#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' An extension to generate SVG files from plt files (Niklas Roy/Kai Hyyppä from Vektorkollektor) Made by FabLab Chemnitz / Stadtfabrikanten e.V. - Developer: Mario Voigt (year 2021) Vektorkollektor Team: Kati Hyyppa [http://katihyyppa.com] & Niklas Roy [https://niklasroy.com] http://vektorkollektor.com ''' import urllib.request from lxml import etree import inkex from inkex import PathElement, Path import re import os from ast import literal_eval class Vektorkollektor(inkex.EffectExtension): def add_arguments(self, pars): pars.add_argument("--tab") pars.add_argument("--vk_inputfile") pars.add_argument("--download_or_local", default='local') pars.add_argument("--showinfo", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False) pars.add_argument("--vk_url", default="http://www.vektorkollektor.com/vektordaten/vektorkollektor.js") pars.add_argument("--vk_id", type=int, default=1) def effect(self): if self.options.download_or_local == "local": if not os.path.exists(self.options.vk_inputfile): self.msg("The input file does not exist. Please select a proper file and try again.") exit(1) with open(self.options.vk_inputfile, 'r') as file: vkData = file.read() else: # Download the recent vektorkollektor data file and parse it handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler() opener = urllib.request.build_opener(handler) vkData = opener.open(self.options.vk_url).read().decode("utf-8") urllib.request.install_opener(opener) try: xP = [] #x-coordinate yP = [] #y-coordinate cP = [] #draw fN = [] #original vektorkollektor .PLT file number for match in re.compile(r"""^var xP = .*;""", re.MULTILINE).finditer(vkData): xP = literal_eval(match.group(0).split("var xP = ")[1].split(";")[0]) for match in re.compile(r"""^var yP = .*;""", re.MULTILINE).finditer(vkData): yP = literal_eval(match.group(0).split("var yP = ")[1].split(";")[0]) for match in re.compile(r"""^var cP = .*;""", re.MULTILINE).finditer(vkData): cP = literal_eval(match.group(0).split("var cP = ")[1].split(";")[0]) for match in re.compile(r"""^var fN = .*;""", re.MULTILINE).finditer(vkData): fN = literal_eval(match.group(0).split("var fN = ")[1].split(";")[0]) if self.options.showinfo is True: self.msg("Input file contains {} drawings.".format(fN[-2])) #last number is always 0, so we use the second last vkGroup = self.document.getroot().add(inkex.Group(id="vektorkollektor-{}".format(self.options.vk_id))) for move in range(0, len(fN)): begin = None end = None if fN[move] == self.options.vk_id: if cP[move] == 0: #pen up (reset) begin = None end = None #self.msg("xP={}, yP={}, pen up".format(xP[move], yP[move])) if cP[move] == 1:#pen down begin = [xP[move-1], yP[move-1]] end = [xP[move], yP[move]] #self.msg("xP={}, yP={}, pen down".format(xP[move], yP[move])) if begin is not None and end is not None: newLine = PathElement(id="vkLine-{}".format(move)) newLine.path = Path("M {},{} L {},{}".format(begin[0], begin[1], end[0], end[1])) newLine.style = "fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round" vkGroup.append(newLine) if self.options.showinfo is True: self.msg("The drawing with id {} contains {} drawable vectors.".format(self.options.vk_id, len(vkGroup))) except Exception as e: inkex.errormsg(e) if __name__ == "__main__": Vektorkollektor().run()