<label xml:space="preserve">Parallel-Translation v1.0 (c) 2021 Christian Vogt
This extension allows parallel translations and alignment operations of selected straight lines. These lines can be simple path objects (with only start- and end-node) or line segments of larger path objects.
To show information about the selected paths/lines, use this tab.
To apply the translation to all selcted paths/lines, use the 'Translation' tab.
To align a group to a path/line, use the 'Group-Alignment' tab.
To turn a line/path into a alignment group, use the 'Obj-to-Group' tab.
Alignment groups shall contain an object to mark its 'rotation center'. The extension identifies this object by its fill-color. To setup this color, use the 'Group-Alignment' tab. During alignment, the 'rotation center' of the group is placed onto the middle of the selected path/line, and the group is rotated around this center.
<page name="translation" gui-text="Translation">
<param name="copyMode" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="Movement is applied to:">
<option value="none">just the object (no copy)</option>
<option value="copy">a copy of the object</option>
<option value="obj">the object keeping a copy</option>
<param name="copyModeA" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="Alignment is applied to:">
<option value="none">just the group (no copy)</option>
<option value="copy">a copy of the group</option>
<option value="obj">the group keeping a copy</option>
<param name="lengthModeA" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="Group width adjustment method:" gui-description="Selects how the group width shall be adjusted to match the path length">
<option value="none">no adjustment</option>
<option value="scale">stretch/resize the group</option>
<option value="endpoints">adjust line endpoints</option>
<param name="endpTol" type="int" min="0" max="49" appearance="full" gui-text="Endpoint tolerance" gui-description="Affects which nodes are moved in 'adjust line endpoints'-mode. This is the maximal distance of a node to the groups edge in order to be moved (in percentage of the groups width)">15</param>
<param name="colorA" type="color" appearance="colorbutton" gui-text="Rotation center object fill color:" gui-description="Fill color of the object that marks the groups rotation center.">0x20f020ff</param>
<param name="rmFromGroup" type="bool" gui-text="Remove rotation center object from aligned group">false</param>
<param name="reverseA" type="bool" gui-text="Rotate group by an additional angle of 180 degrees" gui-description="This may be handy in case the start- and end-node of the controlling path are reversed.">false</param>
<param name="reverseG" type="bool" gui-text="Rotate group by an additional angle of 180 degrees" gui-description="This may be handy in case the start- and end-node of the controlling path segment are reversed.">false</param>