'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.cons = cons; exports.concat = concat; var _core = require('../source/core'); var _continueWith = require('./continueWith'); /** * @param {*} x value to prepend * @param {Stream} stream * @returns {Stream} new stream with x prepended */ /** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2016 original author or authors */ /** @author Brian Cavalier */ /** @author John Hann */ function cons(x, stream) { return concat((0, _core.of)(x), stream); } /** * @param {Stream} left * @param {Stream} right * @returns {Stream} new stream containing all events in left followed by all * events in right. This *timeshifts* right to the end of left. */ function concat(left, right) { return (0, _continueWith.continueWith)(function () { return right; }, left); }