Bugfixing Roland Cutstudio. Thanks to Max Gaukler

This commit is contained in:
Mario Voigt 2020-09-07 23:55:59 +02:00
parent 15e8907fbd
commit 2ec01ffc77

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# The source code is a horrible mess. I apologize for your inconvenience, but hope that it still helps. Feel free to improve :-)
# Keep everything python2 compatible as long as people out there are using Inkscape <= 0.92.4!
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
@ -41,9 +41,16 @@ import subprocess
import shutil
import numpy
from functools import reduce
import atexit
import filecmp
from pathlib import Path
import inkex
except ImportError:
# Workaround for Python < 3.5
class fakepath:
def home(self):
return os.path.expanduser("~")
Path = fakepath()
from functools import lru_cache
except ImportError:
@ -54,9 +61,12 @@ except ImportError:
import tempfile
DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
def message(s):
def debug(s):
# copied from https://github.com/t-oster/VisiCut/blob/0abe785a30d5d5085dd3b5953b38239b1ff83358/tools/inkscape_extension/visicut_export.py
def which(program, raiseError, extraPaths=[], subdir=None):
@ -283,32 +293,40 @@ def EPS2CutstudioEPS(src, dest, mirror=False):
return output(arr+[stack[-1]])
def transform(x, y):
#debug("trafo from: {} {}".format(x, y))
multiply = lambda a, b: a*b
multiply = lambda a, b: numpy.matmul(a, b)
# concatenate transformations by multiplying: new = transformation x previousTransformtaion
m=reduce(multiply, scalingStack[::-1])
#debug("with {}".format(m))
pnew = numpy.matmul(m, p)
#debug("to: {} {}".format(x, y))
return [x, y]
def toString(v):
like str(), but gives the exact same output for floats across python2 and python3
if isinstance(v, (type(float()), type(int()))):
return repr(v)
return str(v)
def outputMoveto(x, y):
[xx, yy]=transform(x, y)
return output([str(xx), str(yy), "m"])
return output([toString(xx), toString(yy), "m"])
def outputLineto(x, y):
[xx, yy]=transform(x, y)
return output([str(xx), str(yy), "l"])
return output([toString(xx), toString(yy), "l"])
def output(array):
array=list(map(str, array))
array=list(map(toString, array))
output=" ".join(array)
#debug("OUTPUT: "+output)
return output + "\n"
if mirror:
scalingStack.append(numpy.matrix(numpy.diag([-1, 1, 1])))
scalingStack.append(numpy.diag([-1, 1, 1]))
@ -344,11 +362,11 @@ def EPS2CutstudioEPS(src, dest, mirror=False):
outputStr += outputLineto(x, y+dy)
outputStr += outputLineto(x, y)
elif item=="cm": # matrix transformation
newTrafo=numpy.matrix([[float(stack[-7]), float(stack[-6]), 0], [float(stack[-5]), float(stack[-4]), 0], [float(stack[-3]), float(stack[-2]), 1]])
newTrafo=numpy.array([[float(stack[-7]), float(stack[-6]), 0], [float(stack[-5]), float(stack[-4]), 0], [float(stack[-3]), float(stack[-2]), 1]])
#debug("applying trafo "+str(newTrafo))
scalingStack[-1] = numpy.matmul(scalingStack[-1], newTrafo)
elif item=="q": # save graphics state to stack
elif item=="Q": # pop graphics state from stack
elif item in ["m", "l"]:
@ -379,7 +397,8 @@ for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
selectedElements +=[arg[5:]]
filename = arg
if "--selftest" in sys.argv:
filename = "./test-input.svg"
if len(selectedElements)==0:
shutil.copyfile(filename, filename+".filtered.svg")
@ -395,27 +414,46 @@ else:
cmd = [INKSCAPEBIN, "-T", "--export-ignore-filters", "--export-area-drawing", "--export-filename="+filename+".inkscape.eps", filename+".filtered.svg"]
inkscape_eps_file = filename + ".inkscape.eps"
#inkex.utils.debug(" ".join(cmd), file=sys.stderr)
#debug(" ".join(cmd))
assert 0 == subprocess.call(cmd, stderr=DEVNULL), 'EPS conversion failed: command returned error: ' + '"' + '" "'.join(cmd) + '"'
assert os.path.exists(inkscape_eps_file), 'EPS conversion failed: command did not create result file: ' + '"' + '" "'.join(cmd) + '"'
EPS2CutstudioEPS(inkscape_eps_file, filename+".cutstudio.eps", mirror=("--mirror=true" in sys.argv))
if "--selftest" in sys.argv:
# used for unit-testing: fixed location of output file
destination = "./test-output-actual.cutstudio.eps"
# normally
destination = filename + ".cutstudio.eps"
EPS2CutstudioEPS(inkscape_eps_file, destination, mirror=("--mirror=true" in sys.argv))
if "--selftest" in sys.argv:
# unittest: compare with known reference output
TEST_REFERENCE_FILE = "./test-output-reference.cutstudio.eps"
assert filecmp.cmp(destination, TEST_REFERENCE_FILE), "Test output changed. Please compare " + destination + " and " + TEST_REFERENCE_FILE
print("Selftest successful :-)")
if os.name=="nt":
DETACHED_PROCESS = 8 # start as "daemon"
Popen([which("CutStudio\CutStudio.exe", True), "/import", filename+".cutstudio.eps"], creationflags=DETACHED_PROCESS, close_fds=True)
Popen([which("CutStudio\CutStudio.exe", True), "/import", destination], creationflags=DETACHED_PROCESS, close_fds=True)
else: #check if we have access to "wine"
if which("wine", False) is not None:
if which("CutStudio.exe", False, [str(Path.home()) + "/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/CutStudio"]) is not None:
shutil.copyfile(filename + ".cutstudio.eps", str(Path.home()) + "/.wine/drive_c/cutstudio.eps")
inkex.utils.debug(str(Path.home()) + "/.wine/drive_c/'Program Files (x86)'/CutStudio/CutStudio.exe /import C:\\cutstudio.eps")
with os.popen("wine " + str(Path.home()) + "/.wine/drive_c/'Program Files (x86)'/CutStudio/CutStudio.exe /import C:\\cutstudio.eps", "r") as cutstudio:
result = cutstudio.read()
inkex.utils.debug("Found a wine installation on your system but no CutStudio.exe. You can easily emulate this Windows application on Linux using wine. To do this provide a valid CutStudio installation in directory \"$HOME/.wine/drive_c/'Program Files (x86)'/CutStudio/CutStudio.exe\". The wine emulation was tested to work properly with Roland CutStudio version 3.10. For now your file was saved to:\n" + filename + ".cutstudio.eps")
#os.popen("/usr/bin/xdg-open " + filename)
inkex.utils.debug("Your file was saved to:\n" + filename + ".cutstudio.eps" + "\n Please open that with CutStudio manually. Tip: install wine on your system and use it to install CutStudio on Linux. This InkScape extension will automatically detect it. It allows you to directly import the exported InkScape file into CutStudio.")
CUTSTUDIO_C_DRIVE = str(Path.home()) + "/.wine/drive_c/"
CUTSTUDIO_PATH_LINUX_WINE = CUTSTUDIO_C_DRIVE + "Program Files (x86)/CutStudio/CutStudio.exe"
CUTSTUDIO_COMMANDLINE = ["wine", CUTSTUDIO_PATH_LINUX_WINE, "/import", r'C:\cutstudio.eps']
if not which("wine", False):
raise Exception("Cannot find 'wine'")
if not os.path.exists(CUTSTUDIO_PATH_LINUX_WINE):
raise Exception("Cannot find CutStudio in " + CUTSTUDIO_PATH_LINUX_WINE)
shutil.copyfile(destination, CUTSTUDIO_C_DRIVE + "cutstudio.eps")
except Exception as exc:
message("Could not open CutStudio.\nInstead, your file was saved to:\n" + destination + "\n" + \
"Please open that with CutStudio manually. \n\n" + \
"Tip: On Linux, you can use 'wine' to install CutStudio 3.10. Then, the file will be directly opened with CutStudio. \n" + \
" Diagnostic information: \n" + str(exc))
#os.popen("/usr/bin/xdg-open " + filename)
#Popen(["inkscape", filename+".filtered.svg"], stderr=DEVNULL)
#Popen(["inkscape", filename+".cutstudio.eps"])