Scale To Real Measurement 100.0 Scale Drawing 45 Scale Rule true Usage Scale an object (or a group) by indicating the length of a scaling path in real-life units (useful for scaling architectural drawings, for example): • Create a straight two-point line of known length by drawing on the object you want to scale (e.g. if you know how long a wall is in your drawing, draw the line from one end of the wall to the other). • Select the line first, then the drawing (which must be a group or a single object). • Length: indicate how long the line you drew is in the real world (e.g. how long the wall is). • Unit: indicate the unit the measurement is in, but remember that your drawing can become huge if you choose km or even m. Fix this with "Scale Drawing". • Scale Drawing: Select a scale category, then a value other than 1:1 from the dropdown for the selected scale category to scale the drawing. For upscaling, select "Custom" and enter a custom value smaller than 1. • Scale Rule: You can display the scale with a ruler. The number of units used along the ruler can be selected (e.g. to make the ruler show marks for one, ten or one hundred centimeters). all