#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import re
import subprocess

from BaseExtension import BaseExtension

# For linting purposes
from argparse import ArgumentParser

"""If syntax error occurs here, change inkscape interpreter to python3"""

"""I have yet to find a way for an extension to call another extension with parameters,
without GUI. This extension can be run as part of a standalone extension (using BaseExtension)
or imported for use by another extension. This workaround is done via the 'option' arg in
the 'custom_effect' function"""

def custom_effect(self: BaseExtension):
    """Note: The init of the BaseExtension class will set its 'custom_effect' attr
    to this function. Hence, the self arg is of type BaseExtension."""

    selected = self.svg.selected
    root = self.document.getroot()
    actions_list = []

    proc = subprocess.run("inkscape --verb-list | grep -oP '^.+?(?=:)'",
                            shell=True, capture_output=True)
    valid_actions_and_verbs = proc.stdout.decode().splitlines()

    proc = subprocess.run("inkscape --action-list | grep -oP '^.+?(?= *:)'",
                            shell=True, capture_output=True)
    valid_actions_and_verbs += proc.stdout.decode().splitlines()

    self.options.dry_run = self.options.dry_run == 'true'

    def verify_action(action):
        if ':' in action:
            action = action.split(':')[0]
        if action not in valid_actions_and_verbs:
            raise ValueError(action)

    def select_do_individually(objs, actions):
        for obj in objs:
            actions_list.append("select-by-id:" + obj.get_id())
            if isinstance(actions, str):
                actions = [actions]
            for action in actions:

    def select_do_on_all(objs, actions):
        for obj in objs:
            actions_list.append("select-by-id:" + obj.get_id())

        if isinstance(actions, str):
            actions = [actions]
        for action in actions:
    effects = []
        if self.options.tab_effect is None:
            if self.options.effects is not None:
                self.options.tab_effect = 'Multi'
            elif self.options.effect1 is not None:
                self.options.tab_effect = 'Simple'

        elif self.options.tab_effect in ('Preset', 'Simple'):
            for attr in ('effect_' + self.options.tab_effect.lower() + str(i) for i in range(1, 4)):
                e = getattr(self.options, attr)
                if e != None:
                    effects += [e.strip()]
            if effects == []:
                raise ValueError
        elif self.options.tab_effect == 'Multi':
            if self.options.effects is None:
                raise ValueError
            for line in self.options.effects.split('\\n'):
                effects += [e.strip() for e in line.split(';') if e != '']
    except ValueError:
        self.msg("No effects inputted! Quitting...")

    if self.options.target == 'root':
        objects = self.find(root, '/svg:svg' + self.options.xpath)
    elif self.options.target == 'selected':
        objects = self.find(selected, self.options.xpath)
    if objects == []:
        self.msg(f"No objects satisfies XPath: '{self.options.xpath}'.")
        self.msg("Root:", self.show(root))
        self.msg("Selected:", self.show(selected))

        if self.options.mode == 'all':
            select_do_on_all(objects, effects)
        elif self.options.mode == 'indiv':
            select_do_individually(objects, effects)
    except ValueError as e:
        self.msg(f"'{e.args[0]}' is not a valid action or verb in inkscape.")

    if self.options.dry_run:
        self.msg(f"{'DRY RUN':=^40}")
        self.msg("Root:", self.show(self.find(root, '/*')))
        self.msg("Selected:", self.show(selected))
        self.msg("XPath:", self.show(objects))
        self.msg("Actions:", actions_list)
    return actions_list

def args_adder(arg_parser: ArgumentParser):

    arg_parser.add_argument("--target", default='root', help="Object to apply xpath find on")
    arg_parser.add_argument("--xpath", default='/*', help="For selection of objects")
    arg_parser.add_argument("--tab_main", default=None)
    arg_parser.add_argument("--Simple", default=None)
    arg_parser.add_argument("--Multi", default=None)
    arg_parser.add_argument("--mode", default="all", help="Mode to apply effects on objects")
    arg_parser.add_argument("--tab_effect", default=None)
    for arg in (*(x + str(y) for x in ('effect_preset', 'effect_simple') for y in range(1, 4)), 'effects'):
        arg_parser.add_argument(f"--{arg}", default=None, help="Inkscape verb for path op")
    arg_parser.add_argument("--dry_run", default='false')
    arg_parser.add_argument("--null_notebook", default='false')
    #import inkex
    #for key, value in arg_parser.parse_args()._get_kwargs():
    #    if value is not None:  
    #        inkex.utils.debug("{}={}".format(key, value))

BatchTask = BaseExtension(custom_effect, args_adder=args_adder)

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Namespace(Multi='SelectionDiff', Simple='SelectionDiff', dry_run='false', effect1='SelectionBreakApart', effect2=None, effect3=None, effects=None, ids=['image25'], input_file='/tmp/ink_ext_XXXXXX.svgIDCKU0', mode='all', null='null', output=<_io.BufferedWriter name='<stdout>'>, selected_nodes=[], tab_effect='Simple', tab_main='Options', target='root', xpath='/*')

# Namespace(Multi=None, Simple=None, dry_run='false', effect1='SelectionDelete', effect2=None, effect3=None, effects=None, mode='all', null='false', tab_effect=None, tab_main=None, target='root', xpath='/*')