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2020-07-30 01:16:18 +02:00
"""Unit tests for the :mod:`networkx.generators.harary_graph` module.
import pytest
import networkx as nx
from networkx.generators.harary_graph import hnm_harary_graph
from networkx.generators.harary_graph import hkn_harary_graph
from networkx.algorithms.isomorphism.isomorph import is_isomorphic
class TestHararyGraph:
Suppose n nodes, m >= n-1 edges, d = 2m // n, r = 2m % n
def test_hnm_harary_graph(self):
# When d is even and r = 0, the hnm_harary_graph(n,m) is
# the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,d/2+1)))
for (n, m) in [(5, 5), (6, 12), (7, 14)]:
G1 = hnm_harary_graph(n, m)
d = 2*m // n
G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, list(range(1, d//2 + 1)))
assert is_isomorphic(G1, G2)
# When d is even and r > 0, the hnm_harary_graph(n,m) is
# the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,d/2+1)))
# with r edges added arbitrarily
for (n, m) in [(5, 7), (6, 13), (7, 16)]:
G1 = hnm_harary_graph(n, m)
d = 2*m // n
G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, list(range(1, d//2 + 1)))
assert set(G2.edges) < set(G1.edges)
assert G1.number_of_edges() == m
# When d is odd and n is even and r = 0, the hnm_harary_graph(n,m)
# is the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,(d+1)/2) plus [n//2])
for (n, m) in [(6, 9), (8, 12), (10, 15)]:
G1 = hnm_harary_graph(n, m)
d = 2*m // n
L = list(range(1, (d+1)//2))
G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, L)
assert is_isomorphic(G1, G2)
# When d is odd and n is even and r > 0, the hnm_harary_graph(n,m)
# is the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,(d+1)/2) plus [n//2])
# with r edges added arbitrarily
for (n, m) in [(6, 10), (8, 13), (10, 17)]:
G1 = hnm_harary_graph(n, m)
d = 2*m // n
L = list(range(1, (d+1)//2))
G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, L)
assert set(G2.edges) < set(G1.edges)
assert G1.number_of_edges() == m
# When d is odd and n is odd, the hnm_harary_graph(n,m) is
# the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,(d+1)/2))
# with m - n*(d-1)/2 edges added arbitrarily
for (n, m) in [(5, 4), (7, 12), (9, 14)]:
G1 = hnm_harary_graph(n, m)
d = 2*m // n
L = list(range(1, (d+1)//2))
G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, L)
assert set(G2.edges) < set(G1.edges)
assert G1.number_of_edges() == m
# Raise NetworkXError if n<1
n = 0
m = 0
pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, hnm_harary_graph, n, m)
# Raise NetworkXError if m < n-1
n = 6
m = 4
pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, hnm_harary_graph, n, m)
# Raise NetworkXError if m > n(n-1)/2
n = 6
m = 16
pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, hnm_harary_graph, n, m)
Suppose connectivity k, number of nodes n
def test_hkn_harary_graph(self):
# When k == 1, the hkn_harary_graph(k,n) is
# the path_graph(n)
for (k, n) in [(1, 6), (1, 7)]:
G1 = hkn_harary_graph(k, n)
G2 = nx.path_graph(n)
assert is_isomorphic(G1, G2)
# When k is even, the hkn_harary_graph(k,n) is
# the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,k/2+1)))
for (k, n) in [(2, 6), (2, 7), (4, 6), (4, 7)]:
G1 = hkn_harary_graph(k, n)
G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, list(range(1, k//2 + 1)))
assert is_isomorphic(G1, G2)
# When k is odd and n is even, the hkn_harary_graph(k,n) is
# the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,(k+1)/2)) plus [n/2])
for (k, n) in [(3, 6), (5, 8), (7, 10)]:
G1 = hkn_harary_graph(k, n)
L = list(range(1, (k+1)//2))
G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, L)
assert is_isomorphic(G1, G2)
# When k is odd and n is odd, the hkn_harary_graph(k,n) is
# the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,(k+1)/2))) with
# n//2+1 edges added between node i and node i+n//2+1
for (k, n) in [(3, 5), (5, 9), (7, 11)]:
G1 = hkn_harary_graph(k, n)
G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, list(range(1, (k+1)//2)))
eSet1 = set(G1.edges)
eSet2 = set(G2.edges)
eSet3 = set()
half = n // 2
for i in range(0, half+1):
# add half+1 edges between i and i+half
eSet3.add((i, (i+half) % n))
assert eSet1 == eSet2 | eSet3
# Raise NetworkXError if k<1
k = 0
n = 0
pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, hkn_harary_graph, k, n)
# Raise NetworkXError if n<k+1
k = 6
n = 6
pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, hkn_harary_graph, k, n)