<param name="reloop_tolerance" type="float" min="0.000" max="99999.000" precision="3" gui-text="tolerance (mm)" gui-description="Controls how close the path beginning and end must be to consider it closed (default 0.500 mm)">0.500</param>
<param name="flatness" type="float" min="0.001" max="99999.000" precision="3" gui-text="flatness" gui-description="Minimum flatness = 0.001. The smaller the value the more fine segments you will get.">0.100</param>
<param name="output_show" type="bool" gui-text="Show debug output" gui-description="This will open a new matplotlib window showing modified SVG data">false</param>
<param name="output_trajectories" type="bool" gui-text="Import travel trajectories" gui-description="Add paths for the travel trajectories">false</param>
<param name="keep_selection" type="bool" gui-text="Keep selected paths" gui-description="If false, selected paths (original objects) will be removed">false</param>
<param name="strokes_to_paths" type="bool" gui-text="Auto-convert low-level strokes to paths" gui-description="Recommended option. Performs 'Path' > 'Stroke to Path' (CTRL + ALT + C) to convert vpype converted lines back to regular path objects">true</param>
<param name="use_style_of_first_element" type="bool" gui-text="Use style of first element" gui-description="If enabled the first element in selection is scanned and we apply it's style to all imported vpype lines">true</param>
<param name="lines_stroke_width" type="float" min="0.001" max="99999.000" precision="3" gui-text="stroke width of tooling lines (px)" gui-description="Gets overwritten if 'Use style of first selected element' is enabled">1.000</param>