2021-11-08 13:48:02 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from lxml import etree
import itertools
import inkex
from inkex import Circle , Vector2d
from inkex . paths import Path
from inkex . bezier import csplength
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from debugpy . common . timestamp import current
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2021-11-08 13:50:39 +01:00
- draw numbers for each travel lines next to the line
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class DrawDirectionsTravelMoves ( inkex . EffectExtension ) :
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2021-11-08 14:05:15 +01:00
def drawCircle ( self , group , color , point ) :
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style = inkex . Style ( { ' stroke ' : ' none ' , ' fill ' : color } )
startCircle = group . add ( Circle ( cx = str ( point [ 0 ] ) , cy = str ( point [ 1 ] ) , r = str ( self . svg . unittouu ( str ( so . dotsize / 2 ) + " px " ) ) ) )
startCircle . style = style
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def find_group ( self , groupId ) :
''' check if a group with a given id exists or not. Returns None if not found, else returns the group element '''
groups = self . document . xpath ( ' //svg:g ' , namespaces = inkex . NSS )
for group in groups :
#inkex.utils.debug(str(layer.get('inkscape:label')) + " == " + layerName)
if group . get ( ' id ' ) == groupId :
return group
return None
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def createTravelMarker ( self , markerId ) :
#add new marker to defs (or overwrite if existent)
defs = self . svg . defs
for defi in defs :
if defi . tag == " { http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}marker " and defi . get ( ' id ' ) == markerId : #delete
defi . delete ( )
marker = inkex . Marker ( id = markerId )
marker . set ( " inkscape:isstock " , " true " )
marker . set ( " inkscape:stockid " , markerId )
marker . set ( " orient " , " auto " )
marker . set ( " refY " , " 0.0 " )
marker . set ( " refX " , " 0.0 " )
marker . set ( " style " , " overflow:visible; " )
markerPath = inkex . PathElement ( id = self . svg . get_unique_id ( ' markerId- ' ) )
markerPath . style = { " fill-rule " : " evenodd " , " fill " : " context-stroke " , " stroke-width " : str ( self . svg . unittouu ( ' 1px ' ) ) }
markerPath . transform = " scale(1.0,1.0) rotate(0) translate(-6.0,0) "
arrowHeight = 6.0
markerPath . attrib [ " transform " ] = " scale( {} , {} ) rotate(0) translate(- {} ,0) " . format ( so . arrow_size , so . arrow_size , arrowHeight )
markerPath . path = " M {} ,0.0 L -3.0,5.0 L -3.0,-5.0 L {} ,0.0 z " . format ( arrowHeight , arrowHeight )
marker . append ( markerPath )
defs . append ( marker ) #do not append before letting contain it one path. Otherwise Inkscape is going to crash immediately
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def add_arguments ( self , pars ) :
pars . add_argument ( " --nb_main " )
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pars . add_argument ( " --order " , default = " separate_groups " )
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pars . add_argument ( " --draw_dots " , type = inkex . Boolean , default = True , help = " Start and end point of opened (red + blue) and closed paths (green + yellow) " )
pars . add_argument ( " --dotsize " , type = int , default = 10 , help = " Dot size (px) " )
pars . add_argument ( " --draw_travel_moves " , type = inkex . Boolean , default = False )
pars . add_argument ( " --ignore_colors " , type = inkex . Boolean , default = False , help = " If enabled we connect all lines by order, ignoring the stroke color (normally we have one travel line group per color) " )
pars . add_argument ( " --dashed_style " , type = inkex . Boolean , default = True )
pars . add_argument ( " --arrow_style " , type = inkex . Boolean , default = True )
pars . add_argument ( " --arrow_size " , type = float , default = True )
pars . add_argument ( " --debug " , type = inkex . Boolean , default = False )
def effect ( self ) :
global so
so = self . options
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dotPrefix = " dots- "
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lineSuffix = " -travelLine "
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groupPrefix = " travelLines- "
ignoreWord = " ignore "
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if so . nb_main == " tab_remove " :
#remove dots
dots = self . document . xpath ( " //svg:g[starts-with(@id, ' " + dotPrefix + " ' )] " , namespaces = inkex . NSS )
for dot in dots :
dot . delete ( )
#remove travel lines
travelLines = self . document . xpath ( " //svg:path[contains(@id, ' " + lineSuffix + " ' )] " , namespaces = inkex . NSS )
for travelLine in travelLines :
travelLine . delete ( )
#remove travel groups/layers
travelGroups = self . document . xpath ( " //svg:g[starts-with(@id, ' " + groupPrefix + " ' )] " , namespaces = inkex . NSS )
for travelGroup in travelGroups :
if len ( travelGroup ) == 0 :
travelGroup . delete ( )
#else ...
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selectedPaths = [ ] #total list of elements to parse
def parseChildren ( element ) :
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if isinstance ( element , inkex . PathElement ) and element not in selectedPaths and lineSuffix not in element . get ( ' id ' ) and not isinstance ( element . getparent ( ) , inkex . Marker ) :
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selectedPaths . append ( element )
children = element . getchildren ( )
if children is not None :
for child in children :
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if isinstance ( child , inkex . PathElement ) and child not in selectedPaths and lineSuffix not in element . get ( ' id ' ) and not isinstance ( element . getparent ( ) , inkex . Marker ) :
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selectedPaths . append ( child )
parseChildren ( child ) #go deeper and deeper
#check if we have selectedPaths elements or if we should parse the whole document instead
if len ( self . svg . selected ) == 0 :
for element in self . document . getroot ( ) . iter ( tag = etree . Element ) :
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if isinstance ( element , inkex . PathElement ) and element != self . document . getroot ( ) and lineSuffix not in element . get ( ' id ' ) and not isinstance ( element . getparent ( ) , inkex . Marker ) :
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selectedPaths . append ( element )
else :
for element in self . svg . selected . values ( ) :
parseChildren ( element )
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dotGroup = self . svg . add ( inkex . Group ( id = self . svg . get_unique_id ( dotPrefix ) ) )
if so . order == " separate_layers " :
dotGroup . set ( " inkscape:groupmode " , " layer " )
dotGroup . set ( " inkscape:label " , dotPrefix + " layer " )
if so . order == " separate_groups " :
dotGroup . pop ( " inkscape:groupmode " )
dotGroup . pop ( " inkscape:label " )
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if dotGroup . style . get ( ' display ' ) is not None :
dotGroup . style . pop ( " display " ) #if the group previously has been a layer (which was hidden), a display:none will be added. we don't want that
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if so . arrow_style is True :
markerId = " travel_move_arrow "
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self . createTravelMarker ( markerId )
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#collect all different stroke colors to distinguish by groups
strokeColors = [ ]
strokeColorsAndCounts = { }
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the container for all paths we will loop on . Index :
0 = element
1 = start point
2 = end point
startEndPath = [ ]
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for element in selectedPaths :
strokeColor = element . style . get ( ' stroke ' )
if strokeColor is None or strokeColor == " none " :
strokeColor = " none "
if so . ignore_colors is True :
strokeColor = ignoreWord
strokeColors . append ( strokeColor )
groupName = groupPrefix + strokeColor
travelGroup = self . find_group ( groupName )
if travelGroup is None :
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travelGroup = inkex . Group ( id = groupName )
self . document . getroot ( ) . append ( travelGroup )
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else : #exists
self . document . getroot ( ) . append ( travelGroup )
for child in travelGroup :
child . delete ( )
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if so . order == " separate_layers " :
travelGroup . set ( " inkscape:groupmode " , " layer " )
travelGroup . set ( " inkscape:label " , groupName + " -layer " )
if so . order == " separate_groups " :
travelGroup . pop ( " inkscape:groupmode " )
travelGroup . pop ( " inkscape:label " )
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if travelGroup . style . get ( ' display ' ) is not None :
travelGroup . style . pop ( " display " )
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2021-11-08 13:48:02 +01:00
p = element . path . transform ( element . composed_transform ( ) )
points = list ( p . end_points )
start = points [ 0 ]
end = points [ len ( points ) - 1 ]
startEndPath . append ( [ element , start , end ] )
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if so . draw_dots is True :
if start [ 0 ] == end [ 0 ] and start [ 1 ] == end [ 1 ] :
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self . drawCircle ( dotGroup , ' #00FF00 ' , start )
self . drawCircle ( dotGroup , ' #FFFF00 ' , points [ 1 ] ) #draw one point which gives direction of the path
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else : #open contour with start and end point
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self . drawCircle ( dotGroup , ' #FF0000 ' , start )
self . drawCircle ( dotGroup , ' #0000FF ' , end )
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for strokeColor in strokeColors :
if strokeColor in strokeColorsAndCounts :
strokeColorsAndCounts [ strokeColor ] = strokeColorsAndCounts [ strokeColor ] + 1
else :
strokeColorsAndCounts [ strokeColor ] = 1
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if so . draw_travel_moves is True :
for sc in strokeColorsAndCounts : #loop through all unique stroke colors
colorCount = strokeColorsAndCounts [ sc ] #the total color count per stroke color
ran = len ( startEndPath ) + 1 #one more because the last travel moves goes back to 0,0 (so for 3 elements (1,2,3) the range is 0 to 3 -> makes 4)
firstOccurence = True
createdMoves = 0
for i in range ( 0 , ran ) : #loop through the item selection. nested loop. so we loop over alle elements again for each color
if i < ran - 1 :
elementStroke = startEndPath [ i ] [ 0 ] . style . get ( ' stroke ' )
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currentElement = startEndPath [ i ] [ 0 ]
idx = currentElement . getparent ( ) . index ( currentElement )
travelLineId = currentElement . get ( ' id ' ) + lineSuffix + ( " -begin " if firstOccurence is True else " " )
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if i == ran or createdMoves == colorCount :
elementStroke = startEndPath [ i - 1 ] [ 0 ] . style . get ( ' stroke ' )
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currentElement = startEndPath [ i - 1 ] [ 0 ]
idx = currentElement . getparent ( ) . index ( currentElement ) + 1
travelLineId = currentElement . get ( ' id ' ) + lineSuffix + " -end "
if i < ran - 2 :
nextElement = startEndPath [ i + 1 ] [ 0 ]
elif i < ran - 1 :
nextElement = startEndPath [ i ] [ 0 ]
else :
nextElement = None
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if elementStroke is None or elementStroke == " none " :
elementStroke = " none "
if so . debug is True : inkex . utils . debug ( " current stroke color {} , element stroke color {} " . format ( sc , elementStroke ) )
if sc == elementStroke or sc == ignoreWord :
if firstOccurence is True :
travelStart = Vector2d ( 0 , 0 )
firstOccurence = False
else :
if i < = ran - 1 :
travelStart = startEndPath [ i - 1 ] [ 2 ] #end point from this path
if so . debug is True : inkex . utils . debug ( " travelStart= {} " . format ( travelStart ) )
if i < ran - 1 :
travelEnd = startEndPath [ i ] [ 1 ]
if createdMoves == colorCount :
travelEnd = Vector2d ( 0 , 0 )
if so . debug is True : inkex . utils . debug ( " travelEnd= {} " . format ( travelEnd ) )
if so . debug is True :
if i < ran - 1 :
inkex . utils . debug ( " segment= {} , {} " . format ( startEndPath [ i ] [ 2 ] , startEndPath [ i ] [ 1 ] ) )
if i == ran - 1 :
inkex . utils . debug ( " segment= {} , {} " . format ( startEndPath [ i - 1 ] [ 1 ] , travelEnd ) )
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travelLine = inkex . PathElement ( id = travelLineId )
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#if some objects are at svg:svg level this may cause errors
#if element.getparent() != self.document.getroot():
# travelLine.transform = element.getparent().composed_transform()
travelLine . style = { ' stroke ' : ( " #000000 " if so . ignore_colors is True else sc ) , ' fill ' : ' none ' , ' stroke-width ' : str ( self . svg . unittouu ( ' 1px ' ) ) , ' marker-end ' : ' url(#marker1426) ' }
if so . dashed_style is True :
travelLine . style [ ' stroke-dasharray ' ] = ' 1,1 '
travelLine . style [ ' stroke-dashoffset ' ] = ' 0 '
if so . arrow_style is True :
travelLine . style [ " marker-end " ] = " url(# {} ) " . format ( markerId )
2021-11-10 02:18:39 +01:00
#this is a really dirty block of code
if so . order == " element_index " :
#adding the lines at element index requires to apply transformations for start point and end point (in case they are in different groups)
pseudo1 = inkex . PathElement ( )
pseudo1 . set ( ' d ' , " M {:0.6f} , {:0.6f} " . format ( travelStart [ 0 ] , travelStart [ 1 ] ) )
pseudo2 = inkex . PathElement ( )
pseudo2 . set ( ' d ' , " M {:0.6f} , {:0.6f} " . format ( travelEnd [ 0 ] , travelEnd [ 1 ] ) )
if nextElement is not None :
if currentElement . getparent ( ) == nextElement . getparent ( ) :
pseudo1 . path = pseudo1 . path . transform ( - currentElement . composed_transform ( ) ) . to_superpath ( )
pseudo2 . path = pseudo2 . path . transform ( - nextElement . composed_transform ( ) ) . to_superpath ( )
else :
pseudo1 . path = pseudo1 . path . transform ( - currentElement . composed_transform ( ) ) . to_superpath ( )
pseudo2 . path = pseudo2 . path . transform ( - currentElement . composed_transform ( ) ) . to_superpath ( )
else :
pseudo1 . path = pseudo1 . path . transform ( - currentElement . composed_transform ( ) ) . to_superpath ( )
pseudo2 . path = pseudo2 . path . transform ( - currentElement . composed_transform ( ) ) . to_superpath ( )
travelLine . path = pseudo1 . path + pseudo2 . get ( ' d ' ) . replace ( " M " , " L " )
if so . debug is True : self . msg ( " travelLine= {} " . format ( travelLine . path ) )
#check the length. if zero we do not add
slengths , stotal = csplength ( travelLine . path . transform ( currentElement . composed_transform ( ) ) . to_superpath ( ) ) #get segment lengths and total length of path in document's internal unit
if stotal > 0 :
#finally add the line
currentElement . getparent ( ) . insert ( idx , travelLine )
else :
if so . debug is True : inkex . utils . debug ( " Line has length of zero " )
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else :
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travelLine . set ( ' d ' , " M {:0.6f} , {:0.6f} L {:0.6f} , {:0.6f} " . format ( travelStart [ 0 ] , travelStart [ 1 ] , travelEnd [ 0 ] , travelEnd [ 1 ] ) )
#check the length. if zero we do not add
slengths , stotal = csplength ( travelLine . path . transform ( currentElement . composed_transform ( ) ) . to_superpath ( ) ) #get segment lengths and total length of path in document's internal unit
if stotal > 0 :
#finally add the line
self . find_group ( groupPrefix + sc ) . add ( travelLine )
else :
if so . debug is True : inkex . utils . debug ( " Line has length of zero " )
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createdMoves + = 1 #each time we created a move we count up. we want to compare against the total count of that color
if so . debug is True : inkex . utils . debug ( " createdMoves= {} " . format ( createdMoves ) )
if so . debug is True : inkex . utils . debug ( " - " * 40 )
#cleanup empty groups
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if len ( dotGroup ) == 0 :
dotGroup . delete ( )
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travelGroups = self . document . xpath ( " //svg:g[starts-with(@id, ' travelLines- ' )] " , namespaces = inkex . NSS )
for travelGroup in travelGroups :
if len ( travelGroup ) == 0 :
travelGroup . delete ( )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
DrawDirectionsTravelMoves ( ) . run ( )