diff --git a/extensions/fablabchemnitz/playing_cards/playing_cards.inx b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/playing_cards/playing_cards.inx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4e8a729c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/playing_cards/playing_cards.inx
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ Playing Cards
+ fablabchemnitz.de.playing_cards
+ 2.5
+ 3.5
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 1
+ 5
+ 0
+ true
+ 5
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ all
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/fablabchemnitz/playing_cards/playing_cards.py b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/playing_cards/playing_cards.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2642442e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/playing_cards/playing_cards.py
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+from math import ceil, floor
+from lxml import etree
+import re
+import inkex
+# Constants
+# =========
+# A unit is represented as a conversion factor relative to the pixel unit. The
+# keys must be identical to the optiongroup options defined in the .inx file.
+UNITS = {
+ "px": 1.0,
+ "pt": 96.0 / 72.0,
+ "in": 96.0,
+ "cm": 96.0 / 2.54,
+ "mm": 96.0 / 25.4
+# EPSILON is used as a threshold by the rounding functions
+EPSILON = 1e-3
+# FOLD_LINE_TYPES defines the accepted values for horizontal and vertical
+# fold lines that can be set on the command line.
+NO_FOLD_LINE = "NoFoldLine"
+HORIZONTAL_FOLD_LINE = "HorizontalFoldLine"
+VERTICAL_FOLD_LINE = "VerticalFoldLine"
+# Functions that change positions in some way
+# ===========================================
+def round_up(value, grid_size):
+ """
+ Return the smallest grid point that is greater or equal to the value.
+ :type value: float
+ :type grid_size: float
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ try:
+ return ceil(value / grid_size - EPSILON) * grid_size
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+ return value
+def round_down(value, grid_size):
+ """
+ Return the greatest grid point that is less or equal to the value.
+ :type value: float
+ :type grid_size: float
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ try:
+ return floor(value / grid_size + EPSILON) * grid_size
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+ return value
+def mirror_at(value, at):
+ """
+ Reflect the value at a given point.
+ :type value: float
+ :type at: float
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return 2.0 * at - value
+# Functions related to quantities and units
+# =========================================
+def convert_unit(source_unit, target_unit):
+ """
+ Returns a factor that converts from one unit to another.
+ :type source_unit: str | float
+ :type target_unit: str | float
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ # If the units are the same the conversion factor is obviously 1
+ if source_unit == target_unit:
+ return 1.0
+ # If the unit is given as a float nothing needs to be done. Otherwise we
+ # try to find the unit and its float value in the dictionary of valid
+ # units.
+ if not isinstance(source_unit, float):
+ if source_unit not in UNITS.keys():
+ raise ValueError("unexpected unit \"" + source_unit + "\"")
+ source_unit = UNITS[source_unit]
+ if not isinstance(target_unit, float):
+ if target_unit not in UNITS.keys():
+ raise ValueError("unexpected unit \"" + target_unit + "\"")
+ target_unit = UNITS[target_unit]
+ return source_unit / target_unit
+def make_quantity(magnitude, unit):
+ """
+ Create a quantity from a magnitude and a unit.
+ :type magnitude: float
+ :type unit: str
+ """
+ return "{0}{1}".format(magnitude, unit)
+def split_quantity(quantity):
+ """
+ Split a quantity into its magnitude and unit and return them as a tuple.
+ :type quantity: str
+ :rtype: (float, str) | (float, NoneType)
+ """
+ # Matches a floating point number optionally followed by letters. The
+ # floating point number is the magnitude and the letters are the unit.
+ pattern = re.compile(r'(?P[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?)'
+ r'(?P[a-zA-Z]+)?')
+ match = re.match(pattern, quantity)
+ if match:
+ return (float(match.group("magnitude")), match.group("unit"))
+ else:
+ return (0, None)
+def convert_quantity(quantity, target_unit):
+ """
+ Convert the unit of a quantity to another unit.
+ :type quantity: str
+ :type taget_unit: str | float
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return "{0}{1}".format(convert_magnitude(quantity, target_unit), target_unit)
+def convert_magnitude(quantity, target_unit):
+ """
+ Convert the unit of a quantity to another unit and return only the new magnitude.
+ :type quantity: str
+ :type target_unit: str | float
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ magnitude, source_unit = split_quantity(quantity)
+ new_magnitude = magnitude * convert_unit(source_unit, target_unit)
+ return new_magnitude
+# Functions related to the placement of cards
+# ===========================================
+def calculate_positions_without_fold_line(page_size, margin_size, card_size,
+ bleed_size, grid_size, min_spacing,
+ grid_aligned):
+ """
+ Position cards along one direction of the page without a fold line.
+ The calculated positions are the positions of the right edges or bottom
+ edges of the cards. The other edges and the positions of the bleeds can be
+ easily derived by adding card_size, -bleed_size, and card_size+bleed_size.
+ All sizes and spacings must be given as magnitudes, i.e. without units.
+ Their units are assumed to be identical but can be arbitrary.
+ :param page_size: The width or height of the page.
+ :type page_size: float
+ :param margin_size: The empty margin of the page. Nothing will be placed in
+ the margin except for the frame.
+ :type margin_size: float
+ :param card_size: The width or height of each card.
+ :type card_size: float
+ :param bleed_size: The bleed around each card. This can be zero.
+ :type bleed_size: float
+ :param grid_size: The size of the alignment grid. The value is ignored if
+ grid_aligned is False.
+ :type grid_size: float
+ :param min_spacing: The minimum distance between two cards.
+ :type min_spacing: float
+ :param grid_aligned: Whether or not the beginning of a card should be on a
+ grid point.
+ :type grid_aligned: bool
+ :return: A list containing the beginnings of each card
+ :rtype: [float]
+ """
+ # The bleed of the first card begins where the page margin ends. The card
+ # is then moved to the next grid point if grid_aligned is True.
+ card_begin = margin_size + bleed_size
+ if grid_aligned:
+ card_begin = round_up(card_begin, grid_size)
+ card_end = card_begin + card_size
+ # There are to bleeds between the end of the first card and the beginning
+ # of the next. The spacing between two cards is two bleeds or min_spacing,
+ # whichever is greater. If grid_aligned is True the next card is moved even
+ # farther away so that it begins at the next grid point.
+ spacing = max(min_spacing, 2.0 * bleed_size)
+ if grid_aligned:
+ spacing = round_up(card_end + spacing, grid_size) - card_end
+ # We add cards and spacings until we run out of enough empty space.
+ cards = []
+ remaining = 0
+ while True:
+ card_end = card_begin + card_size
+ next_remaining = page_size - margin_size - card_end - bleed_size
+ if next_remaining < 0:
+ break
+ remaining = next_remaining
+ cards.append(card_begin)
+ card_begin = card_end + spacing
+ # Shift everything towards the center of the page.
+ shift = remaining / 2.0
+ if grid_aligned:
+ shift = round_down(shift, grid_size)
+ cards = [card + shift for card in cards]
+ return cards
+def calculate_positions_with_fold_line(page_size, margin_size, card_size,
+ bleed_size, grid_size, min_spacing,
+ min_fold_line_spacing, grid_aligned):
+ """
+ Position the cards along one direction of the page with a central fold line.
+ The calculated positions are the positions of the right edges or bottom
+ edges of the cards. The other edges and the positions of the bleeds can be
+ easily derived by adding card_size, -bleed_size, and card_size+bleed_size.
+ All sizes and spacings must be given as magnitudes, i.e. without units.
+ Their units are assumed to be identical but can be arbitrary.
+ :param page_size: The width or height of the page.
+ :type page_size: float
+ :param margin_size: The empty margin of the page. Nothing will be placed in
+ the margin.
+ :type margin_size: float
+ :param card_size: The width or height of each card.
+ :type card_size: float
+ :param bleed_size: The bleed around each card. This can be zero.
+ :type bleed_size: float
+ :param grid_size: The size of the alignment grid. The value is ignored if
+ grid_aligned is False.
+ :type grid_size: float
+ :param min_spacing: The minimum distance between two cards.
+ :type min_spacing: float
+ :param min_fold_line_spacing: The minimum distance between a card and the
+ fold line.
+ :type min_fold_line_spacing: float
+ :param grid_aligned: Whether or not the beginning of a card should be on a
+ grid point.
+ :type grid_aligned: bool
+ :return: A tuple with a list containing the beginnings of each card and the
+ position of the fold line.
+ :rtype: ([float], float)
+ """
+ # The spacing between the two central cards at the fold line must be at
+ # at least 2*bleed_size or 2*min_fold_line_spacing or min_spacing,
+ # whichever is the greatest.
+ central_spacing = max(2.0 * min_fold_line_spacing,
+ max(min_spacing, 2.0 * bleed_size))
+ # First we assume that the fold line is at the center of the page. This
+ # might change a bit later if we want grid alignment. We then place the
+ # first card before the fold line so that there is an empty space of
+ # central_spacing/2 between the card and the fold line.
+ card_begin = (page_size - central_spacing) / 2.0 - card_size
+ if grid_aligned:
+ card_begin = round_down(card_begin, grid_size)
+ card_end = card_begin + card_size
+ # The card on the other side can be placed by mirroring the first card at
+ # the fold line. But this card is not neccessarily grid aligned. We fix that
+ # by increasing the central spacing so that the first card on the other side
+ # of the fold line is also grid aligned.
+ if grid_aligned:
+ central_spacing = round_up(
+ card_end + central_spacing, grid_size) - card_end
+ # The fold line should not be at the center of the page but in the middle
+ # between the two central cards. If we don't use grid alignment then this
+ # is also the center of the page.
+ fold_line = card_end + central_spacing / 2.0
+ # The spacing between all remaining cards might be different because we
+ # don't use min_fold_line_spacing. But the calculation remains the same as
+ # for the two central cards.
+ spacing = max(min_spacing, 2.0 * bleed_size)
+ if grid_aligned:
+ spacing = round_up(card_end + spacing, grid_size) - card_end
+ # Now that we have calculated all spacings we start adding cards to both
+ # sides of the fold line beginning at the center and moving outwards.
+ cards = []
+ while True:
+ if card_begin < margin_size:
+ break
+ cards.append(card_begin)
+ cards.append(mirror_at(card_end, fold_line))
+ card_begin -= card_size + spacing
+ card_end = card_begin + card_size
+ # We sort the positions of the cards so that the positions start with the
+ # lowest and end with the highest value.
+ cards.sort()
+ return (cards, fold_line)
+class PlayingCardsExtension(inkex.EffectExtension):
+ """
+ Implements the interface for Inkscape addons.
+ An instance of this class is created in main(). __init__() sets up the
+ OptionParser provided by the base class to recognize all needed command
+ line parameters. Then in main() inkex.Effect.run() is called which then
+ parses the command line and calls effect(). This is where we do our work.
+ """
+ # Constants passed from the command line
+ GRID_SIZE = None
+ USER_UNIT = None # The unit used in the document
+ horizontal_card_positions = None # Calculated horizontal positions
+ vertical_card_positions = None # Calculated vertical positions
+ fold_line_position = None # Calculated position of the fold line
+ def add_arguments(self, pars):
+ """
+ Initialize the OptionParser with recognized parameters.
+ The option names must be identical to those defined in the .inx file.
+ The option values are later used to initialize the class constants.
+ """
+ pars.add_argument("--pageName", type=str)
+ pars.add_argument("--cardWidth", type=float)
+ pars.add_argument("--cardWidthUnit", choices=UNITS.keys())
+ pars.add_argument("--cardHeight", type=float)
+ pars.add_argument("--cardHeightUnit", choices=UNITS.keys())
+ pars.add_argument("--bleedSize", type=float, action="store")
+ pars.add_argument("--bleedSizeUnit", choices=UNITS.keys())
+ pars.add_argument("--minCardSpacing", type=float)
+ pars.add_argument("--minCardSpacingUnit", choices=UNITS.keys())
+ pars.add_argument("--cropMarkSpacing", type=float)
+ pars.add_argument("--cropMarkSpacingUnit", choices=UNITS.keys())
+ pars.add_argument("--minFoldLineSpacing", type=float)
+ pars.add_argument("--minFoldLineSpacingUnit", choices=UNITS.keys())
+ pars.add_argument("--pageMargin", type=float)
+ pars.add_argument("--pageMarginUnit", choices=UNITS.keys())
+ pars.add_argument("--frameSpacing", type=float)
+ pars.add_argument("--frameSpacingUnit", choices=UNITS.keys())
+ pars.add_argument("--gridSize", type=float)
+ pars.add_argument("--gridSizeUnit", choices=UNITS.keys())
+ pars.add_argument("--gridAligned", type=inkex.Boolean)
+ pars.add_argument("--foldLineType", choices=FOLD_LINE_TYPES)
+ pars.add_argument("--drawGuides", type=inkex.Boolean)
+ pars.add_argument("--drawCards", type=inkex.Boolean)
+ pars.add_argument("--drawBleeds", type=inkex.Boolean)
+ pars.add_argument("--drawCropLines", type=inkex.Boolean)
+ pars.add_argument("--drawFoldLine", type=inkex.Boolean)
+ pars.add_argument("--drawPageMargin", type=inkex.Boolean)
+ pars.add_argument("--drawFrame", type=inkex.Boolean)
+ def init_user_unit(self):
+ """
+ Determine the user unit from the document contents.
+ """
+ root = self.document.getroot()
+ view_box = root.get("viewBox")
+ # If the document has a valid viewBox we try to derive the user unit
+ # from that.
+ valid_view_box = view_box and len(view_box.split()) == 4
+ if valid_view_box:
+ view_box = root.get("viewBox").split()
+ view_box_width, view_box_width_unit = split_quantity(view_box[2])
+ # If the viewBox has a unit use that.
+ if view_box_width_unit:
+ self.USER_UNIT = view_box_width_unit
+ # If the viewBox has no unit derive the unit from the ratio between
+ # the document width and the viewBox width.
+ else:
+ document_width, document_width_unit = split_quantity(
+ self.document_width())
+ self.USER_UNIT = document_width / view_box_width
+ if document_width_unit:
+ self.USER_UNIT *= UNITS[document_width_unit]
+ # If the document has no valid viewBox we try to derive the user unit
+ # from the document width.
+ else:
+ document_width, document_width_unit = split_quantity(
+ self.document_width())
+ if document_width_unit:
+ self.USER_UNIT = UNITS[document_width_unit]
+ else:
+ # This might be problematic because v0.91 uses 90dpi and v0.92
+ # uses 96dpi
+ self.USER_UNIT = UNITS["px"]
+ def init_constants(self):
+ """
+ Initialize the class constants from the OptionParser values and the
+ document contents.
+ This converts all quantities from the unit given on the command line to
+ the user unit.
+ """
+ self.PAGE_WIDTH = self.to_user_unit(self.document_width())
+ self.PAGE_HEIGHT = self.to_user_unit(self.document_height())
+ self.CARD_WIDTH = self.to_user_unit(
+ make_quantity(self.options.cardWidth,
+ self.options.cardWidthUnit))
+ self.CARD_HEIGHT = self.to_user_unit(
+ make_quantity(self.options.cardHeight,
+ self.options.cardHeightUnit))
+ self.BLEED_SIZE = self.to_user_unit(
+ make_quantity(self.options.bleedSize,
+ self.options.bleedSizeUnit))
+ self.GRID_SIZE = self.to_user_unit(
+ make_quantity(self.options.gridSize,
+ self.options.gridSizeUnit))
+ self.MIN_CARD_SPACING = self.to_user_unit(
+ make_quantity(self.options.minCardSpacing,
+ self.options.minCardSpacingUnit))
+ self.CROP_MARK_SPACING = self.to_user_unit(
+ make_quantity(self.options.cropMarkSpacing,
+ self.options.cropMarkSpacingUnit))
+ self.MIN_FOLD_LINE_SPACING = self.to_user_unit(
+ make_quantity(self.options.minFoldLineSpacing,
+ self.options.minFoldLineSpacingUnit))
+ self.PAGE_MARGIN = self.to_user_unit(
+ make_quantity(self.options.pageMargin,
+ self.options.pageMarginUnit))
+ self.FRAME_SPACING = self.to_user_unit(
+ make_quantity(self.options.frameSpacing,
+ self.options.frameSpacingUnit))
+ self.ALIGN_TO_GRID = self.options.gridAligned
+ self.FOLD_LINE_TYPE = self.options.foldLineType
+ self.DRAW_GUIDES = self.options.drawGuides
+ self.DRAW_CARDS = self.options.drawCards
+ self.DRAW_BLEEDS = self.options.drawBleeds
+ self.DRAW_CROP_LINES = self.options.drawCropLines
+ self.DRAW_FOLD_LINE = self.options.drawFoldLine
+ self.DRAW_PAGE_MARGIN = self.options.drawPageMargin
+ self.DRAW_FRAME = self.options.drawFrame
+ def effect(self):
+ self.init_user_unit()
+ self.init_constants()
+ self.calculate_positions()
+ # Create one layer for the things that we want to print and another
+ # layer for things that we don't want to print but are useful while
+ # working on the cards.
+ non_printing_layer = self.create_layer("(template) non printing")
+ printing_layer = self.create_layer("(template) printing")
+ if self.DRAW_GUIDES:
+ self.create_guides()
+ if self.DRAW_CARDS:
+ self.create_cards(non_printing_layer)
+ if self.DRAW_BLEEDS:
+ self.create_bleeds(non_printing_layer)
+ if self.DRAW_CROP_LINES:
+ self.create_crop_lines(printing_layer)
+ if self.DRAW_FOLD_LINE:
+ self.create_fold_line(printing_layer)
+ self.create_margin(non_printing_layer)
+ if self.DRAW_FRAME:
+ self.create_frame(printing_layer)
+ def to_user_unit(self, quantity):
+ """
+ Convert a quantity to the user unit and return its magnitude.
+ :type quantity: str
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ return convert_magnitude(quantity, self.USER_UNIT)
+ def document_width(self):
+ """
+ Return the document width.
+ The width is read from the document. It may or may not contain a unit.
+ """
+ return self.document.getroot().get("width")
+ def document_height(self):
+ """
+ Return the document height.
+ The height is read from the document. It may or may not contain a unit.
+ """
+ return self.document.getroot().get("height")
+ def calculate_positions(self):
+ """
+ Calculate the horizontal and vertical positions of all cards.
+ The results are stored in self.horizontal_card_positions,
+ self.vertical_card_positions, and self.fold_line_position.
+ """
+ self.horizontal_card_positions, self.fold_line_position = \
+ calculate_positions_with_fold_line(
+ self.PAGE_WIDTH,
+ self.CARD_WIDTH,
+ self.BLEED_SIZE,
+ self.GRID_SIZE,
+ else:
+ self.horizontal_card_positions = \
+ calculate_positions_without_fold_line(
+ self.PAGE_WIDTH,
+ self.CARD_WIDTH,
+ self.BLEED_SIZE,
+ self.GRID_SIZE,
+ self.vertical_card_positions, self.fold_line_position = \
+ calculate_positions_with_fold_line(
+ self.BLEED_SIZE,
+ self.GRID_SIZE,
+ else:
+ self.vertical_card_positions = \
+ calculate_positions_without_fold_line(
+ self.BLEED_SIZE,
+ self.GRID_SIZE,
+ # Functions related to the structure of the document
+ # ==================================================
+ def create_group(self, parent, label):
+ """
+ Create a new group in the svg document.
+ :type parent: lxml.etree._Element
+ :type label: str
+ :rtype: lxml.etree._Element
+ """
+ group = etree.SubElement(parent, "g")
+ group.set(inkex.addNS("label", "inkscape"), label)
+ return group
+ def create_layer(self, label, is_visible=True, is_locked=True):
+ """
+ Create a new layer in the svg document.
+ :type label: str
+ :rtype: lxml.etree._Element
+ """
+ layer = self.create_group(self.document.getroot(), label)
+ layer.set(inkex.addNS("groupmode", "inkscape"), "layer")
+ # The Inkscape y-axis runs from bottom to top, the SVG y-axis runs from
+ # top to bottom. Therefore we need to transform all y coordinates.
+ layer.set(
+ "transform", "matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 {0})".format(self.PAGE_HEIGHT))
+ # Don't show the layer contents
+ if not is_visible:
+ layer.set("style", "display:none")
+ # Lock the layer
+ if is_locked:
+ layer.set(inkex.addNS("insensitive", "sodipodi"), "true")
+ return layer
+ # Functions related to the contents of the document
+ # =================================================
+ def create_guide(self, x, y, orientation):
+ """
+ Create an arbitrary guide.
+ :type x: float
+ :type y: float
+ :type orientation: str
+ """
+ view = self.document.getroot().find(inkex.addNS("namedview", "sodipodi"))
+ guide = etree.SubElement(view, inkex.addNS("guide", "sodipodi"))
+ guide.set("orientation", orientation)
+ guide.set("position", "{0},{1}".format(x, y))
+ def create_horizontal_guide(self, y):
+ """
+ Create a horizontal guide.
+ """
+ self.create_guide(0, y, "0,1")
+ def create_vertical_guide(self, x):
+ """
+ Create a vertical guide.
+ """
+ self.create_guide(x, 0, "1,0")
+ def create_guides(self):
+ """
+ Create guides at all sides of all cards and bleeds.
+ """
+ for x in self.horizontal_card_positions:
+ self.create_vertical_guide(x)
+ self.create_vertical_guide(x + self.CARD_WIDTH)
+ if self.BLEED_SIZE > 0:
+ self.create_vertical_guide(x - self.BLEED_SIZE)
+ self.create_vertical_guide(x + self.CARD_WIDTH + self.BLEED_SIZE)
+ for y in self.vertical_card_positions:
+ self.create_horizontal_guide(y)
+ self.create_horizontal_guide(y + self.CARD_HEIGHT)
+ if self.BLEED_SIZE > 0:
+ self.create_horizontal_guide(y - self.BLEED_SIZE)
+ self.create_horizontal_guide(y + self.CARD_HEIGHT + self.BLEED_SIZE)
+ def create_bleeds(self, parent):
+ """
+ Creates a rectangle for each bleed.
+ :type parent: lxml.etree._Element
+ """
+ if self.BLEED_SIZE <= 0:
+ return
+ attributes = {"x": str(-self.BLEED_SIZE),
+ "y": str(-self.BLEED_SIZE),
+ "width": str(self.CARD_WIDTH + 2.0 * self.BLEED_SIZE),
+ "height": str(self.CARD_HEIGHT + 2.0 * self.BLEED_SIZE),
+ "stroke": "black",
+ "stroke-width": str(self.to_user_unit("0.25pt")),
+ "fill": "none"}
+ for y in self.vertical_card_positions:
+ for x in self.horizontal_card_positions:
+ attributes["transform"] = "translate({0},{1})".format(x, y)
+ etree.SubElement(parent, "rect", attributes)
+ def create_cards(self, parent):
+ """
+ Create a rectangle for each card.
+ :type parent: lxml.etree._Element
+ """
+ attributes = {"x": str(0),
+ "y": str(0),
+ "width": str(self.CARD_WIDTH),
+ "height": str(self.CARD_HEIGHT),
+ "stroke": "black",
+ "stroke-width": str(self.to_user_unit("0.25pt")),
+ "fill": "none"}
+ for y in self.vertical_card_positions:
+ for x in self.horizontal_card_positions:
+ attributes["transform"] = "translate({0},{1})".format(x, y)
+ etree.SubElement(parent, "rect", attributes)
+ def create_fold_line(self, parent):
+ """
+ Create a horizontal or vertical fold line.
+ :type parent: lxml.etree._Element
+ """
+ attributes = {"stroke": "black",
+ "stroke-width": str(self.to_user_unit("0.25pt")),
+ "fill": "none"}
+ attributes["d"] = "M 0,{0} H {1}".format(
+ self.fold_line_position, self.PAGE_WIDTH)
+ attributes["d"] = "M {0},0 V {1}".format(
+ self.fold_line_position, self.PAGE_HEIGHT)
+ else:
+ return
+ etree.SubElement(parent, "path", attributes)
+ def create_crop_lines(self, parent):
+ """
+ Create horizontal and vertical crop lines.
+ :type parent: lxml.etree._Element
+ """
+ attributes = {"stroke": "black",
+ "stroke-width": str(self.to_user_unit("0.25pt")),
+ "fill": "none"}
+ # (begin, end) pairs for vertical crop line between bleeds
+ pairs = []
+ begin = 0
+ for y in self.vertical_card_positions:
+ end = y - self.BLEED_SIZE - self.CROP_MARK_SPACING
+ # Only add lines if they fit between two bleeds
+ if end - begin >= EPSILON:
+ pairs.append((begin, end))
+ begin = end + self.CARD_HEIGHT \
+ + 2.0 * self.BLEED_SIZE \
+ + 2.0 * self.CROP_MARK_SPACING
+ pairs.append((begin, self.PAGE_HEIGHT))
+ # One crop line consists of many short strokes
+ attributes["d"] = " ".join(["M 0,{0} 0,{1}".format(begin, end)
+ for (begin, end) in pairs])
+ # Shifted copies of the crop line
+ for x in self.horizontal_card_positions:
+ attributes["transform"] = "translate({0},0)".format(x)
+ etree.SubElement(parent, "path", attributes)
+ attributes["transform"] = "translate({0},0)".format(
+ x + self.CARD_WIDTH)
+ etree.SubElement(parent, "path", attributes)
+ # (begin, end) pairs for horizontal crop line between bleeds
+ pairs = []
+ begin = 0
+ for x in self.horizontal_card_positions:
+ end = x - self.BLEED_SIZE - self.CROP_MARK_SPACING
+ # Only add lines if they fit between two bleeds
+ if end - begin >= EPSILON:
+ pairs.append((begin, end))
+ begin = end + self.CARD_WIDTH \
+ + 2.0 * self.BLEED_SIZE \
+ + 2.0 * self.CROP_MARK_SPACING
+ pairs.append((begin, self.PAGE_WIDTH))
+ # One crop line consists of many short strokes
+ attributes["d"] = " ".join(["M {0},0 {1},0".format(begin, end)
+ for (begin, end) in pairs])
+ # Shifted copies of the crop line
+ for y in self.vertical_card_positions:
+ attributes["transform"] = "translate(0,{0})".format(y)
+ etree.SubElement(parent, "path", attributes)
+ attributes["transform"] = "translate(0,{0})".format(
+ y + self.CARD_HEIGHT)
+ etree.SubElement(parent, "path", attributes)
+ def create_margin(self, parent):
+ """
+ Create a rectangle for the page margin.
+ :type parent: lxml.etree._Element
+ """
+ if self.PAGE_MARGIN <= 0:
+ return
+ attributes = {"x": str(self.PAGE_MARGIN),
+ "y": str(self.PAGE_MARGIN),
+ "width": str(self.PAGE_WIDTH - 2.0 * self.PAGE_MARGIN),
+ "height": str(self.PAGE_HEIGHT - 2.0 * self.PAGE_MARGIN),
+ "stroke": "black",
+ "stroke-width": str(self.to_user_unit("0.25pt")),
+ "stroke-dasharray": "0.5,0.5",
+ "fill": "none"}
+ etree.SubElement(parent, "rect", attributes)
+ def create_frame(self, parent):
+ """
+ Create a frame around the cards.
+ """
+ # If we don't have any cards we can't draw a frame around them
+ if len(self.horizontal_card_positions) == 0 or \
+ len(self.vertical_card_positions) == 0:
+ return
+ XMIN = min(self.horizontal_card_positions)
+ XMAX = max(self.horizontal_card_positions)
+ YMIN = min(self.vertical_card_positions)
+ YMAX = max(self.vertical_card_positions)
+ attributes = {"x": str(LEFT),
+ "y": str(BOTTOM),
+ "width": str(WIDTH),
+ "height": str(HEIGHT),
+ "stroke": "black",
+ "stroke-width": str(self.to_user_unit("0.25pt")),
+ "fill": "none"}
+ etree.SubElement(parent, "rect", attributes)
+def main():
+ PlayingCardsExtension().run()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()