<param name="link_multiplicator" type="int" min="0" max="9999" gui-text="Link multiplicator (experimental)" gui-description="If set, we create a set of multiple gaps of same size next to the main gap">0</param>
<param name="link_offset" type="float" min="-9999.000.000" max="9999.000" precision="3" gui-text="Link offset (+/-) (experimental)" gui-description="Does not properly work the intended way if link count is more than 1.">0.000</param>
<param name="custom_dasharray_value" type="string" gui-text="Dash pattern" gui-description="A list of separated lengths that specify the lengths of alternating dashes and gaps. Input only accepts numbers. It ignores percentages or other characters.">10 5</param>
<param name="breakapart" type="bool" gui-text="Break apart output paths" gui-description="Performs CTRL + SHIFT + K to break the new output path into it's parts">false</param>
<param name="show_info" type="bool" gui-text="Print some length and pattern information" gui-description="Warning: might freeze InkScape forever if you have a lot of nodes because we create too much print output. Use for debugging only!">false</param>