b:0,a:255}
// Helper function: Drawing all edge node layers into a container
this.drawLayers = function(layers,palette,scale,parentid){
scale = scale||1;
var w,h,i,j,k;
// Preparing container
var div;
div = document.getElementById(parentid);
div = document.createElement('div'); = parentid;
div = document.createElement('div');
// Layers loop
for (k in layers) {
if(!layers.hasOwnProperty(k)){ continue; }
// width, height
w=layers[k][0].length; h=layers[k].length;
// Creating new canvas for every layer
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width=w*scale; canvas.height=h*scale;
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Drawing
for(j=0; j<h; j++){
for(i=0; i<w; i++){
context.fillStyle = _this.torgbastr(palette[ layers[k][j][i]%palette.length ]);
// Appending canvas to container
}// End of Layers loop
}// End of drawlayers
;// End of function list
}// End of ImageTracer object
// export as AMD module / Node module / browser or worker variable
if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd){
define(function() { return new ImageTracer(); });
}else if(typeof module !== 'undefined'){
module.exports = new ImageTracer();
}else if(typeof self !== 'undefined'){
self.ImageTracer = new ImageTracer();
}else window.ImageTracer = new ImageTracer();