Added Piano Scale
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Normal file
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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<name>Piano Scale</name>
<param name="firstNote" type="string" gui-text="First note">C1</param>
<param name="lastNote" type="string" gui-text="Last note">B2</param>
<param name="keynote" type="string" gui-text="Key note">C1</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="direct" gui-text="Direct intervals">
<param name="intervals" type="string" gui-text="Intervals">2212221</param>
<page name="scale" gui-text="Scale">
<param name="scale" type="enum" gui-text="Musical scale">
<option value="0">Ionian</option>
<option value="1">Dorian</option>
<option value="2">Phrygian</option>
<option value="3">Lydian</option>
<option value="4">Mixolydian</option>
<option value="5">Aeolian</option>
<option value="6">Locrian</option>
<page name="helpSheet" gui-text="Help sheet">
<param name="helpSheet" type="enum" gui-text="Help sheet">
<option value="0">Ionian scale</option>
<option value="1">Dorian scale</option>
<option value="2">Phrygian scale</option>
<option value="3">Lydian scale</option>
<option value="4">Mixolydian scale</option>
<option value="5">Aeolian scale</option>
<option value="6">Locrian scale</option>
<submenu name="FabLab Chemnitz">
<submenu name="Shape/Pattern from Generator"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
Normal file
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Inkscape generator plugin for automatic creation schemes of musical scales and chords.
Copyright (C) 2011 Iljin Alexender <piroxiljin(a)>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
__version__ = "1.0.1"
# Original by Alexander Iljin
# Some mods to 0.91 by Neon22 2016
import inkex
import re
import math
from datetime import *
from lxml import etree
notes = ('C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B')
keys_color = ('W', 'B', 'W', 'B', 'W', 'W', 'B', 'W', 'B', 'W', 'B', 'W') # 12 notes
keys = {'C':'W', 'C#':'B', 'D':'W', 'D#':'B', 'E':'W', 'F':'W', 'F#':'B', 'G':'W',
'G#':'B', 'A':'W', 'A#':'B', 'B':'W' }
keys_numbers = {'C':'0', 'C#':'0', 'D':'1', 'D#':'1', 'E':'2', 'F':'3', 'F#':'3', 'G':'4',
'G#':'4', 'A':'5', 'A#':'5', 'B':'6' }
keys_order = {'C':'0', 'C#':'1', 'D':'2', 'D#':'3', 'E':'4', 'F':'5', 'F#':'6', 'G':'7',
'G#':'8', 'A':'9', 'A#':'10', 'B':'11' }
intervals = ("2212221", "2122212", "1222122", "2221221", "2212212", "2122122", "1221222")
# Drawing style
White = '#ffffff'
Black = '#000000'
Marker_color = '#b3b3b3' # Ellipse fill color
helpSheets = [["Ionian (major) scale", "2212221"],
["Dorian scale", "2122212"],
["Phrygian scale", "1222122"],
["Lydian scale", "2221221"],
["Mixolydian scale", "2212212"],
["Aeolian (natural minor) scale", "2122122"],
["Locrian scale", "1221222"]
def keyNumberFromNote(note):
""" Given a note such as C1 or C#1 where:
- the 1 defines the octave (starts from 1)
- the # defines note is sharp
return the notes numeric value, from 0
note = note.upper().strip()
octave = 1
if '#' in note : # sharp
if (len(note) > 2) and note[2].isdigit():
octave = int(note[2])
note = note[0:2]
if (len(note) > 1) and note[1].isdigit():
octave = int(note[1])
note = note[0]
return int(keys_order[note])+(octave-1)*12
def whiteKeyCountInRange(firstNote, lastNote):
""" Count the White notes between
- used by createPiano
count = 0
for key in range(firstNote, lastNote+1):
if keys_color[key%12] == "W":
count += 1
return count
def colorFromKey(keyNumber):
""" Return B or W based on key. Use octaves
- used by create_markers
return keys_color[keyNumber%12]
class SVGPianoScale (inkex.Effect):
marker_radius_factor = 0.42 # position marker in X on piano key
marker_y_offset_factor = 0.92 # position marker in Y
def __init__(self):
self.arg_parser.add_argument("--firstNote", default="C1")
self.arg_parser.add_argument("--lastNote", default="B2")
self.arg_parser.add_argument("--scale", type=int)
self.arg_parser.add_argument("--helpSheet", type=int)
def calculate_size_and_positions(self):
" Determine page size and define key dimensions "
self.doc_width = self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().get('width'))
self.doc_height = self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().get('height'))
# Size of the keys
self.black_key_width = self.svg.unittouu('3.6 mm');
self.white_key_width = self.svg.unittouu('6 mm');
self.black_key_height = self.svg.unittouu('18 mm');
self.white_key_height = self.svg.unittouu('30 mm');
def createBlackKey(self, parent, number):
""" Insert Black key into scene
- number times width is X position
key_atts = {'x':str(self.white_key_width * number + self.white_key_width - self.black_key_width/2),
'ry':str(self.svg.unittouu('0.7 mm')),
'style':'fill:%s;stroke:%s;stroke-width:%s;stroke-opacity:1;fill-opacity:1' %(Black, Black, self.svg.unittouu('0.1 mm')) }
white_key = etree.SubElement(parent, 'rect', key_atts)
def createWhiteKey(self, parent, number):
""" Insert White key into scene
- number times width is X position
key_atts = {'x':str(self.white_key_width * number),
'ry':str(self.svg.unittouu('0.7 mm')),
'style':'fill:%s;stroke:%s;stroke-width:%s;stroke-opacity:1;fill-opacity:1' % (White, Black, self.svg.unittouu('0.25 mm'))}
white_key = etree.SubElement(parent, 'rect', key_atts)
def createKeyByNumber(self, parent, keyNumber):
""" Use Keynumber to detrmine octave and position within
- draw correct key on basis of note in octave sequence.
octave = math.floor(keyNumber / 12) + 1
note = keyNumber % 12
key = int(keys_numbers[notes[note]])
if keys_color[note] == "W":
self.createWhiteKey(parent, key+7*(octave-1))
self.createBlackKey(parent, key+7*(octave-1))
def createKeyInRange(self, parent, firstKeyNum, lastKeyNum):
""" Draw keys in a range
- do it twice so Black keys are drawn over White ones
for key in range(firstKeyNum, lastKeyNum+1):
if keys_color[key % 12] == 'W':
self.createKeyByNumber(parent, key)
for key in range(firstKeyNum, lastKeyNum+1):
if keys_color[key % 12] == 'B':
self.createKeyByNumber(parent, key)
def createPiano(self, parent):
""" Draw keys defined by options
- add Piano 'box' above
firstKeyNumber = keyNumberFromNote(self.options.firstNote)
lastKeyNumber = keyNumberFromNote(self.options.lastNote)
self.createKeyInRange(parent, firstKeyNumber, lastKeyNumber)
# Draw the Piano box above keys
rectBump = (self.white_key_width - self.black_key_width/2)
rectBump = self.svg.unittouu('1 mm')
rect_x1 = self.white_key_width * (whiteKeyCountInRange(0, firstKeyNumber)-1)- rectBump
rect_y1 = self.svg.unittouu('-3 mm')
rect_width = self.white_key_width * (whiteKeyCountInRange(firstKeyNumber, lastKeyNumber)) + rectBump*2
rect_height = self.svg.unittouu('4 mm')
rect_atts = {'x':str(rect_x1),
'style':'fill:%s;stroke:none;fill-opacity:1' %(White) }
rect = etree.SubElement(parent, 'rect', rect_atts)
path_atts = {'style':'fill:%s;stroke:%s;stroke-width:%s;stroke-opacity:1' %(White, Black, self.svg.unittouu('0.25 mm')),
'd':'m %s,%s l 0,%s %s,0 0, %s' % (rect_x1, rect_y1, rect_height, rect_width, -rect_height) }
path = etree.SubElement(parent, 'path', path_atts)
def createMarkerAt(self, parent, x, y, radius, markerText):
" Draw a Marker at position x,y "
markerGroup = etree.SubElement(parent, 'g')
# should replace with svg:circle
ellipce_atts = {
'd':'m %s,%s a %s,%s 0 1 1 %s,0 %s,%s 0 1 1 %s,0 z' %(x+radius, y, x, y, -radius*2, x, y, radius*2),
'style':'fill:%s;stroke:%s;stroke-width:%s;stroke-opacity:1;fill-opacity:1' %(Marker_color, Black, self.svg.unittouu('0.125 mm'))}
ellipse = etree.SubElement(markerGroup, 'path', ellipce_atts)
# draw the text
textstyle = {'font-size': '3 px',
'font-family': 'arial',
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'text-align': 'center',
'fill': Black }
text_atts = {'style':str(inkex.Style(textstyle)),
'x': str(x),
'y': str(y + radius*0.5) }
text = etree.SubElement(markerGroup, 'text', text_atts)
text.text = str(markerText)
def createMarkerOnWhite(self, parent, whiteNumber, markerText):
" Position Marker on White key "
radius = self.white_key_width * self.marker_radius_factor
center_x = self.white_key_width * (whiteNumber + 0.5)
center_y = self.white_key_height * self.marker_y_offset_factor - radius
self.createMarkerAt(parent, center_x, center_y, radius, markerText)
def createMarkerOnBlack(self, parent, whiteNumber, markerText):
" Position Marker on Black key "
radius = self.white_key_width * self.marker_radius_factor
center_x = self.white_key_width * (whiteNumber + 1)
center_y = self.black_key_height * self.marker_y_offset_factor - radius
self.createMarkerAt(parent, center_x, center_y, radius, markerText)
def createMarkers(self, parent, keyNumberList, markerTextList):
for key in keyNumberList:
octave = math.floor(key/12)
if colorFromKey(key) == "W":
self.createMarkerOnWhite(parent, int(keys_numbers[notes[key%12]])+(octave)*7, markerTextList[current])
self.createMarkerOnBlack(parent, int(keys_numbers[notes[key%12]])+(octave)*7, markerTextList[current])
current += 1;
def createMarkersFromIntervals(self, parent, intervals):
""" Check intervals.
Then gather keys which need markers
and the text for each one.
Make markers.
# Check intervals are well defined and markers are legit.
intervalSumm = sum([int(i) for i in intervals])
if intervalSumm != 12:
inkex.debug("Warning! Scale must have 12 half-tones. But %d defined."%(intervalSumm))
firstKeyNum = keyNumberFromNote(self.options.firstNote)
lastKeyNum = keyNumberFromNote(self.options.lastNote)
markedKeys = ()
markerText = ()
if keyNumberFromNote(self.options.keynote) in range(firstKeyNum, lastKeyNum+1):
currentKey = keyNumberFromNote(self.options.keynote)
markedKeys = (currentKey,)
markerText = ('1',)
currentInterval = 0
for key in range(keyNumberFromNote(self.options.keynote), lastKeyNum+1):
if key - currentKey == int(intervals[currentInterval]):
markedKeys += (key,)
currentInterval += 1
markerText += (str(currentInterval+1),)
if currentInterval == len(intervals):
currentInterval = 0
currentKey = key
currentKey = keyNumberFromNote(self.options.keynote)
currentInterval = len(intervals)-1
for key in range(keyNumberFromNote(self.options.keynote), firstKeyNum-1, -1):
if currentKey - key == int(intervals[currentInterval]):
markedKeys += (key,)
markerText += (str(currentInterval+1),)
currentInterval -= 1
if currentInterval == -1:
currentInterval = len(intervals)-1
currentKey = key
# make the markers
self.createMarkers(parent, markedKeys, markerText)
def createHelpSheet(self, parent, title, intervals):
""" Draw big text Label and draw 12 different scales
textstyle = {'font-size': '22px',
'font-family': 'arial',
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'text-align': 'center',
'fill': Black }
text_atts = {'style':str(inkex.Style(textstyle)),
'x': str( self.doc_width/2 ),
'y': str( self.black_key_height) }
text = etree.SubElement(parent, 'text', text_atts)
text.text = title
for i in range(0, 12):
# override the ui input value for each note in the scale
self.options.keynote = notes[i]
# calculate the piano position on the page
if keys_color[i] == "W":
t = 'translate(%s,%s)' % (self.doc_width/2,
self.doc_height - self.white_key_height*1.5
- (self.white_key_height + self.svg.unittouu('7 mm')) * int(keys_numbers[self.options.keynote]) )
else: # Black key
t = 'translate(%s,%s)' % (self.svg.unittouu('7 mm'),
self.doc_height- self.white_key_height*1.5
- (self.white_key_height+self.svg.unittouu('7 mm')) * int(keys_numbers[self.options.keynote]) - self.white_key_height*0.5 )
group = etree.SubElement(parent, 'g', { 'transform':t})
# Create a piano using that keynote in the Scale (defined in intervals)
self.createMarkersFromIntervals(group, intervals)
def effect(self):
parent = self.document.getroot()
if str( == "scale":
t = 'translate(%s,%s)' % ([0],[1])
group = etree.SubElement(parent, 'g', { 'transform':t})
self.createMarkersFromIntervals(group, intervals[self.options.scale])
elif str( == "helpSheet":
t = 'translate(%s,%s)' % (self.svg.unittouu('5 mm'), self.svg.unittouu('5 mm'))
group = etree.SubElement(parent, 'g', { 'transform':t})
scale_index = self.options.helpSheet
self.createHelpSheet(group, helpSheets[scale_index][0], helpSheets[scale_index][1])
else: # direct intervals
t = 'translate(%s,%s)' % ([0],[1])
group = etree.SubElement(parent, 'g', { 'transform':t})
self.createMarkersFromIntervals(group, self.options.intervals)
Reference in New Issue
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