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2020-07-30 01:16:18 +02:00
import * as path from 'path';
import * as net from 'net';
import * as sfs from 'fs';
import * as assign from 'lodash.assign';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/merge';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/pluck';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/reduce';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Observer } from 'rxjs/Observer';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';
import { AsyncSubject } from 'rxjs/AsyncSubject';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';
import * as childProcess from 'child_process';
const spawnOg: typeof childProcess.spawn = require('child_process').spawn; //tslint:disable-line:no-var-requires
const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32';
const d = require('debug')('spawn-rx'); //tslint:disable-line:no-var-requires
* stat a file but don't throw if it doesn't exist
* @param {string} file The path to a file
* @return {Stats} The stats structure
* @private
function statSyncNoException(file: string): sfs.Stats | null {
try {
return sfs.statSync(file);
} catch (e) {
return null;
* Search PATH to see if a file exists in any of the path folders.
* @param {string} exe The file to search for
* @return {string} A fully qualified path, or the original path if nothing
* is found
* @private
function runDownPath(exe: string): string {
// NB: Windows won't search PATH looking for executables in spawn like
// Posix does
// Files with any directory path don't get this applied
if (exe.match(/[\\\/]/)) {
d('Path has slash in directory, bailing');
return exe;
let target = path.join('.', exe);
if (statSyncNoException(target)) {
d(`Found executable in currect directory: ${target}`);
return target;
let haystack = process.env.PATH!.split(isWindows ? ';' : ':');
for (let p of haystack) {
let needle = path.join(p, exe);
if (statSyncNoException(needle)) {
return needle;
d('Failed to find executable anywhere in path');
return exe;
* Finds the actual executable and parameters to run on Windows. This method
* mimics the POSIX behavior of being able to run scripts as executables by
* replacing the passed-in executable with the script runner, for PowerShell,
* CMD, and node scripts.
* This method also does the work of running down PATH, which spawn on Windows
* also doesn't do, unlike on POSIX.
* @param {string} exe The executable to run
* @param {Array<string>} args The arguments to run
* @return {Object} The cmd and args to run
* @property {string} cmd The command to pass to spawn
* @property {Array<string>} args The arguments to pass to spawn
export function findActualExecutable(exe: string, args: Array<string>): {
cmd: string;
args: Array<string>
} {
// POSIX can just execute scripts directly, no need for silly goosery
if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
return { cmd: runDownPath(exe), args: args };
if (!sfs.existsSync(exe)) {
// NB: When you write something like `surf-client ... -- surf-build` on Windows,
// a shell would normally convert that to surf-build.cmd, but since it's passed
// in as an argument, it doesn't happen
const possibleExts = ['.exe', '.bat', '.cmd', '.ps1'];
for (let ext of possibleExts) {
let possibleFullPath = runDownPath(`${exe}${ext}`);
if (sfs.existsSync(possibleFullPath)) {
return findActualExecutable(possibleFullPath, args);
if (exe.match(/\.ps1$/i)) {
let cmd = path.join(process.env.SYSTEMROOT!, 'System32', 'WindowsPowerShell', 'v1.0', 'PowerShell.exe');
let psargs = ['-ExecutionPolicy', 'Unrestricted', '-NoLogo', '-NonInteractive', '-File', exe];
return { cmd: cmd, args: psargs.concat(args) };
if (exe.match(/\.(bat|cmd)$/i)) {
let cmd = path.join(process.env.SYSTEMROOT!, 'System32', 'cmd.exe');
let cmdArgs = ['/C', exe, ...args];
return { cmd: cmd, args: cmdArgs };
if (exe.match(/\.(js)$/i)) {
let cmd = process.execPath;
let nodeArgs = [exe];
return { cmd: cmd, args: nodeArgs.concat(args) };
// Dunno lol
return { cmd: exe, args: args };
* Spawns a process but detached from the current process. The process is put
* into its own Process Group that can be killed by unsubscribing from the
* return Observable.
* @param {string} exe The executable to run
* @param {Array<string>} params The parameters to pass to the child
* @param {Object} opts Options to pass to spawn.
* @return {Observable<string>} Returns an Observable that when subscribed
* to, will create a detached process. The
* process output will be streamed to this
* Observable, and if unsubscribed from, the
* process will be terminated early. If the
* process terminates with a non-zero value,
* the Observable will terminate with onError.
export function spawnDetached(exe: string, params: Array<string>, opts: any = null): Observable<string> {
const { cmd, args } = findActualExecutable(exe, params);
if (!isWindows) {
return spawn(cmd, args, assign({}, opts || {}, { detached: true }));
const newParams = [cmd].concat(args);
let target = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'vendor', 'jobber', 'Jobber.exe');
let options = assign({}, opts || {}, { detached: true, jobber: true });
d(`spawnDetached: ${target}, ${newParams}`);
return spawn(target, newParams, options);
* Spawns a process attached as a child of the current process.
* @param {string} exe The executable to run
* @param {Array<string>} params The parameters to pass to the child
* @param {Object} opts Options to pass to spawn.
* @return {Observable<string>} Returns an Observable that when subscribed
* to, will create a child process. The
* process output will be streamed to this
* Observable, and if unsubscribed from, the
* process will be terminated early. If the
* process terminates with a non-zero value,
* the Observable will terminate with onError.
export function spawn<T = string>(exe: string, params: Array<string> = [], opts: any = null): Observable<T> {
opts = opts || {};
let spawnObs = Observable.create((subj: Observer<{
source: any,
text: any
}>) => {
let { stdin, ...optsWithoutStdIn } = opts;
let { cmd, args } = findActualExecutable(exe, params);
d(`spawning process: ${cmd} ${args.join()}, ${JSON.stringify(optsWithoutStdIn)}`);
let origOpts = assign({}, optsWithoutStdIn);
if ('jobber' in origOpts) {
delete origOpts.jobber;
if ('split' in origOpts) {
delete origOpts.split;
const proc = spawnOg(cmd, args, origOpts);
let bufHandler = (source: string) => (b: string | Buffer) => {
if (b.length < 1) {
let chunk = '<< String sent back was too long >>';
try {
if (typeof b === 'string') {
chunk = b.toString();
} else {
chunk = b.toString(origOpts.encoding || 'utf8');
} catch (e) {
chunk = `<< Lost chunk of process output for ${exe} - length was ${b.length}>>`;
}{ source: source, text: chunk });
let ret = new Subscription();
if (opts.stdin) {
if (proc.stdin) {
(x: any) => proc.stdin.write(x),
() => proc.stdin.end()
} else {
subj.error(new Error(`opts.stdio conflicts with provided spawn opts.stdin observable, 'pipe' is required`));
let stderrCompleted: Subject<boolean> | Observable<boolean> | null = null;
let stdoutCompleted: Subject<boolean> | Observable<boolean> | null = null;
let noClose = false;
if (proc.stdout) {
stdoutCompleted = new AsyncSubject<boolean>();
proc.stdout.on('data', bufHandler('stdout'));
proc.stdout.on('close', () => { (stdoutCompleted! as Subject<boolean>).next(true); (stdoutCompleted! as Subject<boolean>).complete(); });
} else {
stdoutCompleted = Observable.of(true);
if (proc.stderr) {
stderrCompleted = new AsyncSubject<boolean>();
proc.stderr.on('data', bufHandler('stderr'));
proc.stderr.on('close', () => { (stderrCompleted! as Subject<boolean>).next(true); (stderrCompleted! as Subject<boolean>).complete(); });
} else {
stderrCompleted = Observable.of(true);
proc.on('error', (e: Error) => {
noClose = true;
proc.on('close', (code: number) => {
noClose = true;
let pipesClosed = Observable.merge(stdoutCompleted!, stderrCompleted!)
.reduce((acc) => acc, true);
if (code === 0) {
pipesClosed.subscribe(() => subj.complete());
} else {
pipesClosed.subscribe(() => subj.error(new Error(`Failed with exit code: ${code}`)));
ret.add(new Subscription(() => {
if (noClose) {
d(`Killing process: ${cmd} ${args.join()}`);
if (opts.jobber) {
// NB: Connecting to Jobber's named pipe will kill it
setTimeout(() => proc.kill(), 5 * 1000);
} else {
return ret;
return opts.split ? spawnObs : spawnObs.pluck('text');
function wrapObservableInPromise<T>(obs: Observable<T>) {
return new Promise<string>((res, rej) => {
let out = '';
(x) => out += x,
(e) => rej(new Error(`${out}\n${e.message}`)),
() => res(out));
* Spawns a process but detached from the current process. The process is put
* into its own Process Group.
* @param {string} exe The executable to run
* @param {Array<string>} params The parameters to pass to the child
* @param {Object} opts Options to pass to spawn.
* @return {Promise<string>} Returns an Promise that represents a detached
* process. The value returned is the process
* output. If the process terminates with a
* non-zero value, the Promise will resolve with
* an Error.
export function spawnDetachedPromise(exe: string, params: Array<string>, opts: any = null): Promise<string> {
return wrapObservableInPromise<string>(spawnDetached(exe, params, opts));
* Spawns a process as a child process.
* @param {string} exe The executable to run
* @param {Array<string>} params The parameters to pass to the child
* @param {Object} opts Options to pass to spawn.
* @return {Promise<string>} Returns an Promise that represents a child
* process. The value returned is the process
* output. If the process terminates with a
* non-zero value, the Promise will resolve with
* an Error.
export function spawnPromise(exe: string, params: Array<string>, opts: any = null): Promise<string> {
return wrapObservableInPromise<string>(spawn(exe, params, opts));