'use strict'; /** * Pathformer * Beta version * * Take any SVG version 1.1 and transform * child elements to 'path' elements * * This code is purely forked from * https://github.com/Waest/SVGPathConverter */ /** * Class constructor * * @param {DOM|String} element Dom element of the SVG or id of it */ function Pathformer(element) { // Test params if (typeof element === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Pathformer [constructor]: "element" parameter is required'); } // Set the element if (element.constructor === String) { element = document.getElementById(element); if (!element) { throw new Error('Pathformer [constructor]: "element" parameter is not related to an existing ID'); } } if (element instanceof window.SVGElement || element instanceof window.SVGGElement || /^svg$/i.test(element.nodeName)) { this.el = element; } else { throw new Error('Pathformer [constructor]: "element" parameter must be a string or a SVGelement'); } // Start this.scan(element); } /** * List of tags which can be transformed * to path elements * * @type {Array} */ Pathformer.prototype.TYPES = ['line', 'ellipse', 'circle', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'rect']; /** * List of attribute names which contain * data. This array list them to check if * they contain bad values, like percentage. * * @type {Array} */ Pathformer.prototype.ATTR_WATCH = ['cx', 'cy', 'points', 'r', 'rx', 'ry', 'x', 'x1', 'x2', 'y', 'y1', 'y2']; /** * Finds the elements compatible for transform * and apply the liked method * * @param {object} options Object from the constructor */ Pathformer.prototype.scan = function (svg) { var fn, element, pathData, pathDom, elements = svg.querySelectorAll(this.TYPES.join(',')); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { element = elements[i]; fn = this[element.tagName.toLowerCase() + 'ToPath']; pathData = fn(this.parseAttr(element.attributes)); pathDom = this.pathMaker(element, pathData); element.parentNode.replaceChild(pathDom, element); } }; /** * Read `line` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * * @param {DOMelement} element Line element to transform * @return {object} Data for a `path` element */ Pathformer.prototype.lineToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {}, x1 = element.x1 || 0, y1 = element.y1 || 0, x2 = element.x2 || 0, y2 = element.y2 || 0; newElement.d = 'M' + x1 + ',' + y1 + 'L' + x2 + ',' + y2; return newElement; }; /** * Read `rect` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * The radius-border is not taken in charge yet. * (your help is more than welcomed) * * @param {DOMelement} element Rect element to transform * @return {object} Data for a `path` element */ Pathformer.prototype.rectToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {}, x = parseFloat(element.x) || 0, y = parseFloat(element.y) || 0, width = parseFloat(element.width) || 0, height = parseFloat(element.height) || 0; if (element.rx || element.ry) { var rx = parseInt(element.rx, 10) || -1, ry = parseInt(element.ry, 10) || -1; rx = Math.min(Math.max(rx < 0 ? ry : rx, 0), width/2); ry = Math.min(Math.max(ry < 0 ? rx : ry, 0), height/2); newElement.d = 'M ' + (x + rx) + ',' + y + ' ' + 'L ' + (x + width - rx) + ',' + y + ' ' + 'A ' + rx + ',' + ry + ',0,0,1,' + (x + width) + ',' + (y + ry) + ' ' + 'L ' + (x + width) + ',' + (y + height - ry) + ' ' + 'A ' + rx + ',' + ry + ',0,0,1,' + (x + width - rx) + ',' + (y + height) + ' ' + 'L ' + (x + rx) + ',' + (y + height) + ' ' + 'A ' + rx + ',' + ry + ',0,0,1,' + x + ',' + (y + height - ry) + ' ' + 'L ' + x + ',' + (y + ry) + ' ' + 'A ' + rx + ',' + ry + ',0,0,1,' + (x + rx) + ',' + y; } else { newElement.d = 'M' + x + ' ' + y + ' ' + 'L' + (x + width) + ' ' + y + ' ' + 'L' + (x + width) + ' ' + (y + height) + ' ' + 'L' + x + ' ' + (y + height) + ' Z'; } return newElement; }; /** * Read `polyline` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * * @param {DOMelement} element Polyline element to transform * @return {object} Data for a `path` element */ Pathformer.prototype.polylineToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {}, points = element.points.trim().split(' '), i, path; // Reformatting if points are defined without commas if (element.points.indexOf(',') === -1) { var formattedPoints = []; for (i = 0; i < points.length; i+=2) { formattedPoints.push(points[i] + ',' + points[i+1]); } points = formattedPoints; } // Generate the path.d value path = 'M' + points[0]; for(i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { if (points[i].indexOf(',') !== -1) { path += 'L' + points[i]; } } newElement.d = path; return newElement; }; /** * Read `polygon` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * This method rely on polylineToPath, because the * logic is similar. The path created is just closed, * so it needs an 'Z' at the end. * * @param {DOMelement} element Polygon element to transform * @return {object} Data for a `path` element */ Pathformer.prototype.polygonToPath = function (element) { var newElement = Pathformer.prototype.polylineToPath(element); newElement.d += 'Z'; return newElement; }; /** * Read `ellipse` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * * @param {DOMelement} element ellipse element to transform * @return {object} Data for a `path` element */ Pathformer.prototype.ellipseToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {}, rx = parseFloat(element.rx) || 0, ry = parseFloat(element.ry) || 0, cx = parseFloat(element.cx) || 0, cy = parseFloat(element.cy) || 0, startX = cx - rx, startY = cy, endX = parseFloat(cx) + parseFloat(rx), endY = cy; newElement.d = 'M' + startX + ',' + startY + 'A' + rx + ',' + ry + ' 0,1,1 ' + endX + ',' + endY + 'A' + rx + ',' + ry + ' 0,1,1 ' + startX + ',' + endY; return newElement; }; /** * Read `circle` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * * @param {DOMelement} element Circle element to transform * @return {object} Data for a `path` element */ Pathformer.prototype.circleToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {}, r = parseFloat(element.r) || 0, cx = parseFloat(element.cx) || 0, cy = parseFloat(element.cy) || 0, startX = cx - r, startY = cy, endX = parseFloat(cx) + parseFloat(r), endY = cy; newElement.d = 'M' + startX + ',' + startY + 'A' + r + ',' + r + ' 0,1,1 ' + endX + ',' + endY + 'A' + r + ',' + r + ' 0,1,1 ' + startX + ',' + endY; return newElement; }; /** * Create `path` elements form original element * and prepared objects * * @param {DOMelement} element Original element to transform * @param {object} pathData Path data (from `toPath` methods) * @return {DOMelement} Path element */ Pathformer.prototype.pathMaker = function (element, pathData) { var i, attr, pathTag = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg','path'); for(i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; i++) { attr = element.attributes[i]; if (this.ATTR_WATCH.indexOf(attr.name) === -1) { pathTag.setAttribute(attr.name, attr.value); } } for(i in pathData) { pathTag.setAttribute(i, pathData[i]); } return pathTag; }; /** * Parse attributes of a DOM element to * get an object of attribute => value * * @param {NamedNodeMap} attributes Attributes object from DOM element to parse * @return {object} Object of attributes */ Pathformer.prototype.parseAttr = function (element) { var attr, output = {}; for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) { attr = element[i]; // Check if no data attribute contains '%', or the transformation is impossible if (this.ATTR_WATCH.indexOf(attr.name) !== -1 && attr.value.indexOf('%') !== -1) { throw new Error('Pathformer [parseAttr]: a SVG shape got values in percentage. This cannot be transformed into \'path\' tags. Please use \'viewBox\'.'); } output[attr.name] = attr.value; } return output; };