#!/usr/bin/python import math import os import numpy as np import scipy.signal as scipySignal import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Base as inkBase import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw as inkDraw import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Plot as inkPlot # least common multiplier def myLcm(x, y): return x * y / math.gcd(int(x), int(y)) # --------------------------------------------- # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit class Spirograph(inkBase.inkscapeMadeEasy): def __init__(self): inkBase.inkscapeMadeEasy.__init__(self) self.arg_parser.add_argument("--curveType", type=str, dest="curveType", default='resistor') self.arg_parser.add_argument("--radius_R", type=float, dest="radius_R", default=10.0) self.arg_parser.add_argument("--radius_r", type=float, dest="radius_r", default=5.0) self.arg_parser.add_argument("--detailLevel", type=float, dest="detailLevel", default=1.0) self.arg_parser.add_argument("--adaptiveTheta", type=self.bool, dest="adaptiveTheta", default=False) self.arg_parser.add_argument("--pencil_distance", type=float, dest="pencil_distance", default=1.0) self.arg_parser.add_argument("--drawBaseCircles", type=self.bool, dest="drawBaseCircles", default=False) self.arg_parser.add_argument("--animate", type=self.bool, dest="animate", default=False) self.arg_parser.add_argument("--directory", type=str, dest="directory", default='./') def effect(self): so = self.options # sets the position to the viewport center, round to next 10. position = [self.svg.namedview.center[0], self.svg.namedview.center[1]] position[0] = int(math.ceil(position[0] / 10.0)) * 10 position[1] = int(math.ceil(position[1] / 10.0)) * 10 root_layer = self.document.getroot() group = self.createGroup(root_layer, 'Spiro') # curve parameters R = so.radius_R r = so.radius_r d = so.pencil_distance finalTheta = 2 * np.pi * myLcm(abs(r), R) / R if 'hypo' in so.curveType.lower(): typeCurve = 'hypo' if 'epi' in so.curveType.lower(): typeCurve = 'epi' # markers and linestyles Lgray = inkDraw.color.gray(0.8) Dgray = inkDraw.color.gray(0.3) # wheel markerCenterDisk = inkDraw.marker.createDotMarker(self, nameID='diskCenter', scale=0.3, RenameMode=1, strokeColor=Dgray, fillColor=inkDraw.color.defined('white')) markerPen = inkDraw.marker.createDotMarker(self, nameID='diskPen', scale=0.3, RenameMode=1, strokeColor=Dgray, fillColor=inkDraw.color.defined('white')) [startArrowMarker, endArrowMarker] = inkDraw.marker.createArrow1Marker(self, nameID='arrowRot', RenameMode=1, scale=0.3, strokeColor=Dgray, fillColor=Dgray) if typeCurve == 'hypo': self.lineStyleArrow = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=r / 40, lineColor=Dgray, markerStart=startArrowMarker, markerEnd=None) else: self.lineStyleArrow = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=r / 40, lineColor=Dgray, markerStart=None, markerEnd=endArrowMarker) self.lineStyleARM = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=r / 40, lineColor=Dgray, markerStart=markerCenterDisk, markerEnd=markerPen) self.lineStyleDisk = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=r / 40, lineColor=None, fillColor=Lgray) # curve self.lineStyleCurve = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=0.8, lineColor=inkDraw.color.defined('red'), markerStart=None, markerEnd=None, markerMid=None) self.lineStyleCurve2 = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=0.8, lineColor=inkDraw.color.defined('Dgreen'), markerStart=None, markerEnd=None, markerMid=None) self.lineStyleCurve3 = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=0.8, lineColor=inkDraw.color.defined('blue'), markerStart=None, markerEnd=None, markerMid=None) self.lineStylePre = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=1, lineColor=inkDraw.color.defined('red')) self.constructionLine = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=0.5, lineColor=Dgray) # draft Points if so.adaptiveTheta: nPrePoints = 10 * so.detailLevel # number of pre points per turn thetasDraft = np.linspace(0, finalTheta, int(nPrePoints * finalTheta / (2 * np.pi))) [pointsDraft, _, curvatureDraft] = self.calcCurve__trochoid(typeCurve, R, r, d, thetasDraft) # find sampling points based on local curvature nSamples = np.ones(curvatureDraft.shape)*min(2,so.detailLevel) detailFactor=5 # treshold normalized curvatures nSamples[curvatureDraft>0.8] *=detailFactor detailFactor = 2.5 # check if vector changed direction abuptly for i,p in enumerate(pointsDraft): if i==0: v1=pointsDraft[i+1]-pointsDraft[i] v2=pointsDraft[i]-pointsDraft[-1] elif i < len(pointsDraft)-1: v1=pointsDraft[i+1]-pointsDraft[i] v2=pointsDraft[i]-pointsDraft[i-1] else: v1=pointsDraft[0]-pointsDraft[i] v2=pointsDraft[i]-pointsDraft[i-1] v1=v1/np.linalg.norm(v1) v2=v2/np.linalg.norm(v2) if np.dot(v1,v2)<0.5: nSamples[i] *=detailFactor thetasFinal = np.array([]) for i in range(len(nSamples) - 1): thetasFinal = np.append(thetasFinal, np.linspace(thetasDraft[i], thetasDraft[i + 1], int(nSamples[i]), endpoint=False)) thetasFinal = np.append(thetasFinal, finalTheta) # filter the sampled angles to have a smooth transition. Ntaps = 5 gaussWindow = scipySignal.gaussian(Ntaps, std=5) gaussWindow = gaussWindow / np.sum(gaussWindow) # inkPlot.plot.cartesian(self, root_layer, np.arange(thetasFinal.shape[0]), thetasFinal * 180 / np.pi, position, xTicks=False, yTicks=True, xTickStep=thetasFinal.shape[0]/10, yTickStep=120.0, xScale=10, yScale=10,xGrid=True, yGrid=True, forceXlim=None, forceYlim=None) thetasFinal = scipySignal.filtfilt(gaussWindow, np.array([1]), thetasFinal) # inkPlot.plot.cartesian(self, root_layer, np.arange(thetasFinal.shape[0]), thetasFinal * 180 / np.pi, position, xTicks=False, yTicks=True,xTickStep=thetasFinal.shape[0]/10, yTickStep=120.0, xScale=10, yScale=10, xGrid=True, yGrid=True, forceXlim=None, forceYlim=None,drawAxis=False) else: nPrePoints = 20 * so.detailLevel # number of pre points per turn thetasFinal = np.linspace(0, finalTheta, int(nPrePoints * finalTheta / (2 * np.pi))) # final shape [PointsFinal, CentersFinal, curvatureFinal] = self.calcCurve__trochoid(typeCurve, R, r, d, thetasFinal) [PointsFinal2, CentersFinal2, curvatureFinal2] = self.calcCurve__trochoid(typeCurve, R, r, -d, thetasFinal) [PointsFinal3, CentersFinal3, curvatureFinal3] = self.calcCurve__trochoid(typeCurve, R, r, r, thetasFinal) if so.animate: animGroup = self.createGroup(group, 'Anim') circle_R = inkDraw.circle.centerRadius(parent=animGroup, centerPoint=[0, 0], radius=R, offset=position, lineStyle=self.constructionLine) # draw planetary wheel wheelGroup = self.createGroup(animGroup, 'Anim') circle_r = inkDraw.circle.centerRadius(wheelGroup, centerPoint=CentersFinal[0], radius=r, offset=position, lineStyle=self.lineStyleDisk) arms1 = inkDraw.line.absCoords(wheelGroup, coordsList=[CentersFinal[0], PointsFinal[0]], offset=position, lineStyle=self.lineStyleARM) arms2 = inkDraw.line.absCoords(wheelGroup, coordsList=[CentersFinal2[0], PointsFinal2[0]], offset=position, lineStyle=self.lineStyleARM) arms3 = inkDraw.line.absCoords(wheelGroup, coordsList=[CentersFinal3[0], PointsFinal3[0]], offset=position, lineStyle=self.lineStyleARM) arc1 = inkDraw.arc.centerAngStartAngEnd(wheelGroup, centerPoint=CentersFinal[0], radius=r * 0.6, angStart=40, angEnd=80, offset=position, lineStyle=self.lineStyleArrow) arc2 = inkDraw.arc.centerAngStartAngEnd(wheelGroup, centerPoint=CentersFinal[0], radius=r * 0.6, angStart=160, angEnd=200, offset=position, lineStyle=self.lineStyleArrow) arc3 = inkDraw.arc.centerAngStartAngEnd(wheelGroup, centerPoint=CentersFinal[0], radius=r * 0.6, angStart=280, angEnd=320, offset=position, lineStyle=self.lineStyleArrow) self.exportSVG(animGroup, os.path.join(so.directory,'outSVG_%1.5d.svg' % 0)) for i in range(1, len(thetasFinal)): self.moveElement(wheelGroup, [CentersFinal[i][0] - CentersFinal[i - 1][0], CentersFinal[i][1] - CentersFinal[i - 1][1]]) if typeCurve == 'hypo': self.rotateElement(wheelGroup, [position[0] + CentersFinal[i][0], position[1] + CentersFinal[i][1]], (thetasFinal[i] - thetasFinal[i - 1]) * (R - r) / r * 180 / np.pi) else: self.rotateElement(wheelGroup, [position[0] + CentersFinal[i][0], position[1] + CentersFinal[i][1]], - (thetasFinal[i] - thetasFinal[i - 1]) * (R + r) / r * 180 / np.pi) curve1 = inkDraw.line.absCoords(parent=animGroup, coordsList=PointsFinal[:i + 1], offset=position, lineStyle=self.lineStyleCurve, closePath=False) curve2 = inkDraw.line.absCoords(parent=animGroup, coordsList=PointsFinal2[:i + 1], offset=position, lineStyle=self.lineStyleCurve2, closePath=False) curve3 = inkDraw.line.absCoords(parent=animGroup, coordsList=PointsFinal3[:i + 1], offset=position, lineStyle=self.lineStyleCurve3, closePath=False) self.exportSVG(animGroup, os.path.join(so.directory , 'outSVG_%1.5d.svg' % i)) self.removeElement(curve1) self.removeElement(curve2) self.removeElement(curve3) self.removeElement(animGroup) else: if so.drawBaseCircles: inkDraw.circle.centerRadius(parent=group, centerPoint=position, radius=R, offset=[0, 0], lineStyle=self.constructionLine) if typeCurve == 'hypo': inkDraw.circle.centerRadius(parent=group, centerPoint=position, radius=r, offset=[R - r, 0], lineStyle=self.constructionLine) if typeCurve == 'epi': inkDraw.circle.centerRadius(parent=group, centerPoint=position, radius=r, offset=[R + r, 0], lineStyle=self.constructionLine) inkDraw.line.absCoords(group, PointsFinal, position, 'spiro', self.lineStyleCurve, closePath=True) # plot curvatures if False: inkPlot.plot.polar(self, group, curvatureFinal, thetasFinal * 180 / np.pi, [position[0] + 3 * R, position[1]], rTicks=False, tTicks=False, rTickStep=0.2, tTickStep=45.0, rScale=20, rGrid=True, tGrid=True, lineStylePlot=self.lineStyleCurve, forceRlim=[0.0, 1.0]) return # typeCurve: 'hypo', 'epi' def calcCurve__trochoid(self, typeCurve, R, r, d, thetas): j = complex(0, 1) if typeCurve.lower() == 'hypo': # https://www.mathcurve.com/courbes2d.gb/hypotrochoid/hypotrochoid.shtml P_complex = (R - r) * np.exp(j * thetas) + d * np.exp(-j * thetas * (R - r) / r) dP_complex = (R - r) * j * np.exp(j * thetas) + d * (-j) * (R - r) / r * np.exp(-j * thetas * (R - r) / r) ddP_complex = (R - r) * (-1) * np.exp(j * thetas) + d * (-1) * ((R - r) / r) ** 2 * np.exp(-j * thetas * (R - r) / r) centerGear = (R - r) * np.exp(j * thetas) if typeCurve.lower() == 'epi': # https://www.mathcurve.com/courbes2d.gb/epitrochoid/epitrochoid.shtml P_complex = (R + r) * np.exp(j * thetas) - d * np.exp(j * thetas * (R + r) / r) dP_complex = (R + r) * j * np.exp(j * thetas) - d * j * (R + r) / r * np.exp(j * thetas * (R + r) / r) ddP_complex = (R + r) * (-1) * np.exp(j * thetas) - d * (-1) * ((R + r) / r) ** 2 * np.exp(j * thetas * (R + r) / r) centerGear = (R + r) * np.exp(j * thetas) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): curvature = np.divide(abs(dP_complex.real * ddP_complex.imag - dP_complex.imag * ddP_complex.real), (dP_complex.real ** 2 + dP_complex.imag ** 2) ** (2 / 3)) # remove Nan=0/0 np.nan_to_num(curvature, copy=False) # remove values too large curvature[curvature > 10 * np.mean(curvature)] = 0.0 # self.Dump(curvature, '/home/fernando/lixo.txt', 'w') # normalize curvature curvature = self._normalizeCurvatures(curvature, 0.0, 1.0) Points = np.column_stack((P_complex.real, P_complex.imag)) Centers = np.column_stack((centerGear.real, centerGear.imag)) return [Points, Centers, curvature] def _normalizeCurvatures(self, curvatures, normMin=0.0, normMax=1.0): y1 = normMin y2 = normMax x1 = np.min(curvatures) x2 = np.max(curvatures) alpha = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) return alpha * (curvatures - x1) + y1 if __name__ == '__main__': sp = Spirograph() sp.run()