from os.path import join, basename from PyQt4 import QtGui import re from color.colors import * from color import mixers from import * marker = '# Colors not marked with #USER are auto-generated' metare = re.compile("^# (\\w+): (.+)") def save_gpl(name, ncols, clrs, file_w): if type(file_w) in [str,unicode]: pf = open(file_w, 'w') do_close = True elif hasattr(file_w,'write'): pf = file_w do_close = False else: raise ValueError("Invalid argument type in save_gpl: {}".format(type(file_w))) pf.write('GIMP Palette\n') pf.write(u"Name: {}\n".format(name).encode('utf-8')) if ncols is not None: pf.write('Columns: %s\n' % ncols) for color in clrs: r, g, b = color.getRGB() n = 'Untitled' s = '%d %d %d %s\n' % (r, g, b, n) pf.write(s) if do_close: pf.close() class GimpPalette(Storage): name = 'gpl' title = _("Gimp palette") filters = ["*.gpl"] can_save = True can_load = True @staticmethod def get_options_widget(dialog, filename): def on_columns_changed(n): dialog.options = n dialog.on_current_changed(filename) ncols = None pf = open(filename,'r') l = pf.readline().strip() if l != 'GIMP Palette': pf.close() return None for line in pf: line = line.strip() lst = line.split() if lst[0]=='Columns:': ncols = int( lst[1] ) break pf.close() widget = QtGui.QWidget() box = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() label = QtGui.QLabel(_("Columns: ")) spinbox = QtGui.QSpinBox() spinbox.setMinimum(2) spinbox.setMaximum(100) if ncols is None: ncols = MAX_COLS spinbox.setValue(ncols) box.addWidget(label) box.addWidget(spinbox) spinbox.valueChanged.connect(on_columns_changed) widget.setLayout(box) return widget def save(self, file_w=None): if type(file_w) in [str,unicode]: pf = open(file_w, 'w') do_close = True elif hasattr(file_w,'write'): pf = file_w do_close = False else: raise ValueError("Invalid argument type in {}".format(type(file_w))) pf.write('GIMP Palette\n') if not hasattr(self.palette, 'name'): if type(file_w) in [str, unicode]: = basename(file_w) else:'Colors' pf.write(u"Name: {}\n".format('utf-8')) if hasattr(self.palette, 'ncols') and self.palette.ncols: pf.write('Columns: %s\n' % self.palette.ncols) pf.write(marker+'\n') for key,value in self.palette.meta.items(): if key != "Name": pf.write(u"# {}: {}\n".format(key, value).encode('utf-8')) pf.write('#\n') for row in self.palette.slots: for slot in row: if slot.mode == USER_DEFINED: n = + ' #USER' else: n = r, g, b = slot.color.getRGB() s = '%d %d %d %s\n' % (r, g, b, n) pf.write(s) for key,value in slot.color.meta.items(): if key != "Name": pf.write(u"# {}: {}\n".format(key, value).encode('utf-8')) if do_close: pf.close() def load(self, mixer, file_r, force_ncols=None): self.palette = Palette(mixer) self.palette.ncols = None if not file_r: palette.filename = None = 'Gimp' return elif hasattr(file_r,'read'): pf = file_r self.palette.filename = None do_close = False elif type(file_r) in [str,unicode]: pf = open(file_r) self.palette.filename = file_r do_close = True l = pf.readline().strip() if l != 'GIMP Palette': raise SyntaxError, "Invalid palette file!" = " ".join(pf.readline().strip().split()[1:]) all_user = True n_colors = 0 all_slots = [] reading_header = True for line in pf: line = line.strip() if line==marker: all_user = False meta_match = metare.match(line) if meta_match is not None: key = value = if reading_header: self.palette.meta[key] = value else: clr.meta[key] = value continue if line.startswith('#'): continue lst = line.split() if lst[0]=='Columns:': self.palette.ncols = int( lst[1] ) if len(lst) < 3: continue rs,gs,bs = lst[:3] clr = Color(float(rs), float(gs), float(bs)) reading_header = False #print(str(clr)) slot = Slot(clr) n_colors += 1 if all_user or lst[-1]=='#USER': slot.mode = USER_DEFINED name = ' '.join(lst[3:-1]) else: name = ' '.join(lst[3:]) = name all_slots.append(slot) if do_close: pf.close() if n_colors < DEFAULT_GROUP_SIZE: self.palette.ncols = n_colors if not self.palette.ncols: if n_colors > MAX_COLS: self.palette.ncols = MAX_COLS else: self.palette.ncols = n_colors if force_ncols is not None: self.palette.ncols = force_ncols self.palette.setSlots(all_slots) self.palette.meta["SourceFormat"] = "Gimp gpl" if all_user else "palette_editor gpl" print("Loaded palette: {}x{}".format( self.palette.nrows, self.palette.ncols )) return self.palette