## Options Using a custom options object: ```javascript var options = { ltres:2, qtres:1, pathomit:8 }; // Any option can be omitted which will be set to the default // Adding custom palette. This will override numberofcolors. options.pal = [{r:0,g:0,b:0,a:255}, {r:0,g:0,b:255,a:255}, {r:255,g:255,b:0,a:255}]; // Using these options and appending the SVG to an element with id="svgcontainer" ImageTracer.imageToSVG( 'panda.png', /* input filename / URL */ function(svgstr){ ImageTracer.appendSVGString( svgstr, 'svgcontainer' ); }, /* callback function on SVG string result */ options /* custom options object */ ); ``` #### Tracing |Option name|Default value|Meaning| |-----------|-------------|-------| |```corsenabled```|```false```|Enable or disable [CORS Image loading](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/CORS_enabled_image)| |```ltres```|```1```|Error treshold for straight lines.| |```qtres```|```1```|Error treshold for quadratic splines.| |```pathomit```|```8```|Edge node paths shorter than this will be discarded for noise reduction.| |```rightangleenhance```|```true```|Enhance right angle corners.| #### Color quantization |Option name|Default value|Meaning| |-----------|-------------|-------| |```colorsampling```|```2```|0: disabled, generating a palette; 1: random sampling; 2: deterministic sampling| |```numberofcolors```|```16```|Number of colors to use on palette if pal object is not defined.| |```mincolorratio```|```0```|Color quantization will randomize a color if fewer pixels than (total pixels*mincolorratio) has it.| |```colorquantcycles```|```3```|Color quantization will be repeated this many times.| #### Layering |Option name|Default value|Meaning| |-----------|-------------|-------| |```layering```|```0```|0: sequential ; 1: parallel| #### SVG rendering |Option name|Default value|Meaning| |-----------|-------------|-------| |```strokewidth```|```1```|[SVG stroke-width](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-width)| |```linefilter```|```false```|Enable or disable line filter for noise reduction.| |```scale```|```1```|Every coordinate will be multiplied with this, to scale the SVG.| |```roundcoords```|```1```|rounding coordinates to a given decimal place. 1 means rounded to 1 decimal place like 7.3 ; 3 means rounded to 3 places, like 7.356| |```viewbox```|```false```|Enable or disable SVG viewBox.| |```desc```|```false```|Enable or disable SVG descriptions.| #### Blur preprocessing |Option name|Default value|Meaning| |-----------|-------------|-------| |```blurradius```|```0```|Set this to 1..5 for selective Gaussian blur preprocessing.| |```blurdelta```|```20```|RGBA delta treshold for selective Gaussian blur preprocessing.| #### Debug |Option name|Default value|Meaning| |-----------|-------------|-------| |```layercontainerid```|No default value|Edge node layers can be visualized if a container div's id is defined.| |```lcpr```|```0```|Straight line control point radius, if this is greater than zero, small circles will be drawn in the SVG. Do not use this for big/complex images.| |```qcpr```|```0```|Quadratic spline control point radius, if this is greater than zero, small circles and lines will be drawn in the SVG. Do not use this for big/complex images.| #### Initial palette |Option name|Default value|Meaning| |-----------|-------------|-------| |```pal```|No default value|Custom palette, an array of color objects: ```[ {r:0,g:0,b:0,a:255}, ... ]```| --- ## Option presets  ```javascript this.optionpresets = { 'default': { // Tracing corsenabled : false, ltres : 1, qtres : 1, pathomit : 8, rightangleenhance : true, // Color quantization colorsampling : 2, numberofcolors : 16, mincolorratio : 0, colorquantcycles : 3, // Layering method layering : 0, // SVG rendering strokewidth : 1, linefilter : false, scale : 1, roundcoords : 1, viewbox : false, desc : false, lcpr : 0, qcpr : 0, // Blur blurradius : 0, blurdelta : 20 }, 'posterized1': { colorsampling:0, numberofcolors:2 }, 'posterized2': { numberofcolors:4, blurradius:5 }, 'curvy': { ltres:0.01, linefilter:true, rightangleenhance:false }, 'sharp': { qtres:0.01, linefilter:false }, 'detailed': { pathomit:0, roundcoords:2, ltres:0.5, qtres:0.5, numberofcolors:64 }, 'smoothed': { blurradius:5, blurdelta: 64 }, 'grayscale': { colorsampling:0, colorquantcycles:1, numberofcolors:7 }, 'fixedpalette': { colorsampling:0, colorquantcycles:1, numberofcolors:27 }, 'randomsampling1': { colorsampling:1, numberofcolors:8 }, 'randomsampling2': { colorsampling:1, numberofcolors:64 }, 'artistic1': { colorsampling:0, colorquantcycles:1, pathomit:0, blurradius:5, blurdelta: 64, ltres:0.01, linefilter:true, numberofcolors:16, strokewidth:2 }, 'artistic2': { qtres:0.01, colorsampling:0, colorquantcycles:1, numberofcolors:4, strokewidth:0 }, 'artistic3': { qtres:10, ltres:10, numberofcolors:8 }, 'artistic4': { qtres:10, ltres:10, numberofcolors:64, blurradius:5, blurdelta: 256, strokewidth:2 }, 'posterized3': { ltres: 1, qtres: 1, pathomit: 20, rightangleenhance: true, colorsampling: 0, numberofcolors: 3, mincolorratio: 0, colorquantcycles: 3, blurradius: 3, blurdelta: 20, strokewidth: 0, linefilter: false, roundcoords: 1, pal: [ { r: 0, g: 0, b: 100, a: 255 }, { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 255 } ] } },// End of optionpresets ```