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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Extension for InkScape 1.0
- Filter paths which are smaller/bigger than a given length or area
Author: Mario Voigt / FabLab Chemnitz
Date: 03.08.2020
Last patch: 21.10.2021
License: GNU GPL v3
2021-11-04 00:53:13 +01:00
import colorsys
import inkex
from inkex.bezier import csplength, csparea
class FilterByLengthArea(inkex.EffectExtension):
def add_arguments(self, pars):
pars.add_argument('--debug', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--min_filter_enable', type=inkex.Boolean, default=True, help='Enable filtering min.')
pars.add_argument('--min_threshold', type=float, default=0.000, help='Remove paths with an threshold smaller than this value')
pars.add_argument('--max_filter_enable', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help='Enable filtering max.')
pars.add_argument('--max_threshold', type=float, default=10000000.000, help='Remove paths with an threshold bigger than this value')
pars.add_argument('--min_nodes', type=int, default=0, help='Min. nodes/<interval>')
pars.add_argument('--max_nodes', type=int, default=10000000, help='Max. nodes/<interval>')
pars.add_argument('--nodes_interval', type=float, default=10000000.000, help='Interval')
2021-11-04 00:53:13 +01:00
pars.add_argument('--precision', type=int, default=3, help='Precision')
pars.add_argument('--measure', default="length")
2021-11-04 00:53:13 +01:00
pars.add_argument('--delete', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--colorize', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--sort_by_asc', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--reverse_sort', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
def effect(self):
2021-11-04 00:53:13 +01:00
global to_sort, so
to_sort = []
so = self.options
2021-11-04 00:53:13 +01:00
so.min_threshold = self.svg.unittouu(str(so.min_threshold) + self.svg.unit)
so.max_threshold = self.svg.unittouu(str(so.max_threshold) + self.svg.unit)
unit_factor = 1.0 / self.svg.uutounit(1.0, so.unit)
if so.min_threshold == 0 or so.max_threshold == 0:
inkex.utils.debug("One or both tresholds are zero. Please adjust.")
if len(self.svg.selected) > 0:
elements = self.svg.selection.filter(inkex.PathElement).values()
elements = self.document.xpath("//svg:path", namespaces=inkex.NSS)
2021-11-04 00:53:13 +01:00
if so.debug is True:
inkex.utils.debug("Collecting elements ...")
for element in elements:
csp = element.path.transform(element.composed_transform()).to_superpath()
if so.measure == "area":
2021-11-04 00:53:13 +01:00
area = round(-csparea(csp), so.precision) #is returned as negative value. we need to invert with
if (so.min_filter_enable is True and area < (so.min_threshold * (unit_factor * unit_factor))) or \
(so.max_filter_enable is True and area >= (so.max_threshold * (unit_factor * unit_factor))) or \
(so.min_filter_enable is False and so.max_filter_enable is False): #complete selection
if so.debug is True:
inkex.utils.debug("id={}, area={:0.3f}{}^2".format(element.get('id'), area, so.unit))
to_sort.append({'element': element, 'value': area})
elif so.measure == "length":
slengths, stotal = csplength(csp) #get segment lengths and total length of path in document's internal unit
2021-11-04 00:53:13 +01:00
stotal = round(stotal, so.precision)
if (so.min_filter_enable is True and stotal < (so.min_threshold * unit_factor)) or \
(so.max_filter_enable is True and stotal >= (so.max_threshold * unit_factor)) or \
(so.min_filter_enable is False and so.max_filter_enable is False): #complete selection
if so.debug is True:
inkex.utils.debug("id={}, length={:0.3f}{}".format(element.get('id'), self.svg.uutounit(str(stotal), so.unit), so.unit))
to_sort.append({'element': element, 'value': stotal})
elif so.measure == "nodes":
slengths, stotal = csplength(csp) #get segment lengths and total length of path in document's internal unit
2021-11-04 00:53:13 +01:00
stotal = round(stotal, so.precision)
nodes = len(element.path)
2021-11-04 00:53:13 +01:00
if (so.min_filter_enable is True and nodes / stotal < so.min_nodes / self.svg.unittouu(str(so.nodes_interval) + so.unit)) or \
(so.max_filter_enable is True and nodes / stotal < so.max_nodes / self.svg.unittouu(str(so.nodes_interval) + so.unit)) or \
(so.min_filter_enable is False and so.max_filter_enable is False): #complete selection
if so.debug is True:
inkex.utils.debug("id={}, length={:0.3f}{}, nodes={}".format(element.get('id'), self.svg.uutounit(str(stotal), so.unit), so.unit, nodes))
to_sort.append({'element': element, 'value': nodes})
except Exception as e:
2021-11-04 00:53:13 +01:00
2021-11-04 00:53:13 +01:00
for i in range(0, len(to_sort)):
element = to_sort[i].get('element')
if so.delete is True:
if so.delete is True:
return #quit here
if so.sort_by_asc is True:
to_sort.sort(key=lambda x: x.get('value')) #sort by target value
for i in range(0, len(to_sort)):
element = to_sort[i].get('element')
if so.reverse_sort is True:
idx = len(element.getparent())
idx = 0
element.getparent().insert(idx, element)
if so.colorize is True:
color = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(i / float(len(to_sort)), 1.0, 1.0)['stroke'] = '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(int(x * 255) for x in color)
if __name__ == '__main__':