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2020-07-30 01:16:18 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2016 Luke Phillips (
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
from lxml import etree
import inkex
import copy
import math
inkex.NSS[u'cs'] = u''
def PrintDebug(string):
inkex.utils.debug( _(str(string)) )
def RoundAndDeduplicatePoints(points):
return sorted(list(set(map(lambda x: round(x, 3), points))))
class Point():
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def rotate(self, angle, origin):
Rotate a point counterclockwise by a given angle around a given origin.
The angle should be given in degrees.
rads = math.radians(angle)
newX = origin.x + math.cos(rads) * (self.x - origin.x) - math.sin(rads) * (self.y - origin.y)
newY = origin.y + math.sin(rads) * (self.x - origin.x) + math.cos(rads) * (self.y - origin.y)
return Point(newX, newY)
def add(self, point):
return Point(self.x + point.x, self.y + point.y)
def parsePoint(pointString):
x, y = map(lambda v: float(v), pointString.split(","))
return Point(x, y)
def parse(pointString, orientationString=None):
p1 = Point.parsePoint(pointString)
p = Point(p1.x, p1.y)
if orientationString != None:
po = Point.parsePoint(orientationString)
p = p1.add(po.rotate(270, Point(0, 0)))
return p
class HexGeneratorBase(object):
def __init__(self, hexDiameter, hexMargin, bleedMargin, pageWidth, pageHeight, pageMargin, unitConverterFunc):
self.UnitConverterFunc = unitConverterFunc
self.HexDiameter = hexDiameter
self.HexMargin = hexMargin
self.BleedMargin = bleedMargin
self.PageWidth = pageWidth
self.PageHeight = pageHeight
self.PageMargin = pageMargin
self.ContainerWidth = -1
self.ContainerHeight = -1
def CalcPageLeftMargin(self):
return (self.PageWidth - self.ContentWidth) / 2.0
def CalcPageBottomMargin(self):
return (self.PageHeight - self.ContentHeight) / 2.0
def DrawGuide(self, xmlParent, xpos, ypos):
posString = "{},{}".format(xpos, ypos)
attribs = {'position': posString, 'orientation': posString}
etree.SubElement(xmlParent, inkex.addNS('guide',"sodipodi"), attribs)
def DrawAngledGuide(self, xmlParent, xpos, ypos, angle):
# Angles are taken from the horizontal axis, positive angles move clockwise
posString = "{},{}".format(xpos, ypos)
orientationString = "{}, {}".format(math.sin(math.radians(angle)), math.cos(math.radians(angle)))
attribs = {'position': posString, 'orientation': orientationString}
etree.SubElement(xmlParent, inkex.addNS('guide',"sodipodi"), attribs)
def ConvertPoint(self, p):
# convert point into svg approriate values, including catering for inkscapes "alternative" axis sytem ie 0, 0 is bottom left not top left
newX = self.UnitConverterFunc("{}mm".format(p.x))
newY = self.PageHeight - self.UnitConverterFunc("{}mm".format(p.y))
return Point(newX, newY)
def DrawLine(self, xmlParent, p1, p2):
cp1 = self.ConvertPoint(p1)
cp2 = self.ConvertPoint(p2)
pathStr = "M {},{} {}, {}".format(cp1.x, cp1.y, cp2.x, cp2.y)
style = {'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-width': self.UnitConverterFunc('0.25mm'), 'fill': 'none'}
attribs = {'style': str(inkex.Style(style)), 'd': pathStr}
etree.SubElement(xmlParent, inkex.addNS('path','svg'), attribs )
def DrawVerticleGuides(self, xmlParent, positions, gap):
curPos = self.CalcPageLeftMargin()
lastPos = -1
while curPos + self.ContainerWidth <= self.PageWidth - self.PageMargin:
for offset in positions:
curPos += offset
if curPos != lastPos: # don't double draw
self.DrawGuide(xmlParent, curPos, 0)
lastPos = curPos
curPos += gap
def DrawHorizontalGuides(self, xmlParent, positions, gap):
curPos = self.CalcPageBottomMargin()
lastPos = -1
while curPos + self.ContainerHeight <= self.PageHeight - self.PageMargin:
for offset in positions:
curPos += offset
if curPos != lastPos: # don't double draw
self.DrawGuide(xmlParent, 0, curPos)
lastPos = curPos
curPos += gap
def DrawAngledGuides(self, xmlParent, offsetPositions, angle, gap):
numExtraTopContainers = 0
numExtraBottomContainers = 0
if angle > 0:
numExtraTopContainers = math.ceil(self.NumContainersAcross / 2.0) - 1
if angle < 0:
numExtraBottomContainers = math.ceil(self.NumContainersAcross / 2.0) - 1
# draw sets of guides per point avoiding duplicate lines
# NOTE: Effectivly we draw the bottom guides first and then move up (ie y is increasing)
curPos = self.CalcPageBottomMargin() - numExtraBottomContainers * self.ContainerHeight
lastPos = -1
while curPos + self.ContainerHeight <= self.PageHeight - self.PageMargin + numExtraTopContainers*self.ContainerHeight:
for offset in offsetPositions:
curPos += offset
if curPos != lastPos: # don't double draw
self.DrawAngledGuide(xmlParent, self.CalcPageLeftMargin() + self.ContainerWidth/2, curPos, angle)
lastPos = curPos
curPos += gap
def GenerateFoldLines(self, xmlParent):
lines = self.GetFoldLinePositions()
for line in lines:
self.DrawLine(xmlParent, line[0], line[1])
def GenerateCropMarks(self, xmlParent):
lines = self.GetCropMarkLines()
for line in lines:
self.DrawLine(xmlParent, line[0], line[1])
def CalculateBorderVerticalOffset(borderWidth):
if borderWidth == 0:
return 0
return borderWidth / math.sin(math.radians(60))
def CreateHexGenerator(hexDiameter, hexMargin, bleedMargin, pageWidth, pageHeight, pageMargin, unitConverterFunc):
return SimpleHexGridLineGenerator(hexDiameter, hexMargin, bleedMargin, pageWidth, pageHeight, pageMargin, unitConverterFunc)
class SimpleHexGridLineGenerator(HexGeneratorBase):
def __init__(self, hexDiameter, hexMargin, bleedMargin, pageWidth, pageHeight, pageMargin, unitConverterFunc):
super(SimpleHexGridLineGenerator, self).__init__(hexDiameter, hexMargin, bleedMargin, pageWidth, pageHeight, pageMargin, unitConverterFunc)
self.HexWidth = math.sqrt(3) * (hexDiameter/2)
self.ContainerWidth = self.HexWidth + 2*bleedMargin
self.ContainerHeight = hexDiameter + 2*HexGeneratorBase.CalculateBorderVerticalOffset(bleedMargin)
# num across
# num down
self.NumContainersAcross = int((self.PageWidth - 2*self.PageMargin) // self.ContainerWidth) # round down division
self.NumContainersDown = int((self.PageHeight - 2*self.PageMargin) // self.ContainerHeight) # round down division
# content sizes
self.ContentWidth = self.NumContainersAcross * self.ContainerWidth
self.ContentHeight = self.NumContainersDown * self.ContainerHeight
def GenerateGuides(self, xmlParent):
verticalGuideOffsets = [
self.HexWidth - 2*self.HexMargin,
bleedVerticalOffset = HexGeneratorBase.CalculateBorderVerticalOffset(self.BleedMargin)
hexMarginVerticalOffset = HexGeneratorBase.CalculateBorderVerticalOffset(self.HexMargin)
horizontalGuideOffsets = [
self.HexDiameter - 2*hexMarginVerticalOffset,
self.DrawVerticleGuides(xmlParent, verticalGuideOffsets, 0)
self.DrawAngledGuides(xmlParent, horizontalGuideOffsets, -30, 0)
self.DrawAngledGuides(xmlParent, horizontalGuideOffsets, 30, 0)
def GetFoldLinePositions(self):
return [] # no fold lines in simple grid
def GetCropMarkLines(self):
lines = []
leftMargin = self.CalcPageLeftMargin()
bottomMargin = self.CalcPageBottomMargin()
bleedVerticalOffset = HexGeneratorBase.CalculateBorderVerticalOffset(self.BleedMargin)
def CalcOppositeDeltaGivenAdjacentDelta(xdelta, angle):
return math.tan(math.radians(angle)) * xdelta
#determine all vertical crop marks, duplicates possible
# figure out the xpos'
vertical_xpos = []
for idx in range(self.NumContainersAcross):
leftX = self.BleedMargin
rightX = leftX + self.HexWidth
containerOffset = leftMargin + idx * self.ContainerWidth
vertical_xpos.append(containerOffset + leftX)
vertical_xpos.append(containerOffset + rightX)
vertical_xpos = RoundAndDeduplicatePoints(vertical_xpos)
# add to list of lines
vertical_ypos = [bottomMargin - CROP_GAP, self.PageHeight - bottomMargin + CROP_GAP + CROP_LENGTH]
for xpos in vertical_xpos:
for ypos in vertical_ypos:
Point(xpos, ypos),
Point(xpos, ypos - CROP_LENGTH)
# figure out NW, SW, NE and SE crop marks for both sides of the page
vertical_ypos_nw = []
vertical_ypos_sw = []
vertical_ypos_ne = []
vertical_ypos_se = []
yoffset = CalcOppositeDeltaGivenAdjacentDelta(self.ContainerWidth/2 + CROP_GAP, 30)
lastColumnHasHalfStep = (self.NumContainersAcross % 2) == 0 # an even numbered containers across means that the last column is 1/2 a continer up and has 1 less container
staggeredContainerOffset = 0
if lastColumnHasHalfStep:
staggeredContainerOffset = self.ContainerHeight/2
for idx in range(self.NumContainersDown):
leftContainerOffset = idx * self.ContainerHeight + bottomMargin
rightContainerOffset = leftContainerOffset + staggeredContainerOffset
bottomY = bleedVerticalOffset
topY = self.ContainerHeight - bleedVerticalOffset
vertical_ypos_nw.append(leftContainerOffset + topY + yoffset)
vertical_ypos_nw.append(leftContainerOffset + bottomY + yoffset)
vertical_ypos_sw.append(leftContainerOffset + topY - yoffset)
vertical_ypos_sw.append(leftContainerOffset + bottomY - yoffset)
vertical_ypos_ne.append(rightContainerOffset + topY + yoffset)
vertical_ypos_ne.append(rightContainerOffset + bottomY + yoffset)
vertical_ypos_se.append(rightContainerOffset + topY - yoffset)
vertical_ypos_se.append(rightContainerOffset + bottomY - yoffset)
# sort out a staggered last col
if lastColumnHasHalfStep: # if it's a half step column we need to remove the last container and add acouple of extra lines
vertical_ypos_ne = vertical_ypos_ne[:-2]
vertical_ypos_se = vertical_ypos_se[:-2]
vertical_ypos_ne.append(max(vertical_ypos_ne) + 2*bleedVerticalOffset)
vertical_ypos_se.append(min(vertical_ypos_se) - 2*bleedVerticalOffset)
# remove duplicate positions
vertical_ypos_nw = RoundAndDeduplicatePoints(vertical_ypos_nw)
vertical_ypos_sw = RoundAndDeduplicatePoints(vertical_ypos_sw)
vertical_ypos_ne = RoundAndDeduplicatePoints(vertical_ypos_ne)
vertical_ypos_se = RoundAndDeduplicatePoints(vertical_ypos_se)
# add to list of lines
xpos_left = leftMargin - CROP_GAP
xpos_right = self.PageWidth - leftMargin + CROP_GAP
yoffset = CalcOppositeDeltaGivenAdjacentDelta(CROP_LENGTH, 30)
for ypos in vertical_ypos_nw:
Point(xpos_left, ypos),
Point(xpos_left - CROP_LENGTH, ypos + yoffset)
for ypos in vertical_ypos_sw:
Point(xpos_left, ypos),
Point(xpos_left - CROP_LENGTH, ypos - yoffset)
for ypos in vertical_ypos_ne:
Point(xpos_right, ypos),
Point(xpos_right + CROP_LENGTH, ypos + yoffset)
for ypos in vertical_ypos_se:
Point(xpos_right, ypos),
Point(xpos_right + CROP_LENGTH, ypos - yoffset)
# figure out NW, SW, NE and SE crop marks for top and bottom of the page
xpos_nw = []
xpos_sw = []
xpos_ne = []
xpos_se = []
xoffset_near = CalcOppositeDeltaGivenAdjacentDelta(bleedVerticalOffset + CROP_GAP, 60)
xoffset_far = CalcOppositeDeltaGivenAdjacentDelta(self.ContainerHeight - bleedVerticalOffset + CROP_GAP, 60)
for idx in range(0, self.NumContainersAcross, 2): #we only need to do every other container because of the stepping
containerOffset = idx * self.ContainerWidth + leftMargin
topY = self.ContainerHeight - bleedVerticalOffset
bottomY = bleedVerticalOffset
xpos = self.ContainerWidth/2
xpos_nw.append(containerOffset + xpos - xoffset_near)
xpos_nw.append(containerOffset + xpos - xoffset_far)
xpos_sw.append(containerOffset + xpos - xoffset_near)
xpos_sw.append(containerOffset + xpos - xoffset_far)
xpos_ne.append(containerOffset + xpos + xoffset_near)
xpos_ne.append(containerOffset + xpos + xoffset_far)
xpos_se.append(containerOffset + xpos + xoffset_near)
xpos_se.append(containerOffset + xpos + xoffset_far)
# remove duplicate positions
xpos_nw = RoundAndDeduplicatePoints(xpos_nw)
xpos_sw = RoundAndDeduplicatePoints(xpos_sw)
xpos_ne = RoundAndDeduplicatePoints(xpos_ne)
xpos_se = RoundAndDeduplicatePoints(xpos_se)
# add to list of lines
ypos_bottom = bottomMargin - CROP_GAP
ypos_top = self.PageHeight - bottomMargin + CROP_GAP
yoffset = CalcOppositeDeltaGivenAdjacentDelta(CROP_LENGTH, 30)
for xpos in xpos_nw:
if xpos > 0 and xpos < self.PageWidth:
Point(xpos, ypos_top),
Point(xpos - CROP_LENGTH, ypos_top + yoffset)
for xpos in xpos_sw:
if xpos > 0 and xpos < self.PageWidth:
Point(xpos, ypos_bottom),
Point(xpos - CROP_LENGTH, ypos_bottom - yoffset)
for xpos in xpos_ne:
if xpos > 0 and xpos < self.PageWidth:
Point(xpos, ypos_top),
Point(xpos + CROP_LENGTH, ypos_top + yoffset)
for xpos in xpos_se:
if xpos > 0 and xpos < self.PageWidth:
Point(xpos, ypos_bottom),
Point(xpos + CROP_LENGTH, ypos_bottom - yoffset)
return lines
class HexTiles(inkex.EffectExtension):
def add_arguments(self, pars):
pars.add_argument('-d', '--hex_diameter', type = float, dest = 'HexDiameter')
pars.add_argument('-c', '--hex_margin', type = float, dest = 'HexMargin')
pars.add_argument('-b', '--bleed_margin', type = float, dest = 'BleedMargin')
pars.add_argument('-p', '--page_margin', type = float, dest = 'PageMargin')
2020-07-30 01:16:18 +02:00
def effect(self):
# find dimensions of page
pageWidth = self.svg.uutounit(self.svg.width, "mm")
pageHeight = self.svg.uutounit(self.svg.height, "mm")
opt = self.options
guideParent = self.document.xpath('//sodipodi:namedview',namespaces=inkex.NSS)[0]
# remove all the existing guides
2021-04-18 18:21:23 +02:00
[node.delete() for node in self.document.xpath('//sodipodi:guide',namespaces=inkex.NSS)]
2020-07-30 01:16:18 +02:00
# create the object generator
gen = HexGeneratorBase.CreateHexGenerator(opt.HexDiameter, opt.HexMargin, opt.BleedMargin, pageWidth, pageHeight, opt.PageMargin, self.svg.unittouu)
# remove any existing 'Crop marks' layer
2021-04-18 18:21:23 +02:00
[node.delete() for node in self.document.xpath("//svg:g[@inkscape:label='Crop Marks']",namespaces=inkex.NSS)]
2020-07-30 01:16:18 +02:00
svg = self.document.xpath('//svg:svg', namespaces=inkex.NSS)[0]
layer = etree.SubElement(svg, inkex.addNS('g',"svg"), {})
layer.set(inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape'), "Crop Marks")
layer.set(inkex.addNS('groupmode', 'inkscape'), 'layer')
#layer.set(inkex.addNS('insensitive', 'sodipodi'), 'true')
if __name__ == '__main__':