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2021-05-14 01:09:15 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Upgrade MightyScape from Inkscape Extension Dialog. Made for end users
Extension for InkScape 1.X
Author: Mario Voigt / FabLab Chemnitz
Date: 14.05.2021
Last patch: 14.05.2021
License: GNU GPL v3
import inkex
import os
2021-05-14 01:33:26 +02:00
import warnings
2021-06-01 16:30:00 +02:00
from datetime import datetime
import git
from git import Repo #requires GitPython lib
inkex.utils.debug("Error. GitPython was not installed but is required to run the upgrade process!")
2021-05-14 01:09:15 +02:00
class AboutUpgradeMightyScape(inkex.EffectExtension):
2021-05-14 01:09:15 +02:00
def update(self, local_repo, remote):
latestRemoteCommit = git.cmd.Git().ls_remote(remote, heads=True).replace('refs/heads/master','').strip()
localCommit = str(local_repo.head.commit)
#ref_logs = repo.head.reference.log()
#commits = list(local_repo.iter_commits("master", max_count=5))
commits = list(local_repo.iter_commits("master"))
self.msg("Local commit id is: " + localCommit[:7])
self.msg("Latest remote commit is: " + latestRemoteCommit[:7])
self.msg("There are {} remote commits at the moment.".format(len(commits)))
#self.msg("There are {} remote ref logs at the moment.".format(len(ref_logs)))
commitList = []
for commit in commits:
#show last 10 entries
self.msg("Latest 10 commits are:")
for i in range(0, 10):
self.msg("{} | {} : {}".format(
datetime.utcfromtimestamp(commitList[i].committed_date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
#self.msg(" - {}: {}".format(commitList[i].newhexsha[:7], commitList[i].message))
if localCommit != latestRemoteCommit:
ssh_executable = 'git'
with repo.git.custom_environment(GIT_SSH=ssh_executable):
fetch_info = origin.pull() #finally pull new data
for info in fetch_info: #should return only one line in total
inkex.utils.debug("Updated %s to commit id %s" % (info.ref, str(info.commit)[:7]))
inkex.utils.debug("Please restart Inkscape to let the changes take effect.")
inkex.utils.debug("Nothing to do! MightyScape is already up to date!")
except git.exc.GitCommandError:
return False
return True
2021-05-14 01:09:15 +02:00
def add_arguments(self, pars):
2021-05-17 11:56:17 +02:00
2021-05-14 01:09:15 +02:00
pars.add_argument("--stash_untracked", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Stash untracked files and continue to upgrade")
2021-05-14 01:09:15 +02:00
def effect(self):
2021-05-14 01:33:26 +02:00
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', ResourceWarning) #suppress "enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback"
2021-05-14 01:09:15 +02:00
#get the directory of mightyscape
2021-05-17 11:56:17 +02:00
extension_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '../')) #go up to main dir /home/<user>/.config/inkscape/extensions/mightyscape-1.X/
main_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(extension_dir, '../../')) #go up to main dir /home/<user>/.config/inkscape/extensions/mightyscape-1.X/
#create some statistics
totalFolders = 0
for root, folders, files in os.walk(extension_dir):
totalFolders += len(folders)
break #prevent descending into subfolders
totalInx = 0
for root, folders, files in os.walk(extension_dir):
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.inx'):
totalInx += 1
inkex.utils.debug("Locally there are {} extension folders with {} .inx files!\n".format(totalFolders, totalInx))
2021-05-14 01:09:15 +02:00
local_repo = Repo(os.path.join(main_dir, ".git"))
2021-05-14 01:09:15 +02:00
#check if it is a non-empty git repository
if local_repo.bare is False:
if local_repo.is_dirty(untracked_files=True) is False:
if len(local_repo.untracked_files) > 0:
2021-05-14 01:09:15 +02:00
if self.options.stash_untracked is True:
2021-05-14 01:09:15 +02:00
inkex.utils.debug("There are some untracked files in your MightyScape directory. Still trying to pull recent files from git...")
2021-05-21 10:30:49 +02:00
origin = local_repo.remotes.origin
remotes = []
remotes.append("") #main
remotes.append("") #copy/second remote
2021-05-27 23:22:12 +02:00
#finally run the update
success = self.update(local_repo, remotes[0])
if success is False: #try the second remote if first failed
self.msg("Error receiving latest remote commit from main git remote {}. Trying second remote ...".format(remotes[0]))
success = self.update(local_repo, remotes[1])
if success is False: #if still false:
self.msg("Error receiving latest remote commit from second git remote {}.\nAre you offline? Cannot continue!".format(remotes[0]))
2021-05-14 01:09:15 +02:00
inkex.utils.debug("No \".git\" directory found. Seems your MightyScape was not installed with git clone. Please see documentation on how to do that.")
if __name__ == '__main__':