Added newest version and started to add a proxy script for running on windows and linux
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PaintStorage - Stackable paint storage
Created with (
Creation date: 2021-04-28 11:57:10
Command line (remove spaces between dashes): boxes PaintStorage - -x 100 - -y 300 - -canheight 50 - -candiameter 30 - -minspace 10 - -hexpattern false - -thickness 3 - -tabs 0 - -debug false - -reference 100 - -burn 0.10000000149011612 - -FingerJoint_angle 90 - -FingerJoint_style rectangular - -FingerJoint_surroundingspaces 2 - -FingerJoint_edge_width 1 - -FingerJoint_finger 2 - -FingerJoint_play 0 - -FingerJoint_space 2 - -FingerJoint_width 1 - -Stackable_angle 60 - -Stackable_height 2 - -Stackable_holedistance 1 - -Stackable_width 4 - -output box.svg
<dc:title>Shelf - PaintStorage</dc:title>
<dc:date>2021-04-28 11:57:10</dc:date>
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<dc:description>Stackable paint storage
Created with (
Command line: boxes PaintStorage --x 100 --y 300 --canheight 50 --candiameter 30 --minspace 10 --hexpattern false --thickness 3 --tabs 0 --debug false --reference 100 --burn 0.10000000149011612 --FingerJoint_angle 90 --FingerJoint_style rectangular --FingerJoint_surroundingspaces 2 --FingerJoint_edge_width 1 --FingerJoint_finger 2 --FingerJoint_play 0 --FingerJoint_space 2 --FingerJoint_width 1 --Stackable_angle 60 --Stackable_height 2 --Stackable_holedistance 1 --Stackable_width 4 --output box.svg
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<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Stackable Edges">
<param name="Stackable_angle" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="inside angle of the feet">60</param>
<param name="Stackable_height" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="height" gui-description="height of the feet">2.0</param>
<param name="Stackable_holedistance" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="holedistance" gui-description="distance from finger holes to bottom edge">1.0</param>
<param name="Stackable_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of the feet">4.0</param>
<page name="tab_4" gui-text="Hinges and HingePins">
<param name="Hinge_grip_percentage" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="grip_percentage" gui-description="grip_percentage">0</param>
<param name="Hinge_outset" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outset" gui-description="have lid overlap at the sides (similar to OutSetEdge)">false</param>
<param name="Hinge_pinwidth" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="pinwidth" gui-description="set to lower value to get disks surrounding the pins">0.5</param>
<param name="Hinge_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description='"outset" or "flush"'>
<option value="outset">outset</option>
<option value="flush">flush</option>
<param name="Hinge_axle" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="axle" gui-description="diameter of the pin hole">2</param>
<param name="Hinge_grip_length" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="grip_length" gui-description="fixed length of the grips on he lids">0</param>
<param name="Hinge_hingestrength" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="hingestrength" gui-description="thickness of the arc holding the pin in place">1</param>
<page name="tab_5" gui-text="Slide-on Lids">
<param name="Lid_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="Lid_second_pin" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="second_pin" gui-description="second_pin">true</param>
<param name="Lid_spring" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="spring" gui-description="spring">
<option value="both">both</option>
<option value="none">none</option>
<option value="left">left</option>
<option value="right">right</option>
<param name="Lid_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="Lid_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="Lid_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="Lid_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">3.0</param>
<param name="Lid_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.05</param>
<param name="Lid_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="Lid_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_6" gui-text="Click-on Lids">
<param name="Click_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle of the hooks bending outward">5.0</param>
<param name="Click_bottom_radius" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="bottom_radius" gui-description="radius at the bottom">0.1</param>
<param name="Click_depth" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="depth" gui-description="length of the hooks">3.0</param>
<page name="tab_7" gui-text="Flex">
<param name="Flex_stretch" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="stretch" gui-description="Hint of how much the flex part should be shortend">1.05</param>
<param name="Flex_connection" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="connection" gui-description="width of the gaps in the cuts">1.0</param>
<param name="Flex_distance" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="distance" gui-description="width of the pattern perpendicular to the cuts">0.5</param>
<param name="Flex_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width">5.0</param>
<page name="tab_8" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Misc"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">angledbox</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="AngledBox">
<param name="x" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="x" gui-description="inner width in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="y" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="y" gui-description="inner depth in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="outside" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outside" gui-description="treat sizes as outside measurements that include the walls">true</param>
<param name="bottom_edge" type="enum" gui-text="bottom_edge" gui-description="edge type for bottom edge">
<item value="F">F Finger Joint (opposing side)</item>
<item value="h">h Edge (parallel Finger Joint Holes)</item>
<item value="s">s Stackable (bottom, finger joint holes)</item>
<item value="e">e Straight Edge</item>
<param name="n" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="n" gui-description="number of walls at one side (1+)">5</param>
<param name="top" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="top" gui-description="style of the top and lid">
<option value="none">none</option>
<option value="angled hole">angled hole</option>
<option value="angled lid">angled lid</option>
<option value="angled lid2">angled lid2</option>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Boxes"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">angledcutjig</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="AngledCutJig">
<param name="x" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="x" gui-description="inner width in mm">50</param>
<param name="y" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="y" gui-description="inner depth in mm">100</param>
<param name="angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="Angle of the cut">45.0</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Misc"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">arcade</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="Arcade">
<param name="width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="inner width of the console">450.0</param>
<param name="monitor_height" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="monitor_height" gui-description="inner width of the console">350.0</param>
<param name="keyboard_depth" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="keyboard_depth" gui-description="inner width of the console">150.0</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Misc"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">atreus21</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="Atreus21">
<param name="hotswap_enable" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="hotswap_enable" gui-description="enlarge switches holes for hotswap pcb sockets">true</param>
<param name="pcb_mount_enable" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="pcb_mount_enable" gui-description="adds holes for pcb mount switches">true</param>
<param name="led_enable" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="led_enable" gui-description="adds pin holes under switches for leds">false</param>
<param name="diode_enable" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="diode_enable" gui-description="adds pin holes under switches for diodes">false</param>
<param name="cutout_type" type="string" max="9999" gui-text="cutout_type" gui-description="Shape of the plate cutout: 'castle' allows for modding, and 'simple' is a tighter and simpler square">castle</param>
<param name="columns_definition" type="string" max="9999" gui-text="columns_definition" gui-description="Each column is separated by '/', and is in the form 'nb_rows @ offset x repeat_count'. Nb_rows is the number of rows for this column. The offset is in mm and optional. Repeat_count is optional and repeats this column multiple times. Spaces are not important.For example '3x2 / 4@11' means we want 3 columns, the two first with 3 rows without offset, and the last with 4 rows starting at 11mm high.">4@3/4@6/4@11/4@5/4@0/1@7.8</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Misc"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">basedbox</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="BasedBox">
<param name="x" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="x" gui-description="inner width in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="y" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="y" gui-description="inner depth in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="outside" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outside" gui-description="treat sizes as outside measurements that include the walls">true</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Boxes"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">bayonetbox</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="BayonetBox">
<param name="diameter" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="diameter" gui-description="Diameter of the box in mm">50.0</param>
<param name="lugs" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="lugs" gui-description="number of locking lugs">10</param>
<param name="alignment_pins" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="alignment_pins" gui-description="diameter of the alignment pins">1.0</param>
<param name="outside" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outside" gui-description="treat sizes as outside measurements that include the walls">true</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Boxes"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">bintray</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="BinTray">
<param name="sx" type="string" max="9999" gui-text="sx" gui-description="sections left to right in mm. See --sy for format">50*3</param>
<param name="sy" type="string" max="9999" gui-text="sy" gui-description='sections back to front in mm. Possible formats: overallwidth/numberof sections e.g. "250/5"; sectionwidth*numberofsections e.g. "50*5"; section widths separated by ":" e.g. "30:25.5:70'>50*3</param>
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="outside" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outside" gui-description="treat sizes as outside measurements that include the walls">true</param>
<param name="front" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="front" gui-description="fraction of bin height covert with slope">0.4</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">0.5</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Shelves"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">bottlestack</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="BottleStack">
<param name="diameter" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="diameter" gui-description="diameter of the bottles in mm">80</param>
<param name="number" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="number" gui-description="number of bottles to hold in the bottom row">3</param>
<param name="depth" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="depth" gui-description="depth of the stand along the base of the bottles">80</param>
<param name="double" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="double" gui-description="two pieces that can be combined to up to double the width">true</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Misc"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">burntest</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="BurnTest">
<param name="x" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="x" gui-description="inner width in mm">100</param>
<param name="step" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="step" gui-description="increases in burn value between the sides">0.01</param>
<param name="pairs" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="pairs" gui-description="number of pairs (each testing four burn values)">2</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Parts and Samples"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">cardbox</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="CardBox">
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm">30</param>
<param name="cardwidth" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="cardwidth" gui-description="Width of the cards">65</param>
<param name="cardheight" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="cardheight" gui-description="Height of the cards">90</param>
<param name="num" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="num" gui-description="number of compartments">2</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Boxes"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">castle</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="Castle">
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Unstable"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">closedbox</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="ClosedBox">
<param name="x" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="x" gui-description="inner width in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="y" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="y" gui-description="inner depth in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="outside" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outside" gui-description="treat sizes as outside measurements that include the walls">true</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Boxes"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">coffeecapsuleholder</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="CoffeeCapsuleHolder">
<param name="columns" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="columns" gui-description="Number of columns of capsules.">4</param>
<param name="rows" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="rows" gui-description="Number of capsules by columns.">5</param>
<param name="backplate" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="backplate" gui-description="True if a backplate should be generated.">true</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Misc"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">concaveknob</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="ConcaveKnob">
<param name="diameter" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="diameter" gui-description="Diameter of the knob (mm)">50.0</param>
<param name="serrations" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="serrations" gui-description="Number of serrations">3</param>
<param name="rounded" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="rounded" gui-description="Amount of circumference used for non convex parts">0.2</param>
<param name="angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="Angle between convex and concave parts">70.0</param>
<param name="bolthole" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="bolthole" gui-description="Diameter of the bolt hole (mm)">6.0</param>
<param name="dhole" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="dhole" gui-description="D-Flat in fraction of the diameter">1.0</param>
<param name="hexhead" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="hexhead" gui-description="Width of the hex bolt head (mm)">10.0</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Parts and Samples"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">console</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="Console">
<param name="x" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="x" gui-description="inner width in mm (unless outside selected)">100</param>
<param name="y" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="y" gui-description="inner depth in mm (unless outside selected)">100</param>
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm (unless outside selected)">100</param>
<param name="outside" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outside" gui-description="treat sizes as outside measurements that include the walls">false</param>
<param name="front_height" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="front_height" gui-description="height of the front below the panel (in mm)">30</param>
<param name="angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle of the front panel (90°=upright)">50</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">0.5</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Stackable Edges">
<param name="Stackable_angle" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="inside angle of the feet">60</param>
<param name="Stackable_height" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="height" gui-description="height of the feet">2.0</param>
<param name="Stackable_holedistance" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="holedistance" gui-description="distance from finger holes to bottom edge">1.0</param>
<param name="Stackable_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of the feet">4.0</param>
<page name="tab_4" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Boxes"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">console2</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="Console2">
<param name="x" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="x" gui-description="inner width in mm (unless outside selected)">100</param>
<param name="y" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="y" gui-description="inner depth in mm (unless outside selected)">100</param>
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm (unless outside selected)">100</param>
<param name="bottom_edge" type="enum" gui-text="bottom_edge" gui-description="edge type for bottom edge">
<item value="F">F Finger Joint (opposing side)</item>
<item value="h">h Edge (parallel Finger Joint Holes)</item>
<item value="s">s Stackable (bottom, finger joint holes)</item>
<item value="e">e Straight Edge</item>
<param name="outside" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outside" gui-description="treat sizes as outside measurements that include the walls">false</param>
<param name="front_height" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="front_height" gui-description="height of the front below the panel (in mm)">30</param>
<param name="angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle of the front panel (90°=upright)">50</param>
<param name="removable_backwall" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="removable_backwall" gui-description="have latches at the backwall">true</param>
<param name="removable_panel" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="removable_panel" gui-description="The panel is held by tabs and can be removed">true</param>
<param name="glued_panel" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="glued_panel" gui-description="the panel is glued and not held by finger joints">true</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">0.5</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Stackable Edges">
<param name="Stackable_angle" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="inside angle of the feet">60</param>
<param name="Stackable_height" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="height" gui-description="height of the feet">2.0</param>
<param name="Stackable_holedistance" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="holedistance" gui-description="distance from finger holes to bottom edge">1.0</param>
<param name="Stackable_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of the feet">4.0</param>
<page name="tab_4" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Boxes"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">dinrailbox</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="DinRailBox">
<param name="x" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="x" gui-description="inner width in mm">70</param>
<param name="y" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="y" gui-description="inner depth in mm">90</param>
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm">60</param>
<param name="rail_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="rail_width" gui-description="width of the rail (typically 35 or 15mm)">35.0</param>
<param name="rail_offset" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="rail_offset" gui-description="offset of the rail from the middle of the box (in mm)">0.0</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">0.8</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Boxes"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">discrack</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="DiscRack">
<param name="sx" type="string" max="9999" gui-text="sx" gui-description="sections left to right in mm. See --sy for format">20*10</param>
<param name="disc_diameter" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="disc_diameter" gui-description="Disc diameter in mm">150.0</param>
<param name="disc_thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="disc_thickness" gui-description="Thickness of the discs in mm">5.0</param>
<param name="lower_factor" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="lower_factor" gui-description="Position of the lower rack grids along the radius">0.75</param>
<param name="rear_factor" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="rear_factor" gui-description="Position of the rear rack grids along the radius">0.75</param>
<param name="disc_outset" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="disc_outset" gui-description="Additional space kept between the disks and the outbox of the rack">3.0</param>
<param name="angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="Backwards slant of the rack">18</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Shelves"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">display</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="Display">
<param name="x" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="x" gui-description="inner width in mm">150.0</param>
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm">200.0</param>
<param name="radius" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="radius" gui-description="radius of the corners in mm">5.0</param>
<param name="angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="greater zero for top wider as bottom">0.0</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Misc"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">displaycase</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="DisplayCase">
<param name="x" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="x" gui-description="inner width in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="y" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="y" gui-description="inner depth in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="outside" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outside" gui-description="treat sizes as outside measurements that include the walls">true</param>
<param name="overhang" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="overhang" gui-description="overhang for joints in mm">2</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Boxes"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">displayshelf</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="DisplayShelf">
<param name="x" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="x" gui-description="inner width in mm (unless outside selected)">400</param>
<param name="y" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="y" gui-description="inner depth in mm (unless outside selected)">100</param>
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm (unless outside selected)">300</param>
<param name="outside" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outside" gui-description="treat sizes as outside measurements that include the walls">true</param>
<param name="num" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="num" gui-description="number of shelves">3</param>
<param name="front" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="front" gui-description="height of front walls">20.0</param>
<param name="angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle of floors (negative values for slanting backwards)">30.0</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Shelves"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">dividertray</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="DividerTray">
<param name="sx" type="string" max="9999" gui-text="sx" gui-description="sections left to right in mm. See --sy for format">50*3</param>
<param name="sy" type="string" max="9999" gui-text="sy" gui-description='sections back to front in mm. Possible formats: overallwidth/numberof sections e.g. "250/5"; sectionwidth*numberofsections e.g. "50*5"; section widths separated by ":" e.g. "30:25.5:70'>50*3</param>
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="outside" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outside" gui-description="treat sizes as outside measurements that include the walls">true</param>
<param name="slot_depth" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="slot_depth" gui-description="depth of the slot in mm">20</param>
<param name="slot_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="slot_angle" gui-description="angle at which slots are generated, in degrees. 0° is vertical.">0</param>
<param name="slot_radius" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="slot_radius" gui-description="radius of the slot entrance in mm">2</param>
<param name="slot_extra_slack" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="slot_extra_slack" gui-description="extra slack (in addition to thickness and kerf) for slot width to help insert dividers">0.2</param>
<param name="divider_bottom_margin" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="divider_bottom_margin" gui-description="margin between box's bottom and divider's">0</param>
<param name="divider_upper_notch_radius" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="divider_upper_notch_radius" gui-description="divider's notch's upper radius">1</param>
<param name="divider_lower_notch_radius" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="divider_lower_notch_radius" gui-description="divider's notch's lower radius">8</param>
<param name="divider_notch_depth" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="divider_notch_depth" gui-description="divider's notch's depth">15</param>
<param name="left_wall" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="left_wall" gui-description="generate wall on the left side">true</param>
<param name="right_wall" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="right_wall" gui-description="generate wall on the right side">true</param>
<param name="bottom" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="bottom" gui-description="generate wall on the bottom">false</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Trays and Drawer Inserts"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">drillbox</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="DrillBox">
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Misc"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">electronicsbox</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="ElectronicsBox">
<param name="x" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="x" gui-description="inner width in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="y" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="y" gui-description="inner depth in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="outside" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outside" gui-description="treat sizes as outside measurements that include the walls">true</param>
<param name="triangle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="triangle" gui-description="Sides of the triangles holding the lid in mm">25.0</param>
<param name="d1" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="d1" gui-description="Diameter of the inner lid screw holes in mm">2.0</param>
<param name="d2" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="d2" gui-description="Diameter of the lid screw holes in mm">3.0</param>
<param name="d3" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="d3" gui-description="Diameter of the mounting screw holes in mm">3.0</param>
<param name="outsidemounts" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outsidemounts" gui-description="Add external mounting points">true</param>
<param name="holedist" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="holedist" gui-description="Distance of the screw holes from the wall in mm">7.0</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Boxes"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">eurorackskiff</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="EuroRackSkiff">
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm">100.0</param>
<param name="hp" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="hp" gui-description="Width of the case in HP">84</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Boxes"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">fanhole</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="FanHole">
<param name="diameter" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="diameter" gui-description="diameter of the fan hole">80</param>
<param name="mounting_holes" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="mounting_holes" gui-description="diameter of the fan mounting holes">3</param>
<param name="mounting_holes_inset" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="mounting_holes_inset" gui-description="distance of the fan mounting holes from the outside">5</param>
<param name="arms" type="int" max="9999" gui-text="arms" gui-description="number of arms">10</param>
<param name="inner_disc" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="inner_disc" gui-description="relative size of the inner disc">0.2</param>
<param name="style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="Style of the fan hole">
<option value="CW Swirl">CW Swirl</option>
<option value="CCW Swirl">CCW Swirl</option>
<option value="Hole">Hole</option>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Hole patterns"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<param name="generator" type="string" gui-hidden="true">flexbox</param>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="tab_0" gui-text="FlexBox">
<param name="x" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="x" gui-description="inner width in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="y" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="y" gui-description="inner depth in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="h" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="h" gui-description="inner height in mm (unless outside selected)">100.0</param>
<param name="outside" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="outside" gui-description="treat sizes as outside measurements that include the walls">true</param>
<param name="radius" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="radius" gui-description="Radius of the latch in mm">15</param>
<param name="latchsize" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="latchsize" gui-description="size of latch in multiples of thickness">8</param>
<page name="tab_1" gui-text="Default">
<param name="thickness" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="thickness" gui-description="thickness of the material">3.0</param>
<param name="tabs" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="tabs" gui-description="width of tabs holding the parts in place in mm (not supported everywhere)">0.0</param>
<param name="debug" type="bool" max="9999" gui-text="debug" gui-description="print surrounding boxes for some structures">false</param>
<param name="reference" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="reference" gui-description="print reference rectangle with given length (zero to disable)">100</param>
<param name="burn" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="burn" gui-description='burn correction in mm (bigger values for tighter fit). Use BurnTest in "Parts and Samples" to find the right value.'>0.1</param>
<page name="tab_2" gui-text="Finger Joints">
<param name="FingerJoint_angle" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="angle" gui-description="angle">90.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_style" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="style" gui-description="style of the fingers">
<option value="rectangular">rectangular</option>
<option value="springs">springs</option>
<param name="FingerJoint_surroundingspaces" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="surroundingspaces" gui-description="maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_edge_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="edge_width" gui-description="space below holes of FingerHoleEdge">1.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_finger" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="finger" gui-description="width of the fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_play" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="play" gui-description="extra space to allow finger move in and out">0.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_space" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="space" gui-description="space between fingers">2.0</param>
<param name="FingerJoint_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width of finger holes">1.0</param>
<page name="tab_3" gui-text="Flex">
<param name="Flex_stretch" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="stretch" gui-description="Hint of how much the flex part should be shortend">1.05</param>
<param name="Flex_connection" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="connection" gui-description="width of the gaps in the cuts">1.0</param>
<param name="Flex_distance" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="distance" gui-description="width of the pattern perpendicular to the cuts">0.5</param>
<param name="Flex_width" type="float" precision="2" max="9999" gui-text="width" gui-description="width">5.0</param>
<page name="tab_4" gui-text="Example">
<submenu name="">
<submenu name="Boxes with flex"/>
<command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>