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2021-10-13 17:13:24 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) [2021] [Matt Cottam], []
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Simple Registration - Registration Marks Across Objects
import inkex
from inkex import command, Group
# Python Standard Library
import tempfile
from lxml import etree
import random
unit_conversions = {
'in': 96.0,
'pt': 1.3333333333333333,
'px': 1.0,
'mm': 3.779527559055118,
'cm': 37.79527559055118,
'm': 3779.527559055118,
'km': 3779527.559055118,
'Q': 0.94488188976378,
'pc': 16.0,
'yd': 3456.0,
'ft': 1152.0,
'': 1.0, # Default px
crosshair_path = "m 1.0583333,3.0583334 h 4.0000001 m -2,-2.0000001 v 4.0000001 m 0.25,-2 a 0.25,0.25 0 0 1 -0.25," \
"0.25 0.25,0.25 0 0 1 -0.25,-0.25 0.25,0.25 0 0 1 0.25,-0.25 0.25,0.25 0 0 1 0.25,0.25 z m 0.75," \
"0 a 1,1 0 0 1 -1,1 1,1 0 0 1 -1,-1 1,1 0 0 1 1,-1 1,1 0 0 1 1,1 z m 0.5,0 a 1.5,1.5 0 0 1 -1.5," \
"1.5 1.5,1.5 0 0 1 -1.5,-1.5 1.5,1.5 0 0 1 1.5,-1.5 1.5,1.5 0 0 1 1.5,1.5 z "
spiral_path = "m 2.8602054,2.8871104 c 0.0099,0.108862 -0.155578,0.06596 -0.197873,0.0151 -0.11462,-0.137812 0.0156," \
"-0.320651 0.164837,-0.376975 0.266943,-0.100751 0.549334,0.08169 0.626652,0.316559 0.113468," \
"0.344685 -0.163181,0.687127 -0.527545,0.769055 -0.485643,0.109197 -0.954879,-0.216671 -1.055435," \
"-0.648222 -0.126538,-0.543064 0.310663,-1.059761 0.890257,-1.161135 0.701965,-0.122775 1.363419," \
"0.351433 1.484214,0.979887 0.142351,0.740611 -0.457969,1.433888 -1.252965,1.553212 -0.917855," \
"0.137765 -1.7729561,-0.486089 -1.9129951,-1.311549 -0.15912096,-0.93794 0.6052021,-1.8086111 " \
"1.6156751,-1.9452921 1.133598,-0.15333396 2.182944,0.6207011 2.341774,1.6432131 0.176331," \
"1.135182 -0.752397,2.183635 -1.978384,2.33737 "
star_path = "m 4.2951254,5.0575354 -1.236268,-0.682814 -1.235872,0.683612 0.235648,-1.447143 -1.0002991,-1.024496 1.3819041,-0.211573 0.617649,-1.3167881 0.618418,1.3163901 1.382026,0.210678 -0.999698,1.025144 z"
circle_path = "m 5.0583334,3.0583334 a 2,2 0 0 1 -2,2 2,2 0 0 1 -2.0000001,-2 2,2 0 0 1 2.0000001,-2.0000001 2,2 0 0 1 2,2.0000001 z"
square_path = "M 1.0583333,1.0583333 H 5.0583334 V 5.0583334 H 1.0583333 Z"
chevron_path = "m 1.0583333,1.0583333 3.9999999,2 -3.9999999,1.9999999"
def add_reg_object(self, reg_path):
# parent = self.svg.get_current_layer()
parent = self.svg
my_reg_object = etree.SubElement(parent, inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'))
reg_path = eval(reg_path)
my_reg_object.path = reg_path
my_reg_object.attrib['id'] = 'my_reg_object'['fill'] = 'none'
#['stroke-width'] = '0.1'['stroke-width'] = '0.05'['stroke'] = self.options.color_picker_reg_object
return my_reg_object
def add_tick_labels(self):
my_objects = self.svg.selected.paint_order()
parent = self.svg.get_current_layer()
object_count = 1
for my_object in my_objects:
text_label = etree.SubElement(parent, inkex.addNS('text', 'svg'))
text_label.text = str(object_count)['font-size'] = self.options.tick_text_label_font_size
text_label.attrib['id'] = 'tick_label_temp' + str(object_count)['text-anchor'] = 'middle'['dominant-baseline'] = 'middle'
object_count += 1
def create_new_group(self, prefix, mode):
group_id = str(prefix) + '_' + str(random.randrange(100000, 999999))
new_group = self.svg.add('#' + group_id))
new_group.set('inkscape:groupmode', str(mode))
new_group.attrib['id'] = group_id
return new_group
def apply_translate(self, parent, my_object, my_transform):
bodge_group = create_new_group(self, 'bodge_group', 'group')
bodge_group.transform = bodge_group.transform * my_transform
my_inherited_object_transform = my_object.composed_transform()
my_object.transform = my_inherited_object_transform
def random_rgb(self):
random_red = random.randrange(0, 255)
random_green = random.randrange(0, 255)
random_blue = random.randrange(0, 255)
return f'rgb({random_red}, {random_green}, {random_blue})'
def query_all_bbox(self):
my_file_path = self.options.input_file
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r+', suffix='.svg') as temp_svg_file:
# Write the contents of the updated svg to a tempfile to use with command line
my_svg_string = self.svg.root.tostring().decode("utf-8")
my_query = inkex.command.inkscape(, '--query-all')
# Account for versions of which return query as bytes
if type(my_query) != str:
my_query = my_query.decode("utf-8")
# --query-all produces multiline output of the following format
# path853,172.491,468.905,192.11,166.525 - as string
# ElementId, Top, Left, Width, Height
# Make a list splitting by each new line
my_query_items = my_query.split('\n')
my_element_bbox_dict = {}
for my_query_item in my_query_items:
# Create a comma separated list item for each line
my_element = my_query_item.split(',')
# Make a dictionary for all elements, rejected malformed elements.
if len(my_element) > 4:
my_element_bbox_dict[my_element[0]] = {}
# Create Dictionary entry in anticlockwise format
# x1 = TopLeft, x2 = BottomLeft, x3 = BottomRight, x4 = TopRight, mid_x and mid_y
# First convert all values to float, skipping element id ( first entry )
my_element_bbox = [float(x) for x in my_element[1:]]
width = my_element_bbox[2]
height = my_element_bbox[3]
x1 = my_element_bbox[0]
y1 = my_element_bbox[1]
x2 = x1
y2 = y1 + height
x3 = x1 + width
y3 = y2
x4 = x1 + width
y4 = y1
mid_x = x1 + width / 2
mid_y = y1 + height / 2
my_element_bbox_dict[my_element[0]].update(x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2, x3=x3, y3=y3, x4=x4, y4=y4,
mid_x=mid_x, mid_y=mid_y, width=width, height=height)
# Return dictionary
return my_element_bbox_dict
def reg_mark_to_corners(self, all_bbox, max_bbox, my_reg_object, my_object, cf, parent):
reg_mark_x_shift = self.options.reg_mark_x_shift
reg_mark_y_shift = self.options.reg_mark_y_shift
# get width and height of reg object
my_reg_object_width = all_bbox[my_reg_object.get_id()]['width']
my_reg_object_height = all_bbox[my_reg_object.get_id()]['height']
my_reg_object_mid_x = all_bbox[my_reg_object.get_id()]['mid_x']
my_reg_object_mid_y = all_bbox[my_reg_object.get_id()]['mid_y']
my_object_id = my_object.get_id()
new_reg_group = create_new_group(self, 'reg_group', 'group')
# new_group.append(my_object)
for corner_no in range(1, 5):
registration_object = my_reg_object.duplicate()['stroke-width'] = '0.2'
registration_object_original_composed_transform = registration_object.composed_transform()
my_translate_text = str(
(max_bbox['x' + str(corner_no)] - (my_reg_object_mid_x)) / cf) + ',' + str(
(max_bbox['y' + str(corner_no)] - (my_reg_object_mid_y)) / cf)
my_translate_text = f'Transform(\'translate({my_translate_text})\')'
apply_translate(self, parent, registration_object, my_translate_text)
return new_reg_group
def draw_ticks(self, all_bbox, my_reg_object, max_bbox,object_count, number_of_objects, my_object, cf):
parent = self.svg.get_current_layer()
tick_color = self.options.color_picker_tick
tick_dict = {}
# Get the right edge of the top left registration mark
# my_element_bbox_dict[my_element[0]].update(x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2, x3=x3, y3=y3, x4=x4, y4=y4,
# mid_x=mid_x, mid_y=mid_y, width=width, height=height)
my_reg_object_width = all_bbox[my_reg_object.get_id()]['width'] / cf
my_reg_object_height = all_bbox[my_reg_object.get_id()]['height'] / cf
# tl_re = top left right edge, tr_le = top right left edge
tl_re_x = (max_bbox['x1'] / cf + my_reg_object_width)
tl_re_y = (max_bbox['y1']) / cf
tr_le_x = (max_bbox['x4'] / cf - my_reg_object_width)
tr_le_y = (max_bbox['y4']) / cf
bl_re_x = (max_bbox['x2']) / cf
bl_re_y = (max_bbox['y2']) / cf
br_le_x = (max_bbox['x3'] / cf )
br_le_y = (max_bbox['y3'] / cf )
# Get the distance between top left right edge and top right left edge
top_bar_reg_fraction = 1 # Set to 1 to prevent division by zero
left_bar_reg_fraction = 1 # Set to 1 to prevent division by zero
top_bar_length = tr_le_x - tl_re_x
if number_of_objects > 1:
top_bar_reg_fraction = top_bar_length / (number_of_objects - 1)
left_bar_length = (bl_re_y - (my_reg_object_height)) - (tl_re_y + (my_reg_object_height))
if number_of_objects > 1:
left_bar_reg_fraction = left_bar_length / (number_of_objects - 1)
my_circle_radius = self.options.tick_circle_radius / cf
my_circle = etree.SubElement(parent, inkex.addNS('circle', 'svg'))
# my_circle.attrib['cx'] = str(tl_re_x + my_circle_radius)
my_circle.attrib['cx'] = str(tl_re_x + (top_bar_reg_fraction * object_count))
my_circle.attrib['cy'] = str(tl_re_y)
my_circle.attrib['r'] = str(my_circle_radius / cf)['stroke'] = tick_color
if self.options.tick_color_random_checkbox == 'true':['stroke'] = random_rgb(self)['stroke-width'] = '0.2'['fill'] = 'none'
if self.options.tick_top_checkbox == 'true':
object_id = my_object.get_id()
circle_top = my_circle.duplicate()
circle_top.attrib['id'] = str(object_id) + '_tick_circle_top_' + str(object_count + 1)
tick_dict['tick_top'] = circle_top
tick_label_top = self.svg.getElementById('tick_label_temp' + str(object_count + 1)).duplicate()
tick_label_top.attrib['x'] = circle_top.attrib['cx']
tick_label_top.attrib['y'] = circle_top.attrib['cy']
tick_label_top.attrib['id'] = str(object_id) + '_tick_label_top_' + str(object_count + 1)
tick_dict['tick_label_top'] = tick_label_top
if self.options.tick_left_checkbox == 'true':
circle_left = my_circle.duplicate()
circle_left.attrib['cx'] = str(bl_re_x)
circle_left.attrib['cy'] = str(tl_re_y + my_reg_object_height + (left_bar_reg_fraction * object_count))
circle_left.attrib['id'] = str(object_id) + '_tick_circle_left_' + str(object_count + 1)
tick_dict['tick_left'] = circle_left
tick_label_left = self.svg.getElementById('tick_label_temp' + str(object_count + 1)).duplicate()
tick_label_left.attrib['x'] = circle_left.attrib['cx']
tick_label_left.attrib['y'] = circle_left.attrib['cy']
tick_label_left.attrib['id'] = str(object_id) + '_tick_label_left_' + str(object_count + 1)
tick_dict['tick_label_left'] = tick_label_left
if self.options.tick_bottom_checkbox == 'true':
circle_bottom = my_circle.duplicate()
circle_bottom.attrib['cx'] = str(tl_re_x + (top_bar_reg_fraction * object_count))
circle_bottom.attrib['cy'] = str(bl_re_y)
circle_bottom.attrib['id'] = str(object_id) + '_tick_circle_bottom_' + str(object_count + 1)
tick_dict['tick_bottom'] = circle_bottom
tick_label_bottom = self.svg.getElementById('tick_label_temp' + str(object_count + 1)).duplicate()
tick_label_bottom.attrib['x'] = circle_bottom.attrib['cx']
tick_label_bottom.attrib['y'] = circle_bottom.attrib['cy']
tick_label_bottom.attrib['id'] = str(object_id) + '_tick_label_bottom_' + str(object_count + 1)
tick_dict['tick_label_bottom'] = tick_label_bottom
if self.options.tick_right_checkbox == 'true':
circle_right = my_circle.duplicate()
circle_right.attrib['cx'] = str(br_le_x)
circle_right.attrib['cy'] = str(br_le_y - my_reg_object_height - (left_bar_reg_fraction * object_count))
circle_right.attrib['id'] = str(object_id) + '_tick_circle_right_' + str(object_count + 1)
tick_dict['tick_right'] = circle_right
tick_label_right = self.svg.getElementById('tick_label_temp' + str(object_count + 1)).duplicate()
tick_label_right.attrib['x'] = circle_right.attrib['cx']
tick_label_right.attrib['y'] = circle_right.attrib['cy']
tick_label_right.attrib['id'] = str(object_id) + '_tick_label_right_' + str(object_count + 1)
tick_dict['tick_label_right'] = tick_label_right
return tick_dict
def get_max_bbox(self, all_bbox):
my_objects = self.svg.selected.paint_order()
reg_mark_x_shift = self.options.reg_mark_x_shift
reg_mark_y_shift = self.options.reg_mark_y_shift
# Find extent of bounding box for combined selection
bbox_list_x = []
bbox_list_y = []
for my_object in my_objects:
my_object_id = my_object.get_id()
if my_object_id == '':
# bbox_list_x.append(all_bbox[my_object_id]['x1']) + (reg_mark_x_shift * -1)
# bbox_list_x.append(all_bbox[my_object_id]['x4']) + (reg_mark_x_shift)
# bbox_list_y.append(all_bbox[my_object_id]['y1']) + (reg_mark_y_shift * -1)
# bbox_list_y.append(all_bbox[my_object_id]['y2']) + (reg_mark_y_shift)
bbox_list_x.append(all_bbox[my_object_id]['x1'] + (reg_mark_x_shift * -1))
bbox_list_x.append(all_bbox[my_object_id]['x4'] + (reg_mark_x_shift))
bbox_list_y.append(all_bbox[my_object_id]['y1'] + (reg_mark_y_shift * -1))
bbox_list_y.append(all_bbox[my_object_id]['y2'] + (reg_mark_y_shift))
bboxes_min_x = min(bbox_list_x)
bboxes_max_x = max(bbox_list_x)
bboxes_min_y = min(bbox_list_y)
bboxes_max_y = max(bbox_list_y)
bboxes = {'x1': bboxes_min_x, 'y1': bboxes_min_y, 'x2': bboxes_min_x, 'y2': bboxes_max_y, 'x3': bboxes_max_x,
'y3': bboxes_max_y, 'x4': bboxes_max_x, 'y4': bboxes_min_y}
return bboxes
# Create a group or layer to contain each object and marks
def group_layer_loop(self, all_bbox, max_bbox, my_reg_object, cf):
my_objects = self.svg.selected.paint_order()
number_of_objects = len(my_objects)
object_count = 0
for my_object in my_objects:
my_object_id = my_object.get_id()
master_group = create_new_group(self, my_object_id + '_group', 'group')
tick_group = create_new_group(self, my_object_id + '_ticks', 'group')
tick_labels_group = create_new_group(self, my_object_id + '_tick_labels', 'group')
new_layer = create_new_group(self, my_object_id + '_layer', 'layer')
# Create corner reg marks
reg_mark_group = reg_mark_to_corners(self, all_bbox, max_bbox, my_reg_object, my_object, cf, master_group)
# Create ticks
tick_dict = draw_ticks(self, all_bbox, my_reg_object, max_bbox, object_count, number_of_objects, my_object, cf)
if 'tick_top' in tick_dict:
if 'tick_left' in tick_dict:
if 'tick_bottom' in tick_dict:
if 'tick_right' in tick_dict:
if 'tick_label_top' in tick_dict:
if 'tick_label_left' in tick_dict:
if 'tick_label_bottom' in tick_dict:
if 'tick_label_right' in tick_dict:
# Add object to group
if self.options.correct_layer_transform_checkbox == 'true':
my_object_composed_transform = my_object.composed_transform()
my_object.transform = my_object_composed_transform
# Add master group to layer for that object
object_count += 1
# Remove temp text labels and reg object
my_temp_labels = self.svg.xpath("//*[contains(@id, 'tick_label_temp')]")
for item in my_temp_labels:
class SimpleRegistration2(inkex.EffectExtension):
def add_arguments(self, pars):
pars.add_argument("--simple_registration_notebook", default=0)
pars.add_argument("--color_picker_reg_object", type=inkex.colors.Color, default=0)
pars.add_argument("--reg_mark_type", default='crosshair_path')
pars.add_argument("--reg_mark_scale", type=float, default=1)
pars.add_argument("--reg_mark_x_shift", type=float, default=10)
pars.add_argument("--reg_mark_y_shift", type=float, default=10)
pars.add_argument("--color_picker_tick", type=inkex.colors.Color, default=0)
pars.add_argument("--tick_color_random_checkbox", type=str)
pars.add_argument("--tick_text_labels_checkbox", type=str)
pars.add_argument("--tick_text_label_font_size", type=float, default=0)
pars.add_argument("--tick_type", default='chevron_path')
pars.add_argument("--tick_circle_radius", type=float, default=5)
def effect(self):
# Exit if nothing is selected
if len(self.svg.selected) < 1:
# Get document units, and conversion factor from pixels.
found_units = self.svg.unit
# Unit conversion factor cf
cf = unit_conversions[found_units]
# Add mark objects before command line --query-all
# This returns all bounding boxes taking stroke into account
# Also works for text bounding box, which is not possible to obtain from extension system
my_reg_object = add_reg_object(self, self.options.reg_mark_type)
# my_side_object = add_side_object(self, self.options.tick_type)
if self.options.tick_text_labels_checkbox == 'true':
my_labels = add_tick_labels(self)
# Get bounding boxes for all elements
all_bbox = query_all_bbox(self)
# Get max bbox, taking into account user x and y shift
max_bbox = get_max_bbox(self, all_bbox)
# inkex.errormsg(max_bbox)
group_layer_loop(self, all_bbox, max_bbox, my_reg_object, cf)
if __name__ == '__main__':