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const {IsFloat} = require('../utils')
const Vector2D = require('./Vector2')
/** Class Vector3D
* Represents a 3D vector with X, Y, Z coordinates.
* @constructor
* @example
* new CSG.Vector3D(1, 2, 3);
* new CSG.Vector3D([1, 2, 3]);
* new CSG.Vector3D({ x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 });
* new CSG.Vector3D(1, 2); // assumes z=0
* new CSG.Vector3D([1, 2]); // assumes z=0
const Vector3D = function (x, y, z) {
if (arguments.length === 3) {
this._x = parseFloat(x)
this._y = parseFloat(y)
this._z = parseFloat(z)
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
this._x = parseFloat(x)
this._y = parseFloat(y)
this._z = 0
} else {
var ok = true
if (arguments.length === 1) {
if (typeof (x) === 'object') {
if (x instanceof Vector3D) {
this._x = x._x
this._y = x._y
this._z = x._z
} else if (x instanceof Vector2D) {
this._x = x._x
this._y = x._y
this._z = 0
} else if (x instanceof Array) {
if ((x.length < 2) || (x.length > 3)) {
ok = false
} else {
this._x = parseFloat(x[0])
this._y = parseFloat(x[1])
if (x.length === 3) {
this._z = parseFloat(x[2])
} else {
this._z = 0
} else if (('x' in x) && ('y' in x)) {
this._x = parseFloat(x.x)
this._y = parseFloat(x.y)
if ('z' in x) {
this._z = parseFloat(x.z)
} else {
this._z = 0
} else if (('_x' in x) && ('_y' in x)) {
this._x = parseFloat(x._x)
this._y = parseFloat(x._y)
if ('_z' in x) {
this._z = parseFloat(x._z)
} else {
this._z = 0
} else ok = false
} else {
var v = parseFloat(x)
this._x = v
this._y = v
this._z = v
} else ok = false
if (ok) {
if ((!IsFloat(this._x)) || (!IsFloat(this._y)) || (!IsFloat(this._z))) ok = false
} else {
throw new Error('wrong arguments')
// This does the same as new Vector3D(x,y,z) but it doesn't go through the constructor
// and the parameters are not validated. Is much faster.
Vector3D.Create = function (x, y, z) {
var result = Object.create(Vector3D.prototype)
result._x = x
result._y = y
result._z = z
return result
Vector3D.prototype = {
get x () {
return this._x
get y () {
return this._y
get z () {
return this._z
set x (v) {
throw new Error('Vector3D is immutable')
set y (v) {
throw new Error('Vector3D is immutable')
set z (v) {
throw new Error('Vector3D is immutable')
clone: function () {
return Vector3D.Create(this._x, this._y, this._z)
negated: function () {
return Vector3D.Create(-this._x, -this._y, -this._z)
abs: function () {
return Vector3D.Create(Math.abs(this._x), Math.abs(this._y), Math.abs(this._z))
plus: function (a) {
return Vector3D.Create(this._x + a._x, this._y + a._y, this._z + a._z)
minus: function (a) {
return Vector3D.Create(this._x - a._x, this._y - a._y, this._z - a._z)
times: function (a) {
return Vector3D.Create(this._x * a, this._y * a, this._z * a)
dividedBy: function (a) {
return Vector3D.Create(this._x / a, this._y / a, this._z / a)
dot: function (a) {
return this._x * a._x + this._y * a._y + this._z * a._z
lerp: function (a, t) {
lengthSquared: function () {
length: function () {
return Math.sqrt(this.lengthSquared())
unit: function () {
return this.dividedBy(this.length())
cross: function (a) {
return Vector3D.Create(
this._y * a._z - this._z * a._y, this._z * a._x - this._x * a._z, this._x * a._y - this._y * a._x)
distanceTo: function (a) {
return this.minus(a).length()
distanceToSquared: function (a) {
return this.minus(a).lengthSquared()
equals: function (a) {
return (this._x === a._x) && (this._y === a._y) && (this._z === a._z)
// Right multiply by a 4x4 matrix (the vector is interpreted as a row vector)
// Returns a new Vector3D
multiply4x4: function (matrix4x4) {
return matrix4x4.leftMultiply1x3Vector(this)
transform: function (matrix4x4) {
return matrix4x4.leftMultiply1x3Vector(this)
toString: function () {
return '(' + this._x.toFixed(5) + ', ' + this._y.toFixed(5) + ', ' + this._z.toFixed(5) + ')'
// find a vector that is somewhat perpendicular to this one
randomNonParallelVector: function () {
var abs = this.abs()
if ((abs._x <= abs._y) && (abs._x <= abs._z)) {
return Vector3D.Create(1, 0, 0)
} else if ((abs._y <= abs._x) && (abs._y <= abs._z)) {
return Vector3D.Create(0, 1, 0)
} else {
return Vector3D.Create(0, 0, 1)
min: function (p) {
return Vector3D.Create(
Math.min(this._x, p._x), Math.min(this._y, p._y), Math.min(this._z, p._z))
max: function (p) {
return Vector3D.Create(
Math.max(this._x, p._x), Math.max(this._y, p._y), Math.max(this._z, p._z))
module.exports = Vector3D