added parallel translation
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<name>Parallel Translation</name>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="info" gui-text="Info">
<label xml:space="preserve">Parallel-Translation v1.0 (c) 2021 Christian Vogt
This extension allows parallel translations and alignment operations of selected straight lines. These lines can be simple path objects (with only start- and end-node) or line segments of larger path objects.
To show information about the selected paths/lines, use this tab.
To apply the translation to all selcted paths/lines, use the 'Translation' tab.
To align a group to a path/line, use the 'Group-Alignment' tab.
To turn a line/path into a alignment group, use the 'Obj-to-Group' tab.
Alignment groups shall contain an object to mark its 'rotation center'. The extension identifies this object by its fill-color. To setup this color, use the 'Group-Alignment' tab. During alignment, the 'rotation center' of the group is placed onto the middle of the selected path/line, and the group is rotated around this center.
<page name="translation" gui-text="Translation">
<param name="copyMode" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="Movement is applied to:">
<option value="none">just the object (no copy)</option>
<option value="copy">a copy of the object</option>
<option value="obj">the object keeping a copy</option>
<label>Distance to move:</label>
<spacer size="expand" />
<param name="distance" type="float" precision="3" min="-9999" max="9999" gui-text=" ">0</param>
<param name="distUnit" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text=" ">
<option value="px">px</option>
<option value="pt">pt</option>
<option value="in">in</option>
<option value="mm">mm</option>
<option value="cm">cm</option>
<option value="m">m</option>
<option value="km">km</option>
<option value="Q">Q</option>
<option value="pc">pc</option>
<option value="yd">yd</option>
<option value="ft">ft</option>
<param name="reverse" type="bool" gui-text="Translate in opposite direction">false</param>
<param name="useFixedAngle" type="bool" gui-text="Use a fixed translation angle of:">false</param>
<spacer size="expand" />
<param name="fixedAngle" type="float" precision="2" min="-360" max="360" gui-text=" ">0</param>
<page name="align" gui-text="Group-Alignment">
<param name="copyModeA" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="Alignment is applied to:">
<option value="none">just the group (no copy)</option>
<option value="copy">a copy of the group</option>
<option value="obj">the group keeping a copy</option>
<param name="lengthModeA" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="Group width adjustment method:" gui-description="Selects how the group width shall be adjusted to match the path length">
<option value="none">no adjustment</option>
<option value="scale">stretch/resize the group</option>
<option value="endpoints">adjust line endpoints</option>
<param name="endpTol" type="int" min="0" max="49" appearance="full" gui-text="Endpoint tolerance" gui-description="Affects which nodes are moved in 'adjust line endpoints'-mode. This is the maximal distance of a node to the groups edge in order to be moved (in percentage of the groups width)">15</param>
<param name="colorA" type="color" appearance="colorbutton" gui-text="Rotation center object fill color:" gui-description="Fill color of the object that marks the groups rotation center.">0x20f020ff</param>
<param name="rmFromGroup" type="bool" gui-text="Remove rotation center object from aligned group">false</param>
<param name="reverseA" type="bool" gui-text="Rotate group by an additional angle of 180 degrees" gui-description="This may be handy in case the start- and end-node of the controlling path are reversed.">false</param>
<page name="group" gui-text="Obj-to-Goup">
<label>Rotation center object size:</label>
<spacer size="expand" />
<param name="ctSize" type="float" precision="3" min="-9999" max="9999" gui-text=" ">1</param>
<param name="ctSzUnit" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text=" ">
<option value="px">px</option>
<option value="pt">pt</option>
<option value="in">in</option>
<option value="mm">mm</option>
<option value="cm">cm</option>
<option value="m">m</option>
<option value="km">km</option>
<option value="Q">Q</option>
<option value="pc">pc</option>
<option value="yd">yd</option>
<option value="ft">ft</option>
<param name="reverseG" type="bool" gui-text="Rotate group by an additional angle of 180 degrees" gui-description="This may be handy in case the start- and end-node of the controlling path segment are reversed.">false</param>
<submenu name="FabLab Chemnitz">
<submenu name="Modify existing Path(s)"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2021 Christian Vogt <>
# recursiveFuseTransform() has originally been written by
# Mark "Klowner" Riedesel
# see:
# edgeResize() has been inspired by inkscape-round-corners extension by
# Juergen Weigert <>
# see:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# This extension was written and tested using Inkscape V1.0.2
# Most probably, it will not work on versions prior to V1.0
# Resources I found being useful and inspiring:
# The purpose of this extension is to help performing parallel
# translations of selected straight paths (lines). This is equivalent
# to changing the absolute X coordinate of a vertical line or changing
# the absolute Y coordinate of a horizontal line, but for lines drawn
# in any angle.
# The second purpose is to align a group of objects to such a line
# drawn in any angle. This means: moving and rotating the group and
# adjust its width to match the line length.
# To align two objects, it is also possible to turn one of them into
# a group by adding a 'rotation center object' in the middle of the
# selected path/lines, and rotate the group into its 0-degrees position.
# This group can then aligned to the other object.
# V0.1 2021-04-20 : initial version.
# V0.2 2021-04-21 :
# - Fix: avoid using deprecated inkex API.
# - Fix: move both point and handles of a node to avoid
# non-intentional creating curves out of flat line segments.
# - New: added 'endpoint tolerance' parameter (--endpTol)
# - New: now supports having the rotation center object outside the
# horizontal center of the group.
# V0.3 2021-04-28 :
# - New: now allows to select two nodes of a larger path to be used
# as straight line to use for calculating the length and
# translation angle.
# - Mod: Added 'global' section to the information printout.
# - Mod: For closed paths (start point matches end point), we
# use a hardcoded translation angle of 0 degrees.
# V0.4 2021-04-29 :
# - New: Added the 'Obj-to-Group' tab.
# - Mod: Updated the info-tab description.
# V0.5 2021-05-04 :
# - New: Added 'remove rotation center object' checkbox.
# - Mod: Added LICENCE file.
# - Mod: Changed default rotation center object color to neon green.
# (because pink has already been used for cut-lines in some
# existing drawings)
# V0.6 2021-05-05 :
# - Mod: added a workaround for un-selecting a path after we've
# created a rotation-group out of it.
# V0.7 2021-05-11 :
# - Mod: Added more error-checking to the 'Obj-to-Group' function.
# - Mod: 'Obj-to-Group' is now able to group multiple objects.
# - Mod: Changed copyright and put version information into inx-file.
# V1.0 2021-09-03 :
# - Doc: Moved to github repository.
# - Doc: Added and screenshot art.
# - Doc: Now using the mail address that corresponds to github account.
# - Fix: Fixed stretch/resize option of group alignment.
import math
import inkex
from inkex.paths import CubicSuperPath, Path
from inkex.transforms import Transform
from inkex.styles import Style
NULL_TRANSFORM = Transform([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
class ParallelTranlation(inkex.EffectExtension):
def add_arguments(self, pars):
# 'translation' Tab
pars.add_argument("--copyMode" , type=str , default="none", help="Move copy or original")
pars.add_argument("--distance" , type=float , default=0 , help="Distance to move")
pars.add_argument("--distUnit" , type=str , default="mm" , help="Unit of the distance")
pars.add_argument("--reverse" , type=inkex.Boolean, default=False , help="Move in opposite direction")
pars.add_argument("--useFixedAngle", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False , help="use fixed translation angle")
# 'align' Tab
pars.add_argument("--fixedAngle" , type=float , default=0 , help="Translation angle")
pars.add_argument("--copyModeA" , type=str , default="none", help="Align copy or original")
pars.add_argument("--lengthModeA" , type=str , default="none", help="Group length adjustment method")
pars.add_argument("--endpTol" , type=int , default=15 , help="Enpoint tolerance (percent of group width)")
pars.add_argument("--colorA" , type=int , default=0 , help="Color of rotation center circle")
pars.add_argument("--rmFromGroup" , type=inkex.Boolean, default=False , help="remove rotation center object from aligned group")
pars.add_argument("--reverseA" , type=inkex.Boolean, default=False , help="additinal group rotate by 180 degrees")
# 'group' Tab
pars.add_argument("--ctSize" , type=float , default=1 , help="Size of rotation center object")
pars.add_argument("--ctSzUnit" , type=str , default="mm" , help="Unit of the size")
pars.add_argument("--reverseG" , type=inkex.Boolean, default=False , help="additinal group rotate by 180 degrees")
def effect(self):
pathCount = 0
pathsWNodesCount = 0
groupCount = 0
for elem in self.svg.selected.values():
if isinstance(elem, inkex.PathElement):
pathCount += 1
nodes = self.count_selected_nodes( elem.get_id() )
if nodes > 0:
if nodes == 2:
pathsWNodesCount += 1
self.groupCenterPath = elem
raise inkex.AbortExtension(
"When selecting individual nodes, you should "
"always select exactly two from the same "
elif isinstance(elem, inkex.Group):
groupCount += 1
self.alignGroup = elem
if == "align":
if pathCount == 0 or groupCount == 0:
raise inkex.AbortExtension(
"In alignment mode, please select exactly one group "
"and at least one path to align it to.")
if groupCount > 1:
raise inkex.AbortExtension(
"Sorry, we can align a single group only.")
if pathCount > 1 and self.options.copyModeA != 'copy':
raise inkex.AbortExtension(
"To align to multiple paths at once, please choose "
"to apply the alignment to copies of the group.")
elif == "group":
if pathsWNodesCount != 1:
raise inkex.AbortExtension(
"In group mode, please select exactly two nodes "
"from the same (sub-)path.")
if pathCount == 0:
raise inkex.AbortExtension(
"Please select one path at least.")
if == "info":
msg = "Global info:"
msg = " Document name: {}"
msg = " Dimensions: width={} height={} scale={} unit={}"
self.msg(msg.format(self.svg.width, self.svg.height, self.svg.scale, self.svg.unit))
msg = " Selected: {} group(s), {} path(s), {} node(s)"
self.msg(msg.format(groupCount, pathCount, len(self.options.selected_nodes)))
if self.options.selected_nodes:
msg = " Nodes: {}"
self.msg(' ')
if == "group":
for elem in self.svg.selected.values():
def close_enough(a, b, maxdist):
# two numbers are compared for close-enough numerical equality
if maxdist <= 0 :
eps = 1e-9
eps = maxdist
return abs(a-b) <= eps
def edgeResize(self, obj, length, rbb):
bbox = obj.bounding_box()
dx = (length - bbox.width) / 2
offcenter = -
maxdist = (bbox.width * self.options.endpTol) / 100
# Iterate over all children of the group-object.
# Find path nodes located at the left and right edges of the
# groups bounding box, and move these by 'dx' further to the
# left or right.
for child in obj.iterchildren():
if not isinstance(child, inkex.PathElement):
continue #ignore all non-path-objects
csp = child.path.to_superpath()
node_count = 0;
for sub in csp:
for node in sub:
node_x = node[1][0]
if self.close_enough( node_x, bbox.left, maxdist ):
for i in range(0, 3):
node[i][0] -= (dx - offcenter)
node_count += 1
"""msg = "id:{} touched left edge at:{}"
if self.close_enough( node_x, bbox.right, maxdist ):
for i in range(0, 3):
node[i][0] += (dx + offcenter)
node_count += 1
"""msg = "id:{} touched right edge at:{}"
if node_count > 0:
# we've moved some nodes of this superpath!
# convert back to real path and modify child object in-place
def align(self, x, y, alpha, length):
rotation_col = inkex.Color(self.options.colorA).to_rgba()
rotation_bb = None
# select the object to move
if self.options.copyModeA in ('copy'):
objToMove = self.alignGroup.duplicate()
if self.options.copyModeA in ('obj'):
objToMove = self.alignGroup
msg = "align goup {}"
msg = " to: x={} y={}"
msg = " length: {}"
msg = " angle : {}"
msg = " rotation center color:{}"
for child in self.alignGroup.iterchildren():
bbox = child.bounding_box()
msg = " child-obj:{} fill:{} stroke:{} x={} y={}"
# first, apply any transformations the object may have already
# so we are starting with no transform assigned to the group
# locate the rotation center marker in the object to move by
# checking for the rotation marker fill color within the group
for child in objToMove.iterchildren():
if'fill') == rotation_col:
rotation_bb = child.bounding_box()
if rotation_bb is None:
raise inkex.AbortExtension(
"No rotation center object found in group.")
# adjust the objects length. Since we haven't moved or rotated
# it by now, we have to adjust its width only.
if self.options.lengthModeA != "none":
if self.options.lengthModeA == "scale":
if not math.isclose(, objToMove.bounding_box(), rel_tol=1e-05):
msg = "Rotation center x = {}"
msg = "Group center x = {}"
raise inkex.AbortExtension(
"Warning: rotation center is outside the groups horizontal center. "
"This is not supported in stretch/resize adjustment mode. "
"You may want to try the line endpoint adjust mode intead.")
tr = inkex.Transform()
tr.add_scale( length / objToMove.bounding_box().width, 1 )
objToMove.transform = tr * objToMove.transform
# it looks like the scale transformation also applies
# some horizontal movement, so we need to retrieve
# the rotation_bb again afterwards.
rotation_bb = child.bounding_box()
elif self.options.lengthModeA == "endpoints":
self.edgeResize( objToMove, length, rotation_bb )
# Remove the rotation center object from the group if we have
# been instructed to do so.
if self.options.rmFromGroup:
# then, move it to the desired location
dx = x -
dy = y -
tr = inkex.Transform()
tr.add_translate( dx, dy )
objToMove.transform = tr * objToMove.transform
# finally, rotate it by the given angle at the desired location
tr = inkex.Transform()
tr.add_rotate( math.degrees(alpha), x, y )
objToMove.transform = tr * objToMove.transform
def make_group(self, parent, x, y, alpha):
# Add a new group and put a rotation center object into it.
group = parent.add(inkex.Group())
style = "color:#000000;fill:{};stroke-width:1;stroke:none".format(
size = self.svg.unittouu('{}{}'.format(self.options.ctSize,
self.options.ctSzUnit) )
circle = group.add(inkex.Circle(cx=str(x), cy=str(y), r=str(size/2)))
| = inkex.Style().parse_str(style)
# put duplicates of all selected elements into the group.
for elem in self.svg.selected.values():
# Rotate the whole new group back to it's zero position
tr = inkex.Transform()
tr.add_rotate( math.degrees(-alpha), x, y )
group.transform = tr * group.transform
# delete all selected elements to remove the selection.
# Note that self.svg.set_selected() don't work. See:
for elem in self.svg.selected.values():
# Returns the number of selected nodes from the object given
# by name. Indices of selected nodes matching the given object name
# and subpath index are appended to the given index list
def count_selected_nodes(self, name, sub_idx=0, idx_list=[] ):
nodeCount = 0
for node in self.options.selected_nodes:
# The string with selected nodes looks like this:
# 'Object-id:subpath-index:node-index'
# example: 'path1419:0:1'
substr = node.split(":")
if name == substr[0]:
nodeCount += 1
if sub_idx == int(substr[1]):
return nodeCount
def process_node(self, elem):
if not isinstance(elem, inkex.PathElement):
return # just ignore all non-path elements
sub_idx = 0
hint = ""
for sub in elem.path.to_superpath():
# Calculate the objects rotation angle <alpha>. For this,
# we assume a line between two nodes of the object.
# A horizontal line from left to right is 0 degrees.
# Positive angles means the line is rotated clockwise.
# -180 < alpha <= +180
# Select the two nodes to use for the calculation
node_idx = []
if self.count_selected_nodes( elem.get_id(), sub_idx, node_idx ) > 0:
# we have selected nodes from this element.
if len(node_idx) == 2:
# if the user selected exactly two individual nodes
# of a probably larger path, we shall use these.
p1_idx = node_idx[0]
p2_idx = node_idx[1]
hint = " (Segment defined by selected nodes)"
# otherwise, we'll skip this sub-path and try the
# next from the same element.
sub_idx += 1
# if no nodes have been selected in this element, we
# use the start- and end-node of the sub-path
p1_idx = 0
p2_idx = -1
# Calculate angle, length, midpoint, etc.
width = x2-x1
heigth= y2-y1
if math.isclose( width, 0 ):
if math.isclose( heigth, 0 ):
alpha = 0
elif heigth > 0:
alpha = math.pi/2
alpha = -math.pi/2
alpha = math.atan(heigth/width)
if width < 0:
if heigth < 0:
alpha -= math.pi
alpha += math.pi
xm = (x1+x2)/2
ym = (y1+y2)/2
length = math.sqrt( math.pow(width,2) + math.pow(heigth,2) )
# Select translation angle by options
if self.options.useFixedAngle:
da = math.radians(self.options.fixedAngle)
da = alpha
# Calculate translation in x and y direction
# A positive distance value moves towards greater coordinates
dist = self.svg.unittouu('{}{}'.format(self.options.distance,
self.options.distUnit) )
if self.options.reverse:
da = da + math.radians(180)
dx = -math.sin(da) * dist
dy = math.cos(da) * dist
if == "translation":
if self.options.copyMode in ('copy'):
objToMove = elem.duplicate()
if self.options.copyMode in ('obj'):
objToMove = elem
objToMove.path = objToMove.path.translate( dx, dy )
elif == "align":
if self.options.reverseA:
alpha = alpha + math.radians(180)
self.align(xm, ym, alpha, length)
elif == "group":
if length > 0:
if self.options.reverseG:
alpha = alpha + math.radians(180)
self.make_group(elem.getparent(), xm, ym, alpha)
elif == "info":
msg = "Measuring result:"
msg = " object name: {}"
msg = " subpath: {} {}"
self.msg(msg.format(sub_idx, hint))
msg = " start point: x={} y={}"
msg = " end point: x={} y={}"
msg = " mid point: x={} y={}"
msg = " object length: {}"
msg = " object angle : {}°"
msg = " translation angle: {}°"
msg = " translation: dx={} dy={}"
self.msg(" ")
# continue for-loop with next sub-index
sub_idx += 1
def objectToPath(node):
if node.tag == inkex.addNS('g', 'svg'):
return node
if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path', 'svg') or node.tag == 'path':
for attName in node.attrib.keys():
if ("sodipodi" in attName) or ("inkscape" in attName):
del node.attrib[attName]
return node
return node
def recursiveFuseTransform(self, node, transf=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]):
transf = Transform(transf) * Transform(node.get("transform", None))
if 'transform' in node.attrib:
del node.attrib['transform']
node = self.objectToPath(node)
if transf == NULL_TRANSFORM:
# Don't do anything if there is effectively no transform applied
# reduces alerts for unsupported nodes
elif 'd' in node.attrib:
d = node.get('d')
p = CubicSuperPath(d)
p = Path(p).to_absolute().transform(transf, True)
node.set('d', str(Path(CubicSuperPath(p).to_path())))
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('polygon', 'svg'),
inkex.addNS('polyline', 'svg')]:
points = node.get('points')
points = points.strip().split(' ')
for k, p in enumerate(points):
if ',' in p:
p = p.split(',')
p = [float(p[0]), float(p[1])]
p = transf.apply_to_point(p)
p = [str(p[0]), str(p[1])]
p = ','.join(p)
points[k] = p
points = ' '.join(points)
node.set('points', points)
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS("ellipse", "svg"), inkex.addNS("circle", "svg")]:
def isequal(a, b):
return abs(a - b) <= transf.absolute_tolerance
if node.TAG == "ellipse":
rx = float(node.get("rx"))
ry = float(node.get("ry"))
rx = float(node.get("r"))
ry = rx
cx = float(node.get("cx"))
cy = float(node.get("cy"))
sqxy1 = (cx - rx, cy - ry)
sqxy2 = (cx + rx, cy - ry)
sqxy3 = (cx + rx, cy + ry)
newxy1 = transf.apply_to_point(sqxy1)
newxy2 = transf.apply_to_point(sqxy2)
newxy3 = transf.apply_to_point(sqxy3)
node.set("cx", (newxy1[0] + newxy3[0]) / 2)
node.set("cy", (newxy1[1] + newxy3[1]) / 2)
edgex = math.sqrt(
abs(newxy1[0] - newxy2[0]) ** 2 + abs(newxy1[1] - newxy2[1]) ** 2
edgey = math.sqrt(
abs(newxy2[0] - newxy3[0]) ** 2 + abs(newxy2[1] - newxy3[1]) ** 2
if not isequal(edgex, edgey) and (
node.TAG == "circle"
or not isequal(newxy2[0], newxy3[0])
or not isequal(newxy1[1], newxy2[1])
"Warning: Shape %s (%s) is approximate only, try Object to path first for better results"
% (node.TAG, node.get("id"))
if node.TAG == "ellipse":
node.set("rx", edgex / 2)
node.set("ry", edgey / 2)
node.set("r", edgex / 2)
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('rect', 'svg'),
inkex.addNS('text', 'svg'),
inkex.addNS('image', 'svg'),
inkex.addNS('use', 'svg')]:
"Shape %s (%s) not yet supported, try Object to path first"
% (node.TAG, node.get("id"))
for child in node.getchildren():
self.recursiveFuseTransform(child, transf)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user