#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ pathops.py - Inkscape extension to apply multiple path operations This extension takes a selection of path and a group of paths, or several paths, and applies a path operation with the top-most path in the z-order, and each selected path or each child of a selected group underneath. Copyright (C) 2014 Ryan Lerch (multiple difference) 2016 Maren Hachmann (refactoring, extend to multibool) 2017 su_v Rewrite to support large selections (process in chunks), to improve performance (support groups, z-sort ids with python instead of external query), and to extend GUI options. 2020 Maren Hachmann Update to make it work with Inkscape 1.0's new inx scheme, extensions API and command line API. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors # standard library import os from shutil import copy2 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import time from lxml import etree # local library import inkex from inkex.command import inkscape __version__ = '0.4' # Global "constants" SVG_SHAPES = ('rect', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'line', 'polyline', 'polygon') # ----- general helper functions def timed(f): """Minimalistic timer for functions.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name start = time.time() ret = f() elapsed = time.time() - start return ret, elapsed # ----- SVG element helper functions def get_defs(node): """Find in children of *node*, return first one found.""" path = '/svg:svg//svg:defs' try: return node.xpath(path, namespaces=inkex.NSS)[0] except IndexError: return etree.SubElement(node, inkex.addNS('defs', 'svg')) def is_group(node): """Check node for group tag.""" return node.tag == inkex.addNS('g', 'svg') def is_path(node): """Check node for path tag.""" return node.tag == inkex.addNS('path', 'svg') def is_basic_shape(node): """Check node for SVG basic shape tag.""" return node.tag in (inkex.addNS(tag, 'svg') for tag in SVG_SHAPES) def is_custom_shape(node): """Check node for Inkscape custom shape type.""" return inkex.addNS('type', 'sodipodi') in node.attrib def is_shape(node): """Check node for SVG basic shape tag or Inkscape custom shape type.""" return is_basic_shape(node) or is_custom_shape(node) def has_path_effect(node): """Check node for Inkscape path-effect attribute.""" return inkex.addNS('path-effect', 'inkscape') in node.attrib def is_modifiable_path(node): """Check node for editable path data.""" return is_path(node) and not (has_path_effect(node) or is_custom_shape(node)) def is_image(node): """Check node for image tag.""" return node.tag == inkex.addNS('image', 'svg') def is_text(node): """Check node for text tag.""" return node.tag == inkex.addNS('text', 'svg') def does_pathops(node): """Check whether node is supported by Inkscape path operations.""" return (is_path(node) or is_shape(node) or is_text(node)) # ----- list processing helper functions def recurse_selection(node, id_list, level=0, current=0): """Recursively process selection, add checked elements to id list.""" current += 1 if not level or current <= level: if is_group(node): for child in node: id_list = recurse_selection(child, id_list, level, current) if does_pathops(node): id_list.append(node.get('id')) return id_list def z_sort(node, alist): """Return new list sorted in document order (depth-first traversal).""" ordered = [] id_list = list(alist) count = len(id_list) for element in node.iter(): element_id = element.get('id') if element_id is not None and element_id in id_list: id_list.remove(element_id) ordered.append(element_id) count -= 1 if not count: break return ordered def z_iter(node, alist): """Return iterator over ids in document order (depth-first traversal).""" id_list = list(alist) for element in node.iter(): element_id = element.get('id') if element_id is not None and element_id in id_list: id_list.remove(element_id) yield element_id def chunks(alist, max_len): """Chunk a list into sublists of max_len length.""" for i in range(0, len(alist), max_len): yield alist[i:i+max_len] # ----- process external command, files # def run(cmd_format, stdin_str=None, verbose=False): # """Run command""" # if verbose: # inkex.utils.debug(cmd_format) # out = err = None # myproc = Popen(cmd_format, shell=False, # stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) # out, err = myproc.communicate(stdin_str) # if myproc.returncode == 0: # return out # elif err is not None: # inkex.errormsg(err) # ----- PathOps() class, methods class PathOps(inkex.Effect): """Effect-based class to apply Inkscape path operations.""" def __init__(self): """Init base class.""" inkex.Effect.__init__(self) # options self.arg_parser.add_argument("--ink_verb", default="SelectionDiff", help="Inkscape verb for path op") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--max_ops", type=int, default=500, help="Max ops per external run") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--recursive_sel", type=inkex.Boolean, help="Recurse beyond one group level") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--keep_top", type=inkex.Boolean, help="Keep top element when done") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--dry_run", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Dry-run without exec") def get_selected_ids(self): """Return a list of valid ids for inkscape path operations.""" id_list = [] if len(self.svg.selected) == 0: pass else: # level = 0: unlimited recursion into groups # level = 1: process top-level groups only level = 0 if self.options.recursive_sel else 1 for node in self.svg.selected.values(): recurse_selection(node, id_list, level) if len(id_list) < 2: inkex.errormsg("This extension requires at least 2 elements " + "of type path, shape or text. " + "The elements can be part of selected groups, " + "or directly selected.") return None else: return id_list def get_sorted_ids(self): """Return id of top-most object, and a list with z-sorted ids.""" top_path = None sorted_ids = None id_list = self.get_selected_ids() if id_list is not None: sorted_ids = list(z_iter(self.document.getroot(), id_list)) top_path = sorted_ids.pop() return (top_path, sorted_ids) def run_pathops(self, svgfile, top_path, id_list, ink_verb, dry_run=False): """Run path ops with top_path on a list of other object ids.""" # build list with command line arguments actions_list = [] for node_id in id_list: actions_list.append("select-by-id:" + top_path) actions_list.append("EditDuplicate") actions_list.append("select-by-id:" + node_id) actions_list.append(ink_verb) actions_list.append("EditDeselect") actions_list.append("FileSave") actions_list.append("FileQuit") actions = ";".join(actions_list) # process command list if dry_run: inkex.utils.debug(" ".join(["inkscape", "--with-gui", "--actions=" + "\"" + actions + "\"", svgfile])) else: inkscape(svgfile, "--with-gui", actions=actions) def loop_pathops(self, top_path, other_paths): """Loop through selected items and run external command(s).""" # init variables count = 0 max_ops = self.options.max_ops or 500 ink_verb = self.options.ink_verb or "SelectionDiff" dry_run = self.options.dry_run tempfile = self.options.input_file + "-pathops.svg" # prepare if dry_run: inkex.utils.debug("# Top object id: {}".format(top_path)) inkex.utils.debug("# Other objects total: {}".format(len(other_paths))) else: # we need to do this because command line Inkscape with gui # gives lots of info dialogs when the file extension isn't 'svg' # so the inkscape() call cannot open the file without user # interaction, and fails in the end when trying to save copy2(self.options.input_file, tempfile) # loop through sorted id list, process in chunks for chunk in chunks(other_paths, max_ops): count += 1 if dry_run: inkex.utils.debug("\n# Processing {}. chunk ".format(count) + "with {} objects ...".format(len(chunk))) self.run_pathops(tempfile, top_path, chunk, ink_verb, dry_run) # finish up if dry_run: inkex.utils.debug("\n# {} chunks processed, ".format(count) + "with {} total objects.".format(len(other_paths))) else: # replace current document with content of temp copy file self.document = inkex.load_svg(tempfile) # update self.svg self.svg = self.document.getroot() # optionally delete top-most element when done if not self.options.keep_top: top_node = self.svg.getElementById(top_path) if top_node is not None: top_node.getparent().remove(top_node) # purge missing tagrefs (see below) self.update_tagrefs() # clean up self.cleanup(tempfile) def cleanup(self, tempfile): """Clean up tempfile.""" try: os.remove(tempfile) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass def effect(self): """Main entry point to process current document.""" if self.has_tagrefs(): # unsafe to use with extensions ... inkex.errormsg("This document uses Inkscape selection sets. " + "Modifying the content with a PathOps extension " + "may cause Inkscape to crash on reload or close. " + "Please delete the selection sets, " + "save the document under a new name and " + "try again in a new Inkscape session.") else: # process selection top_path, other_paths = self.get_sorted_ids() if top_path is None or other_paths is None: return else: self.loop_pathops(top_path, other_paths) # ----- workaround to avoid crash on quit # If selection set tagrefs have been deleted as a result of the # extension's modifications of the drawing content, inkscape will # crash when closing the document window later on unless the tagrefs # are checked and cleaned up manually by the extension script. # NOTE: crash on reload in the main process (after the extension has # finished) still happens if Selection Sets dialog was actually # opened and used in the current session ... the extension could # create fake (invisible) objects which reuse the ids? # No, fake placeholder elements do not prevent the crash on reload # if the dialog was opened before. # TODO: these checks (and the purging of obsolete tagrefs) probably # should be applied in Effect() itself, instead of relying on # workarounds in derived classes that modify drawing content. def has_tagrefs(self): """Check whether document has selection sets with tagrefs.""" defs = get_defs(self.document.getroot()) inkscape_tagrefs = defs.findall( "inkscape:tag/inkscape:tagref", namespaces=inkex.NSS) return len(inkscape_tagrefs) > 0 def update_tagrefs(self, mode='purge'): """Check tagrefs for deleted objects.""" defs = get_defs(self.document.getroot()) inkscape_tagrefs = defs.findall( "inkscape:tag/inkscape:tagref", namespaces=inkex.NSS) if len(inkscape_tagrefs) > 0: for tagref in inkscape_tagrefs: href = tagref.get(inkex.addNS('href', 'xlink'))[1:] if self.svg.getElementById(href) is None: if mode == 'purge': tagref.getparent().remove(tagref) elif mode == 'placeholder': temp = etree.Element(inkex.addNS('path', 'svg')) temp.set('id', href) temp.set('d', 'M 0,0 Z') self.document.getroot().append(temp) # ----- workaround to fix Effect() performance with large selections def collect_ids(self, doc=None): """Iterate all elements, build id dicts (doc_ids, selected).""" doc = self.document if doc is None else doc id_list = list(self.options.ids) for node in doc.getroot().iter(tag=etree.Element): if 'id' in node.attrib: node_id = node.get('id') self.doc_ids[node_id] = 1 if node_id in id_list: self.svg.selected[node_id] = node id_list.remove(node_id) def getselected(self): """Overload Effect() method.""" self.collect_ids() def getdocids(self): """Overload Effect() method.""" pass if __name__ == '__main__': PathOps().run()