#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import os def generate_final_file(isvector, hide_inside_marks, colormode, width, height, space, strokewidth, bleedsize, marksize, temp_dir): if not isvector: if "nt" in os.name: shell = True else: shell = False command = [] final_command = ['convert'] for color in colormode: command.append('convert') command.append('-size') command.append(str(sum(width) + (marksize*2) + (space * (len(width) -1))) + 'x' + str(sum(height) + (marksize*2) + (space * (len(height) -1)))) command.append('xc:white') command.append('-stroke') command.append('black') command.append('-strokewidth') command.append(str(strokewidth)) width_value = 0 number_of_column = 1 for column in width: height_value = 0 number_of_line = 1 for line in height: with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'str.txt'), 'a') as f: f.write(str(width.index(column))) if not hide_inside_marks or (hide_inside_marks and number_of_column == 1): command.append('-draw') command.append('line ' + str(width_value + marksize) + ',' + str(height_value + marksize + bleedsize) + ', ' + str(width_value) + ',' + str(height_value + marksize + bleedsize)) command.append('-draw') command.append('line ' + str(width_value + marksize) + ',' + str(height_value + line + marksize - bleedsize) + ', ' + str(width_value) + ',' + str(height_value + line + marksize - bleedsize)) if not hide_inside_marks or (hide_inside_marks and number_of_line == 1): command.append('-draw') command.append('line ' + str(width_value + marksize + bleedsize) + ',' + str(height_value + marksize) + ', ' + str(width_value + marksize + bleedsize) + ',' + str(height_value)) command.append('-draw') command.append('line ' + str(width_value + column + marksize - bleedsize) + ',' + str(height_value + marksize) + ', ' + str(width_value + column + marksize - bleedsize) + ',' + str(height_value)) if not hide_inside_marks or (hide_inside_marks and number_of_column == len(width)): command.append('-draw') command.append('line ' + str(width_value + marksize + column) + ',' + str(height_value + marksize + bleedsize) + ', ' + str(width_value + (marksize*2) + column) + ',' + str(height_value + marksize + bleedsize)) command.append('-draw') command.append('line ' + str(width_value + marksize + column) + ',' + str(height_value + line + marksize - bleedsize) + ', ' + str(width_value + (marksize*2) + column) + ',' + str(height_value + marksize + line - bleedsize)) if not hide_inside_marks or (hide_inside_marks and number_of_line == len(height)): command.append('-draw') command.append('line ' + str(width_value + marksize + bleedsize) + ',' + str(height_value + line + marksize) + ', ' + str(width_value + marksize + bleedsize) + ',' + str(height_value + line + (marksize*2))) command.append('-draw') command.append('line ' + str(width_value + column + marksize - bleedsize) + ',' + str(height_value + line + marksize) + ', ' + str(width_value + marksize + column - bleedsize) + ',' + str(height_value + line + (marksize*2))) height_value += line + space number_of_line += 1 width_value += column + space number_of_column += 1 command.append(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'cut_mark_' + color + '.png')) subprocess.Popen(command, shell=shell).wait() del command[:] command.append('convert') command.append(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'cut_mark_' + color + '.png')) command.append('-colorspace') command.append(str(colormode).lower()) command.append('-channel') command.append('K') command.append('-separate') command.append(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'cut_mark_' + color + '.png')) subprocess.Popen(command, shell=shell).wait() del command[:] final_command.append(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'cut_mark_' + color + '.png')) final_command.extend(['-set', 'colorspace', colormode, '-combine', os.path.join(temp_dir, 'cut_mark.tiff')]) subprocess.Popen(final_command, shell=shell).wait()