from ..basemodel import TextModelParser, Exporter, Vertex, FaceVertex, Face from ..mesh import MeshPart import os.path def is_stl(filename): """Checks that the file is a .stl file Only checks the extension of the file :param filename: path to the file """ return filename[-4:] == '.stl' class STLParser(TextModelParser): """Parser that parses a .stl file """ def __init__(self, up_conversion = None): super().__init__(up_conversion) self.parsing_solid = False self.parsing_face = False self.parsing_loop = False self.current_face = None self.face_vertices = None def parse_line(self, string): """Parses a line of .stl file :param string: the line to parse """ if string == '': return split = string.split() if split[0] == 'solid': self.parsing_solid = True return if split[0] == 'endsolid': self.parsing_solid = False return if self.parsing_solid: if split[0] == 'facet' and split[1] == 'normal': self.parsing_face = True self.face_vertices = [FaceVertex(), FaceVertex(), FaceVertex()] self.current_face = Face(*self.face_vertices) return if self.parsing_face: if split[0] == 'outer' and split[1] == 'loop': self.parsing_loop = True return if split[0] == 'endloop': self.parsing_loop = False return if self.parsing_loop: if split[0] == 'vertex': current_vertex = Vertex().from_array(split[1:]) self.add_vertex(current_vertex) self.face_vertices[0].vertex = len(self.vertices) - 1 self.face_vertices.pop(0) return if split[0] == 'endfacet': self.parsing_face = False self.add_face(self.current_face) self.current_face = None self.face_vertices = None class STLExporter(Exporter): """Exporter to .stl format """ def __init__(self, model): """Creates an exporter from the model :param model: Model to export """ super().__init__(model) super().__init__(model) def __str__(self): """Exports the model """ string = 'solid {}\n'.format(os.path.basename(self.model.path[:-4])) self.model.generate_face_normals() faces = sum(map(lambda x: x.faces,, []) for face in faces: n = self.model.normals[face.a.normal] v1 = self.model.vertices[face.a.vertex] v2 = self.model.vertices[face.b.vertex] v3 = self.model.vertices[face.c.vertex] string += "facet normal {} {} {}\n".format(n.x, n.y, n.z) string += "\touter loop\n" string += "\t\tvertex {} {} {}\n".format(v1.x, v1.y, v1.z) string += "\t\tvertex {} {} {}\n".format(v2.x, v2.y, v2.z) string += "\t\tvertex {} {} {}\n".format(v3.x, v3.y, v3.z) string += "\tendloop\n" string += "endfacet\n" string += 'endsolid {}'.format(os.path.basename(self.model.path[:-4])) return string