/*This file contains plugin extra information per folder and is intended to give credits and information about sources, forking and documentation*/ [ { "name": "The readable name of the extension in menu", "id": "The id which is used to store paramters in inkscape UI configuration", "path": "the folder where the extensions is in", "original_name": "the readble extension name which was assigned before putting it into MightyScape (origin)", "original_id": "the id which was assigned before putting it into MightyScape (origin)", "license": "the license, like GPL v2 or MIT", "license_url": "the original URL where the license can be found", "comment": "some extra information. Keep empty or set to 'null''", "source_url": "the URL where the actual MightyScape data is put", "fork_url": "the URL where the original data comes from, like github.com or gitlab.com", "documentation_url": "the URL where MightyScape documentation can be found", "inkscape_gallery_url": "the URL for the gallery location. Set to 'null' if it's not listed in the gallery", "main_authors": [ "a comma separated list of authors which work(ed) on the extension. We use either an email address and/or pattern '/:'" ] } ]