<param name="diameter" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="diameter" gui-description="diameter of the bottles in mm">80</param>
<param name="number" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="number" gui-description="number of bottles to hold in the bottom row">3</param>
<param name="depth" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="depth" gui-description="depth of the stand along the base of the bottles">80</param>
<param name="double" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="double" gui-description="two pieces that can be combined to up to double the width">true</param>
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>