diff --git a/extensions/fablabchemnitz_ai_eps_output.inx b/extensions/fablabchemnitz_ai_eps_output.inx
index 7c211542..f7352d62 100644
--- a/extensions/fablabchemnitz_ai_eps_output.inx
+++ b/extensions/fablabchemnitz_ai_eps_output.inx
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/fablabchemnitz_strip_line.py b/extensions/fablabchemnitz_strip_line.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5fd2f2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/fablabchemnitz_strip_line.py
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import math
+import codecs
+import inkex
+from inkex.paths import Path
+from geometry.Circle import Circle
+from geometry.Vertex import Vertex
+from geometry.Triangle import Triangle
+from geometry.Plus import Plus
+from geometry.Minus import Minus
+from lxml import etree
+def fixTo360(radian):
+ if radian <0:
+ return math.pi*2.0+radian
+ return radian
+def widenDir(start,end):
+ d21x = end.x - start.x;
+ d21y = end.y - start.y;
+ return fixTo360(-math.atan2(d21x, d21y));
+def lineDir(start,end):
+ d21x = end.x - start.x;
+ d21y = end.y - start.y;
+ #inkex.errormsg("d21y "+str(d21y)+" d21x "+str(d21x)+" d21y/d21x"+str(d21y/d21x))
+ rad=math.atan2(d21y, d21x);
+ #inkex.errormsg(u"Line direction"+str(math.degrees(rad)))
+ return fixTo360(rad)
+#radianmath.pi/2.0: #I want you to be +-90 (forward direction)
+ return invert(radian)
+ return radian
+def fixOver90(radian):
+ if math.fabs(radian)0:
+ radY=invert(radY)
+ lineRad=lineDir(start,end)
+ printRadian(fp,u"lineRad:",lineRad)
+ adjustedRad=radY
+ printRadian(fp,u"diffRad:",diffRad)
+ squareRad=lineDir(start,end)
+ #printRadian(u"squareRad",squareRad)
+ printRadian(fp,u"Drawing angle after conversion:",radY)
+ v.set(LEFT)
+ #1〜√2 I want you to be in the range
+ coef=(1+0.41421356237*math.fabs(math.sin(diffRad*0.5)))
+ fp.write("coef="+str(coef))
+ v.x*=coef
+ v.rotate(adjustedRad)
+ flag = False
+ outVertexArray.append([start+v,flag])
+ v.set(RIGHT)
+ v.x*=coef
+ v.rotate(adjustedRad)
+ flag = True
+ outVertexArray.append([start+v,flag])
+ lastRad=originalRad;
+ lastUsedRad=adjustedRad
+ fp.write("\n")
+ #The last round
+ fp.write(str(i)+u"Th vertex")
+ adjustedRad=originalRad
+ printRadian(fp,u"Last drawing angle:",originalRad)
+ v.set(LEFT)
+ v.rotate(adjustedRad)
+ flag = False# if originalRad< 0 else False
+ outVertexArray.append([end+v,flag])
+ v.set(RIGHT)
+ v.rotate(adjustedRad)
+ flag = True# if originalRad< 0 else False
+ outVertexArray.append([end+v,flag])
+ fp.close()
+ return outVertexArray
+class StripLineEffect(inkex.Effect):
+ def __init__(self):
+ inkex.Effect.__init__(self)
+ self.arg_parser.add_argument("--linewidth", type=int, default="10", help="Line thickness")
+ self.arg_parser.add_argument("--logfilename", default="10", help="Log file name")
+ def effect(self):
+ linewidth=self.options.linewidth
+ # Get the main root element SVG
+ svg = self.document.getroot()
+ pathlist=svg.findall(ALL+"{"+inkex.NSS['svg']+"}path")
+ for path in pathlist:
+ if path == None:
+ inkex.errormsg("Please write the path! !")
+ #Get vertex coordinates of path
+ vals=Path(path.get('d')).to_arrays()
+ bone=[]
+ for cmd,vert in vals:
+ #Sometimes there is an empty, so countermeasures against it
+ if len(vert) != 0:
+ bone.append(Vertex(vert[0],vert[1]))
+ outVertexArray=stripline(bone,linewidth,self.options.logfilename)
+ pointer=0
+ for t in range(len(outVertexArray)-2):
+ tri=Triangle(outVertexArray[pointer][0],outVertexArray[pointer+1][0],outVertexArray[pointer+2][0])
+ stripstr=tri.toSVG()
+ color2="blue"
+ if outVertexArray[pointer][1]:
+ color="blue"
+ else:
+ color="red"
+ pointer+=1
+ attributes={"points":stripstr,
+ "style":"fill:"+color2+";stroke:"+color2+";stroke-width:"+str(linewidth/3),"fill-opacity":"0.5"}
+ pth =etree.Element("polygon",attributes)
+ svg.append(pth)
+ pointer=0
+ #Draw a point indicating +-
+ for t in range(len(outVertexArray)):
+ if outVertexArray[pointer][1]:
+ point=Plus(outVertexArray[pointer][0].x,outVertexArray[pointer][0].y,linewidth/3)
+ color="blue"
+ else:
+ point=Minus(outVertexArray[pointer][0].x,outVertexArray[pointer][0].y,linewidth/3)
+ color="red"
+ if pointer==0:
+ color="#6f0018"#Dark red
+ point.appendToSVG(color,svg)
+ #svg.append(Circle.toSVG(outVertexArray[pointer][0].x,outVertexArray[pointer][0].y,linewidth/3,color,0))
+ pointer+=1
+ pointer=0
+ pathstr="M "
+ for t in range(len(outVertexArray)):
+ pathstr+=str(outVertexArray[pointer][0].x)+" "+str(outVertexArray[pointer][0].y)+" "
+ pointer+=1
+ att3={"d":pathstr,"r":"1","fill":"none","stroke-width":"1","stroke":"white"}
+ pt=etree.Element("path",att3)
\ No newline at end of file